Some differential equations, such as stiff equations, are difficult to approximate using explicit methods because the stability condition imposes severe restrictions on the time step. It is therefore very useful to introduce a new class of methods, called implicit methods. In this chapter we explain some basic properties of stiff equations by analyzing a simple model equation. Then we introduce the implicit Euler method, which is the most basic implicit method. At the end of the chapter a very simple variable-step-size strategy is explained. This strategy shows the fundamental idea behind more complex strategies used in higher-order methods.

4.1 Stiff equations

Many applications lead to Stiff differential equations. A simple example of a stiff equation is


which can also be written as

(4.1) equation

This equation can be solved exactly using lemma 1.2. The exact solution is

(4.2) equation

To gain insight into the behavior of the solution, instead of analyzing the exact solution (4.2), we prefer to use a general procedure to obtain the dominant terms of this solution. This procedure has the advantage that it can be applied to more general problems where the exact solutions are not known.

If we formally set ε = 0 in (4.1), we see that the function y = sin(t) satisfies the equation. This motivates us to define a new variable y1 by


For the function y1 (t), one obtains

(4.3) equation

Thus, the forcing in the y1-equation is reduced to order (ε). We repeat the process and define y2 by


Then y2 satisfies


and the forcing is of order 2). Clearly, we could continue the process and reduce the forcing to even higher order in ε.

Since the initial data in the y2-equation are (1), in general, the function y2 will not be small. Therefore, we now solve


that is,


Then the function r(t) = y2 (t) − b(t) solves


The function r(t) plays the role of a remainder term: The forcing and the initial data in the r-equation are both small, and therefore we can expect r(t) to be small. Indeed, using the explicit formula (1.9), we obtain


and can estimate |r(t)|,


To summarize, the solution y(t) of (4.1) has the following representation:

(4.4) equation

The representation (4.4) provides the leading terms of the asymptotic expansion of the exact solution y(t). It shows that except for a small remainder r(t) = 2), the solution of (4.3) consists of a slowly varying part, sin(t) − ε cos(t), and an initial layer, et(y0 + ε). Figure 4.1 shows a plot of both the exact solution (4.2) and the first three terms of the asymptotic expansion (4.4) [i.e., without the remainder r(t)].

Figure 4.1 The exact solution (4.2) and the leading terms in the asymptotic expansion (4.4) look completely superimposed in this plot.

Suppose that we try to solve (4.1) numerically by the explicit Euler method. To obtain a reasonable approximation, we must choose the step size k so that λk = −k/ε belongs to the stability region of the method (i.e., so that k ≤ 2ε). From an accuracy point of view, such a small step size is adequate in the initial layer, where the solution changes rapidly. Away from the initial layer, one would like to choose a larger step size since the solution varies slowly. With explicit Euler, however, a larger step size cannot be chosen. If k > 2ε, the method becomes unstable, which leads to growing rapid oscillations.

4.2 Implicit Euler method

When approximating the solution of (4.1), the possibility of choosing a small time step to solve the initial layer and a bigger time step for the rest of the solution can be implemented for the implicit Euler method. Assume that we want to approximate

(4.5) equation


Definition 4.1 The implicit Euler method to approximate (4.5) is defined by

(4.6) equation

For (4.1) the approximation reads


To discuss how the approximation behaves, we derive an asymptotic expansion for vn = vn(k,ε) which is similar to the asymptotic expansion of the exact solution y(t) given in (4.4).

First we make a change of variables,


and obtain


Here we denote by D the difference operator


so that, by Taylor expansion,


We repeat the process and set


Then (v2)n satisfies


The equation for (v2)n can be written as

(4.7) equation

To obtain the discrete limit layer, we solve the homogeneous equation


that is,






is the solution operator. Then if we define


ρn satisfies the same difference equations as (v2)n does, but the initial value is ρ0 = 0. We can now use the discrete version of Duhamel’s principle. If we identify ρn with en and the inhomogeneity in (4.7) with kRn, we can apply Lemma 2.6. We have


By Taylor expansion


so that



(4.8) equation

The last factor on the right-hand side is a finite geometric series [see (A.1)], so that


As ε/(ε + k) < 1, from (4.8) we have


Thus, for the complete solution vn we get

(4.9) equation

Comparing (4.9) with (4.4), we see that the slowly varying part of vn agrees with the corresponding part of the exact solution, except for terms of order 2). The comparison of the initial layer terms is more subtle. Here we must compare

(4.10) equation

with the corresponding discrete term

(4.11) equation

By Taylor expansion


Thus, if k 1, the two terms (4.10) and (4.11) are close for all n = 0,1, …. On the other hand, if k/ε is not small, the two terms (4.10) and (4.11) are not close to each other for small n, and therefore vn is not a good approximation for yn in the initial layer. If k/ε is not small but n is large, terms (4.10) and (4.11) are both close to zero. This implies that vn is a good approximation for yn outside the initial layer, even if k/ε is not small.

In Figure 4.2 we have plotted the error en = ynvn for y0 = 1, ε = 10−3, k = 10−2. The exact solution was given in (4.2), while vn was computed numerically. Clearly, k/ε = 10 is not small. Nevertheless, as predicted by our analysis, away from the initial layer the error is small.

Figure 4.2 Error en = ynvn in the interval t [0, 2π] (left plot), and of the initial layer, t [0,0.06], (right plot).

We now use the truncation error analysis to discuss the error of the implicit Euler method in the more general case (4.5). We assume that Re λ ≤ 0, with |λ| not large. By definition the truncation error Rn is obtained when we substitute the exact solution y(t) in the difference equations (4.6). By Taylor expansion,


and therefore,


We can write this in the form

(4.12) equation

Let us note that, to leading order, the truncation errors for the explicit and implicit Euler methods are the same: We have Rn = (k/2)(ytt)n + (k2) in both cases. However, the stability region for the two methods is completely different. For the explicit Euler method, as we have seen in Section 2.2, the stability region consisted of all points λk in the complex plane with


that is, the stability region is a disk with radius 1 about the point −1. For the implicit Euler method the amplification factor is (1 − λk)−1, and we have


which holds if and only if |1 − λk| ≥ 1; That is, the stability region consists of all points λk in the complex plane outside the disk of radius 1 about point 1 (see Figure 4.3). In particular, all points λk with Re λ < 0 are in the stability region, no matter how large one chooses the step size k. One says that for Re λ < 0, the implicit Euler method is unconditionally stable.

Figure 4.3 The shadowed region is the stability region of the implicit Euler method.

Let us discuss the implications of this good stability property for the error en = ynvn. Notice that (4.6) can also be written as

(4.13) equation

Subtracting (4.13) from (4.12), we obtain


By Lemma 2.6,

(4.14) equation



By assumption we have Re λ < 0, and therefore λk always belongs to the stability region. This yields


and the representation (4.14) implies that

(4.15) equation

To leading order, kRm ≃ (k2/2)(ytt)m, and therefore (4.15) tells us that we should choose k so that |(k2)(yt)m| is small everywhere.

What does this say for our example (4.1)? In the example we have, using (4.4),

(4.16) equation

The (k2)-term is bounded by Ck2 with C independent of ε. In the initial layer, where the term et is (1), we have to choose k so that k ε in order to make (k2/2)|ytt| small. On the other hand, outside the initial layer, where the term et is small, it suffices to choose k 1. This requirement is then independent of ε. Our analysis suggests that we work with two different step sizes (see Figure 4.4): First we divide the t-axis into two intervals, and . Here

Figure 4.4 Grid with two different step sizes.


is chosen so that ε−2etε 1. The interval 0 ≤ t is viewed as the initial layer, because the exponential term ε2et in (4.16) is small for t > . Second, in the interval 0 ≤ t, we use a step size k with k 1. In the remaining interval, t, we can work with a step size k satisfying only k 1.

For more complicated problems, which cannot be analyzed as easily, it is a good and common practice to use methods that regulate the step size during computations.

4.3 Simple variable-step-size strategy

Let us describe a simple strategy to construct a variable-step-size implicit Euler method. The idea is to compute, at every time step, an approximation of the leading local error term (kn2/2)(d2y/dt2)n (kn2/2)(d2y/dt2)n and to regulate the step size so as to keep this term between two given threshold values that we call M and N with 0 < M < N. More precisely, assume that vn is the computed numerical value at time tn and kn is the current step size. Then we compute the preliminary values n+1/2 and n+1 by using a step size kn/2 once and twice respectively. Using these preliminary values, we compute


which is simply an approximation of the leading error term at the intermediate point tn + kn/2. Now:

1. If


the error is within the values expected and we accept n+1 as the value of our numerical approximation at tn+1 = tn + kn and set kn+1 = kn.
2. If


our code computed n+1 with a precision level higher than that requested. We accept n+1 as the value of our numerical approximation at tn+1 = tn + kn but try the next step with a larger step size by setting kn+1 = 3/2kn.
3. If


then the step, and so the error, was too big. We replace kn by the smaller step size 2/3kn, and repeat the computation of n+1/2 and n+1.

As an example we show the solution to our model problem (4.1) for t [0, 2π], with initial condition y0 = 1, obtained by applying the implicit Euler method with the variable-step-size strategy just described. The threshold values we use are M = 10−6 and N = 10−3 and an initial time step k0 = 10−2. In Figure 4.5 we plot the error |vnyn| of the solution.

Figure 4.5 Error as a function of time. The error in the initial layer is on the left, and the error in the rest of the interval is on the right. Observe the different scales.

Exercise 4.1 Write a code that computes the solution to the example above and

(a) Recover the plots in figure 4.5.
(b) Compute a table showing the times tn at which the time step is adjusted and the corresponding new values of kn.

Exercise 4.2 The trapezoidal rule (or method) to approximate the ordinary initial value problem


is the implicit method given by:

(4.17) equation

where, as usual, vn denotes the approximation to y(tn).

(a) Show that the stability region is {z , Re z ≤ 0}.
(b) Show that (4.17) is a second-order accurate method.
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