In this chapter we introduce basic finite difference operators that approximate space derivatives and spectral derivatives that are based on Fourier theory. Then the method of lines, a very useful approach that consists of approximating the space derivatives but keeping the time continuous, is explained. Under this approach the partial differential equations become systems of ordinary differential equations, and therefore we can use the results of the first part of the book to analyze the model problems.

9.1 Approximations of space derivatives

Let M be a positive integer and h = (2M + 1)−1 a grid size. The corresponding grid points are denoted by xj = jh, j = 0, ±1, ±2, …. A grid function fj = f(xj) is simply a function defined on the grid. It is called 1-periodic if


and therefore any 1-periodic grid function is well defined by its 2M + 1 values f0, f1, …, f2M.

Figure 9.1 Grid.

The most common difference operators approximating d/dx are D+, D, D0, which are defined by

(9.1) equation

and which are called forward, backward, and centered difference operators, respectively. Clearly, if fj is 1-periodic, then D+fj, Dfj, and D0fj are also 1-periodic.

Discretization error and order of accuracy. Let fj denote the restriction of a smooth function f(x) to the grid. The discretization error is the deviation from the exact derivative of the function at a grid point when this derivative is approximated by a difference operator. As the truncation error of a difference approximation to an ordinary differential equation, it can be computed by Taylor expansion. For example, we have


A similar expansion holds for fj-1. These expansions give


This equations mean that D+ and D are first-order accurate approximations of the first derivative of f. Because


we obtain from the error expansions above,

(9.2) equation

that is, D0 is a second-order accurate approximation of d/dx.

The difference operator D0 uses the values of the grid function at three consecutive points to compute the derivative at the center point; one says that D0 has a span of three points. One can, of course, write difference operators that use more than three points to construct difference operators with a higher order of accuracy.

Exercise 9.1 Deduce a five-point span centered difference approximation to the first derivative which is accurate of order 4.

Application to Exponentials. Because we intend to use Fourier interpolation, it is important to understand the action of the difference operators on the exponential grid functions eiωxj, Because of


we obtain

(9.3) equation

(9.4) equation

(9.5) equation

We note that the factor multiplying the grid function eiωxj on the right-hand sides is always independent of j. Therefore, the grid function eiωxj is an eigenfunction of each of the operators D+, D, D0. Upon application of any of these operators, the exponential goes over into a multiple of itself.

For fixed xj and j → 0, the left-hand sides of the formula above converge to (d/dx)eiωx|x=xj. This follows from the above consideration of the discretization error. Also, if we expand the sine function about zero, we see that the right-hand sides converge to 2πiωxj. Of course, the limits of the two sides are equal since

(9.6) equation

Remark 9.1 Equation (9.6) says that eiωx is an eigenvector of the operator d/dx with eigenvalueiω. If one replaces d/dx by D+ or D or D0, one obtains the eigenrelations (9.3)(9.5). A remarkable fact is that only the eigenvalue gets perturbed by this replacement whereas the eigenfunction of each of the discrete operators is precisely the restriction of eiωx to the grid. We will see below why this is important for stability analysis.

Approximation for d2/dx2. A very commonly used difference approximation for the second derivative is given by D+D; this is


By Taylor expansion,

(9.7) equation

which shows that D+D is a second-order accurate approximation of d2/dx2. Also, from the expression above for D+ and D applied to eiωxj, we obtain

(9.8) equation

Exercise 9.2 Find α such that the difference operator


is a fourth-order accurate approximation of d2 f(xj)/dx2. What is the span of this operator?

9.1.1 Smoothness of the Fourier interpolant

Here we state and prove an important property of the Fourier interpolant introduced in Section 7.3.

Let f(x) be a 1-periodic function and fI(x) be its Fourier interpolant on a given grid xj = hj, j = 0, ±1, ±2, …, where h = 1/(2M + 1) is the mesh size, that is,

(9.9) equation

where the Fourier interpolant coefficients (ω) are computed as in (7.13).

Theorem 9.2

(9.10) equation

We emphasize that the constant (π/2)p does not depend on the mesh size h.

Proof: We differentiate fI(x) p times and use the orthogonality of the exponentials (7.2) to get


Applying D+ p times to f(x) at the grid point xj we get, by (9.3),


so that, by (7.16),


9.2 Differentiation of Periodic Functions

If we have a 1-periodic smooth function f(x) we have a Fourier series representation

(9.11) equation

and we know that the derivative of f(x) can be obtained by multiplying every Fourier coefficient in (9.11) by 2πiω.

Now, assume that we know the restriction of this smooth function to a grid xj [i.e., we know the grid function fj = f(xj)]. How can we efficiently compute a good approximation to the derivative df/dx at the grid points xj?

A good answer is: We first use FFT to calculate the coefficients (ω) of the Fourier interpolant


We know that fj = fI (xj). Then we differentiate fMF (x) exactly and evaluate on the grid:


The values of dfI(xj)/dx are good approximations of df(xj)/dx and can be computed efficiently by applying IFFT to the coefficients 2πiωf(ω).

9.3 Method of lines

The so called method of lines consists of approximating the space derivatives of a partial differential equation (e.g., by difference approximations) while keeping the time continuous. This semidiscrete approach is very useful to a study of the stability of difference methods of solving the equation. In the method of lines the partial differential equation becomes a system of ordinary differential equations, as we will see. In practice, the method of lines also makes reference to a way of writing computer codes to solve partial differential equations such that the numerical method used to integrate in time can easily be changed without changing the approximation of the space derivatives. In this section we introduce the method of lines by applying it to the model equations of Chapter 8.

9.3.1 One-way wave equation

Consider the initial value problem

(9.12) equation

We assume that f(x) and therefore also u(x, t) are smooth functions which are 1-periodic in x. We shall only discretize the space dimension but keep the time continuous. Let M be a positive integer, h = (2M + 1)−1 a mesh size thaht defines the grid points xj, j = 0, ±1, ±2, …. We approximate (9.12) on the grid by

(9.13) equation

We are interested in solutions that are 1-periodic on the grid [i.e., v(xj+2M+1, t) = v(xj, t)], so that (9.13) is a system of 2M + 1 coupled differential equations. The easiest way to calculate the solution is to use essentially the same procedure as that used in Chapter 8.

We start with simple wave solutions and use separation of variables, that is, given a frequency ω, we make the ansatz

(9.14) equation

By Section 9.1, introducing (9.14) into (9.13) gives us

(9.15) equation

Here q(ω) = ai(sin(2πωh)/h) is called the amplification factor. Therefore,

(9.16) equation

that is,

(9.17) equation

By (9.14) and (9.17),

(9.18) equation

which is a second-order accurate approximation of u(xj, t) on the grid when the initial data function is is purely imaginary, then and the approximation is stable.

It is important to notice that every mode (i.e. the solution for a fixed frequency ω), satisfies an ordinary differential equation. By (9.13)(9.18),

(9.19) equation

One can compare (9.18) with the exact solution (8.5). For low modes (i.e., |ωh| 1), q(ω) ≃ 2πiωa, and the solution behaves like the exact solution. For high modes, , and q(ω) ≃ 0, the amplitude is preserved, but the phase error becomes large.

As our problem is linear, we can now use the results of Section 7.3 and the principle of superposition to solve (9.12) for general initial data. Consider the semi-discretized problem (9.13) with general 1-periodic initial data. The initial data function can be Fourier interpolated on the grid as in (7.11):

(9.20) equation

Also, the solution can be Fourier interpolated:

(9.21) equation

By orthogonality of the exponentials [see (7.12)], . Inserting (9.21) into (9.13) gives, again by orthogonality of the exponentials, exactly the problem (9.16) for each individual frequency ω. By (9.21) the general solution is a superposition of solutions (9.18),

(9.22) equation

which is a second-order accurate approximation of u(xj, t) on the grid. By the discrete Parseval’s relation (7.16), and because q(ω) is purely imaginary,

(9.23) equation

By (9.23) the energy is preserved during time evolution by the semi-discretized equation (i.e., the approximation is stable).

We now consider the one-way wave equation (9.12) with a lower-order term,

(9.24) equation

which we approximate on the grid by


Then the amplification factor becomes




and v(x, t) behaves like the solutions in Chapter 8.

Artificial dissipation. The addition of a dissipative term to the discrete scheme (9.13) can be used to minimize the bad effect of inaccurately computed high-frequency modes. Instead of (9.13), consider the approximation

(9.25) equation

which is consistent with (9.24) since the added term is proportional to a second derivative multiplied by h, and thus it vanishes formally when h → 0. The amplification factor becomes

(9.26) equation

For small |ωh| we obtain in first approximation


If ω2h → 0, then qaiω and v(x, t) behaves like the solution of the well-posed problem [see (8.4].

If ω2h 1 (i.e., we consider high frequencies), Re q → ∞ if b < 0 and ω2h → ∞ and the approximation is unstable. If b > 0, Re q → −∞ for high frequencies and the approximation is stable.

In applications, high frequencies (i.e., if ω ≥ 1/h) are not calculated with any accuracy; the artificial dissipation term hbD+Dv, b > 0, helps to control these inaccurate high-frequency terms. Unfortunately, the approximation becomes only first-order accurate because the low frequencies are also affected. To prevent loss of accuracy, the standard artificial dissipation term is the fourth order term,


Now the approximation is second-order accurate.

Exercise 9.3 Prove that the approximation


to (9.24) is second-order accurate.

The purpose of the method of lines is to have a way to sort out the methods thaht are definitely unstable. For equations with variable coefficients, one uses the principle of frozen coefficients. For example, if in (9.12) a = a(x, t) is a smooth function, one replaces a(x, t) by a(x0, t0) and treats the constant coefficient problem. If, for any (x0, t0), the method is unstable, the method has to be improved. General theory tells us that if the method is stable at (x, t) = (x0, t0), it must be stable in the neighborhood of that point. If a method is stable at all relevant values of (x, t), it can be applied to the variable coefficient problem.

9.3.2 Heat equation

Consider the 1-periodic initial value problem for the heat equation as in Chapter 8:

(9.27) equation

On the same grid as for the one-way wave equation, we approximate (9.27) by

(9.28) equation

and look for 1-periodic solutions on the grid. With the simple wave ansatz (9.14), we again obtain

(9.29) equation

where the amplification factor is now

(9.30) equation

This is as in the previous case a second-order accurate approximation of u(xj, t) on the grid when the initial data function is .

All the approximate modes (9.29) with ω ≠ 0 are decaying exponentially with time, so that the approximation is stable. Notice that small,


and the solution is dominated by the exact solution (8.10). When |ωh| ~ 1/2, the approximation is not accurate, but this is not important, as both the exact and approximate modes decay, for any t > 0, very fast exponentially.

Each individual mode (9.29) satisfies an ordinary equation

(9.31) equation

In complete analogy with the one-way equation, the solution of (9.27) with general 1-periodic initial data (9.20) is obtained, by superposition of simple wave solutions as in (9.22) but with q(ω) given by (9.30). Using the discrete Parseval’s relation, one can prove that the energy E(t) = ||v(xj, t)||2 decays to ; thus, the approximation is stable.

We consider now the heat equation perturbed with lower-order terms [see eq. (8.28)]. We study the second-order accurate semidiscrete approximation


Fourier transforming, we find that


where the amplification factor is


Thus, when |ωh| is small, q(ω) = −4π2ω2d + 2πω(a + ib) + c, and the solution behaves like the exact solution of Chapter 8.

9.3.3 Wave equation

We consider our third model problem of Chapter 8, the 1-periodic wave equation

(9.32) equation

with f1(x + 1) = f1(x) and f2(x + 1) = f2(x). On the same grid as in the previous model problems, we approximate (9.32) by

(9.33) equation

Again we look for simple wave solutions of the form

(9.34) equation

Inserting (9.34) into (9.33) gives us

(9.35) equation

Therefore, calling q(ω) = 2a[sin(πωh)/h], we have

(9.36) equation

and (9.34) gives

(9.37) equation

The simple wave solution is then

(9.38) equation

This solution is a second-order accurate approximation of the exact simple wave solution (8.17). When ωh is small, q(ω) ~ 2aπω and the (9.38) behaves like the exact solution. When |hω| is large, |hω| ~ 1/2, we have q(ω) ~ 4aω compared to the value 2πaω of the exact solution (i.e., the phase error of high modes is large). One can improve the situation by using a higher-order approximation.

9.4 Time Discretizations and Stability Analysis

One-way wave equation. We shall now also discretize time. By (9.19),

(9.39) equation

Thus, we have, for every grid point xj, and every frequency ω, an ordinary differential equation which we write in the form

(9.40) equation

Assume that we want to integrate in time using a time step k, that is, we discretize time as tn = kn, n = 0, 1, 2, …. We need the chosen method to be stable to integrate all modes. In other words, we need kq(ω) to belong to the stability region of the method for all ω.

For wave propagation problems, the leapfrog method, which we discussed in Chapter 5, is often a very efficient method. Let vn denote the approximation to y(tn). Then

(9.41) equation

As q(ω) is pure imaginary, k > 0 can be chosen small enough so that kq(ω) belongs to the leapfrog’s stability region (see Theorem 5.3). Moreover,


Therefore |q(ω)| < |a|/h, and the condition

(9.42) equation

implies stability. For condition (9.42), is known as CFL condition,1 the maximum speed of propagation of the completely discretized scheme (i.e., h/k) needs to be higher or equal to the physical speed |a| of the wave. CFL conditions frequently appear as stability conditions in wave propagation problems.

If q(ω) has a real part, kq(ω) cannot belong to leapfrog’s stability region. One can use the modified leapfrog method of Chapter 5. Assume that


then the modified leapfrog method is

(9.43) equation

In Exercise 5.2 we found that this method is stable if kη(ω) ≤ 0 and kξ(ω) < 1.

Exercise 9.4 The approximation (9.25) for the constant coefficient problem (9.12) can be cured to be second-order accurate by tunning the parameter b if one uses explicit Euler to integrate in time. Consider the approximation (9.25) for problem (9.12) and use explicit Euler to integrate in time. Prove that the truncation error

(9.44) equation

where u(x, t) is the exact solution of(9.12), is

(9.45) equation

Therefore, if we choose b = a2k/2h, the method becomes second-order accurate in both space and time. The approximation (9.44) is known as the Lax-Wendroff method.

Heat equation. If we discretize time and use, for example, the explicit Euler meth: od to integrate the equation, stability requires that −2 ≤ kq(ω) ≤ 0, as −4a/h2q(ω)) ≤ 0. Then k is chosen so that


Even when explicit Euler is only first-order accurate, the choice of k proportional to h2 gives an approximation that is second-order accurate in the parameter h.

Exercise 9.5 Consider initial value problem (9.27) with a = 1 and


(a) Solve the problem analytically. Plot the initial data and the solution u(x, t) at t = 0.004 and t = 0.2.
(b) Let h = 1/N and consider the difference approximation


with k = h2/10, where vjn = v(xj, tn) approximates the solution at the grid point xj = hj and time tn = kn. Write a computer program that computes vjn and show plots of the solution at the same times as those for item (a) using h = 1/10.

(c) Plot the error ejn = vjnu(xj, tn), at the same times of item (a).
(d) Let us now denote by w the approximation to u(xj, tn) computed with the same scheme but on a finner grid that uses h/2 instead of h (and k/4 instead of k). Compute and plot the precision quotient


at tn = 0.2 as a function of xj. Do you get the resulti expected?

(e) Repeat items (b), (c) and (d) with h = 1/100.

Wave equation. Differentiating (9.38) twice, we get for every mode

(9.46) equation

which has the form of an ordinary differential equation,

(9.47) equation

Calling vn the approximation of y(tn), the two-step method

(9.48) equation

is clearly second-order accurate. We want to study the stability of (9.48). As usual, we assume that vn = κn; then

(9.49) equation

If −4 < λk2 < 0, this equation has two different, complex, unitary roots, thus giving a stable approximation.

Exercise 9.6 Prove the last assertion.

In our application


Without loss of generality we assume that the zero-frequency mode (constant mode) is absent, that is,

(9.50) equation

Then we have 0 < sin2 (πωh) < , and the stability condition is satisfied if the CFL condition (9.42) is satisfied.

We have just shown that the completely discretized centered two-step approximation

(9.51) equation

is second-order accurate (in both h and k) and stable if the time step is chosen to satisfy CFL condition (9.42) and (9.50) holds.

1From Courant-Friedrich-Lewy.

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