Idea 87: How best to deliver your presentation on the day

Overall you should ensure that your presentation has the following characteristics:

  • The beginning introduces you properly, captures the audience and gives the background, objectives and outline of your talk.
  • The middle is kept moving along (indicating whether questions are to be asked as you go or at the end), with eye contact over the whole audience, at a reasonable pace, with varying voice and obvious enjoyment on your part.
  • The end is signalled clearly and then goes off with a memorized flourish.
  • Questions are audible to all (or repeated if not), answered with conciseness, stimulated by you asking some questions, dealt with courteously and with the lights on.
  • The conclusion is a strong summary of the talk, there are questions or discussions and the presentation closes with words of thanks.

If you find that you are nervous – and experiencing fear and its physical manifestations is normal – remember to:

  • Breathe deeply.
  • Manage your hands.
  • Look at your audience.
  • Move well.
  • Talk slowly.
  • Compose and relax yourself.
  • Remember that the audience is invariably on your side.
  • Project forward to the end of the presentation and picture the audience applauding at the end.

imagesBe clear, be simple, be vivid, be concise and be natural.

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