Idea 27: From good to great – hallmarks of a high-performance team

When people are of one mind and heart they can have Mount Tai (a famous mountain in Shandon Province – the highest known to Confucius).

Chinese proverb

Effective leadership has an end-product: the high-performance team. Its characteristics are described below.

Clear, realistic and challenging objectives

The team is focused on what has to be done – broken down into stretching but feasible goals, both team and individual. Everyone knows what is expected of him or her.

Shared sense of purpose

This doesn't mean that the team can recite the mission statement in unison! Purpose here is energy plus direction – what engineers call a vector. It should animate and invigorate the whole team. All share a sense of ownership and responsibility for team success.

Best use of resources

A high-performance team ensures that resources are allocated for strategic reasons for the good of the whole. They are not seen as the private property of the individual team member or of any part of the organization. Resources here include people and their time, not just money, buildings, equipment and other material assets.

Progress review

The best teams are eager to monitor their own performance, generating practical ideas for incremental improvements. These improvements encompass processhow we work together – as well as content (or task) – what we do together.

Building on experience

A blame culture mars any team. Errors will be made, but the greatest error of all is to do nothing so as to avoid making any! A wise team learns from failure, realizing that success is a poor teacher and that continual success may well breed complacency and even arrogance.

Mutual trust and support

A good team trusts its members to pursue their part in the common task. Appreciation is expressed and recognition given. People play to each other's strengths and cover each other's weaknesses. The level of mutual support is high. The atmosphere is one of openness and trust.


People listen to one another and build on one another's contributions. They communicate openly, freely and with skill (clearly, concisely, simply and with tact). Issues, problems and weaknesses are not sidestepped. Differences of opinion are respected. Team members know when to be very supportive and sensitive, and when to challenge and be intellectually tough.

Riding out the storms

In times of turbulent change it is never going to be all plain sailing. When unavoidable storms and crises arise, an excellent team rises to the challenge and demonstrates its sterling worth. It has resilience.

images How does my team measure up against these benchmarks? (Give it a mark out of 10 for each benchmark.)

What actions do I need to take to help my team reach the 80 points level?

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