Follow-up test

The three circles model

  • Have you been able to give specific examples from your own experience on how the three circles or areas of need – task, team and individual – interact with each other?
  • Can you identify your natural bias:
    • You tend to put the task first, and are low on team and individual.
    • For you the team seems more important: you value happy relationships more than productivity or individual job satisfaction.
    • Individuals are supremely important to you: you always put the individual before the task or the team, for that matter. You tend to over-identify with the individual.
    • You can honestly say that you maintain a balance, and have feedback from superiors, colleagues and subordinates to prove it.

Leadership functions

  1. What function of the eight do you perform at present with the most skill?
  2. Have others commented favourably on your actions as a leader in that respect?
  3. What function do you most tend to neglect?

Leadership qualities

Of the sixteen different characteristics listed in Ideas 3, 4 and 5, identify your personal top five and your bottom five.

Top five:

Bottom five:

Check your list with a friend who knows you well.

Leadership is action, not position.

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