Idea 92: Communication within your organization

Treat information as ‘shareware’.”

Organizations have varying degrees of permanence, hierarchy and formal communication. Informal communication supplements the formal communication.

The content of communication in organizations should be in relation to the following:

  1. The task:
    • The purpose, aims and objectives.
    • Plans.
    • Progress and prospects.
  2. The team:
    • Changes in structure and deployment.
    • Ways to improve teamwork.
    • Ethos and values.
  3. The individual:
    • Pay and conditions.
    • Safety, health and welfare.
    • Education and training.

The direction of the flows of communication within an organization must be downward, upward and sideways.

When making decisions about what to communicate, bear in mind the must-know priorities and distinguish them from the lower should-know or could-know priorities (see the following diagram).


The best way of communicating must-know items is face to face backed by the written word.

Two-way communication should be used and encouraged to:

  • Communicate plans, changes, progress and prospects.
  • Give employees the opportunity to change or improve management decisions (before they are made).
  • Use the experience and ideas of employees to the full.
  • Understand the other side's point of view.

imagesAm I a good enough communicator?

What do others think? Do I even bother to find out, by communicating with them?

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