Using inheritance and templates

In order to allow flexible configuration of machines, Nagios offers a powerful inheritance functionality. The main concept is that administrators can set up templates that define common parameters and reuse them in actual host or service definitions. The mechanism even offers the possibility to create templates that inherit parameters from other templates.

Templates are regular Nagios objects that have the register directive and set it to 0. This means that they will not be registered as an actual host or service that needs to be monitored. Objects that inherit parameters from a template or another host should have a use directive pointing to the short name of the template object they are using.

When defining a template, its name is always specified using the name directive. This is slightly different from how typical hosts and services are registered, as they require the host_name and/or service_description parameters.

Inheritance can be used to define a template for basic host checks with basic parameters such as IP address being defined for each particular host. The following code is an example of this:

  define host{ 
    name                            generic-server 
    check_command                   check-host-alive 
    check_interval                  5 
    retry_interval                  1 
    max_check_attempts              5 
    check_period                    24x7 
    notification_interval           30 
    notification_period             24x7 
    notification_options            d,u,r 
    register                        0 
  define host{ 
    use                             generic-server 
    host_name                       linuxbox01 
    alias                           Linux Server 01 
    contact_groups                  linux-admins 

It is possible to inherit from multiple templates. To do this, simply put multiple names in the use directive, separated by a comma. This allows an object to use several templates that define a part or all directives that it will use. If multiple templates specify the same parameters, the value from the first template specifying it will be used. The following is an example code:

  define service{ 
    name                        generic-service 
    check_interval              10 
    retry_interval              2 
    max_check_attempts          3 
    check_period                24x7 
    register                    0 
  define service{ 
    host_name                   workinghours-service 
    check_period                workinghours 
    notification_interval       30 
    notification_period         workinghours 
    notification_options        w,c,u,r 
    register                    0 
  define service{ 
    use                         workinghours-service,generic-  service 
    contact_groups              linux-admins 
    host_name                   linuxbox01 
    service_description         SSH 
    check_command               check_ssh 

In this case, values from both templates will be used. The value of workinghours will be used for the check_period directive as it was first specified in the workinghours-service template. Changing the order in the use directive to generic-service,workinghours-service would cause the value of the check_period parameter to be 24x7.

Nagios also accepts creating multiple levels of templates. For example, you can set up a generic service template and inherit it to create templates for various types of checks, such as local services, resource-sensitive checks, and templates for passive-only checks.

Let's consider the following object and template structure:

define host{ 
    host_name      linuxserver1 
    use            generic-linux,template-chicago 
define host{ 
    register       0 
    name           generic-linux 
    use            generic-server 
define host{ 
    register       0 
    name           generic-server 
    use            generic-host 
define host{ 
    register       0 
    name           template-chicago 
    use            contacts-chicago,misc-chicago 

The following diagram shows how Nagios will look for values for all directives:

Using inheritance and templates

When looking for parameters, Nagios will first look for the value in the linuxserver1 object definition. Next, it will use the following templates, in this order: generic-linux, generic-server, generic-host, template-chicago, contacts-chicago, and misc-chicago in the end.

It is also possible to set up host or service dependencies that will be inherited from a template. In that case, the dependent hosts or services can't be templates themselves and need to be registered as an object that will be monitored by the Nagios daemon.

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