Retrieving organizations

An organization in vCloud Director is a container that contains users, vApps, Organization Virtual Data Centers (Org vDCs), and Catalog entities. For every tenant in vCloud Director, there is an organization.

To retrieve organizations, you can use the Get-Org cmdlet. This cmdlet has the following syntax. The first parameter set is the default:

Get-Org [[-Name] <String[]>] [-Server <CIServer[]>]

The second parameter set is to retrieve organizations by ID:

Get-Org -Id <String[]> [-Server <CIServer[]>] [<CommonParameters>]

The -Id parameter is required.

If you use the Get-Org cmdlet without parameters, it will retrieve all of the organizations in your cloud. In the following example, we will retrieve the organization we are connected to in vCloud Air:

PowerCLI C:> Get-Org

    Name       FullName   Enabled Description
----       --------   ------- -----------
student501 student501 True

As you can see in the output of the preceding example, every vCloud Air Hands-on Labs student gets its own organization.

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