Retrieving vRealize Operations Manager resource objects

Resource objects are data centers, folders, clusters, ESXi hosts, datastores, virtual machines, resource pools, and so on. The Get-OMResource cmdlet retrieves vRealize Operations Manager resource objects. The syntax of Get-OMResource cmdlet is as follows. The first parameter set is the default:

Get-OMResource [[-Name] <String[]>] [-ResourceKind <String[]>]
    [-AdapterKind <String[]>] [-Orphaned] [-Server <OMServer[]>] 

The second parameter set is there to retrieve vROPs resource objects by ID:

Get-OMResource -Id <String[]> [-Server <OMServer[]>]

The -Id parameter is required.

The third parameter set is required to retrieve vROPs resource objects by specifying objects from vSphere:

Get-OMResource [-Entity] <VIObjectCore[]> [<CommonParameters>]

The -Entity parameter is required.

If you use the Get-OMResource cmdlet without parameters, it will retrieve all of the vROPs objects. The list of objects is long. In the following example, we will pipe the output of the Get-OMResource cmdlet to the Select-Object cmdlet to retrieve only the first five objects:

PowerCLI C:> Get-OMResource | Select-Object -First 5

The output of the preceding command is as follows:

Name                         Health  ResourceKind    Description
----                         ------  ------------    -----------
Cluster01                    Green   ClusterCompu...
vApp01                       Green   ResourcePool
vCenter Server 192.168.0.... Green   PythonRemedi...
vSphere World                Green   vSphere World
Container                    Green   ContainerAda...
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