Setting the multipathing policy

If you use Fibre Channel or iSCSI storage devices, it is highly recommended to have multiple paths between your hosts and SAN and to use multipathing. Depending on the recommendations made by your storage vendor, you have to set the multipathing policy to either Fixed, Most Recently Used (MRU), or Round Robin (RR).


More information about multipathing policies can be found in VMware Knowledge Base article 1011340: Multipathing policies in ESXi 5.x and ESXi/ESX 4.x, .

You can use the Get-ScsiLun cmdlet to retrieve the current multipathing policy for your LUNs:

PowerCLI C:> Get-VMHost -Name | Get-ScsiLun |
>> Where-Object {$_.LunType -eq 'disk'} |
>> Select-Object -Property CanonicalName,LunType,MultipathPolicy

    CanonicalName                        LunType  MultipathPolicy
-------------                        -------  ---------------
naa.600a0b80001111550000f35b93e19350 disk    MostRecentlyUsed
naa.600a0b80001111550000a8adc7e19350 disk    MostRecentlyUsed
naa.600a0b80001111550000893247e29350 disk    MostRecentlyUsed
naa.600a0b80001111550000b6182ca14450 disk    MostRecentlyUsed
naa.600a0b80001111550000d2c418e29350 disk    MostRecentlyUsed

If you want to modify the multipathing policy, you can use the Set-ScsiLun cmdlet - MultipathPolicy parameter to do so. The syntax of the Set-ScsiLun cmdlet is as follows:

Set-ScsiLun [[-MultipathPolicy] <ScsiLunMultipathPolicy>]
    [[-PreferredPath] <ScsiLunPath>] [-ScsiLun] <ScsiLun[]>
    [-CommandsToSwitchPath <Int32>] [-BlocksToSwitchPath <Int32>]
    [-NoCommandsSwitch] [-NoBlocksSwitch] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm]

The -ScsiLun parameter is required. The -MultipathPolicy parameter has four valid parameter values:

  • Fixed: This uses the preferred path whenever possible
  • RoundRobin: This uses load balancing
  • MostRecentlyUsed: This uses the most recently used path
  • Unknown: This is supported only when connected to vCenter Server 4.1/ESX 4.1

In the following example, we will set the multipathing policy for all the disk LUNs of host to Round Robin:

PowerCLI C:> Get-VMHost -Name | Get-ScsiLun |
>> Where-Object {$_.LunType -eq 'disk'} |
>> Set-ScsiLun -MultipathPolicy RoundRobin |
>> Select-Object -Property CanonicalName,LunType,MultipathPolicy

    CanonicalName                        LunType MultipathPolicy
-------------                        ------- ---------------
naa.600a0b80001111550000f35b93e19350 disk         RoundRobin
naa.600a0b80001111550000a8adc7e19350 disk         RoundRobin
naa.600a0b80001111550000893247e29350 disk         RoundRobin
naa.600a0b80001111550000b6182ca14450 disk         RoundRobin
naa.600a0b80001111550000d2c418e29350 disk         RoundRobin
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