Chapter 10. 3D Models

In the previous chapter you went to work on some sweet triangles and rectangles, using fantastic colors and cool textures. You’re ready to go out and create the next great game and make millions of dollars and retire when you’re 23, right? Wrong. Unfortunately, I’ve got some bad news for you: there really isn’t a market for 3D triangle and rectangle games right now. How will your Attack of the Triangles game compare against the latest shooters and role-playing games? Umm…it won’t. So, how do those games get such cool-looking graphics when all you have is a simple triangle to work with? The answer lies with three-dimensional models.

Using 3D Models

In the last chapter, I mentioned that you can draw anything you want in XNA 3D if you use enough primitives (such as the triangle used in that chapter). Although that’s true, it would be a severe pain in the neck to try to draw a spaceship or a dragon or whatever else you’re thinking of by specifying each individual vertex in code and drawing hundreds or even thousands of triangles to create the object.

When drawing complicated objects, typically you’ll use a 3D model. Essentially, a 3D model is a collection of points that form vertices for primitives. In the model, colors and textures can be applied. These models are usually created outside of XNA in a third-party modeling application. Popular modeling tools you can use to create 3D models include 3D Studio Max, Maya, Blender, Lightwave, and Modo. Blender is a free tool that is pretty well done and typically is a favorite of the students in my XNA classes. You can download Blender from Another popular free modeling tool is XSI Mod Tool, which has an XNA add-on available. You can download XSI Mod Tool at

Models created in these modeling applications can be saved into a number of different file formats for compatibility with different types of applications. XNA supports the .X file format as well as the .FBX file format for 3D models. Loading and drawing these model files in your XNA projects allows you to draw and manipulate detailed and complex graphics without having to worry about specifying every single vertex and texture. Instead, you can focus on moving, rotating, and manipulating the model and other gameplay-related issues.

Setting Up the Project

Before we get to loading and drawing a model, let’s apply one of the lessons from the 2D section of this book: for this project, you’ll work with some object-oriented design from the beginning. In the first half of this book, you implemented a SpriteManager class that handled the drawing of all sprites. You also created a base class for all sprites and derived specialized sprites from that base class. That approach seemed to work pretty well, so you’ll implement the same type of design in your 3D game.

Start from scratch in this chapter by creating a new Windows Game (4.0) project. Name your game 3D Game, as shown in Figure 10-1.

Creating a new project
Figure 10-1. Creating a new project

The first thing you’re going to need is a camera. You created a camera using a GameComponent in the previous chapter, and you’ll need to do that again here. To simplify matters, you can copy the Camera.cs file from the previous chapter and paste it into this project; or, if you haven’t already done so, you can download the source code for Chapter 9 and copy the Camera.cs file into your project now. You’ll need to change the namespace from _3D_Madness to _3D_Game, though, in order to be able to use the Camera class in your project.

Alternatively, you can create a new GameComponent by right-clicking the solution in Solution Explorer, selecting AddNew Item…, and selecting the Game Component template from the list on the right. Name the file Camera.cs and click Add, as shown in Figure 10-2.

Adding a new game component
Figure 10-2. Adding a new game component

You’ll need to modify the code generated for your GameComponent so it looks like this:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GamerServices;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Net;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Storage;

namespace _3D_Game

    public class Camera : Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameComponent
        //Camera matrices
        public Matrix view { get; protected set; }
        public Matrix projection { get; protected set; }

        public Camera(Game game, Vector3 pos, Vector3 target, Vector3 up)
            : base(game)
            view = Matrix.CreateLookAt(pos, target, up);

            projection = Matrix.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView(
                (float)Game.Window.ClientBounds.Width /
                1, 100);

        public override void Initialize()
            // TODO: Add your initialization code here


        public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            // TODO: Add your update code here


Next, change the value for the far plane of your camera’s field of view to 3000. You’ll be drawing your spaceships far off in the distance in the game that you build throughout the next few chapters. To change the far plane, modify the last parameter in the call to Matrix.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView, which is in the constructor of your Camera class. Change this code:

projection = Matrix.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView(
    (float)Game.Window.ClientBounds.Width /
    1, 100);

to this:

projection = Matrix.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView(
    (float)Game.Window.ClientBounds.Width /
    1, 3000);


In the previous chapter, I cautioned you against having too large a distance between the near and far planes of your camera’s field of view. Why am I now telling you to set the near plane to 1 and the far plane to 3000?

You’re going to be drawing spaceships far in the distance in this game. However, you’re not going to be drawing a huge number of objects. You do need to be aware of performance issues when making this call, but the impact on performance isn’t down to the size of the field of view alone. Performance issues arise when the number of objects you draw within the field of view becomes too much for your PC to keep up with. In this case, you’ll be perfectly fine.

Finally, you’ll need to modify your Game1 class to use your camera. Add a class-level variable with the following auto-implemented properties to the Game1 class:

public Camera camera { get; protected set; }

Then, add the code in the Initialize method of the Game1 class to instantiate the Camera object and add it to the list of components for the Game1 class:

camera = new Camera(this, new Vector3(0, 0, 50),
    Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Up);

Adding a Model to Your Project

To draw a model in XNA, first you’ll need to add that model to the project the same way that you did with textures, sounds, etc. The content pipeline will compile the model for you at compile time and will verify that it’s a valid .X-format model.

Many models have texture files associated with them. Sometimes these files will be referenced in the model’s .X file. If that’s the case, you’ll need to make sure that your texture files are in the directories specified in the .X file.

First, create a subfolder within the Content folder in your solution by right-clicking the 3D GameContent project and selecting AddNew Folder. Name the folder Models.

If you haven’t already done so, download the source code for this chapter. In the 3D Game3D GameContentModels folder, you’ll find a model of a spaceship named spaceship.x. This model was actually one of the models shipped with Microsoft’s DirectX SDK.

Add the spaceship model to the project by right-clicking your 3D GameContentModels folder in Solution Explorer, selecting AddExisting Item…, and browsing to and selecting the spaceship.x model.

Once the model is in your application, compile your project. If compilation succeeds, you’ll know that XNA recognized the .X file and was able to compile it. Otherwise, the content pipeline would have thrown an error indicating that it could not recognize the file format.


If your model requires additional texture files (the spaceship.x model doesn’t), you will get a compilation error if the texture files are not in the correct location. This may not seem like anything special, but it’s actually really helpful. Before XNA came along, we developers had to figure out if the model worked and the textures were in the correct places through a lot of tedious trial and error. The content pipeline definitely improves that aspect of development in 3D.

Drawing a Model Using a BasicModel Class

Following the design in the 2D game from previous chapters, you’ll want to create a base class for all your models. Add a new class by right-clicking your project in Solution Explorer and selecting AddClass…. Name the class BasicModel.cs, as shown in Figure 10-3.

Adding a BasicModel class
Figure 10-3. Adding a BasicModel class

Let’s flesh out the BasicModel class. First, you’ll need to add these namespaces:

using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;

Next, add two class-level variables to the class:

public Model model { get; protected set; }
protected Matrix world = Matrix.Identity;

The first variable is of type Model. The Model class is used to represent 3D models in memory, much like you used the Texture2D class previously to represent 2D images in memory. We’ll go into more depth on what a Model comprises in a few moments.

The next variable is the Matrix representing the world for this particular model. This matrix represents where to draw the model and how to rotate it, scale it, and so on. It should be fairly familiar if you’ve read the previous chapter.

Next, add a constructor for the BasicModel class. All this constructor needs to do is receive a parameter of type Model and set the model member to that value:

public BasicModel(Model m)
    model = m;

Now, create an empty virtual Update method that can be overridden by classes that derive from BasicModel to customize the actions that should be performed during an update:

public virtual void Update(  )



In this case, the Update method in the base class does nothing. Contrast this with the base class in your 2D game, where, at a bare minimum, an animated sprite needs to move from one frame to another within a sprite sheet. This is a key difference between 2D and 3D development. Remember that 2D animation is much like a cartoon flipbook, where you constantly have to move from image to image. In contrast, 3D development is more like recording a home video; as objects move through the world, the camera automatically handles taking a “snapshot” of the viewing frustum every frame, and the successive snapshots are then drawn on the screen.

All that’s left is the actual drawing of the model. Drawing a model is a somewhat tricky thing to do. To understand how models are drawn, it helps to understand what a model actually is. As mentioned previously, models are created in third-party modeling software applications. A model in XNA represents an entire scene from one of those tools that has been exported for use in XNA.

These scenes, which are exported into .X files, can each contain more than one object. These objects, called meshes, are stored within the model. The Model class in XNA represents these meshes as ModelMesh objects, and the Model class contains a list of ModelMesh objects in its Meshes property.

A mesh can contain materials or colors, textures, and so on for use in drawing that particular mesh. The various parts of a mesh do not need to be colored or textured the same way; you can have multiple materials on a single mesh. To store this data, the mesh is made up of multiple parts. The ModelMesh class stores a list of ModelMeshParts in a property called MeshParts. Each of these MeshParts contains materials for drawing the MeshPart as well as an Effect object that is used to draw the MeshPart.

By default, the Effect used in a Model’s MeshPart is of the type BasicEffect. You should be familiar with the BasicEffect class from Chapter 9. BasicEffect derives from Effect and provides you with a way to draw objects in 3D without having to create your own custom HLSL effect files. You’ll be writing your own effect files later in this book, but at this point, that’s too advanced, so we’ll stick with BasicEffects for now.

Finally, each ModelMesh has a transformation that will move that mesh to the appropriate location within the model.

To see how all this works, picture a car model with a movable steering wheel. The entire scene (car and steering wheel together) is represented by a Model. The Model may have two different ModelMesh objects in its Meshes property (one for the car and one for the steering wheel). Each of these Meshes will have a transformation that places the object in the correct place (the car will be placed at some location, such as the origin, while the steering wheel will be offset accordingly to put it in the appropriate place). In addition, each of the Meshes will have a material that modifies the way that mesh looks (for example, the car might use a material that makes it appear shiny red, whereas the steering wheel might use a material that makes it appear dull black) as well as an Effect that should be used to draw the ModelMesh.

Now that you understand what a model consists of, let’s look at some typical code that can be used to draw a model (assume the model variable here is of the type Model):

Matrix[] transforms = new Matrix[model.Bones.Count];

foreach (ModelMesh mesh in model.Meshes)
    foreach (BasicEffect be in mesh.Effects)
    {        be.EnableDefaultLighting(  );
        be.Projection = camera.projection;
        be.View = camera.view;
        be.World = world * mesh.ParentBone.Transform;

    mesh.Draw(  );

Notice that the first two lines of code deal with something called bones. These bones use transformations, which, as mentioned earlier, are used to place the objects in the appropriate locations within the model. Typically, your code won’t be affected by these transformations, unless the model has multiple meshes (which your spaceship model does not). However, you’ll want to include these first two lines just in case a given model has multiple parts.

Next, the code loops through each ModelMesh in the model and, for each of the BasicEffect objects associated with each ModelMesh, applies default lighting and sets the Projection, View, and World properties for the object being drawn using the camera for the projection and view matrices and the world matrix for the object’s World property. The world matrix is multiplied by the transform here to ensure that the ModelMesh is placed in the appropriate location within the model.

If you’re lost, don’t worry about it; this is somewhat confusing, but all will become clear. Really, all you need to remember here is that you’re looping through parts of a model, looping through effects for those model parts, and setting properties to draw the parts correctly.

The camera view and projection matrices were covered in the previous chapter, but as a reminder, they are essentially matrix variables that tell XNA where to place the camera (the view) and what the properties are that define the viewing frustum of the camera (the projection).

This might not all make sense at this point, but that’s OK. The most important thing to remember about the model-drawing code is that you have to set your BasicEffect’s Projection, View, and World properties. Once you do that, the rest of the code will handle drawing the model for you.

You’ll see later how to apply custom effects to your models. For now, notice that each model loaded into XNA uses BasicEffects by default.

Go ahead and add the following two methods to your BasicModel class:

public void Draw(Camera camera)
    Matrix[] transforms = new Matrix[model.Bones.Count];

    foreach (ModelMesh mesh in model.Meshes)
        foreach (BasicEffect be in mesh.Effects)
            be.EnableDefaultLighting(  );
            be.Projection = camera.projection;
            be.View = camera.view;
            be.World = GetWorld(  ) * mesh.ParentBone.Transform;

        mesh.Draw(  );

public virtual Matrix GetWorld(  )
    return world;

The Draw method is very similar to the code discussed previously that is used to draw a 3D model. The key difference is that a method is called to retrieve the object’s world. The GetWorld method is virtual, and in the base class it simply returns the world matrix variable. This enables subclasses to override the GetWorld method and apply different scales, rotations, and translations as needed.

Adding a Model Manager

Again following the design from the 2D section of this game, you’ll want to create a GameComponent that you’ll use as a manager for all your models in this game. To add a new GameComponent, right-click the solution in Solution Explorer, select AddNew Item…, and then select the Game Component template from the list on the right. Name your class ModelManager.cs, as shown in Figure 10-4.

Adding the ModelManager class
Figure 10-4. Adding the ModelManager class

By default, the new ModelManager class will derive from GameComponent. Adding a GameComponent to the list of components in your game will sync up the GameComponent’s Update method with your game’s Update method (i.e., every time your game’s Update method is called, your GameComponent’s Update method will also be called).

To connect your ModelManager to the game loop, add a class-level variable of type ModelManager to your Game1 class:

ModelManager modelManager;

Next, in the Initialize method of your Game1 class, instantiate the model manager and add it to the list of game components:

modelManager = new ModelManager(this);

Your model manager is now connected to your game loop. You want to have your ModelManager’s Update method synced with your game, but you’ll also need to have a Draw method synced with your game’s Draw method. To do this, you’ll need to change the base class of your ModelManager to DrawableGameComponent, as shown here:

public class ModelManager : DrawableGameComponent

You’ll then need to override the Draw method in your ModelManager by adding the following method to that class:

public override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)

Next, add to the ModelManager class a class-level variable that will store a list of BasicModel objects:

List<BasicModel> models = new List<BasicModel>(  );

Then, add an overload of the LoadContent method to your ModelManager class. In that method, create a BasicModel using the spaceship model, and add it to the list of models:

protected override void LoadContent(  )
    models.Add(new BasicModel(

    base.LoadContent(  );

Finally, you’ll want to modify the Update and Draw methods of your ModelManager class to loop through the list of models and call their individual Update and Draw methods, respectively:

public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
    // Loop through all models and call Update
    for (int i = 0; i < models.Count; ++i)
        models[i].Update(  );


public override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)
    // Loop through and draw each model
    foreach (BasicModel bm in models)


Compile and run your game, and you should see the model of the spaceship, as shown in Figure 10-5.

Very cool! Notice how much better your game is looking now than when you were dealing with triangles and textures in the previous chapter. 3D models enable you to quickly draw very detailed and highly realistic objects that would be almost impossibly difficult to draw by hand using only primitives.

Rotating Your Model

Great job! The model is looking good, and you’re moving along. It’s time to create your first subclass of the BasicModel class, to enable some basic rotation and movement. Right-click the project in Solution Explorer and select AddClass…, and enter SpinningEnemy.cs as the class name.

Replace the code generated in the SpinningEnemy.cs class with the following code:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;

namespace _3D_Game
    class SpinningEnemy: BasicModel
        Matrix rotation = Matrix.Identity;        public SpinningEnemy(Model m)
            : base(m)

        public override void Update(  )
            rotation *= Matrix.CreateRotationY(MathHelper.Pi / 180);

        public override Matrix GetWorld(  )
            return world * rotation;

So, what’s going on here? The first thing to note is that the SpinningEnemy class derives from BasicModel. The constructor takes a Model and simply passes that model on to the constructor of the base class.

Menacing spaceship staring you down!
Figure 10-5. Menacing spaceship staring you down!

The key addition to this class lies in the class-level variable rotation. This variable allows you to rotate your object rather than just drawing it standing still, the way it was when you drew it using only the BasicModel class. In the Update method, you can see that the rotation variable is updated each frame with a rotation of 1 degree around the Y-axis (remember that angles are represented by radians in XNA; π is 180°, so π/180 equals 1 degree).

Finally, the GetWorld method that is called in the base class’s Draw method to place the object appropriately in the world combines the world variable from the base class with the rotation variable from this class, giving the object a nice spinning effect.

That’s all there is to it. When you have a solid design, programming becomes so much easier! All you need to do now is modify the ModelManager to demo your new class instead of the BasicModel class. In the LoadContent method of the ModelManager class, modify the line that creates a BasicModel and change it to use SpinningEnemy, as shown here:

models.Add(new SpinningEnemy(

Compile and run your game now, and you’ll see that the model spins around the Y-axis, as shown in Figure 10-6.

Wow! This is really looking good! You can easily derive classes from the BasicModel class, and by adding code to the Update and GetWorld overridden methods you can make your model spaceship move and rotate at will.

You may also notice that, using just the BasicEffect applied in your code, you’ve given the ship some decent lighting effects and made it look pretty sharp. In later chapters, you’ll learn more about applying custom effects using HLSL, and you’ll see how to make your models look even better by applying custom effects.

Oh yeah! A spinning ship!
Figure 10-6. Oh yeah! A spinning ship!

What You Just Did

We covered a lot of ground in this chapter. Let’s recap for a minute:

  • You imported a 3D model into your project in an .X file and loaded it into a Model object via the content pipeline.

  • You created a model class hierarchy using a base class for drawing all models and a subclass for specialized rotating functionality.

  • You created a ModelManager class that will be used to update, draw, and manage all models in your game.

  • You drew a 3D model and applied a yaw rotation to the model.


  • 3D models contain vertex and sometimes texture information that together form some object that’s typically larger and more detailed than a developer would ever want to attempt to build by hand.

  • 3D models are created in third-party modeling software applications and exported to model files for use in other applications (in this case, your game).

  • By default in XNA, models contain BasicEffects. You can draw a model by looping through the meshes of the model and setting the properties of the BasicEffect class before drawing the model itself.

  • Recent studies have shown that 9 out of 10 women prefer men who can develop in XNA.

Test Your Knowledge: Quiz

  1. What model format(s) are supported in XNA?

  2. Why use a model when you can just draw things on your own?

  3. What type of effect are models loaded with by default when they’re loaded into XNA?

  4. Fact or fiction: if your model has separate texture files associated with it, but those files aren’t in the location specified by the model file, your game will crash when it tries to load the model.

  5. What number comes next in the sequence {4, 8, 15, 16, 23}?

Test Your Knowledge: Exercise

Take the code from this chapter and create a new subclass of BasicModel in which the ship moves back and forth between (0, 0, 0) and (0, 0, −400). Make the ship turn appropriately to always face the direction in which it is going.

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