
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


abs function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
accounts, developer accounts, Registering for a Developer Account
accuracy, collision detection, Collision Detection
acos function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
3D models to projects, Adding a Model to Your Project
audio, Adding More Sound to Your GameAdding More Sound to Your Game, Adding SoundAdding Sound
background images, Adding a Background Image
biohazard bombs of insanity, Adding Biohazard Bombs of Insanity!Adding Biohazard Bombs of Insanity!
crosshairs, Adding a Crosshair
drawing code in multiplayer games, Adding Draw CodeAdding Draw Code
game logic, Adding Some Game LogicAdding Some Game Logic
model managers, Adding a Model Manager, Adding a ModelManagerAdding a ModelManager
particle engines to games, Adding Your Particle Engine to Your Game
power-downs, Exercise Answer
power-ups, Adding a Power-UpAdding a Power-Up, Exercise Answer
splash screens, Adding a Splash Screen Game ComponentAdding a Splash Screen Game Component
starfields, Adding a Starfield
update code to multiplayer games, Adding Update CodeUpdating While in the GameOver Game State
while in CreateSession game state, Updating While in the CreateSession GameState
while in FindSession game state, Updating While in the FindSession Game StateUpdating While in the FindSession Game State
while in GameOver game state, Updating While in the GameOver Game State
while in InGame game state, Updating While in the InGame Game State
while in SignIn game state, Updating While in the SignIn Game State
while in Start game state, Updating While in the Start Game StateWhen the remote player starts the game
variety to sprites, Adding Some Variety to Your SpritesAdding Some Variety to Your Sprites
Xbox 360 device, Adding an Xbox 360 Device
all function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
alpha test effects, Configurable Effects
analog controls
about, Gamepad Input
versus digital, Quiz Answers
framerates, Adjusting the Framerate
speed, Adjusting the Animation Speed
sprites, AnimationAdjusting the Animation Speed, Creating a Sprite Class
animation speed, Adjusting the Framerate
any function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
audio API, Additional Audio API
graphic support, System Requirements
input API, Revised Input API
networking API, Network Game Development, Writing an XNA Network Game, Adding Biohazard Bombs of Insanity!
sound API, Using XACT, Using the Simplified API for Sound and Audio, Using the Simplified API for Sound and Audio
applications, creating first XNA application, Creating Your First XNA Application
applying textures, Primitive Types, Applying Textures
artificial intelligence, Basic Artificial IntelligenceTest Your Knowledge: Exercise
about, Creating an Automated Sprite Class, Quiz Answers
irrelevant objects, Irrelevant ObjectsIrrelevant Objects
sprites, Creating Sprites at Random IntervalsRandomly Spawning Sprites, Creating a Chasing SpriteCreating an Evading Sprite
creating at random intervals, Creating Sprites at Random Intervals
creating chasing sprites, Creating a Chasing SpriteCreating a Chasing Sprite
creating evading sprites, Creating an Evading SpriteCreating an Evading Sprite
randomly spawning, Randomly Spawning Sprites
Turing test, The Turing Test
asfloat, Applying HLSL Using Textures
asin function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
asint function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
aspectRatio parameter, Cameras
Asteroids, Irrelevant Objects
asuint function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
atan function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
atan2 function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
audio, Sound Effects and AudioTest Your Knowledge: Exercise
about, Quiz Answers
adding, Adding More Sound to Your GameAdding More Sound to Your Game, Adding SoundAdding Sound
new features, Music and Picture Enumeration and Video Playback
sound API, Using the Simplified API for Sound and Audio
XACT, Using XACTImplementing XACT Audio Files in Code
implementing in code, Implementing XACT Audio Files in Code
using, Using XACTUsing XACT
audio API, new features, Additional Audio API
auditioning, XACT, Using XACT
automated sprites
creating, Creating an Automated Sprite Class
moving around screen, Making Them Move


availability, System Requirements
HLSL effect files, Applying an HLSL Effect in C#Applying an HLSL Effect in C#
cameraDirection variable, Components of a Moving 3D Camera
cameraDirection vector, Components of a Moving 3D Camera, Moving in a First-Person Camera
cameraPosition parameter, Cameras
cameras, CamerasCreating a 3D Camera, Creating a First-Person CameraTest Your Knowledge: Exercise
3D, Creating a 3D Camera
about, CamerasCameras
coding for 3D games, Coding the Camera for the 3D GameCoding the Camera for the 3D Game
comparing 2D and 3D game development, Coordinate Systems
components of a moving 3D camera, Components of a Moving 3D CameraComponents of a Moving 3D Camera
creating, Setting Up the Project
field of view, Quiz Answers
moving in a first-person camera, Moving in a First-Person Camera
rotations in a first-person camera, Rotations in a First-Person CameraRotating a Camera in a Pitch, Quiz Answers
in a pitch, Rotating a Camera in a Pitch
in a roll, Rotating a Camera in a Roll
in a yaw, Rotating a Camera in a Yaw
split-screen functionality, Split-Screen Functionality, Split-Screen Functionality
split-screens, Split-Screen Functionality
cameraTarget parameter, Cameras
cameraUpVector parameter, Cameras
ceil function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
chasing objects, Quiz Answers
chasing sprites, Creating a Chasing SpriteCreating a Chasing Sprite
clamp function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
classes, Built-in State Objects
(see also objects)
automated sprites, Creating an Automated Sprite Class
BasicEffect class, Configurable Effects, Drawing Primitives, Drawing Primitives, Drawing a Model Using a BasicModel Class, HLSL Basics, Dissecting a Sample HLSL Effect File, Applying an HLSL Effect in C#, Applying an HLSL Effect in C#
BasicModel class, Digging In
BlendState class, Built-in State Objects
ContentManager class, Loading and Drawing Your Sprite
DepthStencilState class, Built-in State Objects
designing, Designing Your Classes
DynamicSoundEffectInstance class, Additional Audio API
Effect class, Drawing Primitives
Game1 class, Drawing Primitives, Coding Your Game1 ClassCoding Your Game1 Class
GameComponent class, Game Components, Adding a Model Manager, Quiz Answers
GamePad class, Gamepad Input
Keyboard class, Keyboard Input
Microphone class, Additional Audio API
model classes with Windows Phone 7, More Model ClassesMore Model Classes
ModelMesh class, Drawing a Model Using a BasicModel Class
Mouse class, Mouse Input
new features, Modified and Added Classes and Methods
RasterizerState class, Built-in State Objects
SamplerState class, Built-in State Objects
SpinningEnemy class, Creating a Moving Enemy
sprite classes, Creating a Sprite ClassCreating a Sprite Class, Modifying the Sprite Class
SpriteBatch class, A Look Behind the Scenes
TouchLocation class, Revised Input API
TouchPanel class, Revised Input API
user-controlled sprite classes, Creating a User-Controlled Sprite Class
UserControlledSprite class, Creating a User-Controlled Sprite Class, Modifying the UserControlledSprite Class
cleaning up, Cleaning Up
Clear method, Modifying Your Game
clearing buffer area, Split-Screen Functionality
client/server networks
about, Network Configurations
compared to peer-to-peer networks, Quiz Answers
clip function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
Collide method, Collision Detection
collision detection
3D, 3D Collision Detection and Bounding Spheres3D Collision Detection and Bounding Spheres
about, Collision DetectionCollision Detection
SpriteManager class, Coding the SpriteManager
CollisionCue property, Creating Power-Ups
collisionOffset method, Creating a Sprite Class
bounding-box collision-detection algorithm, Quiz Answers
sprites, Quiz Answers
color parameter, Loading and Drawing Your Sprite
Color parameter, Transparency and Other Options
COLOR semantic, Dissecting a Sample HLSL Effect File, Dissecting a Sample HLSL Effect File, Dissecting a Sample HLSL Effect File, Dissecting a Sample HLSL Effect File
compilation errors
content pipeline, Quiz Answers
texture files, Adding a Model to Your Project
components, Modified and Added Classes and Methods
(see also classes)
3D moving cameras, Components of a Moving 3D CameraComponents of a Moving 3D Camera
enabling/disabling GameComponents, Enabling/Disabling GameComponentsEnabling/Disabling GameComponents
Content folder, location of, Revised Project Folder Structure
content pipeline
compilation errors, Quiz Answers
using, Adding a Sprite to Your Project
ContentManager class, Loading and Drawing Your Sprite
converting projects to run on Xbox 360, Converting a Project to Run on the Xbox 360
coordinate systems
about, Coordinate Systems
left-handed or right-handed, Quiz Answers
mouse, Quiz Answers
textures, Applying Textures, Quiz Answers
X, Y coordinates in 2D games, Loading and Drawing Your Sprite
cos function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
cosh function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
CreateLookAt method, Cameras
CreateRotationX method, Even More Rotations
CreateRotationY method, Even More Rotations
CreateRotationZ method, Even More Rotations
CreateSession game state, adding update code, Updating While in the CreateSession GameState
CreateTranslation method, Movement and Rotation
3D cameras, Creating a 3D Camera
cameras, Setting Up the Project
first person cameras, Creating a First-Person CameraTest Your Knowledge: Exercise
game components, Game Components
moving enemies, Creating a Moving Enemy
particle engines, Creating a Particle EngineCreating a Particle Engine
power-ups, Creating Power-UpsCreating Power-Ups
rectangles, Animation
about, More SpritesMore Sprites
at random intervals, Creating Sprites at Random Intervals
automated sprites, Creating an Automated Sprite Class
chasing sprites, Creating a Chasing SpriteCreating a Chasing Sprite
evading sprites, Creating an Evading SpriteCreating an Evading Sprite
sprite classes, Creating a Sprite ClassCreating a Sprite Class
UserControlledSprite class, Creating a User-Controlled Sprite Class
Windows Phone 7 projects, Creating a Windows Phone 7 Project
Creator’s Club website, Additional Resources
cross function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
cross product operation, Moving in a First-Person Camera
Cross-Platform Audio Creation Tool (see XACT)
crosshairs, Adding a Crosshair
cubemaps, Graphics Profiles
cubes, Exercise Answer
about, Using XACT
associating sounds with, Using XACT
passing, Adding More Sound to Your Game
playing, Implementing XACT Audio Files in Code
backface culling, Backface Culling
defined, Quiz Answers
currentFrame method, Creating a Sprite Class


D3DCOLORtoUBYTE4 function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
network data, Modifying the UserControlledSprite Class
passing from XNA to HLSL, Applying an HLSL Effect in C#
ddx function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
ddy function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
debugging projects on Xbox 360, Deploying to the Xbox 360
declaring variables in HLSL, HLSL Syntax
fonts, Drawing 2D Text
framerate, Adjusting the Framerate
game profile defaults, Creating Your First XNA Application
object used to store images, Loading and Drawing Your Sprite
screen resolution and screen rotation of a Windows Phone 7 game, Quiz Answers
degrees function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
Windows Phone 7, What You Just Did
Xbox 360, What You Just Did, Deploying to the Xbox 360
DEPTH semantic, Dissecting a Sample HLSL Effect File
DepthStencilState class, Built-in State Objects
design (see object-oriented design)
determinant function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
developer accounts
registering for, Registering for a Developer Account
Windows Phone 7, Quiz Answers
digital input control versus analog, Quiz Answers
direction of movement, Components of a Moving 3D Camera
direction property, Creating a Sprite Class, Creating a User-Controlled Sprite Class
DirectPlay, Network Game Development
DirectX, Network Game Development
DirectX 10, support for, Graphics Profiles, Creating Your First XNA Application
DirectX 9, support for, Creating Your First XNA Application
disabling GameComponents, Enabling/Disabling GameComponentsEnabling/Disabling GameComponents
display settings, Xbox 360, Xbox 360 Display Settings
DisplayMode property, Xbox 360 Display Settings
distance function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
Donkey Kong, Adding a Splash Screen Game Component
dot function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
DPad property, Gamepad Input
Draw call parameters, Loading and Drawing Your Sprite
Draw method, A Look Behind the Scenes, Game Development Versus Polling, Modifying Your Game, Modifying Your Game, Layer Depth, Let’s Move, Animation, More Sprites, Creating a Sprite Class, Creating a Sprite Class, Game Components, Game States, Drawing a Model Using a BasicModel Class
2D images, Drawing 2D Text, Quiz Answers
2D text, Drawing 2D TextDrawing 2D Text, Quiz Answers
3D images, Quiz Answers
3D models using a BasicModel class, Drawing a Model Using a BasicModel ClassDrawing a Model Using a BasicModel Class
rectangles, Primitive Types, Applying an HLSL Effect in C#
sprites, Loading and Drawing Your Sprite
vertices, Backface Culling
drawing code in multiplayer games, Adding Draw CodeAdding Draw Code
drawing primitives, Drawing PrimitivesDrawing Primitives
DrawString method, Drawing 2D Text
DrawUserPrimitives method, Drawing Primitives
DreamSpark, Additional Resources
dual texture effects, Configurable Effects
Duck Hunt, Adding a Splash Screen Game Component
DynamicSoundEffectInstance class, Additional Audio API


faceforward function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
far clipping plane, Cameras
farPlaneDistance parameter, Cameras
features (see new features)
FFP (Fixed Function Pipeline), HLSL Basics
field of view
about, Cameras, Quiz Answers
performance an number of objects, Setting Up the Project
fieldOfView parameter, Cameras
formats, Transparency and Other Options, Using 3D Models
.fx files, Dissecting a Sample HLSL Effect File
Game1.cs file, A Look Behind the Scenes
HLSL effect files, Dissecting a Sample HLSL Effect FileHLSL Effects: Grayscale
about, Dissecting a Sample HLSL Effect FileDissecting a Sample HLSL Effect File
blurring images, HLSL Effects: Blur
C#, Applying an HLSL Effect in C#Applying an HLSL Effect in C#
grayscale, HLSL Effects: Grayscale
negative images, HLSL Effects: Creating a Negative
textures, Applying HLSL Using TexturesApplying HLSL Using Textures
particle effect files, Adding a Particle Effect File
sound files, Using the Simplified API for Sound and Audio
texture files, Adding a Model to Your Project
track.wav file, Using XACT
.wav files, Using XACT
XACT audio files, Implementing XACT Audio Files in Code
FindSession game state, adding update code, Updating While in the FindSession Game StateUpdating While in the FindSession Game State
fine-tuning gameplay, Fine-Tuning GameplayFine-Tuning Gameplay
firing shots, Firing ShotsFiring Shots
first person camera, Creating a First-Person CameraTest Your Knowledge: Exercise
coding for 3D games, Coding the Camera for the 3D GameCoding the Camera for the 3D Game
components of a moving 3D camera, Components of a Moving 3D CameraComponents of a Moving 3D Camera
moving in a first-person camera, Moving in a First-Person Camera
rotations in a first-person camera, Rotations in a First-Person CameraRotating a Camera in a Pitch
in a pitch, Rotating a Camera in a Pitch
in a roll, Rotating a Camera in a Roll
in a yaw, Rotating a Camera in a Yaw
Fixed Function Pipeline (FFP), HLSL Basics
flipping images, Transparency and Other Options
float3 and float4 variables, HLSL Syntax
float4 object, Quiz Answers
floor function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
fmod function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
FOG semantic, Dissecting a Sample HLSL Effect File
folders, project folder structure, Revised Project Folder Structure, Quiz Answers
force feedback, Gamepad Input
foreach loops, Applying an HLSL Effect in C#
four blades image, Adding Some Variety to Your Sprites
frac function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
about, Modifying Your Game
changing, Quiz Answers
sprites, Adjusting the Framerate
frames, Modifying Your Game
frameSize method, Creating a Sprite Class
frexp function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
full-screen mode, Adding Some Game Logic
abs function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
acos function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
all function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
any function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
asfloat, Applying HLSL Using Textures
asin function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
asint function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
asuint function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
atan function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
atan2 function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
ceil function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
clamp function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
clip function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
cos function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
cosh function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
cross function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
D3DCOLORtoUBYTE4 function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
ddx function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
ddy function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
defining in HLSL, Dissecting a Sample HLSL Effect File
degrees function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
determinant function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
distance function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
dot function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
exp function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
exp2 function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
faceforward function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
floor function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
fmod function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
frac function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
frexp function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
fwidth function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
GetRenderTargetSampleCount function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
GetRenderTargetSamplePosition function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
isfinite function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
isinf function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
isnan function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
ldexp function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
length function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
lerp function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
lit function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
log function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
log10 function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
log2 function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
max function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
min function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
modf function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
mul function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
noise function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
normalize function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
pow function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
radians function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
reflect function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
refract function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
round function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
rsqrt function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
saturate function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
sign function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
sin function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
sincos function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
sinh function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
smoothstep function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
sqrt function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
step function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
tan function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
tanh function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
tex1D function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
tex1Dbias function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
tex1Dgrad function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
tex1Dlod function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
tex1Dproj function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
tex2D function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
tex2Dbias function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
tex2Dgrad function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
tex2Dlod function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
tex2Dproj function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
tex3D function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
tex3Dbias function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
tex3Dgrad function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
tex3Dlod function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
tex3Dproj function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
texCUBE function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
texCUBEbias function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
texCUBEgrad function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
texCUBEproj function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
transpose function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
trunc function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
fwidth function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
.fx files, Dissecting a Sample HLSL Effect File


game development, 3D Game DevelopmentTest Your Knowledge: Exercise
backface culling, Backface Culling
cameras, CamerasCreating a 3D Camera
3D cameras, Creating a 3D Camera
about, CamerasCameras
coordinate systems, Coordinate Systems
drawing primitives, Drawing PrimitivesDrawing Primitives
matrix multiplication, Matrix Multiplication
modifying games, Modifying Your Game
movement and rotation, Movement and Rotation, More on RotationsEven More Rotations
primitive types, Primitive Types
textures, Applying Textures
versus polling, Game Development Versus PollingGame Development Versus Polling
game logic, Adding Some Game LogicAdding Some Game Logic
game loops, methods, Quiz Answers
game scoring, Game ScoringGame Scoring
game states
about, Game Development Versus Polling, Game States, Quiz Answers
GameOver state, Game-Over Logic and the Game-Over Screen
managing, Adding a Splash Screen Game Component
moving from Start to InGame, Enabling/Disabling GameComponents
game windows, keeping sprites in, Keeping the Sprite in the Game Window
game-over logic and the game-over screen, Game-Over Logic and the Game-Over ScreenGame-Over Logic and the Game-Over Screen
Game.Window.ClientBounds method, Adding Some Game Logic
Game1 class, Drawing Primitives, Coding Your Game1 ClassCoding Your Game1 Class
Game1.cs file, A Look Behind the Scenes
GameComponent class, Adding a Model Manager, Quiz Answers
enabling/disabling, Enabling/Disabling GameComponentsEnabling/Disabling GameComponents
using, Setting Up the Project
GameOver game state, adding update code, Updating While in the GameOver Game State
gamepad input
about, Gamepad InputGamepad Input
full-screen mode, Adding Some Game Logic
Xbox 360, Supporting Gamepad InputSupporting Gamepad Input
gameplay, Fine-Tuning GameplayFine-Tuning Gameplay
gamer services component, Coding Your Game1 Class
gamer services sign-in windows, Quiz Answers
gamertags, Network Game Development
GameTime parameter, Modifying Your Game
generating randomly generating different sprite types, Randomly Generating Different Sprite Types
GetPressedKeys() method, Keyboard Input
GetRenderTargetSampleCount function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
GetRenderTargetSamplePosition function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
GetState method, Mouse Input, Gamepad Input
getting started, Getting StartedTest Your Knowledge: Quiz
additional resources, Additional Resources
first XNA application, Creating Your First XNA Application
installation, Installation
system requirement, System Requirements
GetWorldForBoundingSphere method, Digging In
global variables in HLSL, Dissecting a Sample HLSL Effect File
GPU (Graphics Processing Unit), A Look Behind the Scenes
graphics profiles, Graphics Profiles
graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight property, Screen Rotation and Resolution
graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth property, Screen Rotation and Resolution
graphics.SupportedOrientations property, Screen Rotation and Resolution
GraphicsDevice.Viewport property, Split-Screen Functionality
GraphicsDeviceManager type, A Look Behind the Scenes
grayscale HLSL effect, HLSL Effects: Grayscale


if/else statement statements versus if statements, Keyboard Input
IIS (Internet Information Services), Using XACT
adding background images, Adding a Background Image
animation speed, Adjusting the Framerate
blurring with HLSL, HLSL Effects: Blur
drawing 2D images, Drawing 2D Text
flipping, Transparency and Other Options
grayscale with HLSL, HLSL Effects: Grayscale
layer depth, Layer Depth
negative images with HLSL effects, HLSL Effects: Creating a Negative
rendering portions of images transparently, Transparency and Other Options
rotating through, Animation
sprite images, Adding Some Variety to Your Sprites
index buffers
formats, Graphics Profiles
using, Applying Textures
InGame game state, adding update code, Updating While in the InGame Game State
Initialize method, A Look Behind the Scenes, Coding the SpriteManager
input, Keyboard InputGamepad Input
analog versus digital, Quiz Answers
gamepad input
about, Gamepad InputGamepad Input
Xbox 360, Supporting Gamepad InputSupporting Gamepad Input
keyboard input, Keyboard Input
mouse input, Mouse Input, Quiz Answers
split-screens, Split-Screen Functionality
types of, More Sprites
user input design, Supporting Gamepad Input
input API, Revised Input API
input semantics
pixel shaders, Dissecting a Sample HLSL Effect File
vertex shaders, Dissecting a Sample HLSL Effect File
installation, Installation
Internet Information Services (IIS), Using XACT
Intersects method, Collision Detection
intrinsic functions in HLSL, Applying HLSL Using Textures
irrelevant objects, artificial intelligence, Irrelevant ObjectsIrrelevant Objects
IsButtonDown() method, Gamepad Input
IsButtonUp() method, Gamepad Input
IsConnected property, Gamepad Input
isfinite function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
isinf function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
IsKeyDown() method, Keyboard Input
IsKeyUp() method, Keyboard Input
IsMouseVisible property, Mouse Input
isnan function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
IsRunningSlowly parameter, Adjusting the Framerate


Japan, money, expenses and lifestyle, Quiz Answers


keyboard input, Keyboard Input
KeyboardState structure, Keyboard Input
kill screen, Adding a Splash Screen Game Component


Main method, A Look Behind the Scenes
matrix multiplication, Matrix Multiplication, Quiz Answers
Matrix objects, Cameras
Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle method, Even More Rotations
Matrix.CreateFromYawPitchRoll method, Even More Rotations
Matrix.CreateLookAt method, Components of a Moving 3D Camera
Matrix.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView method, Cameras
Matrix.CreateRotationY method, Movement and Rotation
Matrix.CreateTranslation method, Movement and Rotation
max function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
MeasureString method, Enabling/Disabling GameComponents
MediaLibrary.SavePicture method, Music and Picture Enumeration and Video Playback
meshes, Drawing a Model Using a BasicModel Class
MeshPart property, Drawing a Model Using a BasicModel Class
messages, Quiz Answers
base.Draw method, Adding a Crosshair
Begin method, Layer Depth
Clear method, Modifying Your Game
Collide method, Collision Detection
collisionOffset method, Creating a Sprite Class
CreateLookAt method, Cameras
CreateRotationX method, Even More Rotations
CreateRotationY method, Even More Rotations
CreateRotationZ method, Even More Rotations
CreateTranslation method, Movement and Rotation
currentFrame method, Creating a Sprite Class
Draw method, A Look Behind the Scenes, Game Development Versus Polling, Modifying Your Game, Modifying Your Game, Layer Depth, Let’s Move, Animation, More Sprites, Creating a Sprite Class, Creating a Sprite Class, Game Components, Game States, Drawing a Model Using a BasicModel Class
DrawString method, Drawing 2D Text
DrawUserPrimitives method, Drawing Primitives
Exit method, Collision Detection
frameSize method, Creating a Sprite Class
Game.Window.ClientBounds method, Adding Some Game Logic
GetState method, Mouse Input, Gamepad Input
GetWorldForBoundingSphere method, Digging In
Initialize method, A Look Behind the Scenes, Coding the SpriteManager
Intersects method, Collision Detection
IsButtonDown() method, Gamepad Input
IsButtonUp() method, Gamepad Input
Load method, Loading and Drawing Your Sprite
LoadContent method, A Look Behind the Scenes, Loading and Drawing Your Sprite, Coding the SpriteManager, Implementing XACT Audio Files in Code, Drawing Primitives
Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle method, Even More Rotations
Matrix.CreateFromYawPitchRoll method, Even More Rotations
Matrix.CreateLookAt method, Components of a Moving 3D Camera
Matrix.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView method, Cameras
Matrix.CreateRotationY method, Movement and Rotation
Matrix.CreateTranslation method, Movement and Rotation
MeasureString method, Enabling/Disabling GameComponents
millisecondsPerFrame method, Creating a Sprite Class
new features, Modified and Added Classes and Methods
Normalize method, Components of a Moving 3D Camera
Play method, Using the Simplified API for Sound and Audio
position method, Creating a Sprite Class
SetPosition() method, Mouse Input
SetVibration method, Gamepad Input
sheetSize method, Creating a Sprite Class
speed method, Creating a Sprite Class
Sprite method, Creating a Sprite Class
SpriteBatch.Draw method, Transparency and Other Options
textureImage method, Creating a Sprite Class
timeSinceLastFrame method, Creating a Sprite Class
UnloadContent method, Game Development Versus Polling
Update method, A Look Behind the Scenes, Game Development Versus Polling, Adjusting the Animation Speed, More Sprites, Keyboard Input, Creating a Sprite Class, Creating a Chasing Sprite, Game States, Drawing a Model Using a BasicModel Class, Adding a ModelManager
Microphone class, Additional Audio API
Microsoft Cross-Platform Audio Creation Tool (see XACT)
Microsoft Visual Studio, System Requirements
Microsoft Zune, Sound Effects and Audio, Unlocking Your Phone
Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio namespace, Additional Audio API
Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Touch namespace, Revised Input API
MiddleButton property, Mouse Input
millisecondsPerFrame method, Creating a Sprite Class
millisecondsPerFrame variable, Adjusting the Animation Speed
min function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
model formats, Quiz Answers
model managers, Adding a Model Manager, Adding a ModelManagerAdding a ModelManager
ModelMesh class, Drawing a Model Using a BasicModel Class
ModelMeshPart, Drawing a Model Using a BasicModel Class
models, Quiz Answers
(see also 3D models)
modf function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
monospaced fonts, Drawing 2D Text
controlling, Creating a User-Controlled Sprite Class
input from, Mouse Input, Quiz Answers
movement and rotation
about, More on RotationsEven More Rotations
objects, Movement and Rotation
in a first-person camera, Moving in a First-Person Camera
objects, Let’s Move
moving enemies, Creating a Moving Enemy
MSDN website, list of classes and methods, Modified and Added Classes and Methods
mul function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
multiplayer games, Multiplayer GamesTest Your Knowledge: Quiz
about, Quiz Answers
adding biohazard bombs of insanity, Adding Biohazard Bombs of Insanity!Adding Biohazard Bombs of Insanity!
adding drawing code, Adding Draw CodeAdding Draw Code
adding update code, Adding Update CodeUpdating While in the GameOver Game State
while in CreateSession game state, Updating While in the CreateSession GameState
while in FindSession game state, Updating While in the FindSession Game StateUpdating While in the FindSession Game State
while in GameOver game state, Updating While in the GameOver Game State
while in InGame game state, Updating While in the InGame Game State
while in SignIn game state, Updating While in the SignIn Game State
while in Start game state, Updating While in the Start Game StateWhen the remote player starts the game
Game1 class, Coding Your Game1 ClassCoding Your Game1 Class
networking, Network Game DevelopmentWriting an XNA Network Game
game development, Network Game Development, Writing an XNA Network Game
network configurations, Network Configurations
split screens, Split-Screen FunctionalitySplit-Screen Functionality
sprite class, Modifying the Sprite Class
UserControlledSprite class, Modifying the UserControlledSprite Class
multiplication, matrix multiplication, Matrix Multiplication
multishot power-ups, Exercise Answer


namespace accessors, HLSL Syntax
Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio namespace, Additional Audio API
Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Touch namespace, Revised Input API
problems with, Creating a Chasing Sprite
near clipping plane, Cameras
nearPlaneDistance parameter, Cameras
negative images, HLSL, HLSL Effects: Creating a Negative
about, Quiz Answers
multiplayer games, Network Game DevelopmentWriting an XNA Network Game
game development, Network Game Development, Writing an XNA Network Game
network configurations, Network Configurations
networking API, Network Game Development, Writing an XNA Network Game, Adding Biohazard Bombs of Insanity!, Quiz Answers
NetworkSession.Update, Quiz Answers
new features, What’s New in XNA 4.0?Test Your Knowledge: Quiz
audio API, Additional Audio API
audio support, Music and Picture Enumeration and Video Playback
built-in state objects, Built-in State Objects
classes and methods, Modified and Added Classes and Methods
configurable effects, Configurable Effects
graphics profiles, Graphics Profiles
input API, Revised Input API
project folder structure, Revised Project Folder Structure, Quiz Answers
scalars and orientation, Scalars and Orientation
Windows Phone 7 Series, Develop Games for Windows Phone 7 Series
noise function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
NORMAL semantic, Dissecting a Sample HLSL Effect File
normalize function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
Normalize method, Components of a Moving 3D Camera
NoSuitableGraphicsDeviceException error, Xbox 360 Display Settings


object-oriented design, Applying Some Object-Oriented DesignTest Your Knowledge: Exercise
basic principles, More Sprites
creating automated sprites, Creating an Automated Sprite Class
creating sprite classes, Creating a Sprite ClassCreating a Sprite Class
creating user-controlled sprite classes, Creating a User-Controlled Sprite Class
designing, Designing Your Classes
cleaning up, Cleaning Up
game components, Game Components
making automated sprites move around screen, Making Them Move
SpriteManager, Coding the SpriteManagerCoding the SpriteManager
value of, Quiz Answers
objects, Built-in State Objects
(see also classes)
built-in state objects, Built-in State Objects
float4 object, Quiz Answers
irrelevant objects in artificial intelligence, Irrelevant ObjectsIrrelevant Objects
Matrix objects, Cameras
movement and rotation, Movement and Rotation
moving, Let’s Move
performance and number of in field of view, Setting Up the Project
PixelShader object, Dissecting a Sample HLSL Effect File
SoundEffectInstance object, Using the Simplified API for Sound and Audio
SpriteBatch objects, Coding the SpriteManager
sprites, Exercise Answer
Texture2D objects, Loading and Drawing Your Sprite, Quiz Answers
TouchLocation object, Quiz Answers
types of in 2D games, Designing Your Classes
UserControlledSprite object, Modifying the UserControlledSprite Class
VertexPositionColor object, Applying Textures
VertexShader object, Dissecting a Sample HLSL Effect File
occlusion queries, Graphics Profiles
orientation, Scalars and Orientation
Origin parameter, Transparency and Other Options
output semantics
pixel shaders, Dissecting a Sample HLSL Effect File
vertex shaders, Dissecting a Sample HLSL Effect File
overloaded Draw method parameters, Transparency and Other Options


Pac-Man, Game States, Adding a Splash Screen Game Component
packets, Coding Your Game1 Class, Transparency and Other Options
parameter types
BlendState parameter type, Layer Depth
SpriteSortMode parameter type, Layer Depth
aspectRatio parameter, Cameras
cameraPosition parameter, Cameras
cameraTarget parameter, Cameras
cameraUpVector parameter, Cameras
color parameter, Loading and Drawing Your Sprite
Color parameter, Transparency and Other Options
Effects parameter, Transparency and Other Options
farPlaneDistance parameter, Cameras
fieldOfView parameter, Cameras
GameTime parameter, Modifying Your Game
IsRunningSlowly parameter, Adjusting the Framerate
LayerDepth parameter, Transparency and Other Options
nearPlaneDistance parameter, Cameras
Origin parameter, Transparency and Other Options
PlayerIndex parameter, Gamepad Input
position parameter, Loading and Drawing Your Sprite
Position parameter, Transparency and Other Options
Rectangle parameter, Creating a Sprite Class
Rotation parameter, Transparency and Other Options
Scale parameter, Transparency and Other Options
SourceRectangle parameter, Transparency and Other Options
speed parameter, Making Them Move
texture parameter, Loading and Drawing Your Sprite
Texture parameter, Transparency and Other Options
VertexShaderInput parameter, Dissecting a Sample HLSL Effect File
particle systems, Particle SystemsTest Your Knowledge: Quiz
particle effect files, Adding a Particle Effect File
particle engines, Creating a Particle EngineCreating a Particle Engine
adding to games, Adding Your Particle Engine to Your Game
creating, Creating a Particle EngineCreating a Particle Engine
defined, Quiz Answers
starfields, Adding a Starfield
peer-to-peer networks
about, Network Configurations
compared to client/server network, Quiz Answers
implementing, Modifying the UserControlledSprite Class
collision detection, Collision Detection
framerates, Adjusting the Framerate
number of objects in field of view, Setting Up the Project
phones (see Windows Phone 7)
pitch, rotating a camera in, Rotating a Camera in a Pitch
pixel shaders
input semantics, Dissecting a Sample HLSL Effect File
output semantics, Dissecting a Sample HLSL Effect File
version, Quiz Answers
PixelShader object, Dissecting a Sample HLSL Effect File
platforms supported, Quiz Answers
Play method, Using the Simplified API for Sound and Audio
PlayerIndex parameter, Gamepad Input
plus image, Adding Some Variety to Your Sprites, Creating Power-Ups
versus game development, Game Development Versus PollingGame Development Versus Polling
versus registering for events, More Sprites
polygons in Gears of War, Quiz Answers
port 80, XACT auditioning tool, Using XACT
position method, Creating a Sprite Class
position parameter, Loading and Drawing Your Sprite
Position parameter, Transparency and Other Options
POSITION semantic, Dissecting a Sample HLSL Effect File, Dissecting a Sample HLSL Effect File
POSITION0 semantic, Dissecting a Sample HLSL Effect File
POSITIONT semantic, Dissecting a Sample HLSL Effect File
pow function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
power-downs, Exercise Answer
adding, Adding a Power-UpAdding a Power-Up, Exercise Answer
creating, Creating Power-UpsCreating Power-Ups
stacking, Creating Power-Ups
preprocessor directives, Quiz Answers
primitive types, Primitive Types
primitives, support for, Graphics Profiles
profiles, graphics profiles, Graphics Profiles
projection matrices, Cameras, Components of a Moving 3D Camera
Projection variable, Dissecting a Sample HLSL Effect File
adding models to, Adding a Model to Your Project
adding sprites to, Adding a Sprite to Your Project
converting to run on Xbox 360, Converting a Project to Run on the Xbox 360
folder structure, Revised Project Folder Structure, Quiz Answers
setting up, Setting Up the Project
Windows Phone 7, Creating a Windows Phone 7 Project
Buttons property, Gamepad Input
CollisionCue property, Creating Power-Ups
direction property, Creating a Sprite Class, Creating a User-Controlled Sprite Class
DisplayMode property, Xbox 360 Display Settings
DPad property, Gamepad Input
Enabled property, Enabling/Disabling GameComponents
graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight property, Screen Rotation and Resolution
graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth property, Screen Rotation and Resolution
graphics.SupportedOrientations property, Screen Rotation and Resolution
GraphicsDevice.Viewport property, Split-Screen Functionality
IsConnected property, Gamepad Input
IsMouseVisible property, Mouse Input
LeftButton property, Mouse Input
MeshPart property, Drawing a Model Using a BasicModel Class
MiddleButton property, Mouse Input
RightButton property, Mouse Input
ScrollWheelValue property, Mouse Input, Mouse Input
TargetElapsedTime property, Adjusting the Framerate
ThumbSticks property, Gamepad Input
Triggers property, Gamepad Input
VertexColorEnabled property, Drawing Primitives
Visible property, Enabling/Disabling GameComponents
XButton1 and XButton2 properties, Mouse Input
Y property, Mouse Input
PSIZE semantic, Dissecting a Sample HLSL Effect File, Dissecting a Sample HLSL Effect File


radians function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
random intervals, creating sprites at, Creating Sprites at Random Intervals
random objects, Exercise Answer
random values, Creating Sprites at Random Intervals
randomly generating different sprite types, Randomly Generating Different Sprite Types
randomly spawning sprites, Randomly Spawning Sprites
randomness, Adding Some Game Logic
rasterization, HLSL Basics
RasterizerState class, Built-in State Objects
compared to HiDef, Quiz Answers
configurable effects, Configurable Effects
Real-Time Strategy (RTS) games, Multiplayer Games
Rectangle parameter, Creating a Sprite Class
creating, Animation
drawing using the BasicEffect class, Applying an HLSL Effect in C#
drawing with triangles, Primitive Types
intersection of, Collision Detection
reflect function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
refract function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
for developer accounts, Registering for a Developer Account
for events, Game Development Versus Polling, More Sprites
Windows Phone 7, Registering Your Windows Phone 7 Device
remote players, adding update code while in Start game state, When the remote player starts the game
portions of images transparently, Transparency and Other Options
targets, Graphics Profiles
resolution, screens in Windows Phone 7, Screen Rotation and Resolution
RightButton property, Mouse Input
rolls, rotating a camera in, Rotating a Camera in a Roll
Rotation parameter, Transparency and Other Options
rotations, Movement and Rotation, More on RotationsEven More Rotations
3D models, Rotating Your Model
cameras and, Quiz Answers
in a first-person camera, Rotations in a First-Person CameraRotating a Camera in a Pitch
in a pitch, Rotating a Camera in a Pitch
in a roll, Rotating a Camera in a Roll
in a yaw, Rotating a Camera in a Yaw
screen rotations of a Windows Phone 7 game, Quiz Answers
screens in Windows Phone 7, Screen Rotation and Resolution
and translations, Quiz Answers
round function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
rsqrt function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
RTS (Real-Time Strategy) games, Multiplayer Games


safe region, Xbox 360, The Title Safe Region
SamplerState class, Built-in State Objects
saturate function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
scalars, Scalars and Orientation
Scale parameter, Transparency and Other Options
3D games, Keeping ScoreKeeping Score
about, Game ScoringGame Scoring, Keeping Score
rules and calculations, Game Scoring
game-over screen, Game-Over Logic and the Game-Over ScreenGame-Over Logic and the Game-Over Screen
height, Creating a 3D Camera
orientation, Scalars and Orientation
resolution, Adding Some Game Logic, Screen Rotation and Resolution, Quiz Answers
rotation, Screen Rotation and Resolution, Quiz Answers
splash screens, Adding a Splash Screen Game ComponentAdding a Splash Screen Game Component
split screens in multiplayer games, Split-Screen FunctionalitySplit-Screen Functionality
width, Creating a 3D Camera
X, Y coordinates in 2D games, Loading and Drawing Your Sprite
ScrollWheelValue property, Mouse Input
semantics, role in HLSL, Quiz Answers
send options, When the local player starts the game
SetPosition() method, Mouse Input
SetVibration method, Gamepad Input
shader Model, support for, Graphics Profiles
shaders, HLSL Syntax
sheetSize method, Creating a Sprite Class
about, Firing ShotsFiring Shots
direction of, Quiz Answers
shots, Exercise Answer
shut down, Xbox 360, Game Development Versus Polling
sign function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
, gamer services sign-in windows, Quiz Answers
SignIn game state, adding update code, Updating While in the SignIn Game State
Silver Xbox LIVE membership, Adding an Xbox 360 Device
sin function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
sincos function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
sinh function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
skinned effects, Configurable Effects
skull ball image, Adding Some Variety to Your Sprites, Creating Power-Ups
smoothstep function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
Song.FromUri method, Music and Picture Enumeration and Video Playback
sound API
compared to XACT, Using XACT
file types, Using the Simplified API for Sound and Audio
using, Using the Simplified API for Sound and Audio
sound effects (see audio)
sound engines, Implementing XACT Audio Files in Code
SoundEffectInstance object, Using the Simplified API for Sound and Audio
SourceRectangle parameter, Transparency and Other Options
spawn time, Fine-Tuning Gameplay
spawning sprites randomly, Randomly Spawning Sprites
animation, Adjusting the Animation Speed, Adjusting the Animation Speed
evasions, Creating an Evading Sprite
game difficulty, Creating a Chasing Sprite
method, Creating a Sprite Class
parameter, Making Them Move
sprites, Creating an Automated Sprite Class
variables, Let’s Move
vibration speeds, Gamepad Input
spheres, bounding spheres, 3D Collision Detection and Bounding Spheres3D Collision Detection and Bounding Spheres
SpinningEnemy class, Creating a Moving Enemy
splash screens, Adding a Splash Screen Game ComponentAdding a Splash Screen Game Component
split screens in multiplayer games, Split-Screen FunctionalitySplit-Screen Functionality, Quiz Answers
spontaneous dental hydroplosion, Quiz Answers
sprite class, multiplayer games, Modifying the Sprite Class
sprite sheets, Quiz Answers
SpriteBatch class, A Look Behind the Scenes, Coding the SpriteManager
SpriteBatch.Draw method, Transparency and Other Options
spritefonts, Drawing 2D Text, Keeping Score
activating, Enabling/Disabling GameComponents
coding, Coding the SpriteManagerCoding the SpriteManager
sprites, Fun with SpritesTest Your Knowledge: Exercise
2D games, A Look Behind the Scenes
about, A Look Behind the ScenesA Look Behind the Scenes, More SpritesMore Sprites
adding some variety to, Adding Some Variety to Your SpritesAdding Some Variety to Your Sprites
adding to projects, Adding a Sprite to Your Project
animation, AnimationAdjusting the Animation Speed
collisions, Quiz Answers
creating at random intervals, Creating Sprites at Random Intervals
creating automated sprites, Creating an Automated Sprite Class
creating chasing sprites, Creating a Chasing SpriteCreating a Chasing Sprite
creating evading sprites, Creating an Evading SpriteCreating an Evading Sprite
creating sprite classes, Creating a Sprite ClassCreating a Sprite Class
creating user-controlled sprite classes, Creating a User-Controlled Sprite Class
game development versus polling, Game Development Versus PollingGame Development Versus Polling
keeping in game window, Keeping the Sprite in the Game Window
layer depth, Layer DepthLayer Depth
loading and drawing, Loading and Drawing Your Sprite
making automated sprites move around screen, Making Them Move
modifying games, Modifying Your Game
moving objects, Let’s Move
objects, Exercise Answer
randomly generating sprite types, Randomly Generating Different Sprite Types
randomly spawning, Randomly Spawning Sprites
transparency, Transparency and Other OptionsTransparency and Other Options, Quiz Answers
SpriteSortMode parameter type, Layer Depth
sqrt function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
effects, Creating Power-Ups
power-up effects, Creating Power-Ups
starfields, Adding a Starfield
Start game state, adding update code, Updating While in the Start Game StateWhen the remote player starts the game
states, TouchLocation object, Quiz Answers
(see also game states)
step function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
strafing, Moving in a First-Person Camera
GamePadState structure, Gamepad Input
KeyboardState method, Keyboard Input
MouseState structure, Mouse Input
Rectangle structure, Collision Detection
about, HLSL Syntax
defined, Quiz Answers
system requirements, System Requirements


tan function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
TANGENT semantic, Dissecting a Sample HLSL Effect File
tanh function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
TargetElapsedTime property, Adjusting the Framerate
targets, rendering, Graphics Profiles
television display modes, Xbox 360 Display Settings
TESSFACTOR semantic, Dissecting a Sample HLSL Effect File
tex1D function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
tex1Dbias function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
tex1Dgrad function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
tex1Dlod function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
tex1Dproj function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
tex2D function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
tex2Dbias function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
tex2Dgrad function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
tex2Dlod function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
tex2Dproj function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
tex3D function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
tex3Dbias function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
tex3Dgrad function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
tex3Dlod function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
tex3Dproj function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
TEXCOORD semantic, Dissecting a Sample HLSL Effect File, Dissecting a Sample HLSL Effect File, Dissecting a Sample HLSL Effect File
texCUBE function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
texCUBEbias function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
texCUBEgrad function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
texCUBEproj function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
text, drawing 2D text, Drawing 2D TextDrawing 2D Text
texture parameter, Loading and Drawing Your Sprite
Texture parameter, Transparency and Other Options
Texture2D objects, Loading and Drawing Your Sprite, Quiz Answers
textureImage method, Creating a Sprite Class
applying, Primitive Types, Applying Textures
compilation errors, Adding a Model to Your Project
coordinates, Applying Textures, Quiz Answers, Quiz Answers
formats, Graphics Profiles
HLSL, Applying HLSL Using TexturesApplying HLSL Using Textures
in explosions, Quiz Answers
particle engines, Creating a Particle Engine
size, Graphics Profiles
three blades image, Adding Some Variety to Your Sprites
three rings image, Adding Some Variety to Your Sprites
thumbsticks, Gamepad Input
ThumbSticks property, Gamepad Input
timeSinceLastFrame method, Creating a Sprite Class
timeSinceLastFrame variable, Adjusting the Animation Speed
title safe region, Xbox 360, The Title Safe Region
TouchLocation class, Revised Input API, Quiz Answers
TouchLocation states, Finishing Details
TouchPanel class, Revised Input API
track.wav file, looping, Using XACT
about, Movement and Rotation
and rotations, Quiz Answers
rendering portions of images transparently, Transparency and Other Options
sprites, Transparency and Other OptionsTransparency and Other Options, Quiz Answers
transpose function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
triangles, Drawing Primitives
lists, Primitive Types
vertices, Quiz Answers
Triggers property, Gamepad Input
trunc function, Applying HLSL Using Textures
Turing Test, The Turing Test, Quiz Answers
types, GraphicsDeviceManager type, A Look Behind the Scenes


cameraDirection variable, Components of a Moving 3D Camera
declaring in HLSL, HLSL Syntax
defining in HLSL, Dissecting a Sample HLSL Effect File
float3 and float4 variables, HLSL Syntax
global variables in HLSL, Dissecting a Sample HLSL Effect File
likelihoodEvading variable, Adding Some Variety to Your Sprites
millisecondsPerFrame variable, Adjusting the Animation Speed
Projection variable, Dissecting a Sample HLSL Effect File
sprites, More Sprites
timeSinceLastFrame variable, Adjusting the Animation Speed
View variable, Dissecting a Sample HLSL Effect File
World variable, Dissecting a Sample HLSL Effect File
3D graphics, HLSL Syntax
cameraDirection vector, Components of a Moving 3D Camera, Moving in a First-Person Camera
cross product operation, Moving in a First-Person Camera
up vector, Coding the Camera for the 3D Game
vertex declarations, Quiz Answers
vertex element formats, Graphics Profiles
vertex shaders
about, HLSL Basics
input semantics, Dissecting a Sample HLSL Effect File
output semantics, Dissecting a Sample HLSL Effect File
version, Quiz Answers
vertex streams, support for, Graphics Profiles
vertex texture formats, Graphics Profiles
VertexBuffer, Drawing Primitives
VertexColorEnabled property, Drawing Primitives
VertexPositionColor object, Applying Textures
VertexShader object, Dissecting a Sample HLSL Effect File
VertexShaderInput parameter, Dissecting a Sample HLSL Effect File
vertices, Drawing Primitives
drawing, Backface Culling
triangles, Quiz Answers
VFACE semantic, Dissecting a Sample HLSL Effect File
vibrations, Gamepad Input
view matrices, Cameras, Components of a Moving 3D Camera
View variable, Dissecting a Sample HLSL Effect File
viewing frustum, Cameras, Quiz Answers
viewports, split-screens, Split-Screen Functionality
virtual keyword, Creating a Sprite Class
Visible property, Enabling/Disabling GameComponents
Visual C#
availability, System Requirements
HLSL effect files, Applying an HLSL Effect in C#Applying an HLSL Effect in C#
Visual Studio, Quiz Answers
volume texture, Graphics Profiles
VPOS semantic, Dissecting a Sample HLSL Effect File


X property, Mouse Input
XACT (Cross-Platform Audio Creation Tool)
about, Sound Effects and Audio
adding sound, Adding Sound
using, Using XACTUsing XACT
XACT Auditioning Utility, Using XACT
Xbox 360, Deploying to the Xbox 360Test Your Knowledge: Quiz
about, Quiz Answers
adding Xbox 360 device, Adding an Xbox 360 Device
analog controls, Gamepad Input
BasicEffect class and FFP, HLSL Basics
converting projects, Converting a Project to Run on the Xbox 360
deploying, What You Just Did, Deploying to the Xbox 360
display settings, Xbox 360 Display Settings
force feedback, Gamepad Input
framerate default, Adjusting the Framerate
game development capability, Develop Games for Windows Phone 7 Series
game profile defaults, Creating Your First XNA Application
gamepad input, Supporting Gamepad InputSupporting Gamepad Input
graphics support for, Graphics Profiles
shut down, Game Development Versus Polling
title safe region, The Title Safe Region
wireless Xbox 360 controller, Gamepad Input
X, Y coordinates in 2D games, Loading and Drawing Your Sprite
Xbox LIVE Marketplace, Deploying to the Xbox 360
Xbox LIVE works, Network Game Development
XButton1 and XButton2 properties, Mouse Input
XNA 3.x, project folder structure, Revised Project Folder Structure
XNA 4.0
3D games, Wrapping Up Your 3D GameTest Your Knowledge: Exercise
3D models, 3D ModelsTest Your Knowledge: Exercise
artificial intelligence, Basic Artificial IntelligenceTest Your Knowledge: Exercise
collision detection and shooting, 3D Collision Detection and ShootingTest Your Knowledge: Exercise
first person camera, Creating a First-Person CameraTest Your Knowledge: Exercise
game development, 3D Game DevelopmentTest Your Knowledge: Exercise
getting started, Getting StartedTest Your Knowledge: Quiz
HLSL, HLSL BasicsTest Your Knowledge: Exercise
multiplayer games, Multiplayer GamesTest Your Knowledge: Quiz
new features, What’s New in XNA 4.0?Test Your Knowledge: Quiz
object-oriented design, Applying Some Object-Oriented DesignTest Your Knowledge: Exercise
particle systems, Particle SystemsTest Your Knowledge: Quiz
putting it all together, Putting It All TogetherTest Your Knowledge: Exercise
sound effects and audio, Sound Effects and AudioTest Your Knowledge: Exercise
sprites, Fun with SpritesTest Your Knowledge: Exercise
user input and collision detection, User Input and Collision DetectionTest Your Knowledge: Exercise
Windows Phone 7, Developing for Windows Phone 7Test Your Knowledge: Quiz
Xbox 360, Deploying to the Xbox 360Test Your Knowledge: Quiz
XNA applications, creating first application, Creating Your First XNA Application
XNA Creators Club membership, Adding an Xbox 360 Device
XNA Framework
about, System Requirements
graphic device support, Graphics Profiles
and network usage, Network Game Development
XNA logo image, Transparency and Other Options
XSI Mod Tool, Using 3D Models


Y property, Mouse Input
yaw rotation, Rotating a Camera in a Yaw
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