Chapter 12. 3D Collision Detection and Shooting

OK, here we go. Fasten your seatbelts; we’re coming to the final stretch. In the previous chapter, you built a flying camera and discussed differences between that and a land-based camera. Then, you took the code you’ve been building in this 3D section of the book and created a customized camera for your game. In this chapter, you’ll add some game logic and support for shooting and collision detection. We’ve got a lot to do, so let’s get to it.

This chapter picks up with the code that you finished with in Chapter 11. Open the 3D Game project and use it for the examples and walkthroughs in this chapter.


In the source code you’ve download for the book, you’ll find that Chapter 11 has two projects: Flying Camera, which holds the code for the 3D flying camera you created in the first portion of that chapter, and 3D Game, which holds the code for the stationary, customized camera you created in the second part of that chapter. Make sure you use the project called 3D Game for this chapter.

Creating a Moving Enemy

Right now, you have a customized camera that rotates in yaw and pitch directions while looking at a spinning spaceship. That’s pretty sweet, and you may be tempted to release your game now and see if you can pull some users away from World of Warcraft, making millions on monthly subscriptions. I’d caution you to take a step back for a minute, though, and realize that you still have some work to do before you get to that point.

In the game that you’ll be building in the next few chapters, you’ll have a stationary camera from which you’ll shoot at enemies flying toward you. It would make sense, then, to add a new subclass of your BasicModel class to which you can add functionality to fly forward in a given direction. To add a sense of realism, you’re also going to make the enemies roll randomly.

First, you’ll need to modify the SpinningEnemy class. Add the following class-level variables to the SpinningEnemy class:

float yawAngle = 0;
float pitchAngle = 0;
float rollAngle = 0;
Vector3 direction;

Next, modify the constructor of the SpinningEnemy class as follows:

public SpinningEnemy(Model m, Vector3 Position,
    Vector3 Direction, float yaw, float pitch, float roll)
    : base(m)
    world = Matrix.CreateTranslation(Position);
    yawAngle = yaw;
    pitchAngle = pitch;
    rollAngle = roll;
    direction = Direction;

You previously had a parameter for a Model in the constructor, but you’ve now added several others. Let’s look at each of the parameters you’ve added to the constructor and what they’re used for:

Vector3 Position

The position parameter represents, strangely enough, the position of the object. Remember that in your BasicModel class, you have a world variable that is initially set to Matrix.Identity. In the constructor for the SpinningEnemy class, you’re setting the world matrix of the base class to a Matrix.Translation using the passed-in position vector. This will make the initial position of the object be the point represented by the position vector parameter.

Vector3 Direction

The direction parameter represents the direction in which the object moves, as well as the speed at which it moves. In the constructor, you’re simply assigning this parameter’s value to a class variable to keep track of it for later use. In the Update method, notice that the world variable (which you’re using to represent the position of the object) is multiplied by a new Matrix.Translation using the direction vector. This will move the object in the direction specified by the parameter at a speed equal to the magnitude of that vector every time Update is called.

float yaw, float pitch, float roll

The yaw, pitch, and roll angle parameters represent how many degrees, in radians, to rotate the object on a yaw, pitch, or roll every time Update is called. In the constructor, you assign the values to class variables. In the Update method, notice that you are multiplying a new matrix called rotation (which is a class-level variable initialized to Matrix.Identity) by a Matrix.CreateFromYawPitchRoll using the yaw, pitch, and roll angles as parameters. This will cause the object to rotate incrementally every time the Update method is called.

Next, modify the Update method of your SpinningEnemy class to rotate the model using the yaw, pitch, and roll variables passed into the constructor and then to move the model using the direction vector:

public override void Update(  )
    // Rotate model
    rotation *= Matrix.CreateFromYawPitchRoll(yawAngle,
        pitchAngle, rollAngle);

    // Move model
    world *= Matrix.CreateTranslation(direction);

Finally, modify the GetWorld method as follows to return the rotation multiplied by the world matrix:

public override Matrix GetWorld(  )
    return rotation * world;

Your newly modified SpinningEnemy class deals with two matrices to represent the position and rotation of the model the class represents. First, the rotation matrix is used to keep track of how much the object rotates. Second, the world matrix is used to keep track of how far the object is moved (using the CreateTranslation method). Returning the rotation matrix multiplied by the world matrix causes the object to spin in place while moving in the direction specified by the direction vector.


So, here’s a question for you: what would be different if you returned world * rotation in the GetWorld method instead of rotation * world?

Whereas rotation * world will cause the object to spin in place while moving in the direction specified by the direction vector, world * rotation will cause the object to move in the direction specified by the direction vector while orbiting the origin. This small change to the matrix multiplication causes some very different functionality. A little later in this chapter, you’ll have some objects of this class moving around the screen, and you can play with the GetWorld method to get different effects.

Adding Some Game Logic

Good times. Now that you have a class that will create a moving enemy, you need to add some game logic. As with nearly any game, there will be an element of randomness in this game, so you’ll need to add a random number generator. Remember that you always want to have only one random number generator that you use throughout your entire game. If you have multiple random number generator variables, there’s a possibility that some of the variables might end up with the same random seeds, in which case the number sequences will be the same (and will no longer be random). Add a Random object to your Game1 class and a public auto-property for that object:

public Random rnd { get; protected set; }

Then, initialize the rnd variable in the constructor of the Game1 class:

rnd = new Random(  );

While you’re working in the Game1 class, go ahead and change the background color of the game to black, to make it look more like we’re in outer space (yay—outer space!!!). Remember that to change the background color, you change the parameter sent to the Clear method in Game1’s Draw method:


Also, you’ll probably want to make your game play in full-screen mode and in a decent resolution. Let’s go with 1,280×1,024 (you’ll want to make sure that your resolution is a standard resolution supported by most PC monitors, and the 1,280×1,024 resolution definitely passes that test). To change the screen size and specify full-screen mode, add the following code to the end of the constructor of the Game1 class:

graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth = 1280;
    graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight = 1024;
#if !DEBUG
    graphics.IsFullScreen = true;


The resolution you specify only indicates the preferred resolution. If for some reason the PC the game is played on can’t support that resolution, your game will run in another resolution.

Also bear in mind that the Game.Window.ClientBounds method that you have been using in this book to detect the edges of the screen depends on your screen being large enough to accommodate the resolution you specify. For example, if you are running a widescreen monitor at a resolution of 1,400×900, you won’t be able to fit a 1,280×1,024-sized window on your screen. This will cause issues with gameplay down the road. Make sure that the screen size you choose will fit the monitor you’re using.

All right, now you’re going to want to add some functionality to your ModelManager class that will periodically spawn enemies. You did something like this in your 2D game earlier in this book, but we’re going to take it a step further this time and add increasingly difficult levels to the logic. The first thing you’ll need to do is remove the line of code that creates the spinning ship that you have currently. This line is the call to the models.Add method in your ModelManager’s LoadContent method. Remove the following code entirely:

models.Add(new BasicModel(

Now, running your game will display a black screen with no objects visible whatsoever. That’s weak sauce, and you can do better. In your game, you’re going to be implementing a series of increasingly difficult levels in which enemies spawn and fly toward the player, and the player has to shoot them down to move to the next level. To begin, add a new class to your game called LevelInfo, and replace the code in that class with the following:

namespace _3D_Game
    class LevelInfo
        // Spawn variables
        public int minSpawnTime { get; set; }
        public int maxSpawnTime { get; set; }

        // Enemy count variables
        public int numberEnemies { get; set; }
        public int minSpeed { get; set; }
        public int maxSpeed { get; set; }

        // Misses
        public int missesAllowed { get; set; }

        public LevelInfo(int minSpawnTime, int maxSpawnTime,
            int numberEnemies, int minSpeed, int maxSpeed,
            int missesAllowed)
            this.minSpawnTime = minSpawnTime;
            this.maxSpawnTime = maxSpawnTime;
            this.numberEnemies = numberEnemies;
            this.minSpeed = minSpeed;
            this.maxSpeed = maxSpeed;
            this.missesAllowed = missesAllowed;

Basically, you’ll be creating an object of type LevelInfo for each level in your game. Let’s take a look at what each of the variables in LevelInfo will be used for:

int[] minSpawnTimes

This array of integers represents the minimum spawn time (in milliseconds) for a new enemy. The reason for the array? Each element in the array represents the minimum spawn time for a different level of the game.

int[] maxSpawnTimes

This array of integers represents the maximum spawn time (in milliseconds) for a new enemy. Each element in the array represents the maximum spawn time for a different level.

int[] numberEnemies

This represents how many enemies will spawn per level. Once this number is reached and all enemies are off the screen, the current level ends and the next level begins.

int maxSpeed and int minSpeed

This represents the maximum speed of an enemy. This is an int instead of a Vector3 because your enemies will move only in positive Z. When spawning a new enemy, you’ll be using a direction vector of (0, 0) and some random value between minSpeed and maxSpeed.

int[] missesAllowed

This will be used for your end-game logic. A player is allowed to let only a certain number of enemies get past her during each level. Once this number is reached in a given level, the game ends.

Now, add the following class-level variables to your ModelManager class. These variables are all used to help create increasingly difficult levels of enemies flying toward the camera:

// Spawn variables
Vector3 maxSpawnLocation = new Vector3(100, 100, −3000);
int nextSpawnTime = 0;
int timeSinceLastSpawn = 0;
float maxRollAngle = MathHelper.Pi / 40;

// Enemy count
int enemiesThisLevel = 0;

// Misses variables
int missedThisLevel = 0;

// Current level
int currentLevel = 0;
// List of LevelInfo objects
List<LevelInfo> levelInfoList = new List<LevelInfo>(  );

Let’s look at each of these variables and what you’ll be using them for:

Vector3 maxSpawnLocation

This vector will be used to represent the starting location of the enemy ships. The Z value is a constant with all ships: all ships will start at −3,000. The X and Y values will be used as ranges from -X to +X and -Y to +Y, respectively. Essentially, when spawning an enemy, you’ll place it at some random location between -X and +X, between -Y and +Y, and at −3,000 Z.

int nextSpawnTime

This variable will be used to identify when the next enemy should spawn. It will be generated as a random number between the minSpawnTime and maxSpawnTime for the current level.

int timeSinceLastSpawn

This variable will be used to track how much time has passed since the last enemy spawned and compared against the nextSpawnTime variable to determine when a new enemy should spawn.

float maxRollAngle

This value will represent the maximum roll angle to pass to your SpinningEnemy class. The value passed in will be some random value between -maxRollAngle and +maxRollAngle.

int enemiesThisLevel

This variable will be used to keep track of how many enemies have been spawned so far in the current level and compared against the numberEnemies array to determine when the level ends.

int missedThisLevel

This variable will be used to keep track of how many enemies have eluded the player in the current level and compared against the missesAllowed array to determine game-over conditions.

int currentLevel

This variable will hold the number reflecting the current level of the game. When the game starts, the value of currentLevel is 0, and the game is on level 1. This value is zero-based for easier access to the previously listed arrays.


This variable will store a list of LevelInfo objects that will describe spawn times, speeds, and so on for each game level.

Once you have added those variables to your ModelManager class, you need to initialize your levelInfoList object with information for each of the game levels you’ll be implementing. Add the following code to the constructor of the ModelManager class:

// Initialize game levels
levelInfoList.Add(new LevelInfo(1000, 3000, 20, 2,  6,  10));
levelInfoList.Add(new LevelInfo(900,  2800, 22, 2,  6,  9));
levelInfoList.Add(new LevelInfo(800,  2600, 24, 2,  6,  8));
levelInfoList.Add(new LevelInfo(700,  2400, 26, 3,  7,  7));
levelInfoList.Add(new LevelInfo(600,  2200, 28, 3,  7,  6));
levelInfoList.Add(new LevelInfo(500,  2000, 30, 3,  7,  5));
levelInfoList.Add(new LevelInfo(400,  1800, 32, 4,  7,  4));
levelInfoList.Add(new LevelInfo(300,  1600, 34, 4,  8,  3));
levelInfoList.Add(new LevelInfo(200,  1400, 36, 5,  8,  2));
levelInfoList.Add(new LevelInfo(100,  1200, 38, 5,  9,  1));
levelInfoList.Add(new LevelInfo(50,   1000, 40, 6,  9,  0));
levelInfoList.Add(new LevelInfo(50,   800,  42, 6,  9,  0));
levelInfoList.Add(new LevelInfo(50,   600,  44, 8,  10, 0));
levelInfoList.Add(new LevelInfo(25,   400,  46, 8,  10, 0));
levelInfoList.Add(new LevelInfo(0,    200,  48, 18, 20, 0));

This code creates 15 different levels, each represented by an instance of LevelInfo. In this code, you’re setting the spawn times and speeds for each enemy created, as well as the number of enemies to create in each level and how many enemies the player can miss in each level before the game ends. You can see by the numbers that the game will get increasingly more difficult from level to level.


How did I know to use these values for each of the levels? And how did I know to start the enemy ships at −3,000 Z? Mostly by trial and error. When creating a game like this, you start working on the concept and then, as you play the game, you get a feel for how things are working. If the enemies seem to be moving too quickly, slow them down. If they start too close to the camera, move them back. Getting other people’s feedback on all of this is very important as well, because generally speaking, you’ll want your game to appeal to a wider audience than just you as the developer.

Next, you need to start thinking about when you’ll spawn your first enemy. Right now, there is no logic indicating when a new enemy will spawn. You’ll need to create a method that sets the nextSpawnTime variable in order to spawn your first enemy. Add the following method to the ModelManager class:

private void SetNextSpawnTime(  )
    nextSpawnTime = ((Game1)Game).rnd.Next(
    timeSinceLastSpawn = 0;

Note that in this method the nextSpawnTime variable is set to a random number using the Random object in the Game1 class. The resulting value is some number between the minSpawnTime and maxSpawnTime for the current level, using the levelInfoList list offset by the current level index. Then, the timeSinceLastSpawn variable is set to 0, which will let you count milliseconds from the time of this method call until the next spawn time has been reached.

Next, call the SetNextSpawnTime method in the Initialize method of your ModelManager class. This will set the nextSpawnTime and allow you to count down to the time you’ll unleash your first enemy on the pitiful human player:

// Set initial spawn time
SetNextSpawnTime(  );

Now you’ll need to code a method that will actually spawn a new enemy:

private void SpawnEnemy(  )
    // Generate random position with random X and random Y
    // between -maxX and maxX and -maxY and maxY. Z is always
    // the same for all ships.
    Vector3 position = new Vector3(((Game1)Game).rnd.Next(
        -(int)maxSpawnLocation.X, (int)maxSpawnLocation.X),
        -(int)maxSpawnLocation.Y, (int)maxSpawnLocation.Y),

    // Direction will always be (0, 0, Z), where
    // Z is a random value between minSpeed and maxSpeed
    Vector3 direction = new Vector3(0, 0,

    // Get a random roll rotation between -maxRollAngle and maxRollAngle
    float rollRotation = (float)((Game1)Game).rnd.NextDouble(  ) *
            maxRollAngle - (maxRollAngle / 2);

    // Add model to the list
    models.Add(new SpinningEnemy(
        position, direction, 0, 0, rollRotation));

    // Increment # of enemies this level and set next spawn time
    SetNextSpawnTime(  );

This method creates a new SpinningEnemy and adds it to the list of models in your ModelManager. First, the position is generated as a Vector3 with random values between -maxSpawnLocation.X and +maxSpawnLocation.X, -maxSpawnLocation.Y and +maxSpawnLocation.Y, and maxSpawnLocation.Z.

Then, the direction is calculated, using 0 for X and Y and a random value between minSpeed and maxSpeed for Z, which will move the objects toward the camera at different speeds in the direction of positive Z.

Next, the roll rotation is calculated as a random value between -maxRollAngle and +maxRollAngle. The enemy being created will not rotate in a pitch or a yaw, so the only rotation generated is for the roll.

The model is then created and added to the models list, the enemiesThisLevel variable is incremented, and the next spawn time is set via a call to SetNextSpawnTime.

When the next spawn time has been reached, you’ll need to actually spawn your enemies. Add the following method to the ModelManager class to spawn a new enemy when the time is right:

protected void CheckToSpawnEnemy(GameTime gameTime)
    // Time to spawn a new enemy?
    if (enemiesThisLevel <
        timeSinceLastSpawn += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds;
        if (timeSinceLastSpawn > nextSpawnTime)
            SpawnEnemy(  );

Then, call the new method at the top of the Update method in your ModelManager class:

// Check to see if it's time to spawn

The if statement at the beginning of this code will prevent enemies from spawning if all of the enemies allocated for the current level have already been spawned. Then, using the gameTime variable, you increment the timeSinceLastSpawn variable. When the value of the timeSinceLastSpawn variable is greater than the value of the nextSpawnTime variable, the time has come to launch a new enemy. Calling SpawnEnemy will both create a new enemy and reset the spawn timers, so that’s all you need to do at this point.

Finally, because your game camera rotates only 45°, once an enemy has passed out of the camera’s field of view, it’s out of play and needs to be removed from the game. You currently have a public accessor for the Vector3 cameraPosition variable in your Camera class, which will allow your ModelManager to use that property to detect when an enemy has passed out of the camera’s field of view.

The Matrix class has a Translation property that returns a Vector3 representing the net translations applied to the Matrix. You can use this property in the ModelManager class on all of the enemy ships that you create and compare it against the Z coordinate from your camera’s cameraPosition auto-implemented property to determine whether the Z value of the ship’s translation is greater than the Z value of the camera’s position (indicating that the ship has passed out of view). If that is the case, the ship is out of bounds and should be removed from the game.

Modify the code that calls the Update method on each model in the models list (in the Update method of your ModelManager class) to remove models once they are out of play. Remove the following code from the Update method of your ModelManager class:

// Loop through all models and call Update
for (int i = 0; i < models.Count; ++i)
    models[i].Update(  );

and add the following method, which will loop through your ship models, update them, and remove them when they are out of bounds:

protected void UpdateModels(  )
    // Loop through all models and call Update
    for (int i = 0; i < models.Count; ++i)
        // Update each model
        models[i].Update(  );

        // Remove models that are out of bounds
        if (models[i].GetWorld(  ).Translation.Z >
            ((Game1)Game).camera.cameraPosition.Z + 100)

Next, call the UpdateModels method from the Update method of your ModelManager class, just before the call to base.Update:

// Update models
UpdateModels(  );

Wow! You just made a huge amount of progress. At this point, you should be able to compile and run your game and see that you have enemies that move toward the camera and roll randomly left or right for a bit of realism, as seen in Figure 12-1. You’re making some great strides in your game now. The next thing to do is add the ability to shoot down the enemies!

Enemies are coming at us in droves!
Figure 12-1. Enemies are coming at us in droves!

Firing Shots

Many types of games have some form of projectile that is thrown or shot toward other players or enemies. How would you go about adding the ability to shoot a projectile of some sort in your game? Think about it at its most basic level, and you’ll realize that a projectile flying through the air or through space is just like the moving camera and moving objects you’ve already implemented in previous chapters of this book. Essentially, your shots (or bullets) will each consist of a model, a position, and a direction, and potentially some form of rotation as well. Seems like an easy enough concept. Let’s see how you can add it to your game.

Your SpinningEnemy class already has all the components that a shot requires, so you can use that class for the shots as well as the enemy ships. Isn’t it great to have a generic, multipurpose class that can be reused for different things? Think of all the time you just saved! You’re already done coding your shot class…nice job!

The next step to creating a shot is to add the shot model to your project. If you haven’t already, download the source code for this chapter of the book. With the source code for this chapter is a model file called ammo.x in the 3D Game3D GameContentModels folder. In Visual Studio, add the ammo.x file to your project by right-clicking the 3D GameContentModels folder in Solution Explorer, selecting AddExisting Item…, browsing to the location of the ammo.x file, and selecting it.

Once you’ve added the ammo.x file to your project, add a couple of class-level variables to your ModelManager class to help you keep track of the shots you fire:

List<BasicModel> shots = new List<BasicModel>(  );
float shotMinZ = −3000;

The first variable is a new list of BasicModel objects. This list will contain all shots fired. Because the shots use the same class as the ships, you could store your shot objects in the same list as your enemy ships. Although that method would work, some added processor time would be required to identify which objects are ships and which ones are shots when it comes to collision detection (you don’t care whether shots hit shots or ships hit ships; all you care about in this particular game is when a shot hits a ship). So, given that description of the game, the best route is to have a list for ships and another list for shots.

The second variable added in the preceding code is the minimum Z value for a shot. Once a shot travels beyond −3,000 in the Z direction, the shot is out of play and will be marked for removal from the list.

Next, you’ll need to create a way to add shots to the ModelManager. Your model manager is responsible for adding enemy ships on its own because your enemies are autogenerated at random intervals. However, shots will be added based on user input, and that’s really outside the scope of responsibilities of your ModelManager class; all that it should be responsible for is managing models, not handling user input.

So, you’ll be adding shots from within your Game1 class, and you’ll need to have a way to add shots to the ModelManager’s shot list. Add the following method to your ModelManager to allow the Game1 class to add shots to the list:

public void AddShot(Vector3 position, Vector3 direction)
    shots.Add(new SpinningEnemy(
        position, direction, 0, 0, 0));

You’ll also need to update and draw your shots every time your ModelManager’s Update and Draw methods are called. You’ll handle this in the same way that you did with your enemy ships. In addition, when updating your shots, you’ll want to check to make sure that the shots are still in play (i.e., that they haven’t passed the shotMinZ value indicating that they’ve traveled out of bounds). Any shots that are no longer in play should be removed. Add the following method to your ModelManager class to update each shot and remove those that are out of bounds:

protected void UpdateShots(  )
    // Loop through shots
    for (int i = 0; i < shots.Count; ++i)
        // Update each shot
        shots[i].Update(  );

        // If shot is out of bounds, remove it from game
        if (shots[i].GetWorld(  ).Translation.Z < shotMinZ)

Next, call the UpdateShots method from your ModelManager’s Update method, just before the call to base.Update:

// Update shots
UpdateShots(  );

Notice that you can use the Translation property of your shot’s world matrix to determine the position of the object and compare it against the value of shotMinZ. You probably noticed this already, but this is basically the same way that you are comparing your enemy ships against the camera position to see whether they are out of bounds.

To draw your shots, add the following code to your ModelManager’s Draw method, just before the base.Draw call:

// Loop through and draw each shot
foreach (BasicModel bm in shots)

All right, that’s all for the ModelManager class for now. Let’s move on to the Camera class.

What? Wait a minute. Why are we modifying the Camera class to add shooting ability?

Well, remember when I mentioned that a shot is basically the same as a moving camera or a moving object with a position and a direction? That’s true, and the initial position of the shot will be the location where the shot originated (in your game’s case, that will be the camera position). But what direction will you give each shot? The direction of a shot is the direction of the object that created the shot. For example, if you have a gun pointing in some direction and it shoots a bullet, the bullet will have a direction vector, and that direction vector will be the same as the gun’s direction vector.

In your game, the camera will determine the direction of the shot, and therefore the Game1 class needs to be able to get the direction vector of the camera. So, you’ll need to add a public accessor for your Camera class’s cameraDirection variable:

public Vector3 GetCameraDirection
    get { return cameraDirection; }


Why create a traditional property accessor for the cameraDirection rather than using an auto-implemented property, like you do with the cameraPosition?

In the constructor of the Camera class, you call Normalize on the cameraDirection. This will not work properly on an auto-implemented property, so it’s best to leave the cameraDirection member alone and create a new, traditional accessor for that property.

Now, in your Game1 class, let’s take a look at what you’ll need to add to generate shots. First, add three class-level variables to help with your shot logic:

float shotSpeed = 10;
int shotDelay = 300;
int shotCountdown = 0;

Let’s look at these variables. First, you added a shot speed variable, which will be multiplied by the direction vector to give the shot some added power in the velocity department.

Next, you added shot delay and shot countdown variables. What are these for? Well, consider that you’re going to be checking for user input in order to fire a shot. The player will be able to fire a shot by pressing the space bar or the left mouse button, and you’ll be checking for that user input in your Game1’s Update method. Remember how many times a second the Update method is called? If all goes well, it’ll be called around 60 times per second. Now, imagine if you simply fired a shot in the Update method every time the space bar was pressed or the left mouse button was clicked. If you hold down the space bar for a half a second, you’ve just fired around 30 shots! I’m all in favor of cool rapid-fire action, but that’s a bit too much.

To prevent this overload, a common behavior for a weapon is to have a delay period after a shot is fired during which no more shots can be fired.

The shotDelay variable you added represents the duration of your weapon’s shot delay, and the shotCountdown variable will be used to determine when the shot delay expires and another shot can be fired.

Add the following method to the Game1 class, which will cause shots to be fired when the player presses the left mouse button or the space bar, but only if the shot delay has expired:

protected void FireShots(GameTime gameTime)
    if (shotCountdown <= 0)
        // Did player press space bar or left mouse button?
        if (Keyboard.GetState(  ).IsKeyDown(Keys.Space) ||
            Mouse.GetState(  ).LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
            // Add a shot to the model manager
                camera.cameraPosition + new Vector3(0, −5, 0),
                camera.GetCameraDirection * shotSpeed);

            // Reset the shot countdown
            shotCountdown = shotDelay;
        shotCountdown −= gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds;

Next, call the FireShots method in your Game1’s Update method, just before the call to base.Update:

// See if the player has fired a shot

Essentially, you fire the weapon only when the shotCountdown has reached or passed zero. If that is the case, you check to see whether the space bar or the left mouse button is pressed. If one of them is pressed, you’re ready to fire a shot. Yeah, get ready…and hide the children, this is getting very exciting!

First, you call the ModelManager’s AddShot method, which you added earlier to add a shot to its list of shots. For the position parameter, you pass in the camera’s position, but you also add a vector to that position that pushes the vector toward negative Y. This is because if you fired the shot from the actual camera position, you would see a huge blob of a model on the screen as the model moved away from the camera position. To prevent this and give a more realistic effect, you add some negative Y to the position so your shot will appear to come from just below the camera.

The direction of the shot is composed of the direction of the camera multiplied by the shotSpeed variable.

Once the shot is added, you assign the value of the shotDelay variable to the shotCountdown variable, preventing another shot from being fired until the shotCountdown variable reaches zero again.

If the shotCountdown is not zero or less during a call to Update, the initial if statement in the FireShots method evaluates as false and the shotCountdown variable is decremented by the elapsed time in the else portion of that statement.

Compile and run your game, and you should see that shots are fired when you press the space bar or the left mouse button (see Figure 12-2). Also, notice that holding down the space bar or left mouse button causes the shots to be fired every 300 milliseconds (or the equivalent of the shot delay time). Who needs Unreal Tournament when you have this kind of sweet gameplay?

Dang…I’m kind of a bad shot
Figure 12-2. Dang…I’m kind of a bad shot

Well, great job getting to this point. The ships are flying and the shots are looking great. There’s one problem, though: the shots don’t do anything when they collide with a ship. Yeah, yeah, yeah…minor detail, right? It’s probably worth fixing anyway. Let’s look at how you can add some collision detection using XNA’s BoundingSphere class.

3D Collision Detection and Bounding Spheres

In the 2D section of this book, we covered a bounding-box algorithm for collision detection. Essentially, the algorithm uses an invisible box that surrounds an object and is used to determine whether another object’s box intersects with it. The bounding-box algorithm is one of the fastest collision-detection algorithms.

A similar approach is to use spheres surrounding the objects, rather than boxes. The same concept applies: you check an object’s sphere to determine whether it has collided with another object’s sphere.

When you use models in XNA, bounding spheres are generated for you as part of the model. Each model contains one or more ModelMesh objects, and each ModelMesh has a property called BoundingSphere that defines a sphere surrounding that part of the model.

The tricky part of this is that when you apply a translation or scale to the model, the BoundingSphere of the model is not affected. So, to use the BoundingSphere specified in the model, you have to apply the same translations and scales to it that you apply to your model.

To do this, you’ll be adding a collision-detection method inside the BasicModel class, to which you’ll pass another BasicModel’s model and world to check for collisions against all of its ModelMesh’s BoundingSpheres.

This collision-detection method will receive a different model and world matrix in its parameter list. The method will loop through all of its own ModelMeshes and then loop through the other Model’s ModelMeshes and check its own ModelMesh’s BoundingSpheres for collisions with the other model’s BoundingSpheres. Before comparing the BoundingSpheres for each object, the method will have to apply the world matrix to the BoundingSphere using the Transform method, which will move and rotate the BoundingSphere to the same place that you have already moved and rotated its model.


Although it’s important to apply any translations or scaling operations that have been applied to the model’s world matrix to the BoundingSphere, any rotations applied to the model don’t need to be applied to the BoundingSphere. This is because the BoundingSphere is a sphere: any rotation applied to it won’t affect its shape. That said, it won’t do any harm to apply the rotations to the BoundingSphere anyway.

Add the following method to your BasicModel class:

public bool CollidesWith(Model otherModel, Matrix otherWorld)
    // Loop through each ModelMesh in both objects and compare
    // all bounding spheres for collisions
    foreach (ModelMesh myModelMeshes in model.Meshes)
        foreach (ModelMesh hisModelMeshes in otherModel.Meshes)
            if (myModelMeshes.BoundingSphere.Transform(
                GetWorld(  )).Intersects(
                return true;
    return false;

That’s really all there is to it. Not too shabby, eh? Now you’re going to have to add some code to your ModelManager to handle collisions.

In the UpdateShots method of your ModelManager class, you’ve already added some code to remove shots when they are out of bounds, using the shotMinZ variable as a gauge. Change your if statement that checks for shots that are out of bounds to an if/else statement. In the else portion of the statement, call the shot’s CollidesWith method, passing in the model and world matrix of each enemy ship in a loop. If a collision is detected, remove the ship and the shot and exit the loop.

Change the UpdateShots method from the following:

protected void UpdateShots(  )
    // Loop through shots
    for (int i = 0; i < shots.Count; ++i)
        // Update each shot
        shots[i].Update(  );

        // If shot is out of bounds, remove it from game
        if (shots[i].GetWorld(  ).Translation.Z < shotMinZ)

to this:

protected void UpdateShots(  )
    // Loop through shots
    for (int i = 0; i < shots.Count; ++i)
        // Update each shot
        shots[i].Update(  );

        // If shot is out of bounds, remove it from game
        if (shots[i].GetWorld(  ).Translation.Z < shotMinZ)
            // If shot is still in play, check for collisions
            for (int j = 0; j < models.Count; ++j)
                if (shots[i].CollidesWith(models[j].model,
                    models[j].GetWorld(  )))
                    // Collision! remove the ship and the shot.

Bam! You have collision detection using BoundingSpheres! Run the game at this point and shoot at your enemies. You may find it difficult to keep track of where the enemies are spawning from and to keep your camera facing in that direction. We’ll fix that shortly. Also, you may find the collision detection as it’s currently implemented is good enough for you, or you may find it too forgiving or not forgiving enough. You can tweak the size of the BoundingSpheres by applying a uniform scale in addition to the world matrix to modify the size, which will make the collision detection more or less forgiving.

Also, if you find the ships are too fast and too hard to hit, you can tweak the speed of the ships using the minSpeed and maxSpeed variables in the list of LevelInfo objects. This is your game, and you want it to play the way that you like it, so you can really tweak whatever you want to fit your needs.

Adding a Crosshair

One other thing that you’ve probably noticed is missing at this point is some way to make sure you’re aiming at the correct place. Typically, this is done by placing a crosshair on the screen. Even though you’re working in XNA 3D, you can still draw 2D sprites on the screen, just as you did earlier in this book. Drawing the crosshair on the screen in 2D rather than in the world in 3D will make it a lot easier to work with. Imagine if you wanted it to be drawn in the world in 3D. In this case you’d have to draw it a few units in front of the camera, and every time your camera rotated or moved, you’d have to adjust the crosshair accordingly.

When drawing a crosshair on the screen, you can basically “set it and forget it,” just like in that annoying rotisserie chicken infomercial. However, this isn’t annoying—this is pretty cool stuff. (Although, if you’re interested in rotisserie chicken ovens, I can get you a sweet deal for five easy installments of only $29.99. But that’s a different book—now back to XNA.)

The first thing you’ll need to do is add an image of a crosshair to your project. To start, create a new folder under the 3D GameContent project in Solution Explorer for textures. Right-click the 3D GameContent project in Solution Explorer, select AddNew Folder, and name the new folder Textures.

With the source code for this chapter is a file called crosshair.png in the 3D Game3D GameContentTextures folder. Add the file to your project by right-clicking the 3D GameContentTextures folder in Solution Explorer, choosing AddExisting Item…, browsing to the crosshair.png file, and selecting it.

Next, in your Game1 class, you’ll need to add a Texture2D class-level variable to hold your image:

Texture2D crosshairTexture;

In the LoadContent method of your Game1 class, you’ll need to load the crosshair.png image into your new crosshairTexture variable via the content pipeline:

crosshairTexture = Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"texturescrosshair");

Now all you have to do is draw your texture on the screen using the spriteBatch provided. You’ll have to use the screen size and the size of the texture to center the crosshair exactly in the middle of the screen (what good is a slightly off-center crosshair?). You’ll add the code to draw the crosshair to the Draw method of the Game1 class, after the call to base.Draw.

Add the following code at the end of the Draw method in the Game1 class:

spriteBatch.Begin(  );

    new Vector2((Window.ClientBounds.Width / 2)
        - (crosshairTexture.Width / 2),
        (Window.ClientBounds.Height / 2)
        - (crosshairTexture.Height / 2)),

spriteBatch.End(  );

There you have it. Run the game now and see if adding a crosshair has helped your aim. You should see the crosshair in the center of the screen, as shown in Figure 12-3.

Those enemy ships don’t stand a chance with your sweet new crosshair image guiding your shots!
Figure 12-3. Those enemy ships don’t stand a chance with your sweet new crosshair image guiding your shots!

Adding Sound

Another thing your game really lacks is the atmosphere and pizzazz that only audio can give. In this section, you’ll add some sound effects and soundtracks to your game.

In Visual Studio, use the Solution Explorer to add a new folder under the 3D GameContent project called Audio (right-click the 3D GameContent project and select AddNew Folder).

Launch the Microsoft Cross-Platform Audio Creation Tool (XACT) by clicking on your Windows Start button and selecting All ProgramsMicrosoft XNA Game Studio 4.0ToolsMicrosoft Cross-Platform Audio Creation Tool (XACT).

In XACT, select FileNew Project, navigate to your project’s 3D GameContentAudio directory, and save the file as GameAudio.xap. Once your project is ready, create a new wave bank and a new sound bank by right-clicking on the Wave Banks and Sound Banks tree items on the left and selecting New Wave Bank and New Sound Bank, respectively. Accept the default names for the wave and sound banks. Once both are created, select WindowTile Horizontally to organize your windows for easier use.

There are six .wav files located in the 3D Game3D GameContentAudio folder of the source code for this chapter. Copy those files to your project’s 3D GameContentAudio folder in Windows Explorer. Here are the files:

  • Explosion1.wav

  • Explosion2.wav

  • Explosion3.wav

  • Shot.wav

  • Track1.wav

  • Track2.wav

Again, remember that when dealing with audio in XACT, you don’t add the actual .wav files to your project in Visual Studio; you only copy the files to the project’s 3D GameContentAudio folder in Windows Explorer. You’ll add these files to an XACT project, and that project file is the only audio file that you’ll need to add to the project from within Visual Studio.

In the Wave Bank window, right-click in an empty section and select Insert Wave File(s)…. Browse to the six .wav files just listed, and add each of them to your wave bank. The files should show up in your Wave Bank window in red, indicating that they aren’t currently used (see Figure 12-4).

Drag the Shot sound from the Wave Bank window to the Cue Name portion of the Sound Bank window. This will create both a cue and a sound for the Shot in the Sound Bank window, as pictured in Figure 12-5.

Six .wav files added to the wave bank
Figure 12-4. Six .wav files added to the wave bank
The Shot has a cue and a sound associated with it
Figure 12-5. The Shot has a cue and a sound associated with it

Next, you’re going to create a single cue that will play both of the sound files, with a 50% probability assigned to each. This will allow you to call that particular cue from code and have it play one track 50% of the time and the other track the rest of the time.

To do this, drag the Track1.wav and Track2.wav files from the Wave Bank window to the Sound Name section of the Sound Bank window. Until now, I’ve always told you to make sure that you drop the sounds into the Cue Name section of the Sound Bank window. In this case, however, you want to drop them into the Sound Name section because you don’t want to create cue names for each of these sounds; instead, you’ll be creating a single cue name for both of the sounds.

Next, right-click somewhere in the open space in the Cue Name section of the Sound Bank window and select New Cue. A new cue name will be created with the name “New Cue”. Select the new cue and hit F2 to rename it. Name the new cue Tracks.

Next, drag the Track1 and Track2 sounds from the Sound Name section of the Sound Bank window and drop them onto the new Tracks cue that you’ve created in the Cue Name section of the Sound Bank window. This will add both sounds to the new Tracks cue and will give each track a 50% probability of playing. Basically what happens here is when you play the Tracks cue from XNA, it will play one of the sounds associated with that cue, selecting which one to play based on the probabilities listed here.

Your Sound Bank window should now look like Figure 12-6.

Track1 and Track2 sounds are both now associated with the Tracks cue name
Figure 12-6. Track1 and Track2 sounds are both now associated with the Tracks cue name

You’ll now need to do the same thing with the explosion sounds. You have three sounds for explosions loaded in your wave bank. Drag all three explosion sounds from the Wave Bank window and drop them into the Sound Name section of the Sound Bank window.

Right-click somewhere in the Cue Name section of the Sound Bank window and select New Cue. Select the new cue and hit F2 to rename it. Call the new cue Explosions.

Then, drag each of the explosion sounds from the Sound Name section of the Sound Bank window and drop them onto the new Explosions cue in the Cue Name section of the Sound Bank window. Notice that each of the explosion sounds is automatically assigned a 33% chance of being played when the Explosions cue is played.

Your Sound Bank window should now look something like Figure 12-7.

Before closing XACT, you’ll want to set the looping properties of both the Track1 and Track2 sounds to infinite. First, select the Track1 sound in the Sound Name section of the Sound Bank window. Then, in the lower-left corner of the screen, click the Infinite checkbox in the looping section, as shown in Figure 12-8. Repeat this step for Track2 as well.

All sounds are ready to go
Figure 12-7. All sounds are ready to go
Setting the looping property of your Track1 and Track2 sounds to infinite
Figure 12-8. Setting the looping property of your Track1 and Track2 sounds to infinite

You’re finished with XACT, so save your project, close XACT, and go back to Visual Studio.

In Visual Studio, you’ll need to add the .xap file from XACT to your project. Right-click the 3D GameContentAudio folder in Solution Explorer, select AddExisting Item…, and navigate to your GameAudio.xap file (which should be saved in your project’s 3D GameContentAudio folder). Add the file to your solution by browsing to it and selecting it.

Once the .xap file is part of your solution, you’ll need to add some code to your Game1 class. Add the following class-level variables:

AudioEngine audioEngine;
WaveBank waveBank;
SoundBank soundBank;
Cue trackCue;

Next, you’ll need to initialize those variables via the content pipeline. Load the sounds from your XACT project by adding the following lines to the LoadContent method of your Game1 class:

// Load sounds and play initial sounds
audioEngine = new AudioEngine(@"ContentAudioGameAudio.xgs");
waveBank = new WaveBank(audioEngine, @"ContentAudioWave Bank.xwb");
soundBank = new SoundBank(audioEngine, @"ContentAudioSound Bank.xsb");
trackCue = soundBank.GetCue("Tracks");
trackCue.Play(  );

The first three lines load the sounds and cues from the XACT file, whereas the fourth line sets the trackCue variable by retrieving the cue for your soundtracks. This is done so that you can pause/resume/stop/restart the soundtrack music. The other sound effects do not need to be manipulated that way, so you don’t need to save the cue information for those sounds.

Finally, the soundtrack cue is played with the last line of the code in the preceding listing.

To allow your ModelManager to play sounds when collisions occur, add the following method to your Game1 class:

public void PlayCue(string cue)

Before heading to the ModelManager, you’ll need to call the PlayCue method from the FireShots method of your Game1 class when a shot is fired. To do that, add this line immediately after the call to modelManager.AddShot:

// Play shot audio

In the ModelManager, you’ll need to add a line of code that will call the PlayCue method when a collision occurs. In the UpdateShots method of your ModelManager, find the if/else statement that determines whether a collision has occurred. The current code should look something like this:

if (shots[i].CollidesWith(models[j].model,
    // Collision! remove the ship and the shot.

Add a call to the PlayCue method of the Game1 class just before the break keyword that breaks from that for loop (the added line is shown in bold):

if (shots[i].CollidesWith(models[j].GetModel,
    models[j].GetWorld(  )))
    // Collision! Remove the ship and the shot.

Nice! Fire up the game now and see how much difference the audio makes. You might want to tweak the volume levels of the different sounds—the explosions and shot sounds seemed a little weak to me, and I wanted to crank them up a little bit. Remember from Chapter 6 that you can do that by selecting the sound name in XACT and editing its volume properties in the window in the lower-left corner. This is all down to personal preference, however, and you can tweak the sounds in any way you prefer.

What You Just Did

You’re cruising along now with some good game logic, shooting, and sound effects. Before we move on to explosions and particle effects and other fine-tunings, let’s review what you did in this chapter:

  • You created a moving model class, which you were able to use for both enemies and shots.

  • You created a shooting projectile.

  • You used the bounding spheres provided by XNA to perform 3D collision detection.

  • You added a crosshair 2D image to a 3D game.

  • You implemented sounds using single cues with multiple sounds based on probabilities.


  • Moving objects through 3D space is very similar to moving a camera through 3D space. Your object typically will have a position and a direction (which also indicates its speed).

  • Every ModelMesh has a BoundingSphere object associated with it, which defines a sphere for collision-detection purposes. The BoundingSphere does not move, scale, or rotate with the model, however, so you have to apply those matrices to the BoundingSphere separately to use it for collision detection.

  • Adding 2D images to a 3D game is done exactly the same way it is done in a 2D game.

  • With the XACT tool, you can specify a single cue to play numerous sounds based on given probabilities for those sounds.

  • People who code in XNA not only are more popular and wealthy, but also live longer, happier lives.

Test Your Knowledge: Quiz

  1. When firing a shot in a 3D (or 2D, for that matter) game, how do you determine the direction of the shot?

  2. Fact or fiction: every model has a BoundingSphere object that surrounds the entire model and can be used for collision detection.

  3. When using BoundingSpheres associated with a moving model for collision detection, what must be done to the BoundingSphere in order to accurately detect collisions?

  4. What is the difference between drawing 2D images on screen in a 3D game and drawing 2D images on the screen in a 2D game?

  5. Why does Kramer’s advice to Elaine regarding his karate class and the power of the inner katra backfire on Elaine?

Test Your Knowledge: Exercise

To familiarize yourself further with what was covered in this chapter, customize the shot firing mechanism by modifying the code to do the following:

  • Slow the shots down by 50%.

  • Cut the shot delay in half (i.e., make shots fire twice as often when holding the space bar continuously).

  • Every time a shot is fired, fire three shots in a spread (i.e., one shot down the center and two other shots, one to the left and one to the right).

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