Insisting a Direct Report Show More Respect for Diversity Efforts


A company cannot expect its diversity efforts to be effective if resistance, whether overt or covert, isn't challenged. It's a manager's responsibility to respond whenever they hear or learn about comments that potentially challenge the company's diversity policy. That doesn't mean holding a public lynching or launching into a tirade. Investigate the matter and try to determine who the individual involved is. Then call that person into your office, explain what you've heard, and ask if it's true. This gives the individual a chance to deny the accusation. Whether or not a denial rings true doesn't matter. It is just an opportunity for you to get your point across without reprimanding the individual. If, on the other hand, the accusation is admitted, in whatever form, a reprimand is in order. Make it clear such behavior will not be tolerated in the future.


  • Attitude: This is an extremely serious matter that could potentially cause legal problems for the company. It's also an important company value. It needs to be addressed firmly.
  • Preparation: Try your best to determine who is the offender. However, don't feel the need to single out one person if that's not possible.
  • Timing: Do this as soon as possible after the comments are made. The longer you wait, the more employees are apt to think the comments are acceptable. The sooner you respond, the stronger the impact you'll make.
    Flow diagram depicting a course of action for 51. Insisting a Direct Report Show More Respect for Diversity Efforts with an opening statement, situations, and responses.
  • Behavior: Call the employee into your office. Remain seated and don't invite him to sit down. Dismiss him as soon as you're done without any further small talk.


This script can be modified to:

  • Tell a direct report to keep their political, racial, or religious opinions to themselves.


  • Explain that you've heard about a possible problem.
  • If it's denied, present the policy statement anyway.
  • If it's claimed it was a joke, say it's not a joking matter and present the policy statement.
  • If a prejudiced attitude is displayed, say it's not acceptable to express this or act this way in the workplace or anywhere else.
  • If claims of poor performance are made, separate the two issues and then present the policy statement.
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