Defending an Expense Report to Your Supervisor


You need to tread very carefully if one of your expense reports is questioned by a supervisor. You can assume that if you're called into a face‐to‐face meeting the problem isn't one of documentation—that could be handled with a telephone call or a visit from an administrative assistant or bookkeeper. Therefore, this meeting is calling into question either your judgment or your honesty. It's even possible there's a hidden agenda—perhaps your supervisor is building a case for termination or a negative review. Whatever the situation, your goal is to immediately admit to the error, but turn it into one of omission rather than commission. Your mistake was not catching the error yourself or not preparing management for the unusual charge.


  • Attitude: Take this as a very serious probe, even if it's for a small amount. You need to clearly demonstrate that this in no way reflects on your honesty or judgment.
  • Preparation: Unless you're given advance notice of a problem with your report you'll have little or no time to prepare for this specific meeting. Instead, make it your business always to double‐ and triple‐check your expense reports prior to submission and never to knowingly pad them.
  • Timing: You'll also have no control over the timing of this meeting. The only element of timing you can control is to have an immediate answer ready for any questions: Either the questionable expense was a mistake, or you forgot to provide advance warning.
    Flow diagram depicting a course of action for 29. Defending an Expense Report to Your Supervisor with an opening statement, situations, and responses.
  • Behavior: Even though this may be a probe of your personal integrity, don't become defensive. And never, ever argue—no matter what the amount involved; the risk is too great. Anger is a defense mechanism. It could be seen as an admission of guilt and could turn the meeting into a confrontation rather than a conversation. Instead, be forthright, sincere, and if need be, apologetic.


This script can be modified to:

  • Explain a financial surprise to a spouse or partner.
  • Explain an error in an employment, loan, or credit application.


  • Even though you know it's not likely, ask if the problem is with your documentation. This shows you're feeling no guilt and were unaware of any potential problem.
  • If you're accused of requesting reimbursement for personal expenses, immediately explain that the inclusion of the charges on your report was a mistake.
  • If you're accused of spending too much, show how the cost was beyond your control and admit that it was a mistake not to provide forewarning of the unusually large charge.
  • If your explanation is questioned, reaffirm your honesty as strongly as possible.
  • Always express your thanks and stress the mistake won't happen again.
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