Asking Your Supervisor for More Staff


If you're in charge of a department that needs more staff, yet you know your company either cannot or will not hire more people, you'll need to convince your supervisors to let you poach staff from other departments. Not only do you need to make a strong argument for why you can't get by with the staff you have, but you also have to justify how the department you're poaching from can get by without them. Make your reasons and rationales as factual as possible, and as closely tied to the specific individuals involved as possible. Emphasize the benefits to the company as a whole. Realize this could be perceived as a power play by your boss and will be resented by the manager of the department from which you're poaching. That's why your reasons for the shifts must be beyond reproach.


  • Attitude: Your department is doing well but could be doing even better. What you are proposing will boost profits, not only for your department, but for the whole company. It's an idea that makes the most sense under the current staff restrictions.
  • Preparation: Figure out who you can poach and from where. Develop a rationale for the shift. Decide whether you want this to be temporary or permanent, realizing that temporary shifts will be much easier to achieve.
  • Timing: This is a tough call. The need for the added bodies must be near enough to be apparent, but the more time you allow for the shift the more apt you are to get it. You'll need to use your judgment.
    Flow diagram depicting a course of action for 15. Asking Your Supervisor for More Staff with an opening statement, situations, and responses.
    Flow diagram depicting a course of action for 15. Asking Your Supervisor for More Staff with situations and responses.
  • Behavior: Be upbeat and positive. You've come up with a proposal to make more money for the company and that benefits everyone. Don't be defensive—this isn't a power play. Be flexible and open to suggestions: Your goal is to improve your department's efficiency, so any steps made in that direction are positive.


This script can be modified to:

  • Respond to a supervisor's request to improve your department's productivity.
  • Request a greater share of supplies or resources for your department.


  • Be prepared to justify your request as far as your department, the other department, the company, and the individuals are concerned.
  • Be prepared to negotiate for a partial shift.
  • Emphasize the positive impact on the company, not your department.
  • Prepare to defuse any charges of power grabbing.
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