Asking a Coworker to Switch Vacations with You


In many companies, vacations are spread out so as to minimize their effect on ongoing business. There may come a day when the only way to get the time you want is to switch with a coworker who has already reserved that week or weeks. Approach them as soon as you realize you need to switch vacations and be prepared to be flexible. The more notice you give the better the chance they'll agree, though you may have to alter your ideal plans slightly to make the switch work for both of you. Try to consider their background and personality. Does the time you're asking for fall on a religious holiday, or are they just religious about spring skiing? If they have chosen to be out of the office when a supervisor or important client is also on vacation, asking them to switch may appear a strategy to outshine them. Having a compelling argument prepared for why you need the time will assuage any such fears. If they can switch but aren't inclined to, be clear that you consider the switch a favor that you'd be pleased to return at a later date. If they still can't or won't capitulate, and if it's truly essential, you can approach your supervisor with a modified version of this script—just realize that you could be creating an enemy.


  • Attitude: Depending on the kind of plans they have, you could be asking for a big favor or it could be no big deal. Be prepared to take no for an answer but be persistent about wanting the time.
    Flow diagram depicting a course of action for 104. Asking a Coworker to Switch Vacations with You with an opening statement, situations, and responses.
    Flow diagram depicting a course of action for 104. Asking a Coworker to Switch Vacations with You with situations and responses.
  • Preparation: Have a compelling list of reasons why you need the time and be ready to juggle days and times with them. Decide if switching with them is the sole or merely the most expeditious option. Have an alternative plan, in case they can't or won't accommodate you.
  • Timing: The sooner the better. The more notice they have, the better the chance they'll be willing and able to switch.
  • Behavior: Be positive and upbeat. Enthusiasm for your plans and theirs will help bolster esprit de corps and encourage them to make the switch.


This script can be modified to:

  • Ask a peer to switch days off.
  • Ask a peer to switch assignments with you.
  • Ask a supervisor to change your vacation time.


  • The more notice you give the better the chance they'll agree.
  • Be flexible and prepared to juggle days with them.
  • Make your plans sound as compelling and necessary as possible.
  • Be polite and positive. You're asking for a favor, but it isn't necessarily a big one.
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