Insisting a Direct Report Improve Their Voice Manners


Every business with a telephone is in telemarketing. Regardless of how technologically advanced the modern office becomes, the telephone remains the most common instrument for immediate personal contact. No other machine can instantly affect the emotions, attitudes, and perceptions of people. The voices on the company's telephone lines belong to individuals, but what they say speaks for the business. That's why it's important you correct any person whose telephone manners are too informal, too rude, or too vulgar. If you accept it as serious, and move rapidly to correct the errant individual, the problem can easily be solved.


  • Attitude: If the individual is too informal, be businesslike and straightforward but relaxed. Where rudeness or use of inappropriate language is the problem, be annoyed, even angry. They should know better.
  • Preparation: Have a specific example of the improper behavior. This can be through first‐hand experience, or complaints reported to you. You don't need to show the problem is long term and ongoing. Once is too often and more than enough reason to move on the situation.
    Flow diagram depicting a course of action for 58. Insisting a Direct Report Improve Their Voice Manners with an opening statement, situations, and responses.
  • Timing: Meet as soon as you have heard an inappropriate telephone exchange. This emphasizes to all how seriously you regard the behavior. Do the same where a complaint has been made. This is critical when dealing with rudeness or inappropriate language, and desirable in the case of informality. If meeting means cutting into a break or quitting time, so be it. This requires an instant remedy. Summon the person to the meeting over the phone!
  • Behavior: Be direct and to the point. Where appropriate, convey your annoyance. Stress that rude or vulgar manners are unacceptable in any business. Where informality is the issue, explain why it's a problem, and offer suggestions.


This script can be modified to:

  • Suggest improvements to a subordinate's personal interactions or written communications.


  • Act immediately to confront the problem, especially if rude or inappropriate language is involved.
  • Don't be afraid to let your anger show, if necessary.
  • Be supportive of a too informal subordinate.
  • Accept no excuse for inappropriate behavior or language.
  • Emphasize the individual always represents the company.
  • Imply future action if the matter isn't resolved.
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