Reducing the Size of a Direct Report's Staff


Downsizing. Streamlining. Doing more with less. Call it what you will, it's one of the most difficult tasks a manager must perform: laying off staff. Managers often must be the conduit to our subordinates for difficult decisions made by those “upstairs.” The goal of this script is to show you how to effectively inform a subordinate she must reduce her staff. The necessity of maintaining the bottom line, and the realization that, like it or not, this is one of her responsibilities, are the twin pillars that will support your dialogue.


  • Attitude: You must embody confidence and objectivity. Acknowledge the difficulty of the task at hand, but don't be drawn into dwelling on it. Be businesslike. Focus all efforts on accomplishing a difficult task. Your approach will serve as a model for your direct report to emulate when they deal with their staff.
  • Preparation: The most important preparation is making sure all your information is accurate. There can be no question about what must be done, who must do it, when it must be done, and why it must be done. Review the personnel in each of your direct report's sections, since the ultimate recommendation to supervisors will be yours. If cuts are being made in specific sections, have the necessary back‐up to support their selection.
    Flow diagram depicting a course of action for 64. Reducing the Size of a Direct Report's Staff with an opening statement, situations, and responses.
    Flow diagram depicting a course of action for 64. Reducing the Size of a Direct Report's Staff with situations and responses.
  • Timing: Schedule the meeting as soon as possible. Meet first thing in the morning. Establish a “first thing tomorrow” deadline for their recommendation. Tell them you are available throughout the day for clarification and advice. The more rapid their response, the greater time for review, and the less time for agonizing and procrastination.
  • Behavior: Act the professional but recognize the difficulty of the task and be ready to absorb initial objections.


This script can be modified to:

  • Reduce the size of a direct report's operating budget or reduce/reorganize job responsibilities.


  • Be certain facts and figures are accurate, and review personnel for each subordinate's section.
  • Inform your staff as soon as you know.
  • Require rapid turnaround to you. This will limit procrastination and harmful leaks.
  • Stress professional responsibilities and job requirements. Don't let personal misgivings interfere with the task.
  • Provide support to your staff.
  • Be clear that the final recommendations will be yours.
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