Dealing with Criticism a Direct Report Posts on Social Networking Platforms


Searching the social network profiles of job candidates should always be left to HR professionals or others who understand the legalities. Proactively searching the profiles of current direct reports can also be problematic. This is one area where being reactive makes the most sense. Rely on others to bring offensive posts or posts critical of the company or other employees to your attention. If you're made aware of potentially offensive posts bring the issue to HR or your own supervisor and let them handle it. On the other hand, if you're made aware of posts critical of the company, you, or coworkers it may fall to you to handle the issue. Reach out to HR or your supervisor to determine if the comments are protected speech. The National Labor Relations Board has determined that an employee cannot be disciplined if the post is part of collective action regarding the terms and conditions of employment. For example, an employee cannot be disciplined for posting that they and a coworker feel they are underpaid, or that they have treated them unfairly. Your goal is to take the conversation offline and create a more effective and open atmosphere.


  • Attitude: Don't be angry or project any threats. Instead show concern that your staffer didn't feel comfortable coming directly to you.
    Flow diagram depicting a course of action for 61. Dealing with Criticism a Direct Report Posts on Social Networking Platforms with an opening statement, situations, and responses.
    Flow diagram depicting a course of action for 61. Dealing with Criticism a Direct Report Posts on Social Networking Platforms with situations and responses.
  • Preparation: Ensure that the posting is one which you can deal with rather than having HR or your supervisor deal with it.
  • Timing: Make this approach as soon as it has been determined to be a situation you should address.
  • Behavior: While this could be done over the telephone it is best done in person. If the direct report has a private work area hold the conversation there. If that's not possible, consider meeting outside the workplace in an informal setting, such as a coffee shop. Having them come to your office could suggest a disciplinary action.


This script can be modified to:

  • Deal with criticism that was inadvertently overheard and brought to your attention.


  • Don't step into a minefield. Make sure this is an issue that you should address.
  • Approach this as an effort to ease the lines of communication and to look for ways that you or the company can improve.
  • Steer clear of discussions on how the issue came to your attention.
  • Hold this discussion at a location where the direct report feels comfortable, even if that means meeting outside the office.
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