FIGURE 323: Typing in numbers for rotation
FIGURE 324: Rotating and translating in Tinkercad code blocks.
60 Chapter 3: Simulating Geometry Make: Geometry 61
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existing model and how to alter it, and created a castle model to demonstrate
how to build up a complicated model from just a few basic structures.
As we have said frequently during the chapter, the best ways to learn more
about OpenSCAD are to read its manual at, but also to play
with it. Try things out, see how the models can break, and then try to fix
them. It’s far and away the best way to learn.
In addition to simulating geometrical concepts, we also dove into polygons
and polyhedra. There are many open resources to explore (starting with the
Wikipedia articles with those titles).
In the next chapter, we will move to a more analog device: the compass and
ruler, to see some alternate ways of constructing geometry.
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