• Identification, 205

  • Illegal immigrants

  • Immigrants, 129130, 462463

  • Immigration Act of 1990, 104

  • Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, 103104, 553

  • Implied contracts, 431, 435

  • Improshare, 340

  • In-basket exercise, 170

  • Incentive systems, 325. See also Pay-for-performance plans

  • Incivility in the workplace, 458459

  • Inclusiveness training, 142

  • Inclusiveness vs. diversity, 125

  • Indirect compensation, 287, 361. See also Employee benefits

  • Individual-based pay-for-performance plans. See also Pay-for-performance plans

  • Individual career counseling, 271

  • Individual challenges

    • brain drain as, 20

    • empowerment as, 1920

    • ethics and social responsibility as, 1819

    • explanation of, 17

    • job insecurity as, 20

    • matching people and organizations as, 1718

    • productivity as, 19

  • Individual equity, 290

  • Individualism, 550, 552

  • Individual retirement accounts (IRAs), 383

  • Individuals with disabilities

    • employment programs for, 111

    • explanation of, 96

    • profile of, 128129

  • Industrial metamorphosis, 8

  • Informal communications, 411413

  • Information dissemination programs

  • Information services, 271275

  • Information types, 401

  • Insubordination, 452

  • Insurance plans

  • Integrative bargaining, 485486

  • Intellectual disabilities, 97

  • Intended strategies, 2324

  • Interdepartmental mentoring, 276

  • Interest inventories, 267

  • Internal control, 19

  • Internal labor market, 11, 151

  • Internal Revenue Code (IRC), 315

  • International management, choices related to, 27

  • Internet

    • employee training via, 246

    • impact of, 45

    • monitoring employee use of, 14

    • privacy issues and, 432433

    • as recruitment tool, 159160

  • Internships, 245

  • Interviews. See also Job interviews

    • performance appraisal, 221222

    • separation, 185

  • Intrapreneuring, 339

  • Intrinsic drives, 329330

  • Intrinsic rewards, 330331

  • Involuntary separations, 187

  • IRAs, 383

  • IRC (Internal Revenue Code), 315

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