Creating an extension for gyroscope input

To illustrate the process of creating a Marmalade extension, we'll take a look at how to add support for gyroscope input. This is a useful addition since it lets us add a whole new input method to our games yet it also demonstrates just how easy it is to extend Marmalade's functionality.

Our extension will consist of the following functions:




This function is automatically generated for us by the EDK build process. It returns S3E_TRUE if the Gyroscope extension is supported for the current platform, and S3E_FALSE if it isn't.


Not all mobile devices actually contain gyroscope hardware, so this function is provided to determine whether or not we can make use of the gyroscope in our game. The function returns a normal C++ bool value indicating whether a gyroscope is present.

GyroscopeStart and


These two functions start and stop the hardware generating gyroscope input data.

GyroscopeGetX ,

GyroscopeGetY , and


Returns the current gyroscope data values for the X, Y, and Z axes. The values are returned as float values in radians per second.

The API detailed earlier provides the bare minimum functionality required to provide gyroscope support and has deliberately been kept simple in order to demonstrate the process of building an extension more clearly.

Declaring the extension API

The first step in creating an extension is to specify the functions it will contain, which we will do using an S4E file. This file is used to define the API of our extension and is best illustrated by an example. If you want to follow along, create a new directory called Gyroscope and create a file called Gyroscope.s4e inside it with the following contents:

#include <s3eTypes.h>

bool GyroscopeSupported() false
void GyroscopeStart() void
void GyroscopeStop() void
float GyroscopeGetX() 0.0f
float GyroscopeGetY() 0.0f
float GyroscopeGetZ() 0.0f

The example starts with the line include:, which is then followed by any number of C preprocessor commands, include files, structure definitions, and class definitions that will become part of the extension's main header file. In our case we are just including the s3eTypes.h file; but if we needed to pass lots of data between the extension and the calling code, we might want to add structures or classes, enumerations, and definitions here too.

Next we have the functions: section of the file, which is little more than a list of the functions that our extension will contain and can be called from within a Marmalade project that makes use of the extension.


We do not have to list the GyroscopeAvailable function explicitly in the list of functions. The EDK build process automatically generates this function for us by taking the name of the S4E file and appending "Available" to the end of it.

As you can see, the functions are listed almost as if they were normal C function prototypes. Each function is listed on its own line by first stating the return type and then its name and parameter list (which all just happen to be empty in this example!).

Additionally, each function in the S4E file function list also specifies a default value it will return and can be followed by a number of optional directives that control the behavior of the function, how it is added to the extension, and how it is called. Our example makes no use of these directives, but the following table shows what can be specified:




Specifies that the extension function should only be executed on the main OS thread of the application. This is particularly important if the function performs any kind of user interface interaction, as many platforms will only allow UI calls to be made on the main thread.


Disables thread-safe locking when calling this function. By default all extension functions can only be called on a single thread at any particular time and locking code is automatically generated to ensure that this happens.


Enables fast stack switching. This is an optimization option, which means less data needs to be passed between our application and the loader when making an extension function call by using the same stack as the loader module. Normally the loader module and our application code have separate stacks.


Stops an assert from being raised if an extension function is called on a platform for which the extension has not been built. The default value for the function will be returned.


By default each function listed in the S4E file will be added to the extension in list order and this order is used internally to locate the correct function pointer to call. As our extension develops over time, we may want to add or depreciate functions but still keep related functions together in the S4E file. By adding order=x after a function declaration we say that this function will occupy position x in the function order, with x=1 being immediately after the last function that does not specify an order value. If that sounds confusing, don't worry; for our own projects we will probably never need to make use of this feature as it is only really an issue if we are making our extension available for other people to use!

There are also a number of global directives that can be specified in the S4E file and these should be listed at the very start of the file before the include: line. Again our example makes no use of these directives, but for your information they are listed in the following table:




Specifies that the extension needs no initialization or termination functions to be automatically generated. It is unlikely you will ever use this directive since these functions are generally required in order to set up the interface between the extension and our project code.


Allows access to some macros that make communication of errors easier to implement by automatically generating functions, such as GetError, present in many of the S3E APIs that make up the low-level Marmalade API.


Declares that the extension will require a global structure block allocated for its internal use and makes some macros available in order to support getting and setting values in this structure.


States that this extension wants to make use of callbacks and will automatically define callback IDs to support this using the same approach used in other built-in S3E APIs.

Making an extension for Windows

We'll begin by creating our extension for use on Windows. Obviously it's unlikely that a Windows PC would feature gyroscope hardware (though I guess not impossible!), but starting with the Windows version is easiest as it does not require us to install any additional software or SDKs in order to build it.

Creating a Windows extension

Since we won't actually be supporting gyroscope input on Windows, our API only needs to return false in the GyroscopeSupported function and the functions for accessing current gyroscope values should always return a 0 value. Obviously the start and stop functions need to do absolutely nothing!

We've already created the S4E file, so now we'll put it to use. Open Windows Explorer, navigate to the Gyroscope directory, and then right-click on the Gyroscope.s4e file. Select the menu option Build Windows Extension, which will run a Python script that generates a number of new files and directories.

In the main Gyroscope directory three new files are created:

  • Gyroscope_build.mkf is the MKF file for the extension that allows us to specify additional generic or platform-dependant source files that are needed for building it
  • Gyroscope.mkf is the MKF file any Marmalade project that makes use of our extension will need to include as a subproject to access the extension functions
  • Gyroscope_windows.mkb is the MKB file that creates a Visual Studio project that we can use to compile the extension code

There are four subdirectories created as well. We can safely ignore the stamp directory, which contains a file used internally by the EDK build scripts to track changes to the extension API. We can also ignore the files in the interface directory, which are autogenerated and should not be altered.

The h directory contains a single file, Gyroscope.h, which again we should not modify, as any changes we make will be overwritten by the extension creation scripts. This file is very useful, however, as it is the file we will include in our project sources to access the functions in the extension.

Finally there is the source directory that in turn contains three more subdirectories. The generic subdirectory contains source files that will define the default behavior of the extension if platform-specific source files are not provided. The h directory also contains files that are used across all platforms for building the extension code. While we can make changes to these files, it is unlikely we will ever need to.

This leaves us with the windows subdirectory that contains a single file called Gyroscope_platform.cpp. This file contains stubs for each of our extension functions that were generated from the data provided in the functions list of the S4E file.

Note however that all the stubbed functions end with the suffix _platform. The EDK system actually generates a set of generic functions with the exact names specified in the S4E file that calls the equivalent functions that are suffixed with _platform, if they exist. This is necessary so that code that uses an extension can still be compiled and executed on a platform for which an extension has not, or cannot, be created.

Implementing a Windows extension

Ordinarily we would need to modify the Gyroscope_platform.cpp file to implement the extension; but for our purposes no changes are actually necessary as the generated stubs provide the desired functionality on Windows.

Obviously, in this case a Windows extension is a little redundant, but bear in mind we could always create a more complex extension that somehow emulates gyroscope behavior, perhaps using a joystick or some other input device.

Building a Windows extension

To build the extension, we just double-click the GyroscopeGyroscope_windows.mkb file to create a Visual Studio project. Once Visual Studio starts up, select the (x86) Release build type from the drop-down menu at the top of the Visual Studio IDE, go to the menu option Build | Build Solution (or just press the F7 key), and the Windows version of the extension will be created. Simple!

Making an Android extension

Now we'll turn our attention to Android. We'll need to install some software before we can begin, though, as the build process needs to be able to access Java development tools and the Android SDK.

Installing the required software for Android development

First of all you will need to install the Java JDK, which is available for download at the following address:


When downloading the JDK, make sure it is Version 6 that you download and not the newer Version 7. The Android SDK is not guaranteed to work correctly with Version 7.

Once the install package has downloaded, execute it and follow the instructions to install the Java development tools to your PC.

Next you will need to download the Android SDK and NDK. The Android SDK is the Java library normally used to develop Android applications, while the NDK is an additional set of libraries that allows Java Android code to interface with compiled C++ code.

The Android SDK is available at the following URL:

It comes as a Windows installer file; so just execute it, accept all the default install options, and wait for it to install.


Once the Android SDK has been installed, it is useful to set the environment variable ANDROID_ROOT to the installation directory. This lets the Marmalade deployment tool know where the Android platform tools can be found so that it can automatically install and run generated package files on an Android device connected to your PC using a USB cable.

Next you can visit the following URL to download the Android NDK:


You will need different versions of the NDK depending on which version of Marmalade you are using. If you are using Marmalade 6.1 or higher, as expected in this book, you will need NDK version 8. For earlier versions of Marmalade, you will need NDK version 7.

The NDK is supplied as a ZIP archive, so you will need to decompress it using a suitable archiving program (for example, WinZip). The NDK should be contained in a directory named something like android-ndk-xxx, where xxx refers to the version number of the NDK. You can either copy this directory into the root of your C: or you can set the environment variable NDK_ROOT to point to the installation path.

Creating an Android extension

Now that we have the necessary development tools in place, we can create the Android extension files by again using the Windows Explorer to locate the Gyroscope.s4e file. Right-click on the file and select the Build Android Extension menu option.

The files Gyroscope_android.mkb and Gyroscope_android_java.mkb will be created in the main Gyroscope directory. These files will be used later to build the extension code.

The source directory will now contain a new directory called android that contains two files and Gyroscope_platform.cpp. The former is where we can add Java code that uses the Android SDK code to implement our extension API. The latter is the C++ code that our Marmalade project will call, which in turn calls the Java implementation code.

It is possible to implement the entire extension in the Gyroscope_platform.cpp file by using the Java Native Interface (JNI) to access and call into the compiled Java code; but this adds an extra layer of complexity and implementing the extension in Java is normally a far easier proposition!

Implementing an Android extension

To implement the gyroscope code for Android, we will need to edit the file First we need to make a reference to the Java classes we'll be using; so change the list of import declarations at the top of the file to look like this:

import com.ideaworks3d.marmalade.LoaderAPI;
import com.ideaworks3d.marmalade.LoaderActivity;

import android.content.Context;
import android.hardware.Sensor;
import android.hardware.SensorEvent;
import android.hardware.SensorEventListener;
import android.hardware.SensorManager;

The first two imports allow us access to some helper functions that provide access to things such as the application's main Activity class (all applications in Android need to be derived from this base class). We'll need this to access some system resources.

The remaining imports are for the parts of the Android SDK that we will need to use to access the gyroscope data.

The EDK system has generated a Java class called Gyroscope that contains stubs for all the methods we need to implement. We will need to alter the class definition slightly, though, as we need to implement some methods that will receive gyroscope updates. Change the class definition as follows:

class Gyroscope implements SensorEventListener

SensorEventListener is a Java interface that our class must implement in order to receive sensor events (in our case, gyroscope data).

We'll also add some member variables for caching the gyroscope values and a flag that we'll use to handle the fact that some Android devices return gyroscope values in degrees per second rather than radians per second. Add the following code to the bottom of the class definition:

// Cached gyroscope values
private float x;
private float y;
private float z;
// Are the results in degrees/s or radians/s
private boolean mUsesDegrees;

Before we start implementing the EDK itself, we'll add a couple of private helper functions to allow us to access the Android SensorManager and gyroscope Sensor instances that will allow us to retrieve the current gyroscope data. Add the following two methods at the beginning of the class definition:

// Helper function for accessing the Android SensorManager
private SensorManager GetSensorManager()
   Context lContext = (Context) LoaderActivity.m_Activity;
   SensorManager lSensorManager = (SensorManager)
   return lSensorManager;

// Helper function for accessing the Android Gyroscope Sensor
private Sensor GetGyroscopeSensor()
   SensorManager lSensorManager = GetSensorManager();
   if (lSensorManager == null)
      return null;

   Sensor lGyroscope =
   return lGyroscope;

The GetSensorManager method accesses the global SensorManager instance by using the main Context class of the Marmalade application. We do this using Marmalade's LoaderActivity class that contains a member variable that is a reference to the main Android SDK Activity class instance. This reference can then be cast into a reference to a Context instance, since Activity derives from Context.

Once we have the Context reference, we use it to obtain a reference to the Android SensorManager class that is responsible for controlling input devices, including the gyroscope. If no reference is available, a null reference will be returned.

The GetGyroscopeSensor method lets us check for the presence of a gyroscope by requesting the SensorManager class for the default gyroscope handler. If a suitable handler is not found (that is, a return value of null), there is no gyroscope hardware available on this device.

Now we can start implementing the API by looking at the GyroscopeSupported method. This function needs to return true only if the device has gyroscope hardware. We can do this as follows:

public boolean GyroscopeSupported()
   Sensor lSensor = GetGyroscopeSensor();
   return lSensor != null;

It is now time to implement the function that will allow us to start receiving gyroscope data. Find the GyroscopeStart method and change it to the following code snippet:

public void GyroscopeStart()
  x = 0.0f;
  y = 0.0f;
  z = 0.0f;
  mUsesDegrees = false;
  Sensor lGyroscope = GetGyroscopeSensor();
  if (lGyroscope != null)
    mUsesDegrees = lGyroscope.getMaximumRange() > 100;
    GetSensorManager().registerListener(this, lGyroscope,

In this method we start by ensuring that the cached gyroscope values are zero and we assume that the device will return values in radians per second. We then obtain the gyroscope's Sensor class instance using our private GetGyroscopeSensor method.

To determine whether this device returns values in degrees or radians, we look at the maximum range value of the gyroscope sensor. We set the mUsesDegrees member variable to true if the maximum range is greater than 100, as there does not appear to be any more robust way of determining this.

We then set our class instance to be a listener for gyroscope data. Periodically, the onSensorChanged method (which we have yet to implement) will be called with new gyroscope values.

Next we will implement the GyroscopeStop function, which should look like this:

public void GyroscopeStop()
  SensorManager lSensorManager = GetSensorManager();
  if (lSensorManager != null)
  x = 0.0f;
  y = 0.0f;
  z = 0.0f;

Yet again we obtain the SensorManager class reference and tell it that we no longer want to receive gyroscope data. We also clear the cached gyroscope values just in case our code tries to access them while the gyroscope hardware is not active.

The next three methods we need to implement are those that return the cached gyroscope values. These are easy to implement and should look like this:

public float GyroscopeGetX()
  return x;

public float GyroscopeGetY()
  return y;

public float GyroscopeGetZ()
  return z;

We are now almost finished. All that is left to do is implement the listener methods that are part of the SensorEventListener interface that we have derived the Gyroscope class from. Add the following code after the GyroscopeGetZ method.

public void onAccuracyChanged(Sensor aSensor, int aAccuracy) 

public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent aEvent) 
  if (aEvent.accuracy != SensorManager.SENSOR_STATUS_UNRELIABLE)
    x = aEvent.values[0];
    y = aEvent.values[1];
    z = aEvent.values[2];

    if (mUsesDegrees)
      x = (x * 3.14159267f) / 180.0f;
      y = (y * 3.14159267f) / 180.0f;
      z = (z * 3.14159267f) / 180.0f;

The onAccuracyChanged method is left empty since it must be implemented to satisfy the interface. The onSensorChanged method is important, though, as this will receive the new gyroscope input values. We first check to see if the passed in SensorEvent contains reliable data (the device itself will determine what constitutes reliable data); then, we just pull out the new gyroscope values and store them in our member variables.

If we determined that the device is returning values in degrees per second, we do a quick conversion to radians to ensure that our extension always returns consistent values.

Building an Android extension

Our Android extension code is now ready to be built and this is even simpler than it was with the Windows version. All we have to do is open Windows Explorer and navigate to the Gyroscope directory, and double-click first the Gyroscope_android_java.mkb file and then the Gyroscope_android.mkb file. The first MKB file will build the Java code, while the second will build the C++ code that will be called from our project code and that will in turn call the Java code.

Making an iOS extension

Building an EDK extension for iOS is a little more involved as it requires us to have access to the Apple iOS SDK and therefore an Apple Mac.

Installing the required software for iOS development

Firstly, you will need to download the iOS SDK that is bundled together with Apple's XCode development environment. Head over to the following web page, which will contain a link to open the Mac App Store where the latest version of XCode can be downloaded:

Once XCode has downloaded and you have installed it, you will then need to download the Marmalade SDK in its Mac OS X incarnation. Head over to the Marmalade website at the following URL, log in, and download the Mac version of Marmalade.

Install the Marmalade SDK to the default location. If you only have a single Marmalade license, you will need to use the Marmalade website to release the license from your PC so you can use it on the Mac. Refer to Chapter 1, Getting Started with Marmalade, of this book for more information on how to do this.

Creating an iOS extension

Unsurprisingly, we create the files needed for the iOS Extension in a similar manner to the Windows and Android extensions. Just right-click on the Gyroscope.s4e file and select the menu option Build iPhone Extension.

Just two new files will be created for the iOS extension. These are Gyroscope_iphone.mkb, which is the MKB file that we will use to build the extension code, and, which contains the auto-generated stubs for our API functions.

Implementing an iOS extension

To implement the iOS version of the Gyroscope extension, we need to edit the file. This file is an Objective-C source file that also allows us to use C and C++ code in the same file. The function stubs are all standard C-style functions, but we can still make use of Objective-C classes and features within them.

On iOS, we use an Objective-C class called CMMotionManager to gain access to gyroscope data, so we first need to let our code know about this class by changing the list of included files as follows:

#include <CoreMotion/CoreMotion.h>
#include "Gyroscope_internal.h"

We'll also declare a global pointer to a CMMotionManager instance that we will use throughout the rest of our code. Add the following line after the include files:

CMMotionManager* gpMotionManager = nil;

We'll need to allocate an instance of this class before we can access the gyroscope. Luckily, the EDK build script has generated a function called GyroscopeInit_platform that is automatically called for us when we use the extension in our project, so this will make a good place to allocate a new CMMotionManager instance, as shown in the following code:

s3eResult GyroscopeInit_platform()
  gpMotionManager = [[CMMotionManager alloc] init];

We also need to free the instance when our application is terminated and once again the EDK build script has come to our rescue with the function GyroscopeTerminate_platform. We need to modify this function so that it stops the gyroscope, if it is still active, and then releases the CMMotionManager instance. Here's the completed function:

void GyroscopeTerminate_platform()
  [gpMotionManager release];

The rest of the implementation is actually surprisingly easy, as the CMMotionManager class works in a very similar manner to the API we have chosen for the extension. We'll start with checking to see if gyroscope hardware is available. The GyroscopeSupported_platform function looks like this:

bool GyroscopeSupported_platform()
    return gpMotionManager.gyroAvailable;

Starting and stopping the gyroscope hardware is also little more than calling a method of the CMMotionManager class. For safety we wrap these calls with further checks to make sure the gyroscope is available and not already started or stopped.

void GyroscopeStart_platform()
  if (gpMotionManager.gyroAvailable && !gpMotionManager.gyroActive)
    [gpMotionManager startGyroUpdates];

void GyroscopeStop_platform()
  if (gpMotionManager.gyroAvailable && gpMotionManager.gyroActive)
    [gpMotionManager stopGyroUpdates];

The only thing left to do is get hold of the current gyroscope input values. The CMMotionManager class contains a property called gyroData of class CMGyroData, which in turn contains a CMRotationRate property called, funnily enough, rotationRate that holds the current gyroscope data.

The following code shows the implementation for getting hold of the gyroscope data for the x axis. How to obtain the y and z axes values should be fairly obvious from this!

float GyroscopeGetX_platform()
  CMGyroData* lpGyroData = [gpMotionManager gyroData];
  if (lpGyroData)
    CMRotationRate lpRotRate = [lpGyroData rotationRate];
    return lpRotRate.x;
    return 0.0f;

There is one final thing we have to do before we can build the extension, and that is to tell the EDK build tools that we need to include the iOS SDK framework CoreMotion, as this contains the code for the CMMotionManager class.

To add a framework to our extensions, we must edit the Gyroscope.mkf file. Look for the deployments section for iOS towards the bottom of the file (Marmalade refers to it as the "iphone platform" for legacy reasons) and add the following line to it:

iphone-link-opts="-framework CoreMotion"

Building an iOS extension

So far, all of the previous steps for creating an iOS extension can be done equally well on Windows or Mac, but this final step absolutely requires us to use a Mac.


We need to ensure the Mac has access to the entire Gyroscope directory. How you achieve this is up to you, but a good way is to share the Gyroscope directory out on your development Windows PC and then access this share on the Mac. This way the code is built on the Mac but all the compiled files are already in the correct place on your Windows development machine.

To build the extension you first need to open a Mac terminal window. Make the Gyroscope directory the current directory in the terminal window and then enter the following command line:

mkb Gyroscope_iphone.mkb –arm

This will build the extension and our work on the Mac is done. Simple, but kind of annoying that we only needed to execute one command, isn't it?

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