Shared runner settings

One of the key components of CI/CD is the runners. In this section, you can enable shared runners for all new projects, which means that any shared runner could end up building your code. There is a security aspect to this because shared runners could exist that aren't using a stateless mechanism. They could be running your job, and not clean up the artifacts, and get a new build job. This is probably is not what you want. Your data could be compromised by another build project.

Therefore, another option is to set some warning text for shared runners that communicate so that you can ensure your shared runners are under control:

When runners build artifacts, the results can be uploaded and viewed after the pipeline has finished. You may want to set a certain limit on the size of the combined artifacts that get uploaded as a ZIP file to the GitLab CI.

You can also specify how long artifacts should stay available after the build. This is controlled by the default artifact expiration time:

When an artifact reaches this age, it is deleted in the periodic expiration task. As we can see in the following screenshot, it runs every hour:

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