Using an external Prometheus host

If you are not using the omnibus package to manage GitLab or insist on using an external Prometheus server, the picture will be a bit different. You should be aware that the default security model that Prometheus uses is rather simple; it assumes that anyone can view the stored time series data, and the server provides no authentication, authorization, or encryption. If you need these features, you should prepare a reverse proxy in front of the Prometheus server to help. More information about this can be found at

The monitoring architecture for this situation is shown in the following diagram (as you can see, some functionality is running on a separate server):

Now we have to make sure we have an external Prometheus host configured that is ready to scrape the data. As we've previously mentioned, Prometheus is a single Go binary. To specify which configuration file to load, use the --config.file flag. This configuration file has to have the YAML format. How a single Prometheus server monitors the GitLab Metrics Exporter embedded in GitLab is shown in the following prometheus.yml example:

- job_name: 'git-metrics'
token: [ gitlab_health_check_access_token ]
metrics_path: /-/metrics
scrape_interval: 5s
scheme: https
insecure_skip_verify: true
- files:
- /etc/prometheus/sd/gitlab_metrics_exporter_sd.yml

The gitlab_metrics_exporter_sd.yml file contains the following code:

- targets: ['']
app: gitlab

If you put both files in /tmp, or elsewhere, and run Prometheus as a Docker container (as seen in the following example), you should have an external Prometheus ready for action. Of course, you can also install it from source and run it on a dedicated server somewhere else if preferred.

 docker run -it --name my-prometheus 
-v /tmp:/etc/prometheus
--publish 9090:9090

You now know how Prometheus runs on the GitLab application server itself, as well as on a separate server.

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