GitLab pages

GitLab pages is an extension of CI/CD where web content can be automatically built and deployed to a web server. You can publish static websites directly from a repository. There are several options to consider. To use the feature, but also if access control should be enabled and the path where the pages are stored.

The extension uses the GitLab pages daemon, which is written in Go and serves up content from the shared location. If you run it on the same server, you ideally run it on page 80 or 443, in case you have to add an IP to the GitLab server. It is possible to run it on a separate server, but you need to export the path from the GitLab server over the network to the host, which will run the GitLab pages daemon. 

More information can be found at

The first settings concerning GitLab pages are to enable or disable it completely, to enable or disable access_control, and you can set a path to the shared pages:

enabled: false
access_control: false
path: shared/pages

The following settings determine the properties of the server for GitLab pages:

port: 80
https: false
artifacts_server: true
external_http: ["", "[2001::1]:80"]
external_https: ["", "[2001::1]:443"]

The last setting defines the location of a socket for admin access:

address: unix:/home/git/gitlab/tmp/sockets/private/pages-admin.socket # TCP connections are supported too (e.g. tcp://host:port)

The settings for GitLab pages are complete.

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