Meta information

Every issue has an author, and that information is prominently displayed, along with the current assignee. Other meta information consists of well-known project management data, such as: milestones, due dates, and weight.

Let's try to make this clear, based on our example. The Event Horizon company is about to start the first Scrum sprints. They want to use GitLab issues for project management.

User1 creates an issue in which he asks which technology we are going to use. That could be an example of the first issue, as shown in the following screenshot:

You will see that there is a list with tasks defined.

User2 creates an issue regarding which documentation style to use for the project, as shown in the following screenshot:

Both are valid questions to ask, and to start a discussion about, and we will see how this continues when an issue evolves to the next level, a discussion. We will talk about this in the next section.

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