The static analysis of security vulnerabilities

Static Application Security Testing (SAST) is used to analyze source code or binaries and to detect holes or weak points in security. When automated, this contributes to making your DevOps methodology resemble DevSecOps, where security testing and awareness is part of the DevOps life cycle.

GitLab, in its Ultimate license model, provides automated testing as part of the development of your application.

Currently, the following languages and frameworks are supported:

Language/Framework Scan tool
.NET Security Code Scan
C/C++ Flawfinder
Go gosec
Groovy (Gradle and Grail) find-sec-bugs
Java (Maven and Gradle)  find-sec-bugs
JavaScript ESLint security plugin
Node.js NodeJsScan
PHP phpcs-security-audit
Python bandit
Ruby on Rails brakeman
Scala (sbt) find-sec-bugs
Typescript TSLint Config Security


First, you need GitLab Runner with a Docker-in-Docker executor.

This is a normal Docker executor, but it runs in privileged mode. This means it can run its own Docker daemon and therefore run containers itself.

You enable this functionality by changing the GitLab Runner configuration file (config.toml), making sure it has privileged = true. After changing this, restart the runner as follows:

executor = "docker"
privileged = true

Secondly, you need a specific .gitlab-ci.yml in your GitLab project folder to make the actual coupling, as shown in the following snippet:

image: docker:stable
allow_failure: true
- docker:stable-dind
- export SP_VERSION=$(echo "$CI_SERVER_VERSION" | sed 's/^([0-9]*).([0-9]*).*/1-2-stable/')
- docker run
--volume "$PWD:/code"
--volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
"$SP_VERSION" /app/bin/run /code
sast: gl-sast-report.json

As an example, we downloaded the following code from into our own project. We added .gitlab-ci.yml to run a scan. When the code was pushed, the workflow started and prepared for the scan:

 [0KRunning with gitlab-runner 11.7.0 (8bb608ff)
[0;m[0K on gGEycKK-
[0;m[0KUsing Docker executor with image docker:stable ...
[0;m[0KStarting service docker:stable-dind ...
[0;m[0KPulling docker image docker:stable-dind ...
[0;m[0KUsing docker image sha256:5b626cc3459ad077146e8aac1fbe25f7099d71c6765efd6552b9209ca7ea4dc1 for docker:stable-dind ...
[0;m[0KWaiting for services to be up and running...
[0;m[0KPulling docker image docker:stable ...
[0;m[0KUsing docker image sha256:73d492654a095a2f91078b2dfacd0cfe1a1fe25412fac54b4eb2f5a9609ad418 for docker:stable ...
[0KRunning on runner-gGEycKK--project-1-concurrent-0 via

In the next stage, the repository containing the code to be scanned is cloned, shown as follows:

[0K[32;1mCloning repository...[0;m
Cloning into '/builds/mastering_gitlab/JavaVulnerableLab'...
[32;1mChecking out 157b6e94 as master...[0;m
[32;1mSkipping Git submodules setup[0;m
[0K[32;1m$ export SP_VERSION=$(echo "$CI_SERVER_VERSION" | sed 's/^([0-9]*).([0-9]*).*/1-2-stable/')[0;m
[32;1m$ docker run --env SAST_CONFIDENCE_LEVEL="${SAST_CONFIDENCE_LEVEL:-3}" --volume "$PWD:/code" --volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock "$SP_VERSION" /app/bin/run /code[0;m

In the next step, the run tries to get a specific Docker image for the scan. It will not find that locally and will instead try to get it from, as follows:

 Unable to find image '' locally
11-7-stable: Pulling from gitlab-org/security-products/sast
3f0edbe59eaa: Pulling fs layer
3f0edbe59eaa: Download complete
3f0edbe59eaa: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:d31cbb2bfd200b60543ef99fa03638c2335a52597e0966b7347f896dbe4e78e7
Status: Downloaded newer image for

After successfully downloading the image, it will start the scan, as follows:

 2019/02/22 15:00:52 Copy project directory to containers
2019/02/22 15:00:52 [bandit] Detect project using plugin
2019/02/22 15:00:52 [bandit] Project not compatible
2019/02/22 15:00:52 [brakeman] Detect project using plugin
2019/02/22 15:00:52 [brakeman] Project not compatible
2019/02/22 15:00:52 [gosec] Detect project using plugin
2019/02/22 15:00:52 [gosec] Project not compatible
2019/02/22 15:00:52 [find-sec-bugs] Detect project using plugin
2019/02/22 15:00:52 [find-sec-bugs] Project is compatible
2019/02/22 15:00:52 [find-sec-bugs] Starting analyzer...

After 10 minutes, the results should be as follows:

 Downloaded from central: (640 kB at 882 kB/s)
[INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module!
[WARNING] File encoding has not been set, using platform encoding UTF-8, i.e. build is platform dependent!
[INFO] Compiling 15 source files to /tmp/app/target/classes
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 11.988 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2019-02-22T15:24:25Z
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

The scan will report on which plugin or module can be use (in other words, it checks project compatibility), as follows:

 Warnings generated: 49
2019/02/22 15:24:33 [find-sec-bugs-gradle] Detect project using plugin
2019/02/22 15:24:33 [find-sec-bugs-gradle] Project not compatible
2019/02/22 15:24:33 [find-sec-bugs-sbt] Detect project using plugin
2019/02/22 15:24:33 [find-sec-bugs-sbt] Project not compatible
2019/02/22 15:24:33 [find-sec-bugs-groovy] Detect project using plugin
2019/02/22 15:24:33 [find-sec-bugs-groovy] Project not compatible
2019/02/22 15:24:33 [flawfinder] Detect project using plugin
2019/02/22 15:24:33 [flawfinder] Project not compatible
2019/02/22 15:24:33 [phpcs-security-audit] Detect project using plugin
2019/02/22 15:24:33 [phpcs-security-audit] Project not compatible
2019/02/22 15:24:33 [security-code-scan] Detect project using plugin
2019/02/22 15:24:33 [security-code-scan] Project not compatible
2019/02/22 15:24:33 [nodejs-scan] Detect project using plugin
2019/02/22 15:24:33 [nodejs-scan] Project not compatible

You should now see a report of the findings, as in the following example (which is not entirely complete):

| Severity | Tool | Location |
| High | Find Security Bugs | src/main/java/org/cysecurity/cspf/jvl/controller/ |
| |
| HTTP cookie formed from untrusted input |
| High | Find Security Bugs | src/main/java/org/cysecurity/cspf/jvl/controller/ |
| |
| Relative path traversal in servlet |

As you can see in the following snippet, a lot of security issues were discovered:

 Uploading artifacts...
gl-sast-report.json: found 1 matching files
Uploading artifacts to coordinator... ok id=4 responseStatus=201 Created token=Sy_pRf1e
Job succeeded

The scan finally finishes by uploading the report.

Essentially, SAST tries to analyze your code and applies plugins based on which code could be scanned. It will look for security hazards in your code. The scan is done in a special container delivered by GitLab. After scanning, a report is available.

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