The Project Issue board

Hidden in GitLab is a very nice project management feature. It is called the Project Issue board. It can be used to implement a workflow by using visualization and can help to plan and organize. It does not enforce one way of working. You have to organize and form your own process. The boards are heavily dependent on labels, which are used to group issues into lists.

If you go to the issues in the left navigation bar, you will find the option Boards. By default, you get a board called Development that offers basic lanes such as Open, To Do, Doing, and Closed. You can drag issues from lane to lane, indicating a change in state. For instance, if an issue is done, you drag it to Closed. What happens is that the issue will automatically get the label Closed. The following screenshot is an example of the project issue board for the eventmanager project:

If you use GitLab Enterprise Edition, you can even have multiple issue boards, which can mean several things:

  • A board can be shared by multiple teams: Group Issue boards.
  • Each team can have its own boards.
  • There are several views for projects, based on the scope of the board (milestone, label, assignee and weight).

In the following screenshot, you can see how to create a new issue board by clicking on the drop-down list saying Development. The default board is as follows:

When you click on Create new board you will be presented with a form to enter the name of the new board, and the scope of the board. As with a label, it is just an attribute of an issue that is used to group or aggregate. Let's choose to focus on milestones, and choose the milestone MVP3, which is the minimum viable product coming out of sprint 3, which is shown as follows:

After creation, you will be presented with an issue board including the issues that are already assigned to a milestone. You can add issues (which then are coupled to the milestone) with the Add Issues, which is shown in the following example:

Issue boards can function as information radiators for teams, it organizes issues in the way you want and can be the subject of conversation for a team meeting.

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