

Access, 4-6

benefits, 4

data entry form, 4

drawbacks, 6

adding, phone numbers, 64-65

adding relationships, 105-112

administrators, specifying, 314-319

aggregating data, 236

data sources, 236-256

analysis, execution flow, IntelliTrace, 512-515

Application Designer, 34-35

General Properties, 345

Application icon property (Application Designer), 345

Application name property (Application Designer), 345

Application Server Configuration screen (Publish Application Wizard), 353

Application version property (Application Designer), 345

Applications, 443. See also projects

aggregating data into, 250-256

architecture, 444-445

business, 1-2

custom controls, 561-562

building, 562-563

creating with Visual Studio 2010, 563-573

customizing, command bars, 216-228

data-centric, 43, 93-94

adding entity properties, 46-50

creating, 43-44

creating data sources, 45-52

data entry screens, 55-58

data validation, 87-89

default validation of business types, 91-93

exporting data to Excel, 77-78

implementing screens, 52-60

input-data validation, 85-90

number validation, 90

required fields validation, 85

running as 3-tier desktop client, 83-84

running in web browsers, 84

screen customization, 78-84

search screens, 58-60

string-length validation, 86-87

testing, 60-84

data storage, 444

debugging, 36, 312, 517-527

analyzing threads, 534

breakpoints, 521-522, 527-532

code, 536-541

data tips, 521-522

debugger visualizers, 535-536

displaying variable values, 530

evaluating expressions, 531-532

method calls, 532-533

runtime errors, 524-526

steps, 522-524

trace points, 527-532

Watch windows, 533-534

deploying, 312, 339-344

MSDeploy, 343-344

one-click deployment, 340-341

preparation, 344-352

runtime settings, 349-350

three-tier applications, 373-392

two-tier applications, 352-373

Windows Azure, 392-407

extending, SharePoint 2010, 280-290

life cycles, managing, 480-506

localizing, 350-352

logos, specifying, 345-348

naming, 80, 345-348

out-of-browser, 60


Forms authentication, 330-334

Windows authentication, 314-319

running, 116-118

SQL Server databases, creating on, 239-249

starting as desktop clients, 61-63

styling, 348-349

technologies, 444-445

testing, credentials, 327-329, 334-335

three-tier, 341-344

publishing, 377-379


data storage, 445-452

logic, 444, 452-462

presentation, 445, 462-469

two-tier, 341-344

publishing, 368-373

WCF RIA Services, calling from, 720-726

applying filters

data level, 181-205

screen level, 206-208

appointments, Outlook, creating, 586

architecture, applications, 444-445

arranging windows, 37-38

asynchrony, 178

attributes, debuggers, 538-541

authentication, 291-294, 338

Forms authentication, implementing, 329-335

mechanisms, RIA services, 717

strategies, choosing, 295

Windows authentication, implementing, 294-329

authorization, 291-292


entity logic, 299-307

logic, 298-299

user interface logic, 307-312

settings permissions, 297-298

Autogenerated Code for CreateNewCustomer listing (12.1), 477



role instances, 407

services, 398-402

SQL, 402-404

connecting to, 256-273, 394-398

deploying applications to, 392-407


Binary data type, 47


imported tables, to screens, 253-256

user controls to screens, 569-572

Bing Maps

adding to screens, 576-578

developer keys, claiming, 574

integrating, 573-578

making available to LightSwitch, 575

updating entities, 576

blogs, 766, 768

Boolean data type, 47

breakpoints, 527-532

Breakpoints window, 527-528

code, 521-522

labels, editing, 528

Breakpoints window, 527-528

Building a Composite Control for Data Visualization listing (16.1), 566

Building a Custom Code Snippet listing (15.2), 556-557

Building a Silverlight Reporting Control listing (17.1), 610-612

building custom controls, 562-563

built-in query events, handling, 424-427

built-in validation rules, 152-153

business applications, 1-2

business data types, 49-50

business types, 228

creating, 693-705

default validation, 91-93

business-oriented user interfaces, 115-146

Button control, 54

button methods, screen events, 431-434


built-in, 216

CanExecute method, 312

command bars, adding to, 217-218

custom, adding and managing, 219-222


C# 4 Unleashed, 22

calendars, SharePoint 2010, configuring, 275-280

Call Stack window, method calls, 532-533

calling WCF RIA Services, 720-726

stored procedures, 726-745

CanExecute method, 312

change sets, 459

chart controls, implementing, 565-569

CheckBox control, 55

choice lists, defining, entities, 100-103

Chowdhury, Kunal, 768

class coupling index (Code Metrics), 506

class library, Office Integration Extension, 582-583


Debug, 536-538

RIA services, 710

ClickOnce, 340-341

client operating systems, IIS (Internet Information Services), 342

Client project, 475-477

client validation, 154-167

ClientGenerated project, 475

client-side projects, 474-478

Client, 475-477

ClientGenerated, 475

compiled files, 477-478


breakpoints, 521-522, 527-532

debugging, 536-541

entities, 409-429

data objects, 410-413


data-related operations, 416

handling, 409, 429-438

queries, customizing, 195-205

runtime errors, 524-526

screens, adding to, 678-685

trace points, 527-532

unit testing, 508-512

Code Editor, 35

code listings, 696

Autogenerated Code for CreateNewCustomer, 477

Building a Composite Control for Data Visualization, 566

Building a Custom Code Snippet, 556-557

Building a Silverlight Reporting Control, 610-612

Creating a Custom Screen Template, 680-685

Creating a User Control for the WebAddress Type, 701

Definition File for the Custom Theme, 625-626

Editing the Control’s Definition File, 702

Examining an Existing Code Snippet, 555

Implementing a Business Object to Represent a Single Feed, 712

Implementing a Domain Service Class, 715

Implementing a Metadata Class for the Domain Service, 718

Implementing a Validator Class for the WebAddress Type, 697

Implementing Properties in the Control Definition File, 661-663

Implementing Security Methods for Multiple Entities, 304-305

Implementing Security Methods on Custom Queries, 306

Implementing the Control’s UI, 663-664

Implementing the Validator Factory Class, 699

Implementing the Viewer Control, 702

Modifying the Code for Debugging Purposes, 519

Representing the New Business Type in a .NET Manner, 696

Sending Email via Outlook Automation, 224-225

Setting Security Permissions at the Screen Level, 308-311

WebAddress.lsml Definition File, 695

Code Metrics, 506-508

Indexes, 506

code samples, 767

Code Snippet Manager, 553-554

code snippets

creating custom, 554-559

using, 551-554

CodeProject, 768

collapsing screens, navigation panel, 187

collection methods, screen events, 437-438

collections, entity, validation, 169-170

Columns Layout control, 138

COM interoperability, 16, 222-228

command bars


adding to, 217-218

managing custom, 219-222

customizing, 216-228

command panel, styling, 641-644

Command window, evaluating expressions, 531-532

community resources, 767-768

company logo, displaying, 653-654

comparison operators, 182-183

compiled files, 477-478

complex data sources, designing, 97-115

Component One, OLAP, 606-608

composite control for data visualization, building, 566

compound properties, 112-115

computed properties, controls, 122



role instances, 407

services, 398-402

SQL, 402-404

IntelliTrace, 513-514

LightSwitch, 759

web servers, 374-376

connection strings, handling, 749-751


SQL Server, 256-273

databases, 236-256

TFS (Team Foundation Server), 481-482

ContactsManager application, 93-94

creating, 43-44

data sources, creating, 45-52

data validation, 87-89

default validation of business types, 91-93

entity properties, adding, 46-50

exporting data to Excel, 77-78

input-data validation, 85-90

number validation, 90

running as 3-tier desktop client, 83-84

running in web browsers, 84

screen customization, 78-84


data entry, 55-58

implementing, 52-60

search, 58-60

string-length validation, 86-87

testing, development machines, 60-84

control tree, screens, 466-468

controls, 21, 53-55, 619-620

chart, implementing, 565-569

computed properties, 122

custom, 561-562

building, 562-563

sharing, 656-670

custom controls, 228

dependency properties, implementing, 664-667

designing, 700-703

editing, 76-77

extensions, creating, 657-670

icons, replacing, 658

making programmable, 667

Modal Window, 138

MSDN documentation, 669-670

Picture and Text, 138

printing, custom, 609-617

reporting, custom, 609-617

Rows Layout, 138

Screen Navigation, 133-138

shells, restyling, 655-656

string resources, adding, 658-659

Table Layout, 138

Tabs Layout, 138

testing, 667-669

Text and Picture, 138

types, 657

user interfaces, designing, 663-664

viewer, creating, 701-703

CreateNewCustomer, 477

Creating a Custom Screen Template listing (18.4), 680-685

Creating a User Control for the WebAddress Type listing (19.5), 701


applications, testing, 334-335

testing applications, 327-329

Culture property (Application Designer), 345

currency codes, 103

custom buttons, adding and managing, 219-222

custom code snippets, creating, 554-559

custom controls, 228, 561-562

Bing Maps, integrating, 573-578

building, 562-563

creating with Visual Studio 2010, 563-573

printing, 609-617

reporting, 609-617

sharing, 656-670

testing, 667-669

custom data sources

creating, 705-745

sharing, 745-751

testing, 746-749

custom query events, handling, 429-430

custom rules, validation, writing, 153-174

custom shells

creating, 636-656

extensibility projects, creating for, 638-639

testing, 654-655

custom themes, testing, 633-634

Customer entity, 97-98


applications, command bars, 216-228

data validation, 149

IDE (integrated development environment), 543

toolbars, 544-545

queries, code, 195-205

screens, 78-81, 138-146

cyclomatic complexibility index (Code Metrics), 506



asynchrony, 178

editing, 118-121

filtering, 177, 179-208

paging, 178

querying, 177

based on other queries, 212-214

sorting, 177

data level, 208-211

logic, 208-211

screen level, 211

data access tier, applications, 445-452

data aggregation, data sources, 236-256

data connections, 16

data entry forms, Access, 4

data entry screens, creating, 55-58, 116

data level

data, sorting, 208-211

filters, applying, 181-205

data objects, 410-413

data paging, 16

data providers

logic tier, 461

SharePoint 2010, 448

SQL Azure, 445-446

SQL Server, 445-446

data service clients, presentation tier, 468-469

data services, logic tier, 452-453

Data Source Methods, data source events, handling, 423-424

data sources, 229

aggregating data from, 235-256

creating, 705-745


sharing, 745-751

testing, 746-749

data-centric applications, creating, 45-52

designing, 101-115

events, handling, 423-424

data storage, 52

applications, 444

data storage tier, applications, 445-452

data tips, 521-522

data types, 47-49

business, 49-50

definition, implementing, 694-696

Integer, 49-50

mapping, 49, 448-452

Money, 103-105

validating, 160-165

data validation, 16, 175

built-in rules, 152-153

custom rules, writing, 153-174

customizing, 149

data-centric applications, 87-89

entity collections, 169-170

implementing, 146-148, 696-700

model, 150-153

rule types, 151

data workspace, presentation tier, 468

Database Connections screen (Publish Application Wizard), 356-357

database tools, 20-21


aggregating data from, 250-256

intrinsic, 446-447

membership, 447-448

SQL Azure, connecting to, 256-273

SQL Server

connecting to, 236-256

creating applications on, 239-249

data-binding, 16

data-centric applications, 43, 93-94

creating, 43-44

data sources, creating, 45-52

data validation, 87-89

default validation of business types, 91-93

entity properties, adding, 46-50

Excel, exporting data to, 77-78

input-data validation, 85-90

number validation, 90

required fields validation, 85

running as 3-tier desktop client, 83-84

running in web browsers, 84

screen customization, 78-84


data entry, 55-58

implementing, 52-60

search, 58-60

string-length validation, 86-87

testing, development machines, 60-84

DataGrid control, 55

DataGridRow control, 55

data-related operations, events, 416

Date data type, 47

Date Picker control, 54

Date Viewer control, 54

dates, displaying, 89

DateTime data type, 47

DateTimePicker control, 54

DateTimeViewer control, 54

de Smet, Bart, 22

Debug class, 536-538

DebuggerBrowsable attribute, 539

DebuggerDisplay attribute, 539

DebuggerHidden attribute, 540


attributes, 538-541

visualizers, 535-536

DebuggerStepThrough attribute, 540

DebuggerTypeProxy attribute, 541

debugging, 531-532

applications, 36, 312, 517-527

analyzing threads, 534

breakpoints, 521-522, 527-532

data tips, 521-522

debugger visualizers, 535-536

displaying variable values, 530

Error List tool window, 520

evaluating expressions, 531-532

method calls, 532-533

runtime errors, 524-526

steps, 522-524

trace points, 527-532

Watch windows, 533-534

code, 536-541

Decimal data type, 47

decimal numbers, 90

default queries, 180

default validation of business types, data-centric applications, 91-93

defining choice lists, entities, 100-103

definition, data types, implementing, 694-696

Definition File for the Custom Theme listing (18.1), 625-626

deleting, entities, 422

dependency calculation, logic tier, 457

dependency properties, implementing, 664-667

deploying, extensions, 751-758

deploying applications, 312, 339-344

MSDeploy, 343-344

one-click deployment, 340-341

preparation, 344-352

runtime settings, 349-350

three-tier applications, 373-392

two-tier applications, 352-373

Publish Application Wizard, 353-373

Windows Azure, 392-407

deployment manifest, preparing, 752

depth of inheritance index (Code Metrics), 506

Designer, 29-30


controls, 700-703

screen templates, 672-673

desktop clients, starting applications as, 61-63

details lists, creating, 129

Details screen, master-details relationships, handling, 121-133

details screens, 95-96

Developer Center, 21

Developer Express, XtraReports, 600-605

developer keys, Bing Maps, claiming, 574

developers, 3

development environments, 19

display names, customizing, 79, 185

displaying reports, user interfaces, 612-613

Document Toolkit for LightSwitch, 769

Double data type, 48

downloading extensions, 229-232

drawbacks, Access, 6


Edit and Continue feature, 526-527

editable grids, 76, 118-121


breakpoint labels, 528

data, 118-121

relationships, 109-110

Screen Navigation control, 133-138


Expression Blend 4, 630-631

Visual Studio 2010, 628-629

Editing the Control’s Definition File listing (19.6), 702

Editor control, creating, 700-701

elevation, permissions, server code, 336-337

email, sending, Outlook, 224-225, 583-585

Email Address data type, 48

Email Address Editor control, 54

Email Address Viewer data type, 54

email addresses, validating, 91-93


adding properties, 46-50

building, 50-52

choice lists, defining, 100-103

code, 409-429

data objects, 410-413

Customer, 97-98

deleting, 422

intrinsic database, adding to, 250-253

Invoice, 102

managing, presentation tier, 469

OrderDetail, 99

OrderHeader, 98

permissions, logic, 299-307

Product, 100

versus tables, 46

updating, Bing Maps, 576

validation, single entity, 167-169

entity collections, data validation, 169-170

Entity Designer, 30

entity properties, validating, 154-156

Error List tool window, 520

errors, runtime, 524-526

event method handlers, 414



data-related operations, 416

handling, 429-438

handling, 409

entities, 409-429

property-related events, handing, 427-429

queries, 205

query events, handling, 424-427, 429-430

screen events

button methods, 431-434

collection methods, 437-438

general methods, 434-436

handling, 430-438

Examining an Existing Code Snippet listing (15.1), 555


exporting data to, 77-78, 593-594

importing data from, 594-597

exceptions, save pipeline, 459-460

execution flow, analyzing, IntelliTrace, 512-515


data to Excel, 77-78, 593-594

data to PDF documents, 586-592

data to Word documents, 586-592

user settings, 547-548

Expression Blend 4, themes, editing, 630-631

expressions, evaluating, Command window, 531-532

extending applications, SharePoint 2010, 280-290

extensibility, MEF (Managed Extensibility Framework), 620-621

Extensibility Center, 767

extensibility projects

creating, 621-624

custom shells, creating for, 638-639

themes, adding to, 625-628

Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML), 620

extensions, 228-229

business types, 228

controls, creating, 657-670

custom controls, 228

data sources, 229

deploying, 693

deploying to others, 751-758

downloading and installing, 229-232

NetAdvantage, 605-606

Office Integration Extension, 582-597

OLAP, 606-608

properties, setting, 624

reporting, 599-600

NetAdvantage, 605-606

OLAP, 606-608

Telerik, 606-608

XtraReports, 600-605

screen templates, 228

shells, 228

testing, 703-705

themes, 229

third-party, 769-770

updates, releasing, 757-758

using, 232-233


files, compiled, 477-478

Filter Designer, 181-184

filtering data, 70-72, 177, 179-208



data level, 181-205

screen level, 206-208

comparison operators, 182-183

Filter Designer, 181-184

group filters, adding, 190-192

query parameters, 193-200

formats, phone numbers, customizing, 65-68

formatting, phone numbers, 64-65

Forms authentication, 338

implementing, 329-335

forums, LightSwitch, 766


general methods, screen events, 434-436

General Properties, Application Designer, 345

gradient stops, editing, 628

group filters, adding, 190-192

Guide data type, 48



connection strings, 749-751

events, 409, 430-438

screen, 430-438

master-details relationships, Details screen, 121-133

relationships, 110-112

Haugen, Nicole, 766

Help Viewer, 38-39

helper code, unit testing, 508-512

hosting service, presentation tier, 463

”How-do-I” videos, 766


icons, controls, replacing, 658

IDE (integrated development environment), 23-25, 43, 543, 559

Application Designer, 34-35

Code Editor, 35

code snippets

creating custom, 554-559

using, 551-554

creating new projects, 26-29

customizing, 543

command bars, 216-228

Designer, 29-30

Entity Designer, 30

extensions, 228-229

business types, 228

custom controls, 228

data sources, 229

downloading and installing, 229-232

screen templates, 228

shells, 228

themes, 229

using, 232-233

Help Viewer, 38-39

Properties window, 32

Query designer, 33-34

Screen Designer, 30-31

Solution Explorer, 27-29

Start Page, 25-26

toolbars, customizing, 544-545

user settings, managing, 546-550

windows, managing and arranging, 37-38

IIS (Internet Information Services), 20

client operating systems, 342

Image data type, 48

Image Editor control, 54

Image Viewer control, 54

images, validating, 93

Implementing a Business Object to Represent a Single Feed listing (19.8), 712

Implementing a Domain Service Class listing (19.9), 715

Implementing a Metadata Class for the Domain Service listing (19.10), 718

Implementing a Validator Class for the WebAddress Type listing (19.3), 697

Implementing Properties in the Control Definition File listing (18.2), 661-663

Implementing Security Methods for Multiple Entities listing (9.1), 304-305

Implementing Security Methods on Custom Queries listing (9.2), 306

Implementing the Control’s UI listing (18.3), 663-664

Implementing the Validator Factory Class listing (19.4), 699

Implementing the Viewer Control listing (19.7), 702

imported tables, screens, binding to, 253-256


MSDeploy packages, IIS (Internet Information Services), 385-392

user settings, 548-550

importing data from Excel, 594-597

indexes, Code Metrics, 506

Infragistics, NetAdvantage, 605-606

Infragistics NetAdvantage Light Edition, 770

INotifyDataErrorInfo, 457-458

input-data validation, data-centric applications, 85-90


extensions, 229-232

LightSwitch, 19-21, 759-761

Northwind database, 237-238

Integer data type, 48-50

integer types, differences, 90

integrated development environment (IDE). See IDE (integrated development environment)

integration, Bing Maps, 573-578


configuring, 513-514

execution flow, analyzing, 512-515

log files, 515

interfaces, business-oriented, 115-146

interoperability (COM), 222-228

intrinsic database, 446-447

entities, adding to, 250-253

invalid data, saving, 422-423

Invoice entity, 102

IScreenTemplate properties, implementing, 673-675


Jennings, Roger, 768


Label control, 54

labels, breakpoints, editing, 528

Language Integrated Query (LINQ), 171

launching screens programmatically, 438-442

life cycles, applications, managing, 480-506

LightSwitch, 13-19, 22

configuring, 759

editions, 18

installing, 19-21, 759-761

LightSwitch Developer Center, 765

LightSwitch Team, 766

limitations, Visual Basic 6, 7-8

lines of code index (Code Metrics), 506

LINQ (Language Integrated Query), 171

List control, 55


Autogenerated Code for CreateNewCustomer, 477

Building a Composite Control for Data Visualization, 566

Building a Custom Code Snippet, 556-557

Building a Silverlight Reporting Control, 610-612

Creating a Custom Screen Template, 680-685

Creating a User Control for the WebAddress Type, 701

Definition File for the Custom Theme, 625-626

Editing the Control’s Definition File, 702

Examining an Existing Code Snippet, 555

Implementing a Business Object to Represent a Single Feed, 712

Implementing a Domain Service Class, 715

Implementing a Metadata Class for the Domain Service, 718

Implementing a Validator Class for the WebAddress Type, 697

Implementing Properties in the Control Definition File, 661-663

Implementing Security Methods for Multiple Entities, 304-305

Implementing Security Methods on Custom Queries, 306

Implementing the Control’s UI, 663-664

Implementing the Validator Factory Class, 699

Implementing the Viewer Control, 702

Modifying the Code for Debugging Purposes, 519

Representing the New Business Type in a .NET Manner, 696

Sending Email via Outlook Automation, 224-225

Setting Security Permissions at the Screen Level, 308-311

WebAddress.lsml Definition File, 695

lists, SharePoint 2010, 273-290

literal properties, 558

localizing, applications, 350-352

Locals window, variable values, displaying, 530

log files, IntelliTrace, 515


data sorting, 208-211

permissions, writing, 298-299

logic tier, applications, 444, 452-462

change sets, 459

data providers, 461

data services, 452-453

dependency calculation, 457

queries, 453-454

static spans, 454-455

transaction management, 459-460

validation framework, 456

Logo image property (Application Designer), 345


applications, specifying, 345-348

displaying, 653-654

LongInteger data type, 48


maintainability index (Code Metrics), 506

Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF), 620-621


custom buttons, 219-222

offline documentation, 762-763

user settings, 546-550

many-to-many relationships, 105-108


data types, 49, 448-452

stored procedures, .NET methods, 727-736

Massi, Beth, 766

master-details relationships

handling, Details screen, 121-133

validation, 147-148, 170-172

MEF (Managed Extensibility Framework), 620-621

membership database, 447-448

method calls, Call Stack window, 532-533


button, screen events, 431-434

CanExecute, 312

collection, screens, 437-438

general, screen events, 434-436

Metro theme, 621

middle-tier projects, 473-474

Modal Window control, 138

Modifying the Code for Debugging Purposes listing (14.1), 519

money, validating, 93

Money data type, 48, 103-105

Money Editor control, 55

Money View control, 55

MSDeploy, 343-344

packages, creating and importing, 385-392

MSDN, resources, 765

MSDN documentation, controls, 669-670

multiple validation issues, 85, video training, 768


namespaces, RIA services, 710

naming, applications, 80, 345-348

navigation, screens, rearranging, 185

Navigation area, styling, 650-653

navigation panel, collapsing, 187

.NET data types, 449-450

.NET Framework, 21-22

validation rules, implementing, 172-174

WCF RIA Services, 709-711

.NET methods, stored procedures, mapping, 727-736

NetAdvantage, 605-606

Northwind database, installing, 237-238

null checks, 162

number validation, data-centric applications, 90


Oakleaf Systems, 768

objects, data objects, 410-413

OData, endpoints, exposing, 713

Office, integration, 78

Office Integration Extension, 582-597

class library, 582-583


exporting data to, 593-594

importing data from, 594-597


creating appointments, 586

sending email, 583-585

PDF documents, exporting data to, 586-592

Word documents, exporting data to, 586-592

offline documentation, managing, 762-763

OLAP, 606-608

one-click deployment, applications, 340-341

one-to-many relationships, 105

one-to-one relationships, 105-108

operating systems, requirements, 19

operators, comparison, 182-183

OrderDetail entity, 99

OrderHeader entity, 98

Other Connections screen (Publish Application Wizard), 360-363

out-of-browser applications, 60

out-of-browser functionality, 16


appointments, creating, 586

automation, sending email via, 224-225

sending email, 583-585


paging data, 70, 178

Patterson, Paul, 768

PDF documents, exporting data to, 586-592


elevation, server code, 336-337


entities, 299-307

user interfaces, 307-312

writing, 298-299

settings, 297-298

user roles, 320-323

Phone Number data type, 48

Phone Number Editor data type, 54

phone numbers

adding and formatting, 64-65

customizing formats, 65-68

validating, 93

Picture and Text control, 138

preparation, application deployment, 344-352

Prerequisites screen (Publish Application Wizard), 357-360

presentation tier, applications, 445, 462-469

data service clients, 468-469

data workspace, 468

hosting service, 463

managing entities, 469

screens, 465-468

shell, 463-465

theming service, 465


APIs, 613-617

custom controls, 609-617

implementing, 581-582

Office Integration Extension, 582-597

printing APIs, 613-617

Product entity, 100

programmatically launching screens, 438-442

programmable controls, creating, 667

programming, 21-22

projects. See also applications

automating builds, 499-506

client-side, 474-478

Client, 475-477

ClientGenerated, 475

compiled files, 477-478

creating, 26-29, 96-97

dissecting, 469-478

middle-tier, 473-474

server-side, 471-473

Server, 472-473

ServerGenerated, 472

solutions, 470-471

test projects, creating, 509-510

version control, 499


changing, runtime, 79-80

compound, 112-115


adding, 46-50

validation, 154-167

extensions, setting, 624

literal, 558

summary, 73-76

testing, 76

Properties window, 32

property-related events, handling, 427-429

Publish Application Wizard

Application Server Configuration screen, 353

Database Connections screen, 356-357

Other Connections screen, 360-363

Prerequisites screen, 357-360

Publish Output screen, 353

Publish Summary screen, 366-368

Specify a Certificate screen, 363-366

two-tier applications, deploying, 353-373

Publish Output screen (Publish Application Wizard), 353

Publish Summary screen (Publish Application Wizard), 366-368



Forms authentication, 330-334

Windows authentication, 314-319

three-tier applications, 377-379

MSDeploy packages, 385-392

to web servers, 379-383

two-tier applications, 368-373



basing on other queries, 212-214

code, customizing, 195-205

default, 180

events, 205

logic tier, 453-454

query parameters, 193-200

Query designer, 33-34

Query Designer, 181-182

query events, handling, 424-427

custom, 429-430

query parameters, 193-200

querying, data, 177-179


RAD (Rapid Application Development) environment, 43

refreshing, search results, 72

relationships, 95-96

adding, 105-112

editing, 109-110

handling, 110-112

many-to-many, 105-108


handling, 121-133

validation, 147-148, 170-172

one-to-many, 105

one-to-one, 757-758

releasing, extension updates, 757-758

renaming, applications, 80


custom controls, 609-617

extensions, 599-600

XtraReports, 600-605

implementing, 581-582

Office Integration Extension, 582-597

SQL Server Reporting Services, 597-599


creating as user control, 609-612

displaying, user interface, 612-613

Representing the New Business Type in a .NET Manner listing (19.2), 696

required fields validation, data-centric applications, 85


community, 767-768

MSDN, 765-767

third-party extensions, 769-770

restyling controls, shells, 655-656

RIA services

authentication mechanisms, 717

classes, 710

namespaces, 710

Ribbon Bar, buttons, adding to, 217-218

role instances, Azure, configuring, 407

roles, users

creating, 312-329

permissions, 320-323

root container, styling, 641

Rows Layout control, 138

RSSBus data providers, 769

rule types, validation, 151

rules, validation, 456-457

writing custom, 153-174

running applications, 116-118

runtime, changing properties, 79-80

runtime components, 16

runtime errors, 524-526

runtime settings, application deployment, 349-350


Sampson, Matt, 766

save pipeline, 424, 458-459

exceptions, 459-460

saving, invalid data, 422-423

Screen Command Bar control, 54

Screen Content area, styling, 644-650

screen content trees, generating, 675-678

Screen Designer, 30-31

screen events

button methods, 431-434

collection methods, 437-438

general methods, 434-436

handling, 430-438

screen level

data, sorting, 211

filters, applying, 206-208

Screen Navigation control, editing, 133-138

screen templates, 228

creating, 670-691

designing, 672-673

details, entity and items, 687-690

testing, 685-686

screens, 619-620

adding code to, 678-685

Bing Maps, adding to, 576-578

customization, 78-81, 138-146

data entry, creating, 55-58, 116

data-centric applications, implementing, 52-60

display names, customizing, 185

imported tables, binding to, 253-256

launching programmatically, 438-442

navigation panel, collapsing, 187

predefined templates, 31

presentation tier, 465-468

rearranging navigation, 185

screen templates, creating, 670-691

search, creating, 58-60, 116-118


adding local screen members, 690-691

creating, 678-685

designing, 672-673

details, 687-690

IScreenTemplate properties, 673-675

testing, 685-686

user controls, binding to, 569-572

search results, refreshing, 72

search screens

creating, 58-60, 116-118

editing data from, 72

searching, data, 70-72


authentication, 291-294

Forms authentication, 329-335

strategies, 295

Windows authentication, 294-329

authorization, 291-292

settings permissions, 297-298


entity logic, 299-307

server code elevation, 336-337

user interface logic, 307-312

sending email

automation, 224-225

Outlook, 583-585

Sending Email via Outlook Automation listing (7.1), 224-225

server code, permission elevation, 336-337

server components, 19-20

Server project, 472-473

ServerGenerated projects, 472

server-side projects, 471-473

Server, 472-473

ServerGenerated, 472

services, Windows Azure, configuring, 398-402

setting properties, extensions, 624

Setting Security Permissions at the Screen Level listing (9.3), 308-311

settings permissions, 297-298

SharePoint 2010, 20, 448

calendars, configuring, 275-280

extending applications, 280-290

lists, 273-290


custom controls, 656-670

custom data sources, 745-751

Shell property (Application Designer), 345

shell UI, presentation tier, 463-465

shells, 228, 619-620

command panel, styling, 641-644

company logo, displaying, 653-654

controls, restyling, 655-656

creating, 636-656

extensibility projects, creating for, 638-639

Navigation area, styling, 650-653

root container, styling, 641

Screen Content area, styling, 644-650

testing, 654-655

User Information area, styling, 653

view models, 640-641

ShortInteger data type, 48

Silverlight, Telerik, 608

single entity, validation, 167-169

snippets (code)

creating custom, 554-559

using, 551-554

software, 1

software developers, 3

Solution Explorer, 27-29

solutions, projects, 470-471



data level, 208-211

logic, 208-211

screen level, 211

data-centric applications, 177

source control, team projects, submitting to, 485-492

Specify a Certificate screen (Publish Application Wizard), 363-366

spreadsheets (Excel)

exporting data to, 593-594

importing data from, 594-597

SQL (Structured Query Language), 171

SQL Azure, 21, 445-446

configuring, 402-404

connecting to, 256-273

SQL Server, 16-18, 445-446


connecting to, 236-256

creating applications on, 239-249

intrinsic database, 446-447

supported editions, 237

SQL Server Reporting Services, 597-599

SSME (SQL Server Management Studio Express), 256-273

SQL Azure, connecting via, 256-273

StackOverflow, 768

Start Page, 25-26

starter kits, 766

static spans, logic tier, 454-455

steps, debugging, 522-524

stored procedures

.NET methods, mapping, 727-736

WCF RIA Services, calling through, 726-745

String data type, 48

string resources, controls, adding, 658-659

string-length validation, data-centric applications, 86-87

Structured Query Language (SQL), 171


applications, 348-349

command panel, 641-644

Navigation area, 650-653

root container, 641

Screen Content area, 644-650

User Information area, 653

summary properties, 73-76

testing, 76


tabbed windows, arranging, 37-38

Table Designer, 45-46

Table Layout control, 138

tables, 45

binding to screens, 253-256

versus entities, 46

Tabs Layout control, 138

target web servers, configuring, 374-376

tasks, optimization, 1

Team Foundation Server (TFS). See TFS (Team Foundation Server)

team projects

automating builds, 499-506

creating, 483-484

source control, submitting to, 485-492

version control, 499

technologies, applications, 444-445

Telerik, 608



creating, 670-691

details, 687-690

testing, 685-686


adding local screen members, 690-691

IScreenTemplate properties, 673-675

test projects, creating, 509-510


applications, credentials, 327-329, 334-335

custom controls, 667-669

custom data sources, 746-749

custom shells, 654-655

custom themes, 633-634

extensions, 703-705

screen templates, 685-686

summary properties, 76

Text and Picture control, 138

TextBox control, 54

TFS (Team Foundation Server)

applications, managing life cycles, 480-506

connecting to, 481-482

team projects

automating builds, 499-506

creating, 483-484

submitting to source control, 483-484

version control, 499

work items, creating and assigning, 494-497

Thalman, Matt, 766

Theme property (Application Designer), 345

themes, 229, 619-620

creating, 621-634

custom, testing, 633-634

editing, 628-629

Expression Blend 4, 630-631

extensibility projects, adding to, 625-628

green, creating, 631-633

Metro, 621

theming service, presentation tier, 465

third-party extensions, 769-770

threads, analyzing, Threads window, 534

Threads window, analyzing threads, 534

three-tier applications, 341-344

deploying, 373-392

publishing, 377-379

MSDeploy packages, 385-392

to web servers, 379-383

three-tier desktop clients, running applications as, 83-84

tiers, applications

data access, 445-452

data source, 445-452

logic, 444-462

presentation, 445, 462-469

time, displaying, 89

Tips & Tricks community, 768

toolbars, customizing, 544-545

toolkits, 21

topologies, deployment, selecting, 353

trace points, 527-532

training kits, 766

transaction management, logic tier, 459-460

two-tier applications, 341-344

deploying, 352-373

deployment topologies, 353

Publish Application Wizard, 352-368

publishing, 368-373


business, creating, 693-705

controls, 657


unit testing, helper code, 506-512


entities, Bing Maps, 576

extensions, releasing, 757-758

uploading VSIX package, Visual Studio Gallery, 753-756

user controls

reports, creating, 609-612

screens, binding to, 569-572

User Information area, styling, 653

user interfaces

business-oriented, 115-146

controls, 53-55

designing, 663-664

data entry screens, creating, 116

permissions, logic, 307-312

reports, displaying, 612-613

screens, implementing, 52-60

search screens, creating, 116-118

user roles

creating, 312-329

permissions, 320-323

user settings

exporting, 547-548

importing, 548-550

managing, 546-550

users, roles, assigning, 323-327



built-in rules, 152-153

client, 154-167

custom rules, writing, 153-174

data, 175

customizing, 149

data types, 160-165

data validation, implementing, 146-148, 696-700

data-centric applications

default validation of business types, 91-93

input-data validation, 85-90

entity collections, 169-170

entity properties, 156-167

master-details relationships, 147-148, 170-172

model, 150-153

multiple validation issues, 85

rule types, 151

rules, .NET Framework, 172-174

single entity, 167-169

validation framework, logic tier, 456

validation rules, 456-457

ValidationSeverity enumeration, 159

Validator Factory class, 699

variable values, displaying, Locals window, 530

VB (Visual Basic) 6, 6-8

view models, 640-641

viewer controls, creating, 701-703

Visual Basic 6, 6-8

Visual Basic 2010 Unleashed, 22

Visual FoxPro, 9-10

Visual Studio 2010

custom controls, creating, 563-572

LightSwitch, 39-40

Visual Studio Express, 11-13

Visual Studio Gallery, 767

VSIX package, uploading to, 753-756

Visual Studio LightSwitch Help website, 767-768

Visual Studio .NET, 10-11

visualizers, debuggers, 535-536

VSIX package

signing, 752

uploading to Visual Studio Gallery, 753-756


Watch windows, 533-534

WCF (Windows Communications Foundation), 709

WCF RIA Services

calling from applications, 720-726

creating, 727

custom data sources, creating and using, 705-745

deploying, 719

.NET Framework, 709-711

stored procedures, calling through, 726-745

XML data, 711-719

web browsers, applications, running in, 84

web servers

configuring, 374-376

three-tier applications, publishing to, 379-383

WebAddress.lsml Definition File listing (19.1), 695

Wilson, Glenn, 768

Window menu, 38


arranging, 37-38

managing, 37-38

Windows authentication, 338

implementing, 101, 294-300

Windows Azure


role instances, 407

services, 398-402

SQL, 402-404

connecting to, 394-398

deploying applications to, 392-407

Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), 709

Word documents, exporting data to, 586-592

work items, creating and assigning, TFS (Team Foundation Server), 494-497

writing custom rules, validation, 153-174


XAML (Extensible Application Markup Language), 620

XML data, WCF RIA Services, 711-719

XtraReports, 600-605

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