Subject Index

Absolute advantage theory, 6

Acculturalization, 36, 101, 108

Adam and Eve, 348

Adaptation, 44, 388

Adjustment, 386

Administrative law, 283

Aesthetics, 85, 94

Aetna Life and Casualty, 88

Affect, 171

Affordability, 3

Afghanis, 108

African American, 102

Agrarianism, 301

Airbus, 9

Ajam, 108, 267

Akhlagh, 229

Algeria, 389, 318

Allah (God), 323

Allport’s traits theories, 199

American Airlines, 406

American Indian, 102

American Orientals, 102

Amorality, 93

Analects, 226

Anglo-American, 152

Anglo-Franco, 108

Anthropology, 97, 98

Apperception, 40

sociocultural, 158

Apple Computer, 19, 88

Arabic language, 354

Arabs, 108, 205, 267

Archaeology, 97

Argentina, 10, 11, 27, 55, 155

Armenians, 108

Artificial potency, 73

Arts, 85, 94

ASEAN, 296

Asia, 387

Asian Americans, 102

Asian countries, 297

Assimilation, 108

Association of South East Asian Nations, 3

Assyrians, 108

AT&T, 282

Atheism, 329

Atomic view, 66

Attention, 151

Attitude, 43, 143, 170

sociocultural, 174

Attribution, 143, 168

Australia, 10, 11, 55, 87, 267, 331, 390

Austria, 106, 211

Axiology, 93, 312

Ayatollah, 90

Azaris, 108

Badische Anilin & Soda Fabrik (BASF), 55

Baha’is, 108, 322, 324

Baha’ism, 196

Balance of payment (BOP), 3

Baluchis, 108

Banco Nation, 27

Bausch and Lomb Co., 292


masculine/feminine, 212

materialistic/spiritualistic, 211


adaptation, 44

culturalogy, 101

kinetic existence needs, 126

modification, 44

stratification, 45

Behaviorism, 98

Behavioristic theory, 399

Behopal, 20

Belgium, 9, 10, 11, 31

Belief, 40

Bell South Telephone Company, 117

Bias, 177

Biculturalization, 102, 108

Biology, 95

Black Moslems, 352

Boeing, 9

Bolshevik Revolution, 301

Brazil, 10, 160

Britain, 2, 9, 13, 31, 90, 160, 300, 385, 389, 361

Brunei, 3

Buddhism, 226, 241

Burger King Corporation, 2

Burma, 330, 340

Cambodia, 340

Canada, 3, 10, 108, 387, 318

Canalization, 33

Capital, 68

Capitalism, 42

Caribbean, 333

Case studies

An American Airlines’ Manager Repatriates to the U. S. A., 406

Badische Anilin & Soda Fabrik: Competition and Cooperation, 55

The Blind Ambition of the Bausch and Lomb Company’s Cultural Mirrors in Hong Kong, 94

The General Electric Managerial Perception: Who will Run GE?, 181

The German Private Business in Iran: When Business Intermingles with Religion, 361

Hillsdale College, 258

IBM Argentina, 27

The La-Z-Boy Company, 318

The Mondrian Hotel in Hollywood, California, 141

Texaco Sex Bias, 218

Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment: Doing Good in the Nature of Bad? Or Doing Bad in the Nature of Good?, 113

The Whistle-Blowers: SmithKline Beecham PLC, 81

Catholics, 196, 226, 322, 324, 325

Cattell’s bipolar theories, 199

Causalogy, 85

Ceylon, 330

Chemistry, 95

Chernobyl, 20

Chicanas/os, 102

Chile, 10

China, 6, 33, 55, 244, 297, 299, 322, 323, 329, 336, 339, 341, 342, 365, 387, 389, 390

Chinese folk, 329

Christian Crusades, 325

Christianity, 226, 329

Christians, 108, 191, 192, 323, 343, 349

Christmas season, 11

Chrysler Company, 88

Civic culture, 282

Civilization, 310

Coca-Cola, 88

Columbia, 10, 406

Confucianism, 226, 329

Cognition, 172

Cognitive dissonance, 173

Cognitive theory, 396

Coherence theory, 88

Common law, 283

Comparative advantage theory, 6

Conception, 38, 143, 160

managerial, 162

organizational, 162

Confucian, 65

Conglomeration, 11

Conscience, 93

Consensus, 169

Consistency, 169

Constitutional law, 283

Contact, 86

Contextualization, 33

Coming Glass Corporation, 72

Corporate multicultural value systems, 20

Corporate paradigm management scale, 17

Cosmology, 85

Cross-cultural contact, 86

Cross-culturalization, 101, 104, 393


assimilation, 272

definition, 23

diversity, 22, 261, 269, 271, 274, 275, 278, 284, 285, 286, 287

facilitators, 105

formalization, 312

ideology, 300

institutionalization, 101

myth, 302

orientation, 37

resources fitness, 307

stratification, 45

utilizers, 105

utopia, 303

Culturalogy, 84

behavioral approach, 91

Cultural-political characteristics, 206

competitive/cooperative, 208

egalitarianism/inequalitarianism, 209

high power/low power distance, 209

pluralism/collectivism, 207


adaptive, 65

conservative, 225

crystallized-cultures, 105

defined, 61, 62

dynamic, 64

enhanced, 04

enriched, 104

facilitative, 105

gender, 105

integrative, 66

learned, 62

mass, 104

materialistic, 69

modern, 225

oasis, 304

pluralistic, 63

primitive, 303

refined, 105

samurai, 66

shared, 64

socialized, 67

sub-, 104

swamp, 304

symbolic, 67

transgenerational, 66

utilized, 105

Culture shock, 365

Czarism, 301

Dance, 85

Darwinism, 300

Demography, 96

Denmark, 10, 211, 213

Deontological, 25

Deontos, 251

Department of Defense, 68

Dharma, 297

Diamond Shamrock, 222

Discrimination, 176

Distinctiveness, 169

Diversionary contact, 86

Diversity, 269

DNA, 145

Dow Chemical Co., 55

Doxa, 36

Drexel, Burnham, Lambert, Inc., 222

Drives, 173

Eastman Kodak, 19

Ectomorphic personality, 190

Effect, 177

Egalitarianism, 73

Egypt, 206, 344

E. I. du Pont de Nemours, 12, 55

Electronic Data System Co., 379

Emotion, 35

Emotionality, 33

Enculturalization, 101, 107

Endomorphic personality, 190

English Canadian, 109

Episteme, 36

Epistemology, 85, 92, 310

ERG needs, 121

Eshragh, 297

Ethical behavior, 228, 246

Ethical relativism, 245

Ethics, 85, 93, 227, 243

Ethics theories, 249

deontological, 250

teleological, 250

Ethnic cleansing, 177

Ethnicity, 42

Ethnocentric, 37

Ethnography, 97

Ethnology, 97

Ethos, 93, 229

Etymological sense, 93

Europe, 364, 365, 370, 371, 375, 385, 389

European Union, EU, 305, 296

Eustress, 43

Existential contact, 86

Existentialists, 15

Expatriate, 86, 363

antiterrorism, 379

auditors, 378

cycle, 368

experts, 375

lawyers, 377

managers, 375

negotiators, 377

researchers, 375

security, 379

surveyors, 375

translators, 380

Expectancy theory, 135

Expectation, 44

Experiential contact, 86

Experimental contact, 86

Extrapolation, 372

Exxon, 12


in the perceiver, 154

in the situation, 155

in the target, 157

Fairness, 248

Faith, 41

Far East, 390

Farsi language, 108

Feelers, 35

Fiji, 333

Finland, 10, 213

Flex-management mind-set, 276

France, 2, 6, 9, 10, 33, 90, 155, 160, 365, 387, 389

Freer, Texas, 3

French Canadian, 109

Foreign Corporation, definition, 12

Foreign direct investments (FDI), 5

Fortitude, 235

Functionalism, 98

Fundamentalist Protestants, 324

Ganges River, 323

Gatta, 226

General Electric (GE), 9, 12, 181

General Motors, 12, 19, 88

Genotype, 145

Geocentric, 38

Geography, 97

Germano-Franco, 108

Germany, 2, 6, 9, 10, 31, 34, 35, 55, 98, 116, 155, 160, 205, 206, 230, 387, 389, 361

Global corporation, definition, 12

Global strategy, 21

Globalization, 16

Good-intellect, 234

Goodwill, 234

Government, 73

Greece, 10, 93, 185, 209, 230, 241, 244, 251, 298, 329, 387

Guinea, 212

Gustation, 149

Hadeseh, 297

Halal, 325

Halo effect, 159

Hamiltonian philosophy, 301

Harlem, 324

Hinduism, 226, 241, 322, 323, 334, 354

Hispanic, 102, 205

Hispanic American, 108, 152

History, 96

Hitopadesa, 226

Holistic theory, 401

Homeostatic character, 65

Homeric, 33

Hong Kong, 10, 299, 292, 337

Human image, 296

Humanistic theory, 400

Humanities, 85, 94

IBM, 11, 12, 19, 27, 88, 90, 240

Ideology, 41

Illuminationist, 297

Illustrative phraseology, 369

In-culture, 109

India, 6, 10, 20, 206, 297, 323, 329, 331, 333, 335, 340, 55

Individual behavior, 30

Individual characteristics

authoritarianism, 203

bureaucratism, 204

egocentrism, 203

favoritism, 205

machiavellianism, 203

nepotism, 205

racism, 204

Individualistic differences, 213

Indonesia, 3

Infopreneur, 308

Information, 36


concept, 67

definition, 44

Instrumantality, 134

Integration, 108, 389

Intel Corp, 90

Intellectual potency, 73

Intellectuality, 36

Intelligence, 163

active, 167

bodily kinesthetic, 167

cognitive, 164

crystallized, 164

fluid, 161

interpersonal, 168

linguistic, 165

logical, 166

musical, 165

reflective, 167

spatial, 166

Intention, 171

Intercultural contact, 84

International Corporation, definition, 12

International Finance Corporation, 12

International financial statistics, 3, 4

International monetary fund (IMF), 3, 4

International pareto optimality, 30

Interpolation, 373

Interpretation, 371

Intuition theory, 90

Intuitionalists, 34

Intuitionism, 74

Iran (Persia), 8, 10, 108, 118, 210, 229, 273, 297, 301, 302, 305, 306, 311, 324, 326, 329, 331, 333, 344, 355, 379 356, 387, 361

Iranic phraseology, 369

Iraq, 8, 273, 343, 379, 387

Ireland, 10, 325, 375

Islam, 325, 326, 330

Islamic Conquest, 325

Islamic fundamentalists, 326

Islamic pilgrims, 323

Islamic Revolution, 301, 322

Israel, 10, 31, 280, 323, 324, 325, 343, 344, 381

Italy, 10, 203, 387

Japan, 9, 10, 11, 31, 55, 65, 118, 160, 189, 205, 211, 264, 273, 282, 299, 339, 341, 371, 372, 375, 387, 389, 390

Jewish Sabbath, 325

Jews, 108, 196, 322, 324, 345

Johnson & Johnson, 15, 18

Judaism, 226

Judo-Christian, 244

Jerusalem, 324, 344

Jordan, 387

Jurist’s trusteeship, 324

Justness, 248

Kami, 297

Karma, 297

Keene’s four types of personalities, 195

Khomeini, 326

Khooy, 229

Kibun, 152

Kinesthetic, 42, 51

intelligence, 309

perception, 153

Kinetic needs, 115

Knoll Norton, 55

Knowledge, 36

concept, 69

explicit, 161

tacit, 161

wealth, 308

Koran, 226, 246, 351

Korea, South, 9, 11, 33, 152, 299, 341, 349, 365, 389, 387, 387

Kosher, 325

Kurds, 108

Kuwait, 8, 204

Labor, 68

Land, 68

Language efficiency, 385

Laos, 340

Latinas/os, 102

Law, 283

La-Z-Boy Company, 318

Learning about yourself exercises

How do you attribute?, 179

How do you believe or not believe in a religion?, 359

How do you believe or not believe in teaching and learning processes?, 404

How do you believe or not believe in your own cultural philosophies?, 315

How do you judge?, 53

How do you judge your own personality?, 215

How do you judge yourself and your cultural orientation?, 290

How do you perceive your moral, ethical, and legal behavior?, 255

How do you understand your culture?, 79

What do you need?, 111

What do you value?, 25

What motivates you to work with others?, 139

Legality, 227, 252

Leviticus, 226

Lockheed Company, 17, 224

Luris, 108

Lybia, 8, 325, 379

Machiavelli, 203

Magnanimity, 236

Mahayana, 297

Malaysia, 3, 333

Maquiladora, 11, 12

Marathon Oil Company, 11

Marxism, 301, 322

Material things, 68

Materialistic, 69

Matthew, 226

McDonnell Douglas Company, 9

McDonnell’s Company, 325

Mecca, 323, 329, 352, 354

Medi, 351

Melting pot culture, 279

Mentoring program, 385

MERCOSUR, 296, 305

Mesomorphic personality, 190

Messiah, 351

Metaphoric phraseology, 367

Metaphysics, 85, 92

Mexican American, 108

Mexico, 3, 10, 11, 13, 160, 210

Microsoft, 90, 301

Middle East, 389, 390

Mitsubishi, 9

Mitsui and Co., Ltd., 12

Mollah, 90, 350

Mondrian Hotel, 141

Monism, 229, 301

Monistic, 229

Moral behavior, 228

Moral theories, 237

eudaemonistic existentialist, 242

hedonistic materialist, 241

idealistic theologist, 238

realistic naturalist, 239

Morality, 85, 93, 227, 230, 231

Mores, 229

Morocco, 384

Moslems, 90, 117, 191, 192, 241, 245, 246, 322, 324, 325, 330, 343

Hanafi, 350

Hanbali, 350

Ismaili, 350

Rafeii, 350

Shafeii, 350

Shiite, 350

Sufi, 350

Sunni, 350

Wahhabi, 350

Mosses, 343

Motivation, 43, 129

Motive, 86

Motive stratification, 129

Movies, 85, 94, 129

Muller-Lyer Illusion, 99

Multicultural civilization, 306

comprehensive, 367

synergy, 91

training programs, 381

understanding, 367

Multiculturalism, 14, 101, 102, 261, 262

behavior, 268

civic, 282

contacts, 367

definition, 22

management, 264

philosophy, 295

socioeconomic, 30

Multinational corporations, 91

definition, 12

Music, 85, 94

Myers-Briggs personalities, 193

NAFTA, 3, 296, 305

National legal value systems, 19

Near East, 387, 390

Necessity of causes, 125

Needs, 87, 115

acquired, 119

belonging, 120

biological, 33

efficient, 126

esteem, 120

hierarchy, 119

innate, 119

material, 126

physiological, 33, 119

psychological, 33

primary, 33

quiddity, 126

safety, 120

secondary, 33

self-actualization, 120

sociocultural, 126

spiritual, 126

sufficiency, 125

vital, 125

Needs theories, 118

achievement, 122

affiliation, 122

existence, 121

growth, 122

kinetic existence, 124

manifest, 123

minimization of pain, 123

power, 122

relatedness, 122

Needs theory, cycle, 118

Neolithic era, 33

Neo-Marxist, 68

Netherlands, 2, 10, 13, 31

New Zealand, 10, 390

Newsweek, 18

Nirvana, 297

North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 3, 296, 305

Norway, 10, 213

Nur-e-Mojarrad, 297

Occidental language, 305

Occidental Petroleum Co., 222

Old Testament, 343

Olfaction, 149

Oman, 387

Ontology, 85, 311

Optimism, 45, 46

Ordinances, 224


private for profit, 67

private nonprofit, 68

private not for profit, 68

public agencies, 68

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), 7

Oriental language, 305

Orthodox Hindu, 334

Out-culture, 109

Pacific Gas and Electric Co., 274

Pakistan, 10, 330

Palestine, 329

Pan Am, 379

Papuan, 390

Paradigm, 261

Parochialization, 101, 106

Parsons-skills type personalities

affective neutrality/affective, 195

performance/quality, 194

self-oriented/collective, 194

specificity/diffuseness, 194

universalism/particularism, 194

Passion, 222

Patience, 236

People, primary/secondary groups, 60

Peoplehood, 61

Perceiver, 154

Perception, 143

definition, 150

kinesthetic, 153

Perceptual processes, 150

Perseverance, 236

Persia, 108, 118

Personality, 38, 183, 185

big five theories, 200

bipolar traits, 199

categories, 190

extroverted, 193

humanistic, 202

immaturity, 196

integrative, 201

introverted, 193

maturity, 196

narcissistic, 204

neurotic type, 195, 197

pair types, 194

psychodynamic, 202

religious type, 195

sixteen types, 193

sociocultural pair types, 194

somatotype, 190

trait theories, 198

type theories, 190

types A, B, T, 191

Personalogy, 185

Personhood, 143, 146, 187

biological, 148

nomothetic, 189

psychocultural, 188

Peru, 10

Pessimistic, 45, 46, 49

Phenomenology, 92

Phenotype, 145

Philippines, 3, 10

Philosophy, 85, 92

Phylontype, 145146

Physical body, 33

Physics, 95

Physiological functioning, 145

Plymouth, 9

Poly centric, 38

Portugal, 10

Positive conclusive needs, 127

Positive imagery needs, 126

Power, 75

Power distance, 10

Pragmatic theory, 89, 397

Prejudice, 176

Presentative theory, 88

Product life cycle (PLC), 308

Profitability, 14

Protestant, 14, 196, 324, 325

Protestant ethics, 116

Prudence, 237, 248

Psychoanalysis, 99

Psychodynamic personality, 201

Psychology, 98

Puerto Ricans, 102

Pull motive, 86

Push motive, 86

Pygmalion effect, 177

Rabbi, 323

Racism, 175

Rationality, 35

Realistic affinity needs, 127

Recreational contact, 86

Regiocentric, 38

Religion, 72, 321

Anglican, 346

Babbism, 355

Baha’ism, 356

and behavior, 327

Buddhism, 340

Christian, 345

Confucianism, 336

definition, 323

Eastern Orthodoxy, 348

Episcopalian, 346

Hinduism, 333

and inspiration, 324

Islam, 349

Jainism, 335

Judaism, 343

Lutheran, 346

and politics, 325

Presbyterian, 346

Protestantism, 348

Reformed, 346

Roman Catholicism, 347

and science, 326

Shiite, 350

Shintoism, 339

Sikhism, 354

Sunni, 350

Taoism, 337

Zen, 342

Zoroastrianism, 331

Repatriation, 363, 391

Representative theory, 89

Resources discoveries/exploitation, 7

Revelation theory, 88

Revolutionary War, 300

Righteousness, 249

RNA, 145

Royal Dutch/Shell Group, 13

Russia, 6, 98, 167, 210, 261, 301, 302, 322

Salad bar culture, 279, 281

Samsung, 9

Sanwa Bank Limited, 13

Saudi Arabia, 6, 8, 210, 354, 365, 381, 387

Scandinavia, 213, 387

Sciences, 85, 94

behavioral, 95, 99

cognitive, 95

natural, 95, 96

normal, 95

observational, 95

pseudoscience, 95

quasi-science, 95

social, 95, 96

taxonomy, 95

Scientist, 70

Self-image theory, 170

Sensation, 143

definition, 149

Senses, 33

etymological, 93

five, 34, 148

kinesthetic, 34

sixth, 34

Sensibility, 33

Separation, 390

Shah, 356

Shareholder activists, 18

Sharia, 90

Sherman Antitrust Act, 302

Shiite Moslems, 108, 349

Shinto, 65, 116

Similarity effect, 159

Singapore, 3, 10

Smithkline Beecham PLC, 81

Social castes, 6

Social Darwinism, 300

Socialization, 36, 59

Society, 58

Sociology, 98

Sojourners, 373

Solvency, 3

Somatotype personality, 190

Sophist, 70

South Africa, 10, 381

South America, 365, 406

South Pacific, 390

South Sea Islanders, 390

Soviet Union, 20, 301, 322

Spain, 9, 10, 46, 389

Sri Lanka, 333, 340

Standard Oil Company, 302

Statutory law, 283

Stereotyping, 158

Structuralism, 98

Sufis, 324

Sunni Moslems, 108, 349

Supemational Corporation, 12

Sweden, 10, 86, 213

Swiss, 11

Switzerland, 10, 108

Symbolic phraseology, 369

Synergism, 98

Synergy, 91

Syria, 344, 387

Tahiti, 390

Taiwan, 10, 337

Technical phraseology, 369

Technoculture, 69

Technologist, 70

Texaco, 218

Texan, 108

Texmex, 108

Thailand, 3, 9, 10, 299, 330, 340

Theatrical drama, 85

Theology, 85

Theories of motivation

deontic, 130

equity, 131

eudaemonistic, 131

expectancy, 133

hedonistic, 130

two-factor, 136

Theory X, 120

Theory Y, 120

Theravada, 297

Thinkers, 35

Tibet, 372

Togoland, 212

Training, 383

Translation, 367, 369

Transnational Corporation, 12

Truthfulness, 249

Tunisia, 384

Turkey, 10, 324, 387, 362

Turks, 108

Two-factor theory of motivation, 136

Tylenol, 18

Ukraine, 20

Union Carbide Pesticide, 20

United Nations, 20, 379

United Nations Atomic Energy Com., 20

United States, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 31, 34, 35, 35, 46, 55, 59, 66, 67, 86, 88, 90, 98, 102, 108, 117, 147, 148, 149, 153, 155, 159, 189, 206, 207, 212, 223, 224, 229, 230, 261, 264, 265, 266, 276, 279, 282, 283, 300, 301, 305, 318, 323, 353, 365, 367, 372, 375, 376, 390

United Way, 68

Universal ethical value system, 17

Universalism, 73

U. S. Food and Drug Administration, 18

Utilitarian, 73

Valence, 134

Value, 40

Venezuela, 10

Vietnam, 337, 387

Virtue, 93, 233

Visual phraseology, 369

West Africa, 212

Western Asia, 296

Westinghouse, 282

Work ethics, 14

World Bank, 8, 12

World Health Organization, 20

World Investment Report, 5

World War II, 65

Yahweh, 323

Yugoslavia, 10

Zaroorat, 297

Zealots, 344

Zen, 273, 297

Zionists, 344

Zoroastrian, 108, 226

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