
Introduction to Computing with Python

This book is about using Python for numerical computing. Python is a high-level, general-purpose interpreted programming language that is widely used in scientific computing and engineering. As a general-purpose language, Python was not specifically designed for numerical computing, but many of its characteristics make it well suited for this task. First and foremost, Python is well known for its clean and easy-to-read code syntax. Good code readability improves maintainability, which in general results in less bugs and better applications overall, but it also encourages rapid code development. This readability and expressiveness is essential in exploratory and interactive computing, which requires fast turnaround for testing various ideas and models.

In computational problem solving, it is of course important to consider the performance of algorithms and their implementations. It is natural to strive for efficient high-performance code, and optimal performance is indeed crucial in many computational situations. In such cases it may be necessary to use a low-level program language, such as C or Fortran, to obtain the best performance out of the hardware that runs the code. However, it is not always the case that optimal runtime performance is the most suitable objective. It is also important to consider the development time required to implement a solution to a problem in a given programming language or environment. While the best possible runtime performance can be achieved in a low-level programming language, working in a high-level language such as Python usually reduces the development time, and often results in more flexible and extensible code.

These conflicting objectives present a trade-off between high performance and long development time, and lower performance but shorter development time. See Figure 1-1 for a schematic visualization of this concept. When choosing a computational environment for solving a particular problem, it is important to consider this trade-off and to decide whether man-hours spent on the development or CPU-hours spent on running the computations is more valuable. It is worth noting that CPU-hours are cheap already and are getting even cheaper, but man-hours are expensive. In particular, your own time is of course a very valuable resource. This makes a strong case for minimizing development time rather than the runtime of a computation by using a high-level programming language and environment such as Python and its scientific computing libraries.

A solution that partially avoids the trade-off between high-and low-level languages is to use a multi-language model, where a high-level language is used to interface libraries and software packages written in low-level languages. In a high-level scientific computing environment, this type of interoperability with software packages written in low-level languages (for example Fortran, C, or C++) is an important requirement. Python excels at this type of integration, and as a result Python has become a popular “glue language” used as an interface for setting up and controlling computations that use code written in low-level programming languages for time-consuming number crunching. This is an important reason why Python is a popular language for numerical computing. The multi-language model enables rapid code development in a high-level language, while retaining most of the performance of low-level languages.


Figure 1-1. Trade-off between low- and high-level programming languages. While a low-level language typically gives the best performance when a significant amount of development time is invested in the implemenation of a problem, the development time required to obtain a first runnable code that solve the problem is typically shorter in a high-level language such as Python

As a consequence of the multi-language model, scientific and technical computing with Python involves much more than just the Python language itself. In fact, the Python language is only a piece of an entire ecosystem of software and solutions that provide a complete environment for scientific and technical computing. This ecosystem includes development tools and interactive programming environments, such as Spyder and IPython, which are designed particularly with scientific computing in mind. It also includes a vast collection of Python packages for scientific computing. This ecosystem of scientifically oriented libraries ranges from generic core libraries – such as NumPy, SciPy, and Matplotlib – to more specific libraries for particular problem domains. Another crucial layer in the scientific Python stack exists below the various Python modules. Many scientific Python libraries interface, in one way or another: low-level high-performance scientific software packages, such as, for example, optimized LAPACK and BLAS libraries1 for low-level vector, matrix, and linear algebra routines; or other specialized libraries for specific computational tasks. These libraries are typically implemented in a compiled low-level language and can therefore be optimized and efficient. Without the foundation that such libraries provide, scientific computing with Python would not be practical. See Figure 1-2 for and overview of the various layers of the software stack for computing with Python.


Figure 1-2. An overview of the components and layers in the scientific computing environment for Python, from a user’s perspective, from top to bottom. Users typically only interact with the top three layers, but the bottom layer constitutes a very important part of the software stack. An example of specific software components from each layer in the stack is shown in the right part of the figure

Image Tip  The SciPy organization and its web site provide a centralized resource for information about the core packages in the scientific Python ecosystem, and lists of additional specialized packages, as well as documentation and tutorials. As such, it is an indispensable asset when working with scientific and technical computing in Python. Another great resource is the Numeric and Scientific page on the official Python Wiki:

Apart from the technical reasons for why Python provides a good environment for computational work, it is also significant that Python and its scientific computing libraries are free and open source. This eliminates artificial constraints on when and how applications developed with the environment can be deployed and distributed by its users. Equally significant, it makes it possible for a dedicated user to obtain complete insight in how the language and the domain-specific packages are implemented and what methods are used. For academic work where transparency and reproducibility are hallmarks, this is increasingly recognized as an important requirement on software used in research. For commercial use, it provides freedom in how the environment is used and integrated in products and how such solutions are distributed to customers. All users benefit from the relief of not having to pay license fees, which may otherwise inhibit deployments on large computing environments, such as clusters and cloud computing platforms.

The social component of the scientific computing ecosystem for Python is another important aspect of its success. Vibrant user communities have emerged around the core packages and many of the domain-specific projects. Project specific mailing lists, stack overflow groups, and issue trackers (for example, on Github, are typically very active and provide forums for discussing problems and obtaining help, as well as a way of getting involved in the development of these tools. The Python computing community also organizes yearly conferences and meet-ups at many venues around the world, such as the SciPy ( and PyData ( conference series.

Environments for Computing with Python

There are a number of different environments that are suitable for working with Python for scientific and technical computing. This diversity has both advantages and disadvantages compared to a single endorsed environment that is common in propriety computing products: diversity provides flexibility and dynamism that lends itself to specialization for particular use-cases, but on the other hand it can also be confusing and distracting for new users, and it can be more complicated to set up a full productive environment. Here I give an orientation of common environments for scientific computing, so that their benefits can be weighted against each other and an informed decision can be reached regarding which one to use in different situations and for different purposes. The three environments discussed here are the following:

  • The Python interpreter or the IPython console to run code interactively. Together with a text editor for writing code, this provides a lightweight development environment.
  • The IPython notebook, which is a web application in which Python code can be written and executed through a web browser. This environment is great for numerical computing, analysis, and problem solving, because it allows one to collect the code, the output produced by the code, related technical documentation, analysis and interpretation, all in one document.
  • The Spyder Integrated Development Environment, which can be used to write and interactively run Python code. An IDE such as Spyder is a great tool for developing libraries and reusable Python modules.

All of these environments have justified use-cases, and it is largely a matter of personal preference which one to use. However, I do in particular recommend exploring the IPython notebook environment, because it is highly suitable for interactive and exploratory computing and data analysis, where data, code, documentation, and results are tightly connected. For development of Python modules and packages, I recommend using the Spyder IDE, because of its integration with code analysis tools and the Python debugger.

Python, and the rest of the software stack required for scientific computing with Python, can be installed and configured in a large number of ways, and in general the installation details also vary from system to system. In Appendix 1, we go through one popular cross-platform method to install the tools and libraries that are required for this book.


The Python programming language and the standard implementation of the Python interpreter are frequently updated and made available through new releases.2 Currently there are two active versions of Python available for production use: Python 2 and Python 3. In this book we will mainly work Python 3, which will eventually supersede Python 2. However, for some applications, using Python 2 is still the only option because not all Python libraries have been made compatible with Python 3 yet. It is also sometimes the case that only Python 2 is available in institutionally provided environments, such as on high-performance clusters or universities’ computer systems. When developing Python code for such environments it might be necessary to use Python 2, but otherwise I recommend using Python 3 in new projects. The vast majority of computing-oriented libraries for Python now support Python 3, so it is no longer common to be forced to stay with Python 2 for dependency reasons. For the purpose of this book, we require version 2.7 or greater for the Python 2 series, or Python 3.2 or greater for the Python 3 series.


The standard way to execute Python code is to run the program directly through the Python interpreter. On most systems, the Python interpreter is invoked using the python command. When a Python source file is passed as an argument to this command, the Python code in the file is executed.

$ python
Hello from Python!

Here the file contains the single line:

print("Hello from Python!")

To see which version of Python is installed, one can invoke the python command with the --version argument, as shown in the following example:

$ python --version
Python 3.4.1

It is common to have more than one version of Python installed on the same system. Each version of Python maintains its own set of libraries (so each Python environment can have different libraries installed) and provides its own interpreter command. On many systems, specific versions of the Python interpreter are available through the commands such as, for example, python2.7 and python3.4. It is also possible to setup virtual Python environments that are independent of the system-provided environments. This has many advantages and I strongly recommend to become familiar with this way of working with Python. Appendix 1 provides details of how to set up and work with these kind of environments.

In addition to exectuting Python script files, a Python interpreter can also be used as an interactive console (also known as a REPL: Read – Evaluate – Print – Loop). Entering python at the command prompt (without any Python files as argument) launches the Python interpreter in an interactive mode. When doing so you are presented with a prompt:

$ python
Python 3.4.1 (default, Sep 20 2014, 19:44:17)
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 5.1 (clang-503.0.40)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

From here Python code can be entered, and for each statement the interpreter evaluates the code and prints the result to the screen. The Python interpreter itself already provides a very useful environment for interactively exploring Python code, especially since the release of Python 3.4, which includes basic facilities such as a command history and basic autocompletion (not available by default in Python 2).

IPython Console

Although the interactive command-line interface provided by the standard Python interpreter has been greatly improved in recent versions of Python 3, it is still in certain aspects rudimentary, and it does not by itself provide a satisfactory environment for interactive computing. IPython3 is an enhanced command-line REPL environment for Python, with additional features for interactive and exploratory computing. For example, IPython provides improved command history browsing (also between sessions), an input and output caching system, improved autocompletion, more verbose and helpful exception tracebacks, and much more. In fact, IPython is now much more than an enhanced Python command-line interface, which we will explore in more detail later in this chapter and throughout the book. For instance, under the hood IPython is client-server application, which separates the front-end (user interface) from the back-end (kernel) that executes the Python code. This allows multiple types of user interfaces to communicate and work with the same kernel, and a user-interface application can connect multiple kernels using IPython’s powerful framework for parallel computing.

Running the ipython command launches the IPython command prompt:

$ ipython
Python 3.4.1 (default, Sep 20 2014, 19:44:17)
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
IPython 3.2.1 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.
?         -> Introduction and overview of IPython’s features.
%quickref -> Quick reference.
help      -> Python’s own help system.
object?   -> Details about 'object', use 'object??' for extra details.
In [1]:

Image Caution  Note that each IPython installation corresponds to a specific version of Python, and if you have several versions of Python available on your system, you may also have several versions of IPython as well. On many systems IPython for Python 2 is invoked with the command ipython2, and for Python 3 with ipython3, although the exact setup varies from system to system. Note that here the “2” and “3” refers to the Python version, which is different from the version of IPython itself (which at the time of writing is 3.2.1).

In the following sections I give a brief overview of some of the IPython features that are most relevant to interactive computing. It is worth noting that IPython is used in many different contexts in scientific computing with Python (for example, inside the IPython Notebook application and the Spyder IDE, which is covered in more detail later in this chapter), and it is well worth spending time on getting familiar with the tricks and techniques that IPython offers to improve your productivity when working with interactive computing.

Input and Output Caching

In the IPython console the input prompt is denoted as In [1]: and the corresponding output is denoted as Out [1]:, where the numbers within the square brackets are incremented for each new input and output. These input and outputs are called cells in IPython. Both the input and the output of previous cells can later be accessed through the In and Out variables that are automatically created by IPython. The In and Out variables are a list and a dictionary, respectively, and can be indexed with a cell number. For instance, consider the following IPython session:

In [1]: 3 * 3
Out[1]: 9
In [2]: In[1]
Out[2]: '3 * 3'
In [3]: Out[1]
Out[3]: 9
In [4]: In
Out[4]: ['', '3 * 3', 'In[1]', 'Out[1]', 'In']
In [5]: Out
Out[5]: {1: 9, 2: '3 * 3', 3: 9, 4: ['', '3 * 3', 'In[1]', 'Out[1]', 'In', 'Out']}

Here, the first input was 3 * 3 and the result was 9, which later is available as In[1] and Out[1]. A single underscore _ is a shorthand notation for referring to the most recent output, and a double underscore __ refers to the output that preceded the most recent output. Input and output caching is often useful in interactive and exploratory computing, since the result of a computation can be accessed even if it was not explicitly assigned to a variable.

Note that when a cell is executed, the value of the last statement in an input cell is by default displayed in the corresponding output cell, unless the statement is an assignment or if the value is the Python null value None. The output can be suppressed by ending the statement with a semicolon:

In [6]: 1 + 2
Out[6]: 3
In [7]: 1 + 2;    # output suppressed by the semicolon
In [8]: x = 1     # no output for assignments
In [9]: x = 2; x  # these are two statements. The value of statement 'x' is shown in the output
Out[9]: 2

Autocompletion and Object Introspection

In IPython, pressing the TAB key activates autocompletion, which display a list of symbols (variables, functions, classes, etc.) with names that are valid completions of what has already been typed. The autocompletion in IPython is contextual and will look for matching variables and functions in the current namespace, or among the attributes and methods of a class when invoked after the name of a class instance. For example, os.<TAB> produces a list of the variables, functions, and classes in the os module, and pressing TAB after having typed os.w results in a list of symbols in the os module that starts with w:

In [10]: import os
In [11]: os.w<TAB>
os.wait     os.wait3    os.wait4    os.waitpid  os.walk     os.write    os.writev

This feature is called object introspection, and it provides a powerful tool for interactively exploring the properties of Python objects. Object introspection works on modules, classes and their attributes and methods, and on functions and their arguments.


Object introspection is convenient for exploring the API of a module and its member classes and functions, and together with the documentation strings, or “docstrings,” which are commonly provided in Python code, it provides a built-in dynamic reference manual for almost any Python module that is installed and can be imported. A Python object followed by a question mark displays the documentation string for the object. This is similar to the Python function help. An object can also be followed by two question marks, in which case IPython tries to display more detailed documentation, including the Python source code if available. For example, to display help for the cos function in the math library:

In [12]: import math
In [13]: math.cos?
Type:        builtin_function_or_method
String form: <built-in function cos>
Return the cosine of x (measured in radians).

Docstrings can be specified for Python modules, functions, classes, and their attributes and methods. A well-documented module therefore includes a full API documentation in the code itself. From a developer’s point of view, it is convenient to be able to document code together with the implementation. This encourages writing and maintaining documentation, and Python modules tend to be well documented.

Interaction with the System Shell

IPython also provides extensions to the Python language that makes it convenient to interact with the underlying system. Anything that follows an exclamation mark is evaluated using the system shell (such as bash). For example, on a UNIX-like system, such as Linux or Mac OS X, listing files in the current directory can be done using:

In [14]: !ls

On Microsoft Windows, the equivalent command would be !dir. This method for interacting with the OS is a very powerful feature that makes it easy to navigate the file system and to use the IPython console as a system shell. The output generated by a command following an exclamation mark can easily be captured in a Python variable. For example, a file listing produced by !ls can be stored in a Python list using:

In [15]: files = !ls
In [16]: len(files)
Out[16]: 3
In [17]: files
Out[17]: ['', '', '']

Likewise, we can pass the values of Python variables to shell commands by prefixing the variable name with a $ sign:

In [18]: file = ""
In [19]: !ls -l $file
-rw-r--r--  1 rob  staff 131 Oct 22 16:38

This two-way communication with the IPython console and the system shell can be very convenient when, for example, processing data files.

IPython Extensions

IPython provides extension commands that are called magic commands in the IPython terminology. These commands all start with one or two % signs.4 A single % sign is used for one-line commands, and two % signs are used for commands that operate on cells (multiple lines). For a complete list of available extension commands type %lsmagic, and documentation for each command can be obtained by typing the magic command followed by a question mark:

In [20]: %lsmagic?
Type:            Magic function
String form:    <bound method BasicMagics.lsmagic of <IPython.core.magics.basic.BasicMagics object at 0x10e3d28d0>>
Namespace:       IPython internal
File:           /usr/local//lib/python3.4/site-packages/IPython/core/magics/
Definition:     %lsmagic(self, parameter_s='')
Docstring:      List currently available magic functions.

File system navigation

In addition to the interaction with the system shell described in the previous section, IPython provides commands for navigating and exploring the file system. The commands will be familiar to UNIX shell users: %ls (list files), %pwd (return current working directory), %cd (change working directory), %cp (copy file), %less (show the content of a file in the pager), %%writefile filename (write content of a cell to the file filename). Note that autocomplete in IPython also works with the files in the current working directory, which makes IPython as convenient to explore the file system as is the system shell. It is worth noting that these IPython commands are system independent, and can therefore be used on both UNIX-like operating systems and on Windows.

Running scripts from the IPython console

The command %run is an important and useful extension: perhaps one of the most important features of the IPython console. With this command, an external Python source code file can be executed within an interactive IPython session. Keeping a session active between multiple runs of a script makes it possible to explore the variables and functions defined in a script interactively after the execution of the script has finished. To demonstrate this functionality, consider a script file that contains the following code:

def fib(n):
    Return a list of the first n Fibonacci numbers.
    f0, f1 = 0, 1
    f = [1] * n
    for i in range(1, n):
        f[i] = f0 + f1
        f0, f1 = f1, f[i]
    return f

It defines a function that generates a sequence of n Fibonacci numbers, and prints the result for n = 10 to the standard output. It can be run from the system terminal using the standard Python interpreter:

$ python
[1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55]

It can also be run from an interactive IPython session, which produces the same out, but also adds the symbols defined in the file to the local namespace, so that the fib function is available in the interactive session after the %run command has been issued.

In [21]: %run
Out[22]: [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55]
In [23]: %who
In [24]: fib(6)
Out[24]: [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8]

In the above example we also made use of the %who command, which lists all defined symbols (variables and functions).5 The %whos command is similar, but also gives more detailed information about the type and value of each symbol, when applicable.


IPython includes a handy debugger mode, which can be invoked postmortem after a Python exception (error) has been raised. After the traceback of an unintercepted exception has been printed to the IPython console, it is possible to step directly into the Python debugger using the IPython command %debug. This possibility can eliminate the need to rerun the program from the beginning using the debugger, or after having used the frequently employed debugging method of sprinkling print statements into the code. If the exception was unexpected and happened late in a time-consuming computation, this can be a huge time saver.

To see how the %debug command can be used, consider the following incorrect invocation of the fib function defined earlier. It is incorrect because a float is passed to the function, while the function is implemented with the assumption that the argument passed to it is an integer. On line 7 the code ran into a type error, and the Python interpreter raises an exception of the type TypeError. IPython catches the exception and prints out a useful traceback of the call sequence on the console. If we are clueless as to why the code on line 7 contains an error, it could be useful to enter the debugger by typing %debug in the IPython console. We then get access to the local namespace at the source of the exception, which can allow us to explore in more detail why the exception was raised.

In [24]: fib(1.0)
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-24-874ca58a3dfb> in <module>()
 ----> 1 fib.fib(1.0)
/Users/rob/code/ in fib(n)
      5     """
      6     f0, f1 = 0, 1
 ----> 7     f = [1] * n
      8      for i in range(1, n):
      9         f[n] = f0 + f1
TypeError: can’t multiply sequence by non-int of type 'float'
In [25]: %debug
> /Users/rob/code/
      6     f0, f1 = 0, 1
----> 7     f = [1] * n
      8     for i in range(1, n):
ipdb> print(n)

Image Tip  Type a question mark at the debugger prompt to show a help menu that lists available commands:

 ipdb> ?

More information about the Python debugger and its features is also available in the Python Standard Library documentation:


Resetting the namespace of an IPython session is often useful to ensure that a program is run in a pristine environment, uncluttered by existing variables and functions. The %reset command provides this functionality (use the flag –f to force the reset). Using this command can often eliminate the need for otherwise common exit–restart cycles of the console. Although it is necessary to reimport modules after the %reset command has been used, it is important to known that even if the modules have changed since the last import, a new import after a %reset will not import the new module but rather reenable a cached version of the module from the previous import. When developing Python modules, this is usually not the desired behavior. In that case, a reimport of a previously imported (and since updated) module, can often be achieved by using the dreload function. However, this method does not always work, in which case the only option might be to terminate and restart the IPython interpreter.

Timing and profiling code

The %timeit and %time commands provide simple benchmarking facilities that are useful when looking for bottlenecks and attempting to optimize code. The %timeit command runs a Python statement a number of times and gives an estimate of the runtime (use %%timeit to do the same for a multiline cell). The exact number of times the statement is run is determined heuristically, unless explicitly set using the –n and –r flags. See %timeit? for details. The %timeit command does not return the resulting value of the expression. If the result of the computation is required, the %time command can be used instead, but %time only run the statement once, and therefore gives a less accurate estimate of the average runtime.

The following example demonstrates a typical usage of the %timeit and %time commands:

In [26]: %timeit fib(100)
100000 loops, best of 3: 16.9 μs per loop
In [27]: %time result = fib(100)
CPU times: user 33 μs, sys: 0 ns, total: 33 μs
Wall time: 48.2 μs

While the %timeit and %time commands are useful for measuring the elapsed runtime of a computation, they do not give any detailed information about what part of the computation takes more time. Such analyses require a more sophisticated code profiler, such as the one provided by Python standard library module cProfile.6 The Python profiler is accessible in IPython through the commands %prun (for statements) and %run with the flag –p (for running external script files). The output from the profiler is rather verbose, and can be customized using optional flags to the %prun and %run -p commands (see %prun? for a detailed description of the available options).

As an example, consider a function that simulates N random walkers each taking M steps, and then calculates the furthest distance from the starting point achieved by any of the random walkers:

In [28]: import numpy as np
In [29]: def random_walker_max_distance(M, N):
    ...:     """
    ...:     Simulate N random walkers taking M steps, and return the largest distance
    ...:     from the starting point achieved by any of the random walkers.
    ...:     """
    ...:     trajectories = [np.random.randn(M).cumsum() for _ in range(N)]
    ...:     return np.max(np.abs(trajectories))

Calling this function using the profiler with %prun results in the following output, which includes information about how many times each function was called and a breakdown of the total and cumulative time spent in each function. From this information we can conclude that in this simple example, the calls to the function np.random.randn consume the bulk of the elapsed computation time.

In [30]: %prun random_walker_max_distance(400, 10000)

   20008 function calls in 0.254 seconds

   Ordered by: internal time

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
    10000    0.169    0.000    0.169    0.000 {method 'randn' of 'mtrand.RandomState' objects}
    10000    0.036    0.000    0.036    0.000 {method 'cumsum' of 'numpy.ndarray' objects}
        1    0.030    0.030    0.249    0.249 <ipython-input-30>:18(random_walker_max_distance)
        1    0.012    0.012    0.217    0.217 <ipython-input-30>:19(<listcomp>)
        1    0.005    0.005    0.254    0.254 <string>:1(<module>)
        1    0.002    0.002    0.002    0.002 {method 'reduce' of 'numpy.ufunc' objects}
        1    0.000    0.000    0.254    0.254 {built-in method exec}
        1    0.000    0.000    0.002    0.002
        1    0.000    0.000    0.002    0.002
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'disable' of '_lsprof.Profiler' objects}

The IPython Qt Console

The IPython Qt console is an enhanced console application provided by IPython that can serve as a substitute to the standard IPython console. The Qt console is launched by passing the qtconsole argument to the ipython command:

$ ipython qtconsole

This opens up a new IPython application in an enhanced terminal, which is capable of displaying rich media objects such as images, figures, and mathematical equations directly in the terminal window. It also provides a menu-based mechanism for displaying autocompletion results, and it shows docstrings for functions in a pop-up window when typing the opening parenthesis of a function or a method call. A screenshot of the IPython Qtconsole is shown in Figure 1-3.


Figure 1-3. A screenshot of the IPython Qtconsole application

Interpreter and text editor as development environment

In principle, the Python or the IPython interpreter and a good text editor is all that is required for a full productive Python development environment. This simple setup is, in fact, the preferred development environment for many experienced programmers. However, in the following sections we will look into the IPython notebook and the integrated development environment Spyder. These environments provide richer features that improve productivity when working with interactive and exploratory computing applications.

IPython Notebook

In addition to the interactive console, IPython also provides a web-based notebook application.7 The notebook offers many advantages over a traditional development environment when working with data analysis and computational problem solving. In particular, the notebook environment allows one to write and to run code, to display the output produced by the code, and to document and interpret the code and the results – all in one document. This means that the entire analysis workflow is captured in one file, which can be saved, restored, and reused later on. In contrast, when working with a text editor or an IDE, the code, the corresponding data files and figures, and the documentation are spread out over multiple files in the file system, and it takes a significant effort and discipline to keep such a workflow organized.

The IPython notebook features a rich display system that can display media such as equations, figures, and videos as embedded objects in the notebook. It is also possible to create GUI (graphical user interface) elements with HTML and JavaScript, using IPython’s widget system. These widgets can be used in interactive applications that connect the web application with Python code that is executed in the IPython kernel (on the server side). These and many other features of the IPython notebook make it a great environment for interactive and literate computing, as we will see examples of throughout this book.

To launch the IPython notebook environment, the notebook argument is passed to the ipython command-line application.

$ ipython notebook

This launches a notebook kernel and a web application that, by default, will serve up a web server on port 8888 on localhost, which is accessed using the local address http://localhost:8888/ in a web browser.8 By default, running ipython notebook will open a dashboard web page in the default web browser (see Figure 1-4). The dashboard lists all notebooks that are available in the directory from where the IPython notebook was launched, as well as a simple directory browser that can be used to navigate subdirectories, and to open notebooks from therein, relative to the location where the notebook server was launched. Figure 1-5 shows a screenshot of a web browser and the IPython Notebook page.


Figure 1-4. A screenshot of the IPython notebook dashboard page

Clicking on the “New Notebook” button creates a new notebook and opens it in a new page in the browser. A newly created notebook is named Untitled0, or Untitled1, etc., depending on the availability of unused filenames. A notebook can be renamed by clicking on the title field on the top of the notebook page. The IPython notebook files are stored in a JSON file format using the file name extension ipynb. An IPython notebook is not pure Python code, but if necessary the Python code in a notebook can easily be extracted using either “File image Download as image Python,” or using the IPython utility nbconvert (see below).


Figure 1-5. A newly created and empty IPython notebook

Cell Types

The main content of the notebooks, below the menu bar and the toolbar, is organized in input and output cells. The cells can be of several types, and the type of the selected cell can be changed using the cell-type drop-down menu in the toolbar (which initially displays “Code”). The most important types are:

  • Code: A code cell can contain an arbitrary amount of multiline Python code. Pressing SHIFT-Enter sends the code in the cell to the kernel process, where the kernel evaluates it using the Python interpreter. The result is sent back to the browser and displayed in the corresponding output cell.
  • Markdown: The content of a markdown cell can contain marked-up plain text, which is interpreted using the Markdown language and HTML. A markdown cell can also contain LaTeX formatted equations, which are rendered in the notebook using the JavaScript-based LaTeX engine MathJax.
  • Headings: Heading cells, of level 1 to 6, can be used to structure a notebook into sections.
  • Raw: A raw text cell, which is displayed without any processing.

Editing Cells

Using the menu bar and the toolbar, cells can be added, removed, moved up and down, cut and pasted, and so on. These functions are also mapped to keyboard shortcuts, which are convenient and time saving when working with IPython notebooks. The IPython notebook uses a two-mode input interface, with an edit mode and a command mode. The edit mode can be entered by clicking on a cell, or by pressing the ENTER key on the keyboard, when a cell is in focus. Once in edit mode, the content of the input cell can be edited. Leaving the edit mode is done by pressing the ESC key, or by using SHIFT-ENTER to execute the cell. When in command mode, the up and down arrows can be used to move focus between cells, and a number of keyboard shortcuts are mapped to the basic cell manipulation actions that are available through the toolbar and the menu bar. Table 1-1 summarizes the most important IPython notebook keyboard shortcuts for the command mode.

Table 1-1. A summary of keyboard shortcuts in the IPython notebook command mode

Keyboard Shortcut



Create a new cell below the currently selected cell.


Create a new cell above the currently selected cell.

d – d

Delete the currently selected cell.

1 to 6

Heading cell of level 1 to 6.


Cut currently selected cell.


Copy currently selected cell.


Paste cell from clipboard.


Convert a cell to a Markdown cell.


Convert a cell to a Code cell.


Select previous cell.


Select next cell.


Enter edit mode.


Exit edit mode.


Run the cell.


Display a help window with a list of all available keyboard shortcuts.

0 – 0

Restart the kernel.

i - i

Interrupt an executing cell.


Save the notebook.

While a notebook cell is being executed, the input prompt number is represented with an asterisk, In[*], and an indicator in the upper-right corner of the page signals that the IPython kernel is busy. The execution of a cell can be interrupted using the menu option “Kernel – Interrupt,” or by typing i-i in the command mode (i.e., press the i key twice in a row).

Markdown Cells

One of the key features of the IPython Notebook is that code cells and output cells can be complemented with documentation contained in text cells. Text input cells are called markdown cells. The input text is interpreted and reformatted using the Markdown markup language. The Markdown language is designed to be a lightweight typesetting system that allows text with simple markup rules to be converted to HTML and other formats for richer display. The markup rules are designed to be user friendly and readable as-is in plain-text format. For example, a piece of text can be made italics by surrounding it with asterisks, *text*, and it can be made bold by surrounding it with double asterisks, **text**. Markdown also allows creating enumerated and bulleted lists, tables, and hyper-references. An extension to Markdown supported by IPython is that mathematical expressions can be typeset in LaTeX, using the JavaScript LaTeX library MathJax. Taking full advantage of what IPython notebooks offers includes generously documenting the code and resulting output using markdown cells and the many rich display options they provide. Table 1-2 introduces basic Markdown and equation formatting features that can be used in an IPython notebook Markdown cell.

Table 1-2. Summary of Markdown syntax for IPython notebook markdown cells


Syntax by example







Fixed-width font



[URL text](

New paragraph

Separate the text of two paragraphs with an empty line.


Lines that start with four blank spaces are displayed as-is, without any further processing, using a fixed-width font. This is useful for code-like text segments.



| A | B | C |


| 1 | 2 | 3 |

| 4 | 5 | 6 |

Horizontal line

A line containing three dashes is rendered as a horizontal line separator:



# Level 1 heading

## Level 2 heading

### Level 3 heading


Block quote

Lines that start with a '>' are rendered as a block quote.

> Text here is indented and offset

> from the main text body.

Unordered list

* Item one

* Item two

* Item three

Ordered list

1. Item one

2. Item two

3. Item three


![Alternative text](image-file.png)9


![Alternative text](

Inline LaTeX equation


Displayed LaTeX equation (centered, and on a new line)

$$LaTeX$$ or egin{env}...end{env} where env can be a LaTeX environment such as equation, eqnarray, align, etc.

Markdown cells can also contain HTML code, and the IPython notebook interface will display it as rendered HTML. This is a very powerful feature for the IPython notebook, but its disadvantage is that such HTML code cannot be converted to other formats, such as PDF, using the nbconvert tool (see the next section). Therefore, it is generally better to use Markdown formatting when possible, and resorting to HTML only when absolutely necessary.

More information about MathJax and markdown is available at the projects web pages at and, respectively.


IPython notebooks can be converted to a number of different read-only formats using the nbconvert application, which is invoked by passing nbconvert as first argument to the ipython command line. Supported formats include, among others, PDF and HTML. Converting IPython notebooks to PDF or HTML is useful when sharing notebooks with colleagues or when publishing them online, when the reader does not necessarily need to run the code, but primarily view the results contained in the notebooks.


In the notebook web interface, the menu option “File – Download as - HTML” can be used to generate a HTML document representing a static view of a notebook. A HTML document can also be generated from the command prompt using the nbconvert application. For example, a notebook called Notebook.ipynb can be converted to HTML using the command:

$ ipython nbconvert Notebook.ipynb --to html

This generates an HTML page that is self-contained in terms of style sheets and JavaScript resources (which are loaded from public CDN servers), and it can be published as-is online. However, image resources that are included using Markdown or HTML tags are not included and must be distributed together with the resulting HTML file.

For public online publishing of IPython notebooks, the IPython project provides a convenient web service called nbviewer, available at By feeding it a URL to a public notebook file, the nbviewer application automatically converts the notebook to HTML and displays the result. One of the many benefits of this method of publishing IPython notebooks is that the notebook author only needs to maintain one file – the notebook file itself – and when it is updated and uploaded to its online location, the static view of the notebook provided by nbviewer is automatically updated as well. However, it requires publishing the source notebook at a publicly accessible URL, so it can only be used for public sharing.

Image Tip  The IPython project maintains a Wiki page that indexes many interesting IPython notebooks that are published online at These notebooks demonstrate many of IPython’s more advanced features and can be a great resource for learning more about IPython notebooks as well as the many topics covered by those notebooks.


Converting a notebook to PDF requires to first convert the IPython notebook-to-LaTeX, and then compiling the LaTeX document to PDF. To be able to do the LaTeX-to-PDF conversion, a LaTeX environment must be available on the system (see Appendix 1 for points on how to install these tools). The nbconvert application can do both the notebook-to-LaTeX and the LaTeX-to-PDF conversions in one go, using the --to pdf flag instead of  --to latex:

$ ipython nbconvert Notebook.ipynb --to pdf

The style of the resulting document can be selected by specifying a template using the --template name flag, where built-in templates include base, article and report. (these templates can be found in the IPython/nbconvert/templates/latex directory where IPython is installed). By extending one of the existing templates,10 it is easy to customize the appearance for the resulting document. For example, in LaTeX it is common to include additional information about the document that is not available in IPython notebooks, such as a document title (if different from the notebook file name) and the author of the document. This information can be added to a LaTeX document that is generated by the nbconvert application by creating a custom template. The following template extends the built-in template article, and overrides the title and author blocks to accomplish this:

((*- extends 'article.tplx' -*))

((* block title *)) itle{Document title} ((* endblock title *))
((* block author *)) author{Author’s Name} ((* endblock author *))

Assuming the this template is stored in a file called custom_template.tplx, the following command can be used to convert a notebook to PDF using this modified template:

$ ipython nbconvert Notebook.ipynb --to pdf --template custom_template.tplx

The result is LaTeX and PDF documents where the title and the author fields are set as requested in the custom template.


An IPython notebook in its JSON-based file format can be converted to pure Python code using the nbconvert application and the python format:

$ ipython nbconvert Notebook.ipynb --to python

This generates the file, which only contains executable Python code (or if IPython extensions were used in the notebook, a file that is executable with ipython). The non-code content of the notebook is also included in the resulting Python code file in the form of comments that do not prevent the file from being interpreted by the Python interpreter. Converting a notebook to pure Python code is useful, for example, when using the IPython notebooks to develop functions and classes that need to be imported in other Python files or notebooks.

Spyder: An Integrated Development Environment

An integrated development environment is an enhanced text editor that also provides features such as integrated code execution, documentation and debugging. Many free and commercial IDE environments have good support for Python-based projects. Spyder11 is an excellent free IDE that is particularly well suited for Python programming for computing and data analysis. The rest of this section focus on Spyder and explores its features in more detail. However, there are also many other suitable IDEs. For example, Eclipse12 is a popular and powerful multi-language IDE, and the PyDev13 extension to Eclipse provides a good Python environment. PyCharm14 is another powerful Python IDE that has gained a significant popularity among Python developers recently. For readers with previous experience with any of these tools, they could be a productive and familiar environment also for computional work.

However, the Spyder IDE was specifically created for Python programming, and in particular for scientific computing with Python. As such it has features that are particularly useful for interactive and exploratory computing: most notably, integration with the IPython console directly in the IDE. The Spyder user-interface consists of several optional panes, which in turn can be arranged in a nearly arbitrary manner within the IDE application. The most important panes are:

  • Source code editor;
  • Consoles for the Python and the IPython interpreters, and the system shell;
  • Object inspector, for showing documentation for Python objects;
  • Variable explorer;
  • File explorer;
  • Command history;
  • Profiler.

Each pane can be configured to be shown or hidden, depending on the user’s preferences and needs, using the “View – Panes” menu option. Furthermore, panes can be organized together in tabbed groups. In the default layout three pane groups are displayed. The left pane group contains the source code editor. The top-right pane group contains the variable explorer, the file explorer, and the object inspector. The bottom right pane group contains Python and IPython consoles.

Running the command spyder at the shell prompt launches the Spyder IDE. See Figure 1-6 for a screenshot of the default layout of the Spyder application. The code editor is shown in the left panel, the top-right panel shows the object inspector, and the botton right panel shows an IPython console.


Figure 1-6. A screenshot of the Spyder IDE application

Source Code Editor

The source code editor in Spyder supports code highlighting, intelligent autocompletion, working with multiple open files simultaneously, parenthesis matching, indentation guidance, and many other features that one would expect from a modern source code editor. The added benefit from using an IDE is that code in the editor can be run – as a whole (shortcut F5) or a selection (shortcut F9) – in attached Python or IPython consoles with persistent sessions between successive runs.

In addition, the Spyder editor has very useful support for static code checking with pylint,15 pyflakes,16 and pep8,17 which are external tools that analyze Python source code and reports errors such as undefined symbols, syntax errors, coding-style violations, and more. Such warnings and errors are shown on a line-by-line basis as a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark in the left margin of the editor, next to the line number. Static code checking is extremely useful in Python programming. Since Python is an interpreted and lazily evaluated language, simple bugs like undefined symbols may not be discovered until the offending code line is reached at runtime, and for rarely used code paths sometimes such bugs can be very hard to discover. Real-time static code checking and coding-style checks in the Spyder editor can be activated and deactivated in the “Editor” section of the preference window (Python – Preferences, in the menu on OS X, and Tools – Preferences on Linux and Windows). In the Editor section, I recommend checking the “Code analysis” and “Style analysis” boxes in the “Code Introspection/Analysis” tab.

Image Tip  The Python language is versatile, and equivalent Python source code can be written in a vast variety of styles and manners. However, a Python coding-style standard, PEP8, has been put forward to encourage a uniform appearance of Python code. I strongly recommend studying the PEP8 coding-style standard, and complying to it in your code. The PEP8 is described at

Consoles in Spyder

The integrated Python and IPython consoles can be used to execute a file that is being edited in the text editor window, or for running interactively typed Python code. When executing Python source code files from the editor, the namespace variables created in the script are retained in the IPython or Python session in the console. This is an important feature that makes Spyder an interactive computing environment, in addition to a traditional IDE application, since it allows exploring the values of variables after a script has finished executing. Spyder supports having multiple Python and IPython consoles opened simultaneously, and, for example, a new IPython console can be launched through the “Consoles – Open an IPython console” menu. When running a script from the editor, by pressing F5 or pressing the run button in the toolbar, the script is by default run in the most recently activated console. This allows maintaining different consoles, with independent namespaces, for different scripts or projects.

When possible, use the %reset command and the dreload function to clear a namespace and reloading updated modules. If that is insufficient it is possible to restart the IPython kernel corresponding to an IPython console, or the Python interpreter, via the drop-down menu for the top-right icon in the console panel. Finally, a handy feature is that IPython console sessions can be exported as an HTML file by right-clicking on the console window and selecting “Save as HTML/XML” in the pop-up menu.

Object Inspector

The object inspector is a great aid when writing Python code. It can display richly formatted documentation strings for objects defined in source code created with the editor and for symbols defined in library modules that are installed on the system. The object text field at the top of the object inspector panel can be used to type the name of a module, function, or class for which to display the documentation string. Modules and symbols do not need to be imported into the local namesace to be able to display their docstrings using the object inspector. The documentation for an object in the editor or the console can also be opened in the object inspector by selecting the object with the cursor and using the shortcut Ctrl-i (Cmd-i on OS X). It is even possible to automatically display docstrings for callable objects when its opening left parenthesis is typed. This gives an immediate reminder of the arguments and their order for the callable object, which can be a great productivity booster. To activate this feature, navigate to the “Object inspector” page in the “Preferences” window and check the boxes in the “Automatic connections” section.


In this chapter we introduced the Python environment for scientific and technical computing. This environment is in fact an entire ecosystem of libraries and tools for computing, which includes not only Python software, but everything from low-level number crunching libraries up to graphical user-interface applications and web applications. In this multi-language ecosystem, Python is the language that ties it all together into a coherent and productive environment for computing. IPython is a core component of Python’s computing environment, and we briefly surveyed some of its most important features before covering the higher-level user environments provided by the IPython Notebook and the Spyder IDE. These are the tools in which the majority of exploratory and interactive computing is carried out. In the rest of this book we focus on computing using Python libraries, assuming that we are working within one of the environments provided by IPython, the IPython Notebook, or Spyder.

Further Reading

The IPython Notebook is a particularly rich platform for interactive computing, and it is also a very actively developed software. One of the most recent developments within the IPython Notebook is its widget system, which are user-interface components that can be used to create interactive interfaces within the browser that is displaying the Notebook. In this book we do not use IPython widgets, but it is a very interesting and rapidly developing part of the IPython project, and I do recommend exploring their potential applications for interactive computing. The IPython Notebook widgets, and many other parts of IPython, is documented through examples in IPython Notebook form that are available here: There are also two interesting books on this topic (Rossant, Learning IPython for Interactive Computing and Data Visualization, 2013; and Rossant, IPython Interactive Computing and Visualization Cookbook, 2014) that I highly recommend.


Rossant, C. (2013). Learning IPython for Interactive Computing and Data Visualization. Mumbai: Packt.

Rossant, C. (2014). IPython Interactive Computing and Visualization Cookbook. Mumbai: Packt.


1For example, MKL, the Math Kernel Library from Intel,, or ATLAS, the Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software, available at

2The Python language and the default Python interpreter are managed and maintained by the Python Software Foundation:

3See the IPython project web page,, for more information and its official documentation.

4When %automagic is activated (type %automagic at the IPython prompt to toggle this feature), the % sign that precedes the IPython commands can be omitted, unless there is a name conflict with a Python variable or function. However, for clarity, the % signs are explicitly shown here.

5The Python function dir provides a similar feature.

6Which can, for example, be used with the standard Python interpreter to profile scripts by running python -m cProfile

7Currently the IPython notebook project is in the process of restructuring the application into a Python agnostic tool, and the project is being renamed to Jupyter. To follow this development, see

8This web application is by default only accessible locally from the system where the notebook application was launched.

9The path/filename is relative to the notebook directory.

10The IPython nbconvert application uses the jinja2 template engine. See for more information and documentation its the syntax.








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