
Sparse Matrices and Graphs

We have already seen numerous examples of arrays and matrices being the essential entities in many aspects of numerical computing. So far we have represented arrays with the NumPy ndarray data structure, which is a heterogeneous representation that stores all the elements of the array that it represents. In many cases, this is the most efficient way to represent an object such as a vector, matrix, or a higher-dimensional array. However, notable exceptions are matrices where most of the elements are zeros. Such matrices are known as sparse matrices, and they occur in many applications, for example, in connection networks (such as circuits) and in large algebraic equation systems that arise, for example, when solving partial differential equations (see Chapter 11 for examples).

For matrices that are dominated by elements that are zero, it is inefficient to store all the zeros in the computer’s memory, and it is more suitable to store only the nonzero values with additional information about their locations. For non-sparse matrices, known as dense matrices, such a representation is less efficient than storing all values consecutively in the memory, but for large sparse matrices it can be vastly superior.

There are several options for working with sparse matrices in Python. Here we mainly focus on the sparse matrix module in SciPy, scipy.sparse, which provides a feature rich and easy-to-use interface for representing sparse matrices and carrying out linear algebra operations on such objects. Another option is PySparse,1 which provides similar functionality. For very large-scale problems, the PyTrilinos2 and PETSc3 packages have powerful parallel implementations of many sparse matrix operations. However, using these packages require more programming, and they have a steeper learning curve and are more difficult to install and set up. For most basic use-cases SciPy’s sparse module is the most suitable option, or at least a suitable starting point.

Toward the end of the chapter, we also briefly explore representing and processing graphs, using the SciPy sparse.csgraph module and the NetworkX library. Graphs can be represented as adjacency matrices, which in many applications are very sparse. Graphs and sparse matrices are therefore closely connected topics.

Importing Modules

The main module that we work with in this chapter is the sparse module in SciPy library. We assume that this module is included under the name sp, and in addition we need to explicitly import its submodule linalg, to make this module accessible through sp.linalg.

In [1]: import scipy.sparse as sp
In [2]: import scipy.sparse.linalg

We also need the NumPy library, which we, as usual, import under the name np, and the Matplotlib library for plotting:

In [3]: import numpy as np
In [4]: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

And in the last part of this chapter we use the networkx library, which we import under the name nx:

In [5]: import networkx as nx

Sparse Matrices in SciPy

The basic idea of sparse matrix representation is to avoid storing the excessive amount of zeros in a sparse matrix. In dense matrix representation, where all elements of an array are stored consecutively, it is sufficient to store the values themselves, since the row and column indices for each element are known implicitly form the position in the array. However, if we store only the nonzero elements, we clearly also need to store the row and column indices for each element. There are numerous approaches to organizing the storage of the nonzero elements and their corresponding row and column indices. These approaches have different advantages and disadvantages, for example, in terms how easy it is to create the matrices and, perhaps more importantly, how efficiently they can be used in implementations of mathematical operations on the sparse matrices. A summary and comparison of sparse matrix formats that are available in the SciPy sparse module is given in Table 10-1.

Table 10-1. Summary and comparison of methods to represent sparse matrices


A simple and intuitive approach for storing sparse matrices is to simply store lists with column indices and row indices together with the list of nonzero values. This format is called coordinate list format, and it is abbreviated as COO in SciPy. The class sp.coo_matrix is used to represent sparse matrices in this format. This format is particularly easy to initialize. For instance, with the matrix


we can easily identify the nonzero values img and their corresponding rows [0, 1, 2, 3] and columns [1, 3, 2, 0] (note that here we have used Python’s zero-based indexing). To create a sp.coo_matrix object, we can create lists (or arrays) for the values, row indices, and column indices, and pass them to sp.coo_matrix. Optionally, we can also specify the shape of the array using the shape argument, which is useful when the nonzero elements do not span the entire matrix (that is, if there are columns or rows containing only zeros, so that the shape cannot be correctly inferred from the row and column arrays):

In [6]: values = [1, 2, 3, 4]
In [7]: rows = [0, 1, 2, 3]
In [8]: cols = [1, 3, 2, 0]
In [9]: A = sp.coo_matrix((values, (rows, cols)), shape=[4, 4])
In [10]: A
Out[10]: <4x4 sparse matrix of type '<type 'numpy.int64'>'
                 with 4 stored elements in COOrdinate format>

The result is a data structure that represents the sparse matrix. All sparse matrix representations in SciPy’s sparse module share several common attributes, many of which are derived from NumPy’s ndarray object. Examples of such attributes are size, shape, dtype, and ndim, and common to all sparse matrix representations are the nnz (number of nonzero elements) and data (the nonzero values) attributes:

In [11]: A.shape, A.size, A.dtype, A.ndim
Out[11]: ((4, 4), 4, dtype('int64'), 2)
In [12]: A.nnz,
Out[12]: (4, array([1, 2, 3, 4]))

In addition to the shared attributes, each type of sparse matrix representation also has attributes that are specific to its way of storing the positions for each nonzero value. For the case of sp.coo_matrix objects, there are row and col attributes for accessing the underlying row and column arrays:

In [13]: A.row
Out[13]: array([0, 1, 2, 3], dtype=int32)
In [14]: A.col
Out[14]: array([1, 3, 2, 0], dtype=int32)

There are also a large number of methods available for operating on sparse matrix objects. Many of these methods are for applying mathematical functions on the matrix. For example, element-wise math methods like sin, cos, arcsin, etc., aggregation methods like min, max, sum, etc., mathematical array operators such as conjugate (conj) and transpose (transpose), etc., and dot for computing the dot product between sparse matrices or a sparse matrix and a dense vector (the * arithmetic operator also denote matrix multiplication for sparse matrices). For further details, see the docstring for the sparse matrix classes (summarized in Table 10-1). Another important family of methods is used to convert sparse matrices between different formats: For example tocoo, tocsr, tolil, etc. There are also the methods for converting a sparse matrix to NumPy ndarray and NumPy matrix objects (that is, dense matrix representations): toarray and todense, respectively.

For example, to convert the sparse matrix A from COO format to CSR format, and to a NumPy array, respectively, we can use the following:

In [15]: A.tocsr()
Out[15]: <4x4 sparse matrix of type '<type 'numpy.int64'>'
                 with 4 stored elements in Compressed Sparse Row format>
In [16]: A.toarray()
Out[16]: array([[0, 1, 0, 0],
                [0, 0, 0, 2],
                [0, 0, 3, 0],
                [4, 0, 0, 0]])

The obvious way to access elements in a matrix, which we have used in numerous different contexts so far, is using the indexing syntax, for example A[1,2], as well as the slicing syntax, for example A[1:3, 2], and so on. We can often use this syntax with sparse matrices too, but not all representations support indexing and slicing, and if it is supported it may not be an efficient operation. In particular, assigning values to zero-valued elements can be a costly operation, as it may require to rearrange the underlying data structures, depending on which format is used. To incrementally add new elements to a sparse matrix, the LIL (sp.lil_matrix) format is a suitable choice, but this format is on the other hand not suitable for arithmetic operations.

When working with sparse matrices, it is common to face the situation that different tasks – such as construction, updating, and arithmetic operations – are most efficiently handled in different formats. Converting between different sparse formats is a relatively efficient, so it is useful to switch between different formats in different parts of an application. Efficient use of sparse matrices therefore requires an understanding of how different formats are implemented and what they are suitable for. Table 10-1 briefly summarize the pros and cons of the sparse matrix formats available in SciPy’s sparse module, and using the conversion methods it is easy to switch between different formats. For a more in-depth discussion of the merits of the various formats, see the Sparse Matrices4 section in the SciPy reference manual.

For computations, the most important sparse matrix representations in SciPy’s sparse module are the CSR (Compressed Sparse Row) and CSC (Compressed Sparse Column) formats, because they are well suited for efficient matrix arithmetic and linear algebra applications. Other formats, like COO, LIL and DOK are mainly used for constructing and updated sparse matrices, and once a sparse matrix is ready to be used in computations, it is best to convert it to either CSR or CSC format, using the tocsr or tocsc methods, respectively.

In the CSR format, the nonzero values (data) are stored along with an array that contains the column indices of each value (indices), and another array that stores the offsets of the column index array of each row (indptr). For instance, consider the matrix


Here the nonzero values are [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] (data), and the column indices corresponding to the nonzero values in the first row are [0, 1], the second row [1, 2], the third row [2, 3], and the fourth row [0, 2, 3]. Concatenating all of these column index lists gives the indices array [0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0, 2, 3]. To keep track of which row entries in this column index array correspond to, we can store the starting position in for each row in a second array. The column indices of the first row are elements 0 to 1, the second row elements 2 to 3, the third row elements 4 to 5, and finally the fourth row elements 6 to 9. Collecting the starting indices in an array gives [0, 2, 4, 6]. For convenience in the implementation, we also add at the end of this array the total number of nonzero elements, which results in the indptr array [0, 2, 4, 6, 9]. In the following code we create a dense NumPy array corresponding to the matrix A, and then convert it to a CSR matrix using sp.csr_matrix, and then display the data, indices, and indptr attributes:

In [17]: A = np.array([[1, 2, 0, 0], [0, 3, 4, 0], [0, 0, 5, 6], [7, 0, 8, 9]]); A
Out[17]: array([[1, 2, 0, 0],
                [0, 3, 4, 0],
                [0, 0, 5, 6],
                [7, 0, 8, 9]])
In [18]: A = sp.csr_matrix(A)
In [19]:
Out[19]: array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
In [20]: A.indices
Out[20]: array([0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0, 2, 3], dtype=int32)
In [21]: A.indptr
Out[21]: array([0, 2, 4, 6, 9], dtype=int32)

With this storage scheme, the nonzero elements in the row with index i are stored in the data array between index indptr[i] and indptr[i+1]-1, and the column indices for these elements are stored at the same indices in the indices array. For example, the elements in the third row, with index i=2, starts at indptr[2]=4 and ends at indptr[3]-1=5, which gives the element values data[4]=5 and data[5]=6 and column indices indices[4]=2 and indices[5]=3. Thus, img and img (in zero-index based notation):

In [22]: i = 2
In [23]: A.indptr[i], A.indptr[i+1]-1
Out[23]: (4, 5)
In [24]: A.indices[A.indptr[i]:A.indptr[i+1]]
Out[24]: array([2, 3], dtype=int32)
In [25]:[A.indptr[i]:A.indptr[i+1]]
Out[25]: array([5, 6])
In [26]: A[2, 2], A[2, 3]  # check
Out[26]: (5, 6)

While the CSR storage method is not as intuitive as COO, LIL or DOK, it turns out that it is well suited for use in implementation of matrix arithmetic and for linear algebra operations. Together with the CSC format, it is therefore the main format for use in sparse matrix computations. The CSC format is essentially identical to CSR, except that instead of column indices and row pointers, row indices and column pointers are used (i.e., the role of columns and rows are reversed).

Functions for Creating Sparse Matrices

As we have seen examples of earlier in this chapter, one way of constructing sparse matrices is to prepare the data structures for a specific sparse matrix format, and pass these to the constructor of the corresponding sparse matrix class. While this method is sometimes suitable, it is often more convenient to compose sparse matrices from predefined template matrices. The sp.sparse module provides a variety of functions for generating such matrices. For example, sp.eye for creating diagonal sparse matrices with ones on the diagonal (optionally offset from the main diagonal), sp.diags for creating diagonal matrices with a specified pattern along the diagonal, sp.kron for calculating the Kronecker (tensor) product of two sparse matrices, and bmat, vstack, and hstack, for building sparse matrices from sparse block matrices, and by stacking sparse matrices vertically and horizontally, respectively.

For example, in many applications sparse matrices have a diagonal form. To create a sparse matrix of size img with a main diagonal and an upper and lower diagonal, we can use three calls to sp.eye, using the k argument to specify the offset from the main diagonal:

In [27]: N = 10
In [28]: A = sp.eye(N, k=1) - 2 * sp.eye(N) + sp.eye(N, k=-1)
In [29]: A
Out[29]: <10x10 sparse matrix of type '<class 'numpy.float64'>'
                   with 28 stored elements in Compressed Sparse Row format>

By default the resulting object is sparse matrix in the CSR format, but using the format argument, we can specify any other sparse matrix format. The value of the format argument should be a string such as 'csr', 'csc', 'lil', etc. All functions for creating sparse matrices in sp.sparse accept this argument. For example, in the previous example we could have produced the same matrix using sp.diags, by specifying the pattern [1, -2, 1] (the coefficients to the sp.eye functions in the previous expression), and the corresponding offsets from the main diagonal [1, 0, -1]. If we additionally want the resulting sparse matrix in CSC format, we can set format='csc':

In [30]: A = sp.diags([1, -2, 1], [1, 0, -1], shape=[N, N], format='csc')
In [31]: A
Out[31]: <10x10 sparse matrix of type '<class 'numpy.float64'>'
                   with 28 stored elements in Compressed Sparse Column format>

The advantages of using sparse matrix formats rather than dense matrices only manifest themselves when working with large matrices. Sparse matrices are by their nature therefore large, and hence it can be difficult to visualize a matrix by for example printing its elements in the terminal. Matplotlib provides the function spy, which is a useful tool for visualizing the structure of a sparse matrix. It is available as a function in pyplot module, or as a method for Axes instances. When using it on the previously defined A matrix, we obtain the results shown in Figure 10-1.

In [32]: fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ...: ax.spy(A)


Figure 10-1. Structure of the sparse matrix with nonzero elements only on the two diagonals closest to the main diagonal, and the main diagonal itself

Sparse matrices are also often associated with tensor product spaces. For such cases we can use the sp.kron function to compose a sparse matrices from its smaller components. For example, to create a sparse matrix for the tensor product between A and the matrix img, we can use sp.kron(A, B):

In [33]: B = sp.diags([1, 1], [-1, 1], shape=[3,3])
In [34]: C = sp.kron(A, B)
In [35]: fig, (ax_A, ax_B, ax_C) = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(12, 4))
    ...: ax_A.spy(A)
    ...: ax_B.spy(B)
    ...: ax_C.spy(C)


Figure 10-2. The sparse matrix structures of two matrices A (left) and B (middle) and their tensor product (right)

For comparison, we also plotted the sparse matrix structure of A, B and C, and the result is shown in Figure 10-2. For more detailed information on ways to build sparse matrices with the sp.sparse module, see its docstring and the Sparse Matrices section in the SciPy reference manual.

Sparse Linear Algebra Functions

The main application of sparse matrices is to perform linear algebra operations on large matrices that are intractable or inefficient to treat using dense matrix representations. The SciPy sparse module contains a module linalg that implements many linear algebra routines. Not all linear algebra operations are suitable for sparse matrices, and in some cases the behavior of the sparse matrix version of operations needs to be modified compared to the dense counterparts. Consequently, there are a number of differences between the sparse linear algebra module scipy.sparse.linalg and the dense linear algebra module scipy.linalg. For example, the eigenvalue solvers for dense problems typically compute and return all eigenvalues and eigenvectors. For sparse matrices this is not manageable, because storing all eigenvectors of a sparse matrix A of size img usually amounts to storing a dense matrix of size img. Instead, sparse eigenvalue solvers typically give a few eigenvalues and eigenvectors, for example those with the smallest or largest eigenvalues. In general, for sparse matrix methods to be efficient, they must retain the sparsity of matrices involved in the computation. An examples of operations where the sparsity usually is not retained is the matrix inverse, and it should therefore be avoided when possible.

Linear Equation Systems

The most important application of sparse matrices is arguably to solve linear equation system on the form img, where A is a sparse matrix and x and b are dense vectors. The SciPy sparse.linalg module has both direct and iterative solver for this type of problem (sp.linalg.spsolve), and methods to factor a matrix A, using for example LU factorization (sp.linalg.splu) and incomplete LU factorization (sp.linalg.spilu). For example, consider the problem img where A is the tridiagonal matrix considered above, and b is a dense vector filled with negative ones (see Chapter 11 for a physical interpretation of this equation). To solve this problem for the system size img, we first create the sparse matrix A and the dense vector b:

In [36]: N = 10
In [37]: A = sp.diags([1, -2, 1], [1, 0, -1], shape=[N, N], format='csc')
In [38]: b = -np.ones(N)

Now, to solve the equation system using the direct solver provided by SciPy, we can use:

In [39]: x = sp.linalg.spsolve(A, b)
In [40]: x
Out[40]: array([  5.,   9.,  12.,  14.,  15.,  15.,  14.,  12.,   9.,   5.])

The solution vector is a dense NumPy array. For comparison, we can also solve this problem using dense direct solver in NumPy np.linalg.solve (or, similarly, using scipy.linalg.solve). To be able to use the dense solver we need to convert the sparse matrix A to a dense array using A.todense():

In [41]: np.linalg.solve(A.todense(), b)
Out[41]: array([  5.,   9.,  12.,  14.,  15.,  15.,  14.,  12.,   9.,   5.])

As expected, the result agrees with what we obtained from the sparse solver. For small problems like this one there is not much to gain using sparse matrices, but for increasing system size the merits of using sparse matrices and sparse solvers become apparent. For this particular problem, the threshold system size beyond which using sparse methods outperforms dense methods is approximately img, as shown in Figure 10-3. While the exact threshold varies from problem to problem, as well as hardware and software versions, this behavior is typical for problems where the matrix A is sufficiently sparse.5


Figure 10-3. Performance comparison between sparse and dense methods to solve the one-dimensional Poisson problem as a function of problem size

An alternative to the spsolve interface is to explicitly compute the LU factorization using sp.sparse.splu or sp.sparse.spilu (incomplete LU factorization). These functions return an object that contains the L and U factors, and that has a method solve that solves img for a given vector b. This is of course particularly useful when the img has to be solved for multiple vectors b. For example, the LU factorization of the matrix A used previously is computed using:

In [42]: lu = sp.linalg.splu(A)
In [43]: lu.L
Out[43]: <10x10 sparse matrix of type '<class 'numpy.float64'>'
                    with 20 stored elements in Compressed Sparse Column format>
In [44]: lu.U
Out[44]: <10x10 sparse matrix of type '<class 'numpy.float64'>'
                    with 20 stored elements in Compressed Sparse Column format>

Once the LU factorization is available, we can efficiently solve the equation img using the solve method for the lu object:

In [45]: x = lu.solve(b)
In [46]: x
Out[46]: array([  5.,   9.,  12.,  14.,  15.,  15.,  14.,  12.,   9.,   5.])

An important consideration that arises with sparse matrices is that the LU factorization of A may introduce new nonzero elements in L and U compared to the matrix A, and therefore make L and U less sparse. Elements that exist in L or U, but not in A, are called fill-ins. If the amount of fill-ins is large the advantage of using sparse matrices may be lost. While there is no complete solution to eliminate fill-ins, it is often possible to reduce fill-in by permuting the rows and columns in A, so that the LU factorization takes the form img, where Pr and Pc are row and column permutation matrices, respectively. Several such methods for permutations methods are available. The spsolve, splu and spilu functions all take the argument permc_spec, which can take the values NATURAL, MMD_ATA, MMD_AT_PLUT_A, or COLAMD, which indicates different permutation methods that are built in in these methods. The object returned by splu and spilu accounts for such permutations, and the permutation vectors are available via the perm_c and perm_r attributes. Because of these permutations, product of lu.L and lu.U is not directly equal to A, and to reconstruct A form lu.L and lu.U we also need to undo the row and column permutations:

In [47]: def sp_permute(A, perm_r, perm_c):
    ...:     """ permute rows and columns of A """
    ...:     M, N = A.shape
    ...:     # row permumation matrix
    ...:     Pr = sp.coo_matrix((np.ones(M), (perm_r, np.arange(N)))).tocsr()
    ...:     # column permutation matrix
    ...:     Pc = sp.coo_matrix((np.ones(M), (np.arange(M), perm_c))).tocsr()
    ...:     return Pr.T * A * Pc.T
In [48]: lu.L * lu.U – A  # != 0
Out[48]: <10x10 sparse matrix of type '<class 'numpy.float64'>'
                   with 8 stored elements in Compressed Sparse Column format>
In [49]: sp_permute(lu.L * lu.U, lu.perm_r, lu.perm_c) – A  # == 0
Out[49]: <10x10 sparse matrix of type '<class 'numpy.float64'>'
                   with 0 stored elements in Compressed Sparse Column format>

By default, the direct sparse linear solver in SciPy uses the SuperLU6 package. An alternative sparse matrix solver that also can be used in SciPy is the UMFPACK7 package, although this package is not bundled with SciPy and requires that the scikit-umfpack Python library is installed. If scikit-umfpack is available, and if the use_umfpack argument to the sp.linalg.spsolve function is True, then the UMFPACK is used instead of SuperLU. Whether SuperLU or UMFPACK gives better performance varies from problem to problem, so it is worth having both installed and testing both for any given problem.

The sp.spsolve function is an interface to direct solvers, which internally performs matrix factorization. An alternative approach is to use iterative methods that originate in optimization. The SciPy sparse.linalg module contains several functions for iterative solution of sparse linear problems: For example, bicg (biconjugate gradient method), bicgstab (biconjugate gradient stabilized method), cg (conjugate gradient), gmres (generalized minimum residual), and lgmres (loose generalized minimum residual method). All of these functions (and a few others) can be used to solve the problem img by calling the function with A and b as arguments, and they all return a tuple (x, info) where x is the solution and info contains additional information about the solution process (info=0 indicates success, and it is positive for convergence error, and negative for input error). For example:

In [50]: x, info = sp.linalg.bicgstab(A, b)
In [51]: x
Out[51]: array([  5.,   9.,  12.,  14.,  15.,  15.,  14.,  12.,   9.,   5.])
In [52]: x, info = sp.linalg.lgmres(A, b)
In [53]: x
Out[53]: array([  5.,   9.,  12.,  14.,  15.,  15.,  14.,  12.,   9.,   5.])

In addition, each iterative solver takes its own solver-dependent arguments. See the docstring for each function for details. Iterative solver may have an advantage over direct solvers for very large problems, where direct solvers may require excessive memory usage due to undesirable fill-ins. In contrast, iterative solvers only require to evaluate sparse matrix-vector multiplications, and therefore do not suffer from fill-in problems, but on the other hand they might have slow convergence for many problems, especially if not properly preconditioned.

Eigenvalue Problems

Sparse eigenvalue and singular-value problems can be solved using the sp.linalg.eigs and sp.linalg.svds functions, respectively. For real symmetric or complex hermitian matrices, the eigenvalues (which in this case are real) and eigenvectors can also be computed using sp.linalg.eigsh. These functions do not compute all eigenvalues or singular values, but rather compute a given number of eigenvalues and vectors (the default is six). Using the keyword argument k with these functions, we can define how many eigenvalues and vectors should be computed. Using the which keyword argument, we can specify which k values are to be computed. The options for eigs are largest amplitude LM, smallest amplitude SM, largest real part LR, smallest real part SR, largest imaginary part LI, and smallest imaginary part SI. For svds only LM and SM are available.

For example, to compute the lowest four eigenvalues for the sparse matrix of the one-dimensional Poisson problem (of system size 10´10), we can use sp.linalg.eigs(A, k=4, which='LM'):

In [54]: N = 10
In [55]: A = sp.diags([1, -2, 1], [1, 0, -1], shape=[N, N], format='csc')
In [56]: evals, evecs = sp.linalg.eigs(A, k=4, which='LM')
In [57]: evals
Out[57]: array([-3.91898595+0.j, -3.68250707+0.j, -3.30972147+0.j, -2.83083003+0.j])

The return value of sp.linalg.eigs (and sp.linalg.eigsh) is a tuple (evals, evecs) whose first element is an array of eigenvalues (evals), and the second element is an array (evecs) of shape img, whose columns are the eigenvectors corresponding to the eigenvalues in evals. Thus, we expect that the dot product between A and a column in evecs is equal to the same column in evecs scaled by the corresponding eigenvalue in evals. We can directly confirm that this is indeed the case:

In [58]: np.allclose([:,0]), evals[0] * evecs[:,0])
Out[58]: True

For this particular example, the sparse matrix A is symmetric, so instead of sp.linalg.eigs we could use sp.linalg.eigsh instead, and in doing so we obtain an eigenvalue array with real-valued elements:

In [59]: evals, evecs = sp.linalg.eigsh(A, k=4, which='LM')
In [60]: evals
Out[60]: array([-3.91898595, -3.68250707, -3.30972147, -2.83083003])

By changing the argument which='LM' (for largest magnitude) to which='SM' (smallest magnitude), we obtain a different set of eigenvalues and vector (those with smallest magnitude).

In [61]: evals, evecs = sp.linalg.eigs(A, k=4, which='SM')
In [62]: evals
Out[62]: array([-0.08101405+0.j, -0.31749293+0.j, -0.69027853+0.j, -1.16916997+0.j])
In [63]: np.real(evals).argsort()
Out[63]: array([3, 2, 1, 0])

Note that although we requested and obtained the four eigenvalues with smallest magnitude in the previous example, those eigenvalues and vectors are not necessarily sorted within each other (although they are in this particular case). Obtaining sorted eigenvalues is often desirable, and this is easily achieved with a small but convenient wrapper function that sorts the eigenvalues using NumPy’s argsort method. Here we give such a function, sp_eigs_sorted, which returns the eigenvalues and eigenvectors sorted by the real part of the eigenvalue.

In [64]: def sp_eigs_sorted(A, k=6, which='SR'):
    ...:     """ compute and return eigenvalues sorted by the real part """
    ...:     evals, evecs = sp.linalg.eigs(A, k=k, which=which)
    ...:     idx = np.real(evals).argsort()
    ...:     return evals[idx], evecs[idx]
In [65]: evals, evecs = sp_eigs_sorted(A, k=4, which='SM')
In [66]: evals
Out[66]: array([-1.16916997+0.j, -0.69027853+0.j, -0.31749293+0.j, -0.08101405+0.j])

As a less trivial example using sp.linalg.eigs and the wrapper function sp_eigs_sorted, consider the spectrum of lowest eigenvalues of the linear combination img of random sparse matrices M1 and M2. We can use the sp.rand function to generate two random sparse matrices, and by repeatedly using sp_eigs_sorted to find the smallest 25 eigenvalues of the img matrix for different values of x, we can build a matrix (evals_mat) that contains the eigenvalues as a function of x. Below we use 50 values of x in the interval [0, 1]:

In [67]: N = 100
In [68]: x_vec = np.linspace(0, 1, 50)
In [69]: M1 = sp.rand(N, N, density=0.2)
    ...: M2 = sp.rand(N, N, density=0.2)
In [70]: evals_mat = np.array([sp_eigs_sorted((1-x)*M1 + x*M2, k=25)[0] for x in x_vec])

Once the matrix evals_mat of eigenvalues as a function of x is computed, we can plot the eigenvalue spectrum. The result is shown in Figure 10-4, which is a complicated eigenvalue spectrum due to the randomness of the matrices M1 and M2.

In [71]: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 4))
    ...: for idx in range(evals_mat.shape[1]):
    ...:     ax.plot(x_vec, np.real(evals_mat[:,idx]), lw=0.5)
    ...: ax.set_xlabel(r"$x$", fontsize=16)
    ...: ax.set_ylabel(r"eig.vals. of $(1-x)M_1+xM_2$", fontsize=16)


Figure 10-4. The spectrum of the lowest 25 eigenvalues of the sparse matrix img, as a function of x, where M1 and M2 are two random matrices

Graphs and Networks

Representing graphs as adjacency matrices is another important application of sparse matrices. In an adjacency matrix an element describes which nodes in a graph are connected to each other. Consequently, if each node is only connected to a small set of other nodes the adjacency matrix is sparse. The csgraph module in the SciPy sparse module provides functions for processing such graphs, including methods for traversing a graph using different methods (breadth-first and depth-first traversals, for example) and for computing shortest paths between nodes in a graph, and so on. For more information about this module, refer to its docstring: help(sp.csgraph).

For a more comprehensive framework for working with graphs, there is the NetworkX Python library. It provides utilities for creating and manipulating undirected and directed graphs, and also implements many graph algorithms, such as finding minimum paths between nodes in a graph. Here we assume that the networkx library is imported under the name nx. Using this library, we can, for example, create an undirected graph by initiating an object of the class nx.Graph. Any hashable Python object can be stored as nodes in a Graph object, which makes it very flexible data structure. However, in the following examples we only use graph objects with integers and strings as node labels. See Table 10-2 for a summary of functions for creating graphs, and for adding nodes and edges to graph objects.

Table 10-2. Summary of objects and methods for basic graph construction using NetworkX

Object / Method



Class for representing undirected graphs.


Class for representing directed graphs.


Class for representing undirected graphs with support for multiple edges.


Class for representing directed graphs with support for multiple edges.


Add a node to the graph. Expects a node label as argument.


Adds multiple nodes. Expects a list (or iterable) of node labels as argument.


Add an edge. Expects two node arguments as arguments, and creates an edge between those nodes.


Adds multiple edges. Expects a list (or iterable) of tuples of node labels.


Adds multiple edges with weight factors. Expects a list (or iterable) of tuples each containing two node labels and the weight factor.

For example, we can create a simple graph with node data that are integers using nx.Graph(), and the add_node method, or add_nodes_from to add multiple nodes in one go. The nodes method returns a list of nodes:

In [72]: g = nx.Graph()
In [73]: g.add_node(1)
In [74]: g.nodes()
Out[74]: [1]
In [75]: g.add_nodes_from([3, 4, 5])
In [76]: g.nodes()
Out[76]: [1, 3, 4, 5]

To connect nodes we can add edges, using add_edge. We pass the labels of the two nodes we want to connect as arguments. To add multiple edges we can use add_edges_from, and pass to it a list of tuples of nodes to connect. The edges method returns a list of edges:

In [77]: g.add_edge(1, 2)
In [78]: g.edges()
Out[78]: [(1, 2)]
In [79]: g.add_edges_from([(3, 4), (5, 6)])
In [80]: g.edges()
Out[80]: [(1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6)]

To represent edges between nodes that have weights associated with them (for example, a distance), we can use add_weighted_edges_from, to which we pass a list of tuples that also contains the weight factor for each edge, in addition to the two nodes. When calling the edges method, we can additionally give argument data=True to indicate that also the edge data should be included in the resulting list.

In [81]: g.add_weighted_edges_from([(1, 3, 1.5), (3, 5, 2.5)])
In [82]: g.edges(data=True)
Out[82]: [(1, 2, {}),
          (1, 3, {'weight': 1.5}),
          (3, 4, {}),
          (3, 5, {'weight': 2.5}),
          (5, 6, {})]

Note that if we add edges between nodes that do not yet exist in the graph, they are seamlessly added. For example, in the following code we add a weighted edge between node 6 and 7. Node 7 does not previously exist in the graph, but when adding an edge to it, it is automatically created and added to the graph:

In [83]: g.add_weighted_edges_from([(6, 7, 1.5)])
In [84]: g.nodes()
Out[84]: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
In [85]: g.edges()
Out[85]: [(1, 2), (1, 3), (3, 4), (3, 5), (5, 6), (6, 7)]

With these basic fundamentals in place, we are already prepared to look at a more complicated example of a graph. In the following we will build a graph from a dataset stored in a in a JSON file called tokyo-metro.json, which we load using the Python standard library module json8:

In [86]: import json
In [87]: with open("tokyo-metro.json") as f:
    ...:      data = json.load(f)

The result of loading the JSON file is a dictionary data that contains metro line descriptions. For each line, there is a list of travel times between stations (travel_times), a list of possible transfer points to other lines (transfer), as well as the line color:

In [88]: data.keys()
Out[88]: dict_keys(['C', 'T', 'N', 'F', 'Z', 'M', 'G', 'Y', 'H'])
In [89]: data["C"]
Out[89]: {'color': '#149848',
          'transfers': [['C3', 'F15'], ['C4', 'Z2'], ...],
          'travel_times': [['C1', 'C2', 2], ['C2', 'C3', 2], ...]}

Here the format of the travel_times list is [['C1', 'C2', 2], ['C2', 'C3', 2], ...], indicating a that it takes two minutes to travel between the stations C1 and C2, and two minutes to travel between C2 and C3, etc. The format of the transfers list is [('C3', 'F15'), ...], indicating that it is possible to transfer from the C line to the F line at station C3 to station F15. The travel_times and transfers are directly suitable for feeding to add_weighed_edges_from and add_edges_from, and we can therefore easily create a graph for representing the metro network by iterating over each metro line dictionary and call these methods:

In [90]: g = nx.Graph()
    ...: for line in data.values():
    ...:     g.add_weighted_edges_from(line["travel_times"])
    ...:     g.add_edges_from(line["transfers"])

The line transfer edges do not have edge weights, so let’s first mark all transfer edges by adding a new Boolean attribute transfer to each edge:

In [91]: for n1, n2 in g.edges_iter():
    ...:     g[n1][n2]["transfer"] = "weight" not in g[n1][n2]

Next, for plotting purposes, we create two lists of edges containing transfer edges and on-train edges, and we also create a list with colors corresponding to each node in the network:

In [92]: on_foot = [e for e in g.edges_iter() if g.get_edge_data(*e)["transfer"]]
In [93]: on_train = [e for e in g.edges_iter() if not g.get_edge_data(*e)["transfer"]]
In [94]: colors = [data[n[0].upper()]["color"] for n in g.nodes()]

To visualize the graph we can use the Matplotlib-based drawing routines in the networkx library: We use nx.draw to draw each node, nx.draw_networkx_labels to draw the labels to the nodes, nx.draw_network_edges to draw the edges. We call nx.draw_network_edges twice, with the edge lists for transfers (on_foot) and on-train (on_train) connections, and color the links as blue and black, respectively, using the edge_color argument. The layout of the graph is determined by the pos argument to the drawing functions. Here we used the nx.graphviz_layout to layout the nodes. All drawing functions also accept a Matplotlib axes instance via the ax argument. The resulting graph is shown in Figure 10-5.

In [95]: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(14, 10))
    ...: pos = nx.graphviz_layout(g, prog="neato")
    ...: nx.draw(g, pos, ax=ax, node_size=200, node_color=colors)
    ...: nx.draw_networkx_labels(g, pos=pos, ax=ax, font_size=6)
    ...: nx.draw_networkx_edges(g, pos=pos, ax=ax, edgelist=on_train, width=2)
    ...: nx.draw_networkx_edges(g, pos=pos, ax=ax, edgelist=on_foot, edge_color="blue")


Figure 10-5. Network graph for the Tokyo Metro stations

Once the network has been constructed, we can use the many graph algorithms provided by the NetworkX library to analyze the network. For example, to compute the degree (that is, the number of connections to a node) of each node, we can use the degree method (here the output is truncated at ... to save space):

In [96]:
Out[96]: {'Y8': 3,  'N18': 2,  'M24': 2,  'G15': 3,  'C18': 3,  'N13': 2,  'N4': 2, ... }

For this graph, the degree of a node can be interpreted as the number of connections to a station: The more metro lines that connect at a station, the higher the degree of the corresponding node. We can easily search for the most highly connected station in the network by using the degree method, the values method of the resulting Python dictionary, and the max function to find the highest degree in the network. Next we iterate over the result of the degree method and select out the nodes with maximal degree (which is 6 in this network):

In [97]: d_max = max(
In [98]: [(n, d) for (n, d) in if d == d_max]
Out[98]: [('N7', 6), ('G5', 6), ('Y16', 6), ('M13', 6), ('Z4', 6)]

The result tells us that the most highly connected stations are station number 7 on the N line, 5 or the G line, and so on. All these lines intercept at the same station (the Nagatachou station). We can also compute the closest path between two points in the network using nx.shortest_path. For example, the optimal traveling route (assuming no waiting time and instantaneous transfer) for traveling between Y24 and C19 is:

In [99]: p = nx.shortest_path(g, "Y24", "C19")
In [100]: p
Out[100]: ['Y24', 'Y23', 'Y22', 'Y21', 'Y20', 'Y19', 'Y18', 'C9', 'C10', 'C11',
           'C12', 'C13', 'C14', 'C15', 'C16', 'C17', 'C18', 'C19']

Given a path on this form, we can also directly evaluate the travel time by summing up the weight attributes of neighboring nodes in the path:

In [101]: np.sum([g[p[n]][p[n+1]]["weight"]
     ...:         for n in range(len(p)-1) if "weight" in g[p[n]][p[n+1]]])
Out[101]: 35

The result suggests that it takes 35 minutes to travel from Y24 to C19. Since the transfer nodes do not have a weight associated with them, the train transfers are effectively assumed to be instantaneous. It may be reasonable to assume that a train transfer takes about 5 minutes, and to take this into account in the shortest path and travel time computation we can update the transfer nodes and add a weight of 5 to each of them. To do this we create a copy of the graph using the copy method, and iterate through the edges and update those with transfer attribute set to True:

In [102]: h = g.copy()
In [103]: for n1, n2 in h.edges_iter():
     ...:     if h[n1][n2]["transfer"]:
     ...:         h[n1][n2]["weight"] = 5

Recomputing the path and the traveling time with the new graph gives a more realistic estimate of the traveling time:

In [104]: p = nx.shortest_path(h, "Y24", "C19")
In [105]: p
Out[105]: ['Y24', 'Y23', 'Y22', 'Y21', 'Y20', 'Y19', 'Y18', 'C9', 'C10', 'C11',
           'C12', 'C13', 'C14', 'C15', 'C16', 'C17', 'C18', 'C19']
In [106]: np.sum([h[p[n]][p[n+1]]["weight"] for n in range(len(p)-1)])
Out[106]: 40

With this method, we can of course compute the optimal path and travel time between arbitrary nodes in the network. As another example, we also compute the shortest path and traveling time between Z1 and H16 (32 minutes):

In [107]: p = nx.shortest_path(h, "Z1", "H16")
In [108]: np.sum([h[p[n]][p[n+1]]["weight"] for n in range(len(p)-1)])
Out[108]: 32

The NetworkX representation of a graph can be converted to an adjacency matrix in the form of a SciPy sparse matrix using the nx.to_scipy_sparse_matrix, after which we can also analyze the graph with the routines in the sp.csgraph module. As an example of this, we convert the Tokyo Metro graph to an adjacency matrix and compute its reverse Cuthill-McKee ordering (using sp.csgraph.reverse_cuthill_mckee, which is a reordering that reduces the maximum distance of the matrix elements from the diagonal), and permute the matrix with this ordering. We plot the result of both matrices using Matplotlib’s spy function, and the result is shown in Figure 10-6.

In [109]: A = nx.to_scipy_sparse_matrix(g)
In [110]: A
Out[110]: <184x184 sparse matrix of type '<class 'numpy.int64'>'
                      with 486 stored elements in Compressed Sparse Row format>
In [111]: perm = sp.csgraph.reverse_cuthill_mckee(A)
In [112]: fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(8, 4))
     ...: ax1.spy(A, markersize=2)
     ...: ax2.spy(sp_permute(A, perm, perm), markersize=2)


Figure 10-6. The adjacency matrix of the Tokyo metro graph (left), and the same after RCM ordering (right)


In this chapter we have briefly introduced common methods of storing sparse matrices, and reviewed how these can be represented using the sparse matrix classes in the SciPy sparse module. We also reviewed the sparse matrix construction functions available in the SciPy sparse module, and the sparse linear algebra routines available in sparse.linalg. To complement the linear algebra routines built in in SciPy, we also discussed briefly the scikit.umfpack extension package, which makes the UMFPACK solver available to SciPy. The sparse matrix library in SciPy is versatile and very convenient to work with, and because it uses efficient low-level libraries for linear algebra routines (SuperLU or UMFPACK), it also offers good performance. For large-scale problems that requires parallelization to distribute the workload to multiple cores or even multiple computers, the PETSc and Trilinos frameworks, which both have Python interfaces, provide routes for using sparse matrices and sparse linear algebra with Python in high-performance applications. We also briefly introduced graph representations and processing using the SciPy sparse.csgraph and NetworkX libraries.

Further Reading

A good and accessible introduction to sparse matrices and direct solvers for sparse linear equation systems is given in the Davis book. A fairly detailed discussion of sparse matrices and methods is also given in the Press book. For a thorough introduction to network and graph theory, see Newman.


Davis, T. (2006). Direct Methods for Sparse Linear Systems. Philadelphia: SIAM.

Newman, M. (2010). Networks: An Introduction. New York: Oxford.

Press, W. H., & Teukolosky, S. A. (2007). Numerical Recipes in C: The Art of Scientific Computing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.




3See and for its Python bindings.


5For a discussion of techniques and methods to optimize Python code, see Chapter 19.



8For more information about the JSON format and the json module, see Chapter 18.

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