About the reviewers

Dr. Muhammad Mobeen Movania received his PhD degree in Advance Computer Graphics and Visualization from Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. After his graduation, he joined the Institute for Infocomm Research, A-Star Singapore as a research scientist.

Dr. Movania has published several international conference and journal papers in the area of computer graphics and visualization. He has written two books on OpenGL namely, OpenGL Development Cookbook and OpenGL Build High Performance Graphics. He has also contributed book chapters in OpenGL Insights, WebGL Insights, and Game Engine Gems 3. He is associated with DHA Suffa University since 2013 and is currently serving as the Head of Computer Science Department. His GitHub ID is mmmovania.

I would like to thank Allah for his countless blessings on me. My thanks are then due on my family: my parents (Mr. and Mrs. Abdul Aziz Movania), my wife (Tanveer Taji), my brothers and sisters (Mr. Muhammad Khalid Movania, Mrs. Azra Saleem, Mrs. Sajida Shakir, and Mr. Abdul Majid Movania), all my nephews/nieces, and my children (Muntaha and Muhammad Faizan Movania).


Johannes Unterguggenberger is a University Assistant at TU Wien's Rendering and Modeling Group, Institute of Visual Computing and Human-Centered Technology. He is training students to become skilled graphics developers, which includes gaining expertise in OpenGL and GLSL. He always orients towards the future, be it by refusing to use any C++ version older than 17, developing Augmented Reality rendering techniques and frameworks, or exploring the limits of new graphics hardware.

After working in various fields across the IT industry, he is now fully devoted to education
and research, having set his sights on achieving greater visual gloriousness in future games
and other real-time applications. Furthermore, he really likes good CG-books and
congratulates you for picking one of them up.


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