How to do it...

In the fragment shader, we'll access our noise texture and if the value is below the threshold value Threshold, we'll use the reflected color (from the cube map), otherwise, we'll use a rust color:

in vec3 ReflectDir;
in vec2 TexCoord;

uniform samplerCube CubeMapTex;
uniform sampler2D NoiseTex;

uniform float ReflectFactor;
uniform vec4 MaterialColor;

layout( location = 0 ) out vec4 FragColor;

uniform float Threshold = 0.58;

void main() {
// Access the noise texture
float noise = texture( NoiseTex, TexCoord ).a;
float scale = floor( noise + (1 - Threshold) );

// Access the cube map texture
vec3 cubeMapColor = texture(CubeMapTex, ReflectDir).rgb;

// Gamma correct
cubeMapColor = pow(cubeMapColor, vec3(1.0/2.2));

vec3 rustColor = mix( MaterialColor.rgb, vec3(0.01), noise.a );

FragColor = vec4( mix( cubeMapColor, rustColor, scale), 1);
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