Drawing silhouette lines using the geometry shader

When a cartoon or hand-drawn effect is desired, we often want to draw black outlines around the edges of a model and along ridges or creases (silhouette lines). In this recipe, we'll discuss one technique for doing this using the geometry shader, to produce the additional geometry for the silhouette lines. The geometry shader will approximate these lines by generating small, skinny quads aligned with the edges that make up the silhouette of the object. The following image shows the ogre mesh with black silhouette lines generated by the geometry shader.

The lines are made up of small quads that are aligned with certain mesh edges:

The technique shown in this recipe is based on a technique published in a blog post by Philip Rideout: prideout.net/blog/?p=54. His implementation uses two passes (base geometry and silhouette), and includes many optimizations, such as anti-aliasing and custom depth testing (with g-buffers). To keep things simple, as our main goal is to demonstrate the features of the geometry shader, we'll implement the technique using a single pass without anti-aliasing or custom depth testing. If you are interested in adding these additional features, refer to Philip's excellent blog post. One of the most important features of the geometry shader is that it allows us to provide additional vertex information beyond just the primitive being rendered. When geometry shaders were introduced in OpenGL, several additional primitive rendering modes were also introduced. These adjacency modes allow additional vertex data to be associated with each primitive. Typically, this additional information is related to the nearby primitives within a mesh, but there is no requirement that this be the case (we could actually use the additional information for other purposes if desired). The following list includes the adjacency modes along with a short description:

  • GL_LINES_ADJACENCY: This mode defines lines with adjacent vertices (four vertices per line segment)
  • GL_LINE_STRIP_ADJACENCY: This mode defines a line strip with adjacent vertices (for n lines, there are n+3 vertices)
  • GL_TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY: This mode defines triangles along with vertices of adjacent triangles (six vertices per primitive)
  • GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP_ADJACENCY: This mode defines a triangle strip along with vertices of adjacent triangles (for n triangles, there are 2(n+2) vertices provided)

For full details on each of these modes, check out the official OpenGL documentation. In this recipe, we'll use the GL_TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY mode to provide information about adjacent triangles in our mesh. With this mode, we provide six vertices per primitive. The following diagram illustrates the locations of these vertices:

In the preceding diagram, the solid line represents the triangle itself, and the dotted lines represent adjacent triangles. The first, third, and fifth vertices (0, 2, and 4) make up the triangle itself. The second, fourth, and sixth are vertices that make up the adjacent triangles.

Mesh data is not usually provided in this form, so we need to preprocess our mesh to include the additional vertex information. Typically, this only means expanding the element index array by a factor of two. The position, normal, and texture coordinate arrays can remain unchanged.

When a mesh is rendered with adjacency information, the geometry shader has access to all six vertices associated with a particular triangle. We can then use the adjacent triangles to determine whether a triangle edge is part of the silhouette of the object. The basic assumption is that an edge is a silhouette edge if the triangle is front-facing and the corresponding adjacent triangle is not front-facing.

We can determine whether a triangle is front-facing within the geometry shader by computing the triangle's normal vector (using a cross product). If we are working within eye coordinates (or clip coordinates), the z coordinate of the normal vector will be positive for front-facing triangles. Therefore, we only need to compute the z coordinate of the normal vector, which should save a few cycles. For a triangle with vertices A, B, and C, the z coordinate of the normal vector is given by the following equation:

Once we determine which edges are silhouette edges, the geometry shader will produce additional skinny quads aligned with the silhouette edge. These quads, taken together, will make up the desired dark lines (refer to the previous figure). After generating all the silhouette quads, the geometry shader will output the original triangle.

In order to render the mesh in a single pass with appropriate shading for the base mesh, and no shading for the silhouette lines, we'll use an additional output variable. This variable will let the fragment shader know when we are rendering the base mesh and when we are rendering the silhouette edge.

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