How it works...

To clear our buffers, prior to the first pass, we bind clearBuf to the GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER binding point, and call glTexSubImage2D to copy data from clearBuf to the the head pointer texture. Note that when a non-zero buffer is bound to GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER, glTexSubImage2D treats the last parameter as an offset into the buffer that is bound there. Therefore, this will initiate a copy from clearBuf into headPtrTex. Clearing the atomic counter is straightforward, but the use of glBindBufferBase may be a bit confusing. If there can be several buffers bound to the binding point (at different indices), how does glBufferSubData know which buffer to target? It turns out that when we bind a buffer using glBindBufferBase, it is also bound to the generic binding point as well.

In the fragment shader during the first pass, we start with the layout specification enabling the early fragment test optimization:

layout (early_fragment_tests) in; 

This is important because if any fragments are obscured by the opaque geometry, we don't want to add them to a linked list. If the early fragment test optimization is not enabled, the fragment shader may be executed for fragments that will fail the depth test and hence will get added to the linked list. The previous statement ensures that the fragment shader will not execute for those fragments.

The definition of struct NodeType specifies the type of data that is stored in our linked list buffer. We need to store color, depth, and a pointer to the next node in the linked list.

The next three statements declare the objects related to our linked list storage.

  1. The first, headPointers, is the image object that stores the locations of the heads of each linked list. The layout qualifier indicates that it is located at image unit 0 (refer to the Getting ready section of this recipe), and the data type is r32ui (red, 32-bit unsigned integer).
  1. The second object is our atomic counter nextNodeCounter. The layout qualifier indicates the index within the GL_ATOMIC_COUTER_BUFFER binding point (refer to the Getting ready section of this recipe) and the offset within the buffer at that location.  Since we only have a single value in the buffer, the offset is 0, but in general, you might have several atomic counters located within a single buffer.
  2. Third is our linked-list storage buffer linkedLists. This is a shader storage buffer object. The organization of the data within the object is defined within the curly braces here. In this case, we just have an array of NodeType structures. The bounds of the array can be left undefined, the size being limited by the underlying buffer object that we created. The layout qualifiers define the binding and memory layout. The first, binding, indicates that the buffer is located at index 0 within the GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER binding point. The second, std430, indicates how memory is organized within the buffer. This is mainly important when we want to read the data back from the OpenGL side. As mentioned previously, this is documented in the OpenGL specification document.

The first step in the fragment shader during the first pass is to increment our atomic counter using atomicCounterIncrement. This will increment the counter in such a way that there is no possibility of memory consistency issues if another shader instance is attempting to increment the counter at the same time.

An atomic operation is one that is isolated from other threads and can be considered to be a single, uninterruptable operation. Other threads cannot interleave with an atomic operation. It is always a good idea to use atomic operations when writing to shared data within a shader.

The return value of atomicCounterIncrement is the previous value of the counter. It is the next unused location in our linked list buffer. We'll use this value as the location where we'll store this fragment, so we store it in a variable named nodeIdx. It will also become the new head of the linked list, so the next step is to update the value in the headPointers image at this pixel's location gl_FragCoord.xy. We do so using another atomic operation: imageAtomicExchange. This replaces the value within the image at the location specified by the second parameter with the value of the third parameter. The return value is the previous value of the image at that location. This is the previous head of our linked list. We hold on to this value in prevHead, because we want to link our new head to that node, thereby restoring the consistency of the linked list with our new node at the head.

Finally, we update the node at nodeIdx with the color and depth of the fragment, and set the next value to the previous head of the list (prevHead). This completes the insertion of this fragment into the linked list at the head of the list.

After the first pass is complete, we need to make sure that all changes are written to our shader storage buffer and image object before proceeding. The only way to guarantee this is to use a memory barrier. The call to glMemoryBarrier will take care of this for us. The parameter to glMemoryBarrier is the type of barrier. We can fine tune the type of barrier to specifically target the kind of data that we want to read. However, just to be safe, and for simplicity, we'll use GL_ALL_BARRIER_BITS, which ensures that all possible data has been written.

In the second pass, we start by copying the linked list for the fragment into a temporary array. We start by getting the location of the head of the list from the headPointers image using imageLoad. Then we traverse the linked list with the while loop, copying the data into the array frags.

Next, we sort the array by depth from largest to smallest, using the insertion sort algorithm. Insertion sort works well on small arrays, so should be a fairly efficient choice here.

Finally, we combine all the fragments in order, using the mix function to blend them together based on the value of the alpha channel. The final result is stored in the output variable FragColor.

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