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absolute nonlinearity, Open-Ended Games
accelerometers, on mobile devices, Microphones
accomplishment, Accomplishment
achievements, Size and Difficulty
action, To Generate Revenue, Games for Action
encouraging in games, To Generate Revenue
incorporating real world into gameplay, Games for Action
action-based game, 4. Action Can Be Boring
action/arcade games, Putting It All Together
adults, as players, 3. Games Don’t Have to Be for Kids
Adventure for the Atari 2600, Metarewards
adventure games, 8. Skip the Manual, Putting It All Together
adventure, in learning games, To Guide Experiential Learning
aesthetics, Usability, Classes of Problems
playtesting and, Classes of Problems
affect, playtesting and, Classes of Problems
Age of Empires III, Higher-Order Thinking, Systems Thinking
age of players, 2. Playtest, Playtest, Playtest
agency, learning games and, Agency and Mastery
aggression, Catharsis
agility, playtesting and, Classes of Problems
AI, rules-based, 7. Don’t Cheat
Algebra Touch, Failure-Based Learning
alternate existence, creating, Make It Easy to Play Along
alternate reality games, Putting It All Together
Amazon, Point Systems, Create Disproportionate Rewards...
customer ratings, Point Systems
Gold Box, Create Disproportionate Rewards...
Ambinder, Mike, 2. Playtest, Playtest, Playtest
Angry Birds, Asymmetrical, Failure-Based Learning
Animal Crossing, Stance, Levels of Customization, Skill Level
Apps for Healthy Kids contest, Games for Change
ARIS, Require Transformation
The Art of Game Design (Schell), Playtesting
art time, paper prototyping to save, Balance
assessment, games for, Role Playing
Asteroids, Creating Game Prototypes
asymmetrical power of players, Asymmetrical
asynchronous multiplayer games, Asynchronous Multiplayer
attributes of game character, choices, Role Playing
autonomy, Autonomy, Evaluating Motivation: The PENS Model
avatar, customizing physical appearance, Role Playing


Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, 4. Action Can Be Boring
cameras, and gameplay, GPS
CardioMiles, Nike+
casual play trends, Collaborative Communities
categories of games, Understanding Games
catharsis, Autonomy
cause and effect, 8. Skip the Manual
change, How Games Are Changing (see trends in games)
character development, 5. Emotional Engagement
charitable initiatives, in Zynga, CityVille
cheat codes, as reward, Metarewards
cheating, Formal Constraints, 6. Create Meaningful Experience, The Game Experience Must Stand on Its Own, Create Disproportionate Rewards...
preventing, The Game Experience Must Stand on Its Own, Create Disproportionate Rewards...
with design, 6. Create Meaningful Experience
Checkered Game of Life, Games for Persuasion
checkers, Motivation
chess, Motivation, Meaningful Choices, Interest, Hybrid
children, Accomplishment, 3. Games Don’t Have to Be for Kids, Asynchronous Multiplayer
Disney’s virtual community for, Asynchronous Multiplayer
games and, Accomplishment, 3. Games Don’t Have to Be for Kids
choices, Meaningful Choices, Tie the Message to the Winning Strategy, Meaningful Choices
in persuasive games, Tie the Message to the Winning Strategy, Meaningful Choices
meaningful for players, Meaningful Choices
CityVille, Cultural and Social Change, Motivation, Open-Ended Games, Examples, Build Investment in the Experience, Amazon Gold Box
currency, Examples
daily bonus rewards, Amazon Gold Box
motivation, Motivation, Open-Ended Games
player sense of ownership, Build Investment in the Experience
social goals, Cultural and Social Change
Civilization V, Games for Learning
classroom tests, as games, Ebay Is a Game
Club Penguin, Asynchronous Multiplayer
Clue, Defining Games
cognitive disabilities, Work with the Space
collaborative communities, 2. Social Interaction
collections, Drop Locations and Schedules
collective intelligence, Be Forgiving
color theory, Working with Scarcity
combining rewards, Risks
comfort of player with games, Demographics
competence, Autonomy, Evaluating Motivation: The PENS Model, Point Systems, Agency and Mastery
gaining, Agency and Mastery
point systems and, Point Systems
competition, rewards and, Offer Suitable Rewards
competitive games, Stance
complexity, Machine-Based Arbitration, Interest
and conflict development, Interest
modeling systems, Machine-Based Arbitration
computation, Minimize Bookkeeping and Computation, Human Computation
for paper prototypes, Minimize Bookkeeping and Computation
human, Human Computation
Computer Space, Procedural Rhetoric
conflict, Time Available for Play, Brainstorming Game Conflicts, Brainstorming Game Conflicts, General Characteristics
brainstorming, Brainstorming Game Conflicts
characteristics, General Characteristics
considerations in developing, Brainstorming Game Conflicts
connectivity, smartphone games and, Microphones
consequences, design of, Punishment
consistency of game environment, Immersion
constraints for game, formal, Formal Constraints, Living Games, Ebay Is a Game
in Ebay, Living Games
in education testing, Ebay Is a Game
content, games for imparting, Working with Scarcity
contentment, Common Motivations
continuous reinforcement, Trauma, Nike+
control over outcome, player sense of, 5. Fit the Game into the Player’s Lifestyle
Cooper, Seth, Why We Should Care about Games
cooperative play, Stance
core message, for persuasive game, The Landlord’s Game, Case Study: Fitter Critters, The Core Message
winning strategy and, The Core Message
creativity, Social Interaction
critical thinking, Failure-Based Learning
Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly, Common Motivations
cultural bias, Games Can Solve Real Problems
cultural change, video games and, Demographic Data
currencies, Leaderboards, Pricing, Collections, Examples
customization and, Pricing
in CityVille, Examples
purchased items combined with, Collections
customization, Levels as a Reinforcement Schedule, Pricing
monetary system and, Pricing
of rewards, Levels as a Reinforcement Schedule
cycle of expertise, Working with Scarcity


Dance Dance Revolution, Time Available for Play
decision makers, sign-off by, Write It Down
deck of cards, Objectives
defiance, punishment and, Defiance
deliberation in persuasive games, Procedural Rhetoric
demographics, Sales Data, Demographics
data on video games, Sales Data
of player groups, Demographics
design, Games Can Solve Real Problems, Why Us?, Common Motivations, Maps, Playtesting, Punishment, The Game Experience Must Stand on Its Own, Make It Easy to Play Along, Nike+, Build Investment in the Experience, Amazon Gold Box, The Landlord’s Game, 5. Emotional Engagement
best practices, The Game Experience Must Stand on Its Own, Make It Easy to Play Along, Nike+, Build Investment in the Experience, Amazon Gold Box
for games with purpose, The Game Experience Must Stand on Its Own
for optional advantages, Build Investment in the Experience
for reframing games, Make It Easy to Play Along
for scheduled play, Amazon Gold Box
real-time reinforcement, Nike+
of consequences, Punishment
of persuasive games, The Landlord’s Game
player motivation and, Common Motivations
playtesting to evaluate elements, Playtesting
prototypes to answer questions, Maps
user experience vs. video games, Games Can Solve Real Problems
dice, Objectives, Minimize Bookkeeping and Computation
for paper prototyping probability, Minimize Bookkeeping and Computation
differentiation by games, Built-in Assessment
difficulty of game, evaluating, Prepare an Observation Script
Digg, Point Systems
Dikkers, Seann, To Guide Experiential Learning
discovery, self-directed, Keep It Real, Discovery
in Fitter Critters, Discovery
Disney’s virtual community for kids, Asynchronous Multiplayer
displays, linked, Motion Control
disproportionate rewards, Build Investment in the Experience
Dow Day, Require Transformation
Dragon’s Lair, Autonomy
Dungeons & Dragons, Asymmetrical
duration of game, Sustainability
Dweck, Carol, Autonomy, Accomplishment


earned items, Collections
Easter egg, Metarewards
Ebay, Living Games, Point Systems
as game, Living Games
Eco Assist (Honda Insight), Real-Time Reinforcement, Nike+
education, Ebay Is a Game, Games for Learning
(see also learning games)
testing, Ebay Is a Game
Education Arcade, Working with Scarcity
efficiency of game, Appraising a Game’s Efficiency
electronic prototypes, Electronic Prototypes, Start as Small as You Can
avoiding overdesign, Start as Small as You Can
“elements of user experience” model, The Elements of Player Experience
emotional engagement, 5. Emotional Engagement
end state, Replay Value
entertainment, as game purpose, Developing a Game Concept
environment, Maps, Recruit Selectively, Keep It Real
for playtesting, Recruit Selectively
paper prototypes to develop, Maps
simulating, Keep It Real
environmental constraints, Objectives, Living Games, Ebay Is a Game, Working with Scarcity
for education testing, Ebay Is a Game
in Ebay, Living Games
Epic Win, Epic Win, Make It Easy to Play Along
ergonomics, playtesting and, Classes of Problems
euphoria, Common Motivations
EVE Online, Leaderboards
evolution study, Games for Change
exergames, Games Can Solve Real Problems, Putting It All Together
experienced players, Sustainability, Item Drops
game duration for, Sustainability
reward for, Item Drops
experiential learning, Require Transformation
experimental interactions, Linked Displays
explicit objectives of games, Defining Games
exploration, rewards for, Drop Locations and Schedules
external rewards, Cheats
extinction, Punishment


Facebook, Point Systems
failure, Agency and Mastery, Working with Scarcity, Require Transformation
cost of, Working with Scarcity
learning based on, Agency and Mastery
fairness, Defining Games, Interest
and conflict development, Interest
FarmVille, Demographic Data, Social Image, Social Image, 5. Fit the Game into the Player’s Lifestyle, Rewards in Games, Pricing, CityVille, Build Investment in the Experience, Create Disproportionate Rewards...
Haiti relief campaign, CityVille, Create Disproportionate Rewards...
player characteristics, Demographic Data
player time commitment, 5. Fit the Game into the Player’s Lifestyle
social image and, Social Image
fatigue of player, Open-Ended Games
federal agency grants, for persuasive games, Games for Change
Federation of American Scientists, Higher-Order Thinking
feedback, What In-Game Actions Do Players Take in Response to the Challenge?, Real-Time Reinforcement, Working with Scarcity
from testers, What In-Game Actions Do Players Take in Response to the Challenge?
to players, Real-Time Reinforcement, Working with Scarcity
Final Fantasy VII, Maps
Final Fantasy XIII, Player Motivations
first-person shooter games, Putting It All Together
Fitter Critters, Keep It Real, The Core Message, Meaningful Choices
meaningful choices, Meaningful Choices
winning strategy, The Core Message
fixed schedule, Leveling
fixed-interval schedule for reinforcement, Variable-Ratio Schedules, Nike+
fixed-ratio schedule of reinforcement, Trauma
flexibility, in playtesting, Prepare an Observation Script
Flight Simulator, Learning by Doing
flow, Common Motivations, Emulate the Play Environment to the Best of Your Ability
testing impact and, Emulate the Play Environment to the Best of Your Ability
flowchart, Rules
Foldit, Why We Should Care about Games, 8. Skip the Manual, Appraising a Game’s Efficiency
found items, Collections
Foursquare, Foursquare
free will, behaviorism and, What about Free Will?
freedom, Open-Ended Games
frequency, Amazon Gold Box
friend-based association, Asynchronous Multiplayer
Frisby, Al, Games for Change
Frogger, Time Available for Play
fun, What about Fun?, Player Motivations, Ten Tips for Building a Better Game, What In-Game Actions Do Players Take in Response to the Challenge?
enjoyment as priority, Ten Tips for Building a Better Game
testing for, What In-Game Actions Do Players Take in Response to the Challenge?


gambling, Games Can Solve Real Problems
Game Boy handheld systems, Motion Control
game building tips, Why Us?, Ten Tips for Building a Better Game, 2. Playtest, Playtest, Playtest, 2. Playtest, Playtest, Playtest, 4. Action Can Be Boring, 5. Fit the Game into the Player’s Lifestyle, 5. Fit the Game into the Player’s Lifestyle, 6. Create Meaningful Experience, 7. Don’t Cheat, 8. Skip the Manual, 10. Make It Easy to Try Again
(see also design)
action as boring, 4. Action Can Be Boring
age of players impact, 2. Playtest, Playtest, Playtest
cheating with design, 6. Create Meaningful Experience
ease of trying again, 10. Make It Easy to Try Again
enjoyment as priority, Ten Tips for Building a Better Game
meaningful experience, 5. Fit the Game into the Player’s Lifestyle
player lifestyle considerations, 5. Fit the Game into the Player’s Lifestyle
playtesting, 2. Playtest, Playtest, Playtest
sensible experience, 8. Skip the Manual
skipping manual, 7. Don’t Cheat
game characteristics, Defining Games, Defining Games, Objectives, Formal Constraints, Formal Constraints, Environmental Constraints
arbitration, Environmental Constraints
environmental constraints, Objectives
formal constraints, Formal Constraints
objectives, Defining Games
simple example, Formal Constraints
game design, perspectives on, Developing a Game Concept, To Generate Revenue, Time Available for Play, Sustainability, Replay Value, Open-Ended Games, Player Interaction, Asymmetrical
conflict, Time Available for Play
duration and lifetime, Sustainability
end state, Replay Value
genre, Asymmetrical
linearity, Open-Ended Games
objective, Developing a Game Concept
player interaction, Player Interaction
players, To Generate Revenue
(see also players)
game development, Ten Tips for Building a Better Game
Game of Life, Games for Persuasion
Game of the District Messenger Boy, Historical Precedent
GameCube console, Motion Control
games, Why We Should Care about Games, Why We Should Care about Games, Why Us?, Understanding Games, Understanding Games, Machine-Based Arbitration, Living Games, Role Playing
advantages for training and instruction, Role Playing
benefits of, Why Us?
categories of, Understanding Games
challenge of, Why We Should Care about Games
definition for, Understanding Games
in real world, Machine-Based Arbitration
living, Living Games
significance of, Why We Should Care about Games
Games for Change conference, Games for Change
Games for Health conference, Games Can Solve Real Problems
GameShare, Experimental Interactions
gamification, Why Us?, By Reenvisioning Conventional Experiences as Games
Garrett, Jesse James, The Elements of Player Experience
Gee, James Paul, Role Playing, Working with Scarcity
genre, Asymmetrical, Putting It All Together
comparison, Putting It All Together
Geometry Wars, Touch Screens
geopositioning, Foursquare use of, Make It Easy to Play Along
George, Henry, The Landlord’s Game
goals, Working with Scarcity
Gold Box in Amazon, Create Disproportionate Rewards...
Good Video Games and Good Learning (Gee), Working with Scarcity
Google Image Labeler, Human Computation, Human Computation
GPS capabilities, and game trends, GPS
graduated rewards, Offer Suitable Rewards
Grand Theft Auto, Immersion, Autonomy, Open-Ended Games, Defiance, Collections, Risks
Grand Theft Auto III, Metarewards
Grand Theft Auto IV, Levels of Customization
grinding, Player Motivations
Guitar Hero, Praise


I Love Bees, Be Forgiving
Image Labeler (Google), Human Computation, Human Computation
immersion, Common Motivations
Immersyve, Evaluating Motivation: The PENS Model
incentives, for playing game again, 10. Make It Easy to Try Again
Incredible Machine, Learning by Doing
inevitable loss, as end state, Replay Value
Injini Frog, To Develop Skills
Injini Puzzle, To Develop Skills
innovation, Cultural and Social Change
input agreement game, Human Computation
inspiration, games and, By Reenvisioning Conventional Experiences as Games
instruction, Role Playing (see learning)
instruction manual, skipping, 7. Don’t Cheat
intangible things, value of, Rewards in Games
intelligence, collective, Be Forgiving
interaction of players, Player Interaction
interactions, experimental, Linked Displays
interest in game, Brainstorming Game Conflicts, Levels as a Reinforcement Schedule, Appraising a Game’s Efficiency
and conflict development, Brainstorming Game Conflicts
levels to extend, Levels as a Reinforcement Schedule
maintaining, Appraising a Game’s Efficiency
Internet, games and, Games Drive Innovation
intrinsic rewards, Risks
inversion problems, Human Computation
item drops, Item Drops
iteration, of paper prototype, Replace Skill with Probability
It’s Your Life (Schwab MoneyWise), Ten Tips for Building a Better Game


Jenga, Objectives
Just Dance, Games Can Solve Real Problems
just-in-time instructions, 7. Don’t Cheat


Kansas State Board of Education, Games for Change
Kanyu, 7. Don’t Cheat
Katamari Damacy, Asymmetrical
Killer Bunnies, 5. Fit the Game into the Player’s Lifestyle
Kinect controller for the Xbox (Microsoft), Sales Data
Kingdom Hearts II, Collaborative Communities


L.A. Noire, 5. Emotional Engagement
Landlord’s Game, Monopoly
leaderboards for point systems, Many Actions, One Measure
learning, Games Can Solve Real Problems, To Generate Revenue, Agency and Mastery, Failure-Based Learning, Failure-Based Learning, Role Playing, Working with Scarcity, Require Transformation
advantages of games for, Role Playing
as game objective, To Generate Revenue
by doing, Failure-Based Learning
experiential, Require Transformation
failure-based, Agency and Mastery
opportunities, Games Can Solve Real Problems
simulation in, Failure-Based Learning
strategies for games supporting, Working with Scarcity
learning curves for gameplay, Collaborative Communities
learning games, Games for Learning, Games for Learning, Role Playing, Working with Scarcity, To Guide Experiential Learning, Be Forgiving
adventure in, To Guide Experiential Learning
mistakes by players, Be Forgiving
qualities making, Games for Learning
role-playing, Role Playing
teaching and, Working with Scarcity
Left 4 Dead, behaviorism in, Pac-Man
Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, Motion Control
leisure time of players, 5. Fit the Game into the Player’s Lifestyle
leveling, Scarcity
Librande, Stone, Creating Game Prototypes, Balance, Balance
lifetime of game, Sustainability
linearity, Open-Ended Games
linked displays, Motion Control
LinkedIn, Point Systems
LittleBigPlanet, Social Interaction, Levels of Customization
living games, Living Games
loading screen, time required for, 10. Make It Easy to Try Again
locations, for item drops, Item Drops
locked content, cost-benefit ratio of, Common Forms
losing, 8. Skip the Manual, Replay Value
as end state, Replay Value
player understanding of, 8. Skip the Manual


machine-based arbitration, Environmental Constraints, Ebay Is a Game
for video games, Environmental Constraints
in Ebay, Ebay Is a Game
Madigan, Jamie, Player Motivations, Immersion
Mafia Wars, Social Image, 4. Action Can Be Boring
magic circle, Machine-Based Arbitration
Magie, Lizzie, The Landlord’s Game
Mansion of Happiness, Historical Precedent
manual, skipping, 7. Don’t Cheat
maps, paper prototypes to develop, Maps
Mark of Kri, Catharsis
Maslow, Abraham, Accomplishment
massively multiplayer games, Social Image, Player Interaction
Mastermind, Time Available for Play
conflict, Time Available for Play
mastery, Autonomy, Agency and Mastery, Be Forgiving
learning games and, Agency and Mastery
orientation, Autonomy
Matchin, Human Computation
Math Blaster, Games for Learning
Mathews, Jim, Require Transformation
Maxis, Creating Game Prototypes
mayorships, in Foursquare, Foursquare
meaning in persuasive games, Meaning in Games
measurable objectives, Defining Games
message, core, for persuasive game, The Landlord’s Game, Case Study: Fitter Critters
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, 5. Fit the Game into the Player’s Lifestyle
metarewards, Metarewards
microgames, Linked Displays
microphones, and game trends, GPS
Microsoft Office, Failure-Based Learning
Microsoft, Kinect controller for the Xbox, Sales Data
Miis in Nintendo Wii, Levels as a Reinforcement Schedule
mind-set, introducing for learning games, Specialize
Minesweeper, Work with the Space
mistakes by players, in learning games, Be Forgiving
mobile devices, games on, How Games Are Changing
models, Machine-Based Arbitration, Tests Are Games
complex systems, Machine-Based Arbitration
for understanding games, Tests Are Games
ModNation Racers, Social Interaction
monetary systems, Leaderboards, Pricing
customization and, Pricing
of online multiplayer games, Leaderboards
Monopoly, Social Image, Meaning in Games
motion control, Short Learning Curves
motivations for players, Motivation, Player Motivations, Common Motivations, Autonomy, Autonomy, Autonomy, Accomplishment, Accomplishment, Social Image, Social Interaction, Demographics, Classes of Problems, What In-Game Actions Do Players Take in Response to the Challenge?, Behavioral Tools, Games for Action, Appraising a Game’s Efficiency
accomplishment, Accomplishment
autonomy, Autonomy
catharsis, Autonomy
competence, Autonomy
creating for players, Behavioral Tools
creativity, Social Interaction
immersion, Common Motivations
PENS model for evaluation, What In-Game Actions Do Players Take in Response to the Challenge?
playtesting and, Classes of Problems
social image, Accomplishment
social interaction, Social Image
multiplayer games, Player Interaction, Player Interaction, Shared Space, Asynchronous Multiplayer, Stance, Hybrid, General Characteristics, Leaderboards
characteristics, General Characteristics
familiarity, Asynchronous Multiplayer
location, Player Interaction
monetary systems of online, Leaderboards
number of players, Player Interaction
roles and power, Hybrid
stance, Stance
timing, Shared Space
multiple paths in game, Open-Ended Games
Myst, Rules
mystery, To Foster Collective Intelligence


narrative, Working with Scarcity, 5. Emotional Engagement
natural selection, Games for Change
negative reinforcement, Reinforcement, Pac-Man, CityVille
in Pac-Man, Pac-Man
negative reward, Drop Locations and Schedules
Netflix, customer ratings, Point Systems
neutral play, Stance
Nike+ system, in iPods and iPhones, The Pokéwalker
Nintendo Wii, Games Can Solve Real Problems, Levels as a Reinforcement Schedule, Motion Control
Fit, Games Can Solve Real Problems
Miis in, Levels as a Reinforcement Schedule
U console, Motion Control
nongaming applications, motion control and, Motion Control
nonlinearity, absolute, Open-Ended Games
novice players, game duration for, Sustainability
number of players, Player Interaction


objectives of games, Defining Games, 8. Skip the Manual, Developing a Game Concept, Asymmetrical, Skill Level, Games for Action
game genres and, Asymmetrical
known vs. hidden, Skill Level
observation script, for playtesting, Emulate the Play Environment to the Best of Your Ability
on/off conditions, Rules
One Button Bob, Linked Displays
one-button games, Linked Displays
online environment, and remote play, Shared Space
online games, Social Interaction, 5. Fit the Game into the Player’s Lifestyle
as holiday greetings, 5. Fit the Game into the Player’s Lifestyle
exploitation risks, Social Interaction
open association, Asynchronous Multiplayer
open world games, Putting It All Together
open-ended games, Replay Value
operant conditioning, A Quick Guide to Behaviorism
optional advantages, Nike+, Build Investment in the Experience
best practices for design, Build Investment in the Experience
Oregon Trail, Games for Learning
Osmos, Touch Screens
Osterweil, Scot, To Impart Content
Our Minnesota, To Guide Experiential Learning
output agreement game, Human Computation


Pac-Man, Objectives, Motivation, Meaningful Choices, Pac-Man
behaviorism in, Pac-Man
choices, Meaningful Choices
paper prototypes, Balance, Creating Game Prototypes, Paper Prototypes, Maps
building, Maps
what works, Paper Prototypes
PeaceMaker, Games for Change
pedometer, The Pokéwalker
PENS model, What In-Game Actions Do Players Take in Response to the Challenge?
persistence, reward for, Item Drops
persuasion, as game objective, To Generate Revenue
persuasive games, Games for Persuasion, Games for Persuasion, Games for Change, Games for Change, Games for Change, Procedural Rhetoric, Meaning in Games, Monopoly, The Landlord’s Game, Tie the Message to the Winning Strategy, Keep It Real, Keep It Real, Keep It Real
assets and real world, Keep It Real
case study: Fitter Critters, Keep It Real
change from, Games for Change
delibration in, Procedural Rhetoric
design, The Landlord’s Game
federal agency grants for, Games for Change
historical precedent, Games for Persuasion
meaning in, Meaning in Games
meaningful choices in, Tie the Message to the Winning Strategy
messages in, Monopoly
procedural rhetoric, Games for Change
self-directed discovery, Keep It Real
Persuasive Games (Bogost), Procedural Rhetoric
physics, Multiplayer Characteristics, Learning by Doing
creating game based on, Multiplayer Characteristics
pinball, Procedural Rhetoric
Plants vs. Zombies, Usability, Working with Scarcity
platformer genre, Putting It All Together
play dynamics, item drops and, Item Drops
play space of game, boundaries and structure, Objectives
player experience elements, Motivation, Meaningful Choices, Balance, Balance, Usability, What about Fun?
aesthetics, Usability
balance, Balance
fun and, What about Fun?
meaningful choices, Meaningful Choices
motivation, Motivation
usability, Balance
Player Experience of Need Satisfaction (PENS) model, What In-Game Actions Do Players Take in Response to the Challenge?
player fatigue, Open-Ended Games
players, 5. Fit the Game into the Player’s Lifestyle, To Generate Revenue, Player Interaction
(see also multiplayer games)
interaction, Player Interaction
lifestyle considerations, 5. Fit the Game into the Player’s Lifestyle
playing game, incentives for starting again, 10. Make It Easy to Try Again
playtesting, 2. Playtest, Playtest, Playtest, Playtesting, Playtesting, Classes of Problems, Emulate the Play Environment to the Best of Your Ability, Prepare an Observation Script, Prepare an Observation Script
guidelines, Classes of Problems
importance of, 2. Playtest, Playtest, Playtest
length of session, Prepare an Observation Script
observation script for, Emulate the Play Environment to the Best of Your Ability
problem classes, Playtesting
problems vs. challenges, Prepare an Observation Script
Poikilia, Working with Scarcity
point systems, Point Systems, Scarcity
vs. currency system, Scarcity
Pokémon, Accomplishment, Collections, The Pokéwalker
poker, Social Image
Pokéwalker, The Pokéwalker
polyhedral dice, for paper prototyping probability, Minimize Bookkeeping and Computation
Pong, Hybrid, Risks
popularity of games, Overlap between Disciplines Creates Learning Opportunities, Social Image
Portal 2, Specialize, To Introduce a New Mind-Set, Require Transformation
positive ends, for games, Games Can Solve Real Problems
positive reinforcement, Reinforcement, Pac-Man
in Pac-Man, Pac-Man
power, 6. Create Meaningful Experience, Hybrid
in multiplayer games, Hybrid
in video games, 6. Create Meaningful Experience
praise, Rewards in Games
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, 10. Make It Easy to Try Again
priorities, Multiplayer Characteristics
probability, Minimize Bookkeeping and Computation, Offer Suitable Rewards
of rewards, Offer Suitable Rewards
vs. skill, in paper prototyping, Minimize Bookkeeping and Computation
problem solving, Why We Should Care about Games, Games Can Solve Real Problems, Failure-Based Learning, Working with Scarcity
video game for, Why We Should Care about Games
problems in playtesting, Prepare an Observation Script
procedural rhetoric, Games for Change
Professor Layton series, Tests Are Games
programming time, paper prototyping to save, Balance
Project Injini, Work with the Space
projective identity, Role Playing
prototypes, Balance, Creating Game Prototypes, Electronic Prototypes, Start as Small as You Can, Be Ready to Throw It All Away, Be Ready to Throw It All Away
(see also paper prototypes)
benefits, Creating Game Prototypes
electronic, Electronic Prototypes, Start as Small as You Can
avoiding overdesign, Start as Small as You Can
savings from, Be Ready to Throw It All Away
willingness to discard, Be Ready to Throw It All Away
psychology, Player Motivations, Behavioral Tools
(see also behaviorism)
of video games, Player Motivations
punishment, Reinforcement, Punishment, Left 4 Dead, Drop Locations and Schedules
dropped items as, Drop Locations and Schedules
in Left 4 Dead, Left 4 Dead
timing of, Punishment
purchased items, Collections
puzzles, Putting It All Together, Rules, Classes of Problems, Distinguishing Real Problems from Appropriate Challenges
playtesting and, Classes of Problems


Qix, Time Available for Play
QR code, To Guide Experiential Learning
quality of output, in human computation games, The Game Experience Must Stand on Its Own
Quest to Learn (charter school), To Foster Collective Intelligence
question-and-answer style of playtesting, Emulate the Play Environment to the Best of Your Ability
Quidditch, Many Actions, One Measure


radical interfaces as trend, Short Learning Curves
randomness in games, 2. Playtest, Playtest, Playtest, 5. Fit the Game into the Player’s Lifestyle
player control and, 5. Fit the Game into the Player’s Lifestyle
testing and, 2. Playtest, Playtest, Playtest
real-time interaction, Shared Space
real-time reinforcement, Real-Time Reinforcement, Nike+
best practices for design, Nike+
real-world actions, Nike+
realities of games, The Magic Circle
recruitment for playtesting, Classes of Problems
Red Dead Redemption, Usability, 5. Emotional Engagement
reframing, The Game Experience Must Stand on Its Own, Make It Easy to Play Along
best practices for design, Make It Easy to Play Along
reinforcement, Reinforcement, Punishment, Trauma, Leveling, Real-Time Reinforcement, Nike+
levels as, Leveling
real-time, Real-Time Reinforcement, Nike+
best practices for design, Nike+
schedules of, Trauma
timing of, Punishment
relatedness, Evaluating Motivation: The PENS Model
relationships, 5. Emotional Engagement
reliable objectives, Defining Games
remote play, Shared Space
Remote Research (Bolt and Tulathimutte), Recruit Selectively
remote testing, Recruit Selectively
repetitive actions, Player Motivations
Resident Evil series, Working with Scarcity
return visits, Amazon Gold Box
revenue, Sales Data, Developing a Game Concept
as game objective, Developing a Game Concept
of video game industry, Sales Data
rewards, Motivation, Reinforcement, Rewards in Games, Rewards in Games, Point Systems, Leaderboards, Scarcity, Levels as a Reinforcement Schedule, Item Drops, Drop Locations and Schedules, Size and Difficulty, Skill Level, Metarewards, Cheats, Risks, Risks, Make It Easy to Play Along, Build Investment in the Experience, Offer Suitable Rewards
achievements, Size and Difficulty
collections, Drop Locations and Schedules
combining, Risks
currencies, Leaderboards
customization, Levels as a Reinforcement Schedule
disproportionate, Build Investment in the Experience
external, Cheats
feedback of, Motivation
intrinsic, Risks
item drops, Item Drops
leveling, Scarcity
metarewards, Metarewards
offering variety, Make It Easy to Play Along
point systems, Point Systems
praise, Rewards in Games
suitability, Offer Suitable Rewards
unlockables, Skill Level
rhythm games, Putting It All Together
richness of game environment, Immersion
Rigby, Scott, Evaluating Motivation: The PENS Model
risks, Item Drops, Cheats
item drops and, Item Drops
of external rewards, Cheats
Riven, Specialize, To Introduce a New Mind-Set
Rock Band, Social Image, Praise
rock-paper-scissors, Formal Constraints
role-playing, Role Playing
role-playing games, Balance, Player Motivations, Putting It All Together, Punishment, Leaderboards
specialized currencies in, Leaderboards
roles in multiplayer games, Hybrid
rules of game, Formal Constraints, 7. Don’t Cheat, Rules
computer and player, 7. Don’t Cheat
paper prototype to develop, Rules
Ryan, Richard, Evaluating Motivation: The PENS Model


safety, concerns about, Asynchronous Multiplayer
Salen, Katie, Formal Constraints
sales data on games, Overlap between Disciplines Creates Learning Opportunities
saving progress in game, option for, 10. Make It Easy to Try Again
Sawyer, Ben, Experimental Interactions
scaffolding for instruction, Built-in Assessment
scarcity, Leaderboards, Working with Scarcity
of game currencies, Leaderboards
scheduled play, Create Disproportionate Rewards...
schedules, Trauma, Item Drops
for item drops, Item Drops
of reinforcement, Trauma
Schell, Jesse, The Art of Game Design, By Reenvisioning Conventional Experiences as Games, Playtesting
Schwab MoneyWise It’s Your Life, Ten Tips for Building a Better Game
Second Life, By Reenvisioning Conventional Experiences as Games
self-determination theory, Evaluating Motivation: The PENS Model
self-directed discovery, Keep It Real
self-esteem, Accomplishment
sensorimotor disabilities, Work with the Space
Shadow of the Colossus, 5. Emotional Engagement
shared physical space, Shared Space
shared presence, 2. Social Interaction
SimCity, Social Interaction
The Sims, Replay Value, Open-Ended Games, Levels of Customization, Appraising a Game’s Efficiency, Role Playing, Monopoly
customization, Levels of Customization
message in, Monopoly
simulation, Failure-Based Learning, Keep It Real
in learning, Failure-Based Learning
of environment, Keep It Real
simulation games, Social Interaction, Putting It All Together, Higher-Order Thinking
single path, Open-Ended Games
Sins of a Solar Empire, Agency and Mastery
skill, Demographics, Minimize Bookkeeping and Computation, Skill Level, Work with the Space
development, Work with the Space
levels and achievements, Skill Level
vs. probability, in paper prototyping, Minimize Bookkeeping and Computation
skinner boxes, A Quick Guide to Behaviorism
Skinner, B. F., A Quick Guide to Behaviorism
slot machines, Variable-Ratio Schedules, Procedural Rhetoric
social change, video games and, Demographic Data
social games, Demographic Data
social image, Accomplishment
social interaction, Social Image, Microphones
trends, Microphones
social media, 2. Social Interaction
social networking games, Putting It All Together
social rewards, customization and, Pricing
Sony Playstation, Short Learning Curves
spatial manipulation, Why We Should Care about Games
specializing, Nike+
specificity of message, Write It Down
Spore, Balance
Squigl, Games with a Purpose
stance in multiplayer games, Stance
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Role Playing
stickiness of a leveling system, Leveling
Strat-O-Matic baseball cards, Minimize Bookkeeping and Computation
strategic play, item drops and, Item Drops
strategic thinking, Higher-Order Thinking
strategies for games supporting learning, Working with Scarcity
strategy games, Putting It All Together
structure of game, Objectives, Leveling
leveling and, Leveling
subject matter, games for imparting, Working with Scarcity
success, game design and, Failure-Based Learning
Super Mario Bros., Is the Level of Challenge Appropriate for the Current Stage of the Game?
survey of target audience, Demographics
sustainability, and conflict development, Sustainability
symmetrical power of players, Hybrid
synchronous multiplayer games, Shared Space
systems thinking, Higher-Order Thinking


Tag a Tune, Human Computation
tags for images, Human Computation
Tamagotchi virtual pet, Short Learning Curves
target audience, Demographics, Recruit Selectively
survey of, Demographics
test participants and, Recruit Selectively
tasks, redefining everyday, as games, Why Us?
teaching in games, Working with Scarcity
Team Fortress 2, Stance
teams, Player Interaction
technology, player access to, Demographics
Tekken, Autonomy, Common Forms
testing, Playtesting, Playtesting, Recruit Selectively
(see also playtesting)
importance, Playtesting
remote, Recruit Selectively
Tetris, Brainstorming Game Conflicts, Behavioral Tools
thinking, Higher-Order Thinking, Higher-Order Thinking, Higher-Order Thinking, Require Transformation
higher-order, Higher-Order Thinking
strategic, Higher-Order Thinking
systems, Higher-Order Thinking
transformation of, Require Transformation
tie, as end state, Replay Value
time, Time Available for Play, Balance, Be Ready to Throw It All Away, Prepare an Observation Script, Appraising a Game’s Efficiency, Specialize, Collaborative Communities
availability to player, Time Available for Play, Collaborative Communities
for learning games, Specialize
for playtesting session, Prepare an Observation Script
prototypes for saving, Balance, Be Ready to Throw It All Away
spent by player on game, Appraising a Game’s Efficiency
timing of reinforcements and punishment, Punishment
to-do lists, Epic Win
Tomb Raider III, Collaborative Communities
touch screens for mobile games, How Games Are Changing
training, Role Playing (see learning)
transformation of thinking, Require Transformation
trauma, punishment and, Trauma
Treasure Quest, Cheats
trends in games, How Games Are Changing, How Games Are Changing, Microphones, Collaborative Communities, Short Learning Curves, 5. Emotional Engagement
casual play, Collaborative Communities
emotional engagement, 5. Emotional Engagement
mobility, How Games Are Changing
radical interfaces, Short Learning Curves
social interaction, Microphones
Trivial Pursuit, Defining Games
Tulathimutte, Tony, Remote Research, Recruit Selectively
tutorials, 7. Don’t Cheat, Failure-Based Learning
Twister, Objectives
two-player games, Player Interaction


Ultima, Immersion
Unisys, online games as holiday greetings, 5. Fit the Game into the Player’s Lifestyle
University of Wisconsin–Madison, Require Transformation
unlockables, Skill Level
Unreal, Shared Space
US Department of Agriculture, Games for Change
usability, Balance, Playtesting, Require Transformation
in learning games, Require Transformation
playtesting and, Playtesting
user experience design, Games Can Solve Real Problems, Games Drive Innovation, 5. Emotional Engagement
core competencies for, Games Drive Innovation
game design and, Games Can Solve Real Problems, 5. Emotional Engagement
user interface in Nintendo Wii, Levels as a Reinforcement Schedule
Utopia, Higher-Order Thinking


variable-interval schedule, Variable-Interval Schedules, Left 4 Dead
in Left 4 Dead, Left 4 Dead
of reinforcement, Variable-Interval Schedules
variable-ratio schedule of reinforcement, Variable-Ratio Schedules, Epic Win, Nike+
variation, point systems and, Many Actions, One Measure
Verbosity, Human Computation
video games, Why We Should Care about Games, Environmental Constraints, 6. Create Meaningful Experience, Variable-Interval Schedules, Games for Change
behaviorism in, Variable-Interval Schedules
characteristics, Environmental Constraints
expanding role for, Why We Should Care about Games
positive differences from, Games for Change
power in, 6. Create Meaningful Experience
violent themes, Catharsis
Virtua Fighter, Autonomy
virtual-pet games, Putting It All Together, Punishment, Case Study: Fitter Critters, Short Learning Curves
Fitter Critters, Case Study: Fitter Critters
Tamagotchi, Short Learning Curves
voice recognition, Microphones
volunteers for playtesting, Recruit Selectively
von Ahn, Luis, Human Computation


WarioWare: Smooth Moves, Linked Displays
What Video Games Have to Teach Us About Learning and Literacy (Gee), Working with Scarcity
Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego?, Games for Learning
Wii, Games Can Solve Real Problems (see Nintendo Wii)
winning, 8. Skip the Manual, Replay Value, Tie the Message to the Winning Strategy
as end state, Replay Value
player understanding of, 8. Skip the Manual
tying message to strategy, Tie the Message to the Winning Strategy
wireframing, Start as Small as You Can
Words With Friends, Appraising a Game’s Efficiency, 2. Social Interaction
World of Warcraft, Demographic Data, Social Image, Open-Ended Games, Player Interaction, Shared Space
guilds, Demographic Data
Wright, Will, Epic Win, Agency and Mastery
written instructions, skipping, 7. Don’t Cheat


XBox Kinect, Motion Control


Yahoo! Answers, Games with a Purpose


Zimmerman, Eric, Formal Constraints
Zynga, Examples, CityVille
charitable initiatives, CityVille
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