
Orientating SharePoint Governance

Governance seems to mean different things to different people. For some people, governance involves building out a governance plan, establishing a governance committee, and scheduling recurring governance meetings. For others, it can mean the manner in which one rules a nation. The Oxford English Dictionary defines governances as “the action or manner of governing,” or for our purposes, the actions you take in order to govern. In this book, I am going to focus exclusively on the actions you can take to govern your SharePoint environment, and through the discussions and examples we will concentrate on those practical actions that I have found to work well for managing a SharePoint environment.

The chapter in this part focuses on defining governance in the context of the practical actions you can take to govern your SharePoint environment. It will frame the rest of the book and provide an overview of the governance strategies coming in later chapters. Throughout this book, I am going to focus entirely on these actions, these things that you can do and put into practice to help you have a positive impact with governing your SharePoint service. You are welcome to create extensive documentation based on these actions and the examples I provide if you wish, but I will leave this up to your own discretion based on your organization’s practice and your own comfort-level.

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