
Many thanks to all my family and friends who offered their constant encouragement and ongoing support from when I first conceived of this book and throughout the writing process, and who were patient with me at times when I seemingly disappeared and let myself grow consumed with writing this book.

Thanks as well to everyone who took the time to weigh in and share some of their own perspectives on governance that you will find in the Guest Q&A sections at the end of some chapters: Maxime Bombardier, Chris Izquierdo, Annie Kalfayan, Michal Pisarek, and Stuart Macleod. Thanks for adding your great insights to the book!

A huge thanks and kudos to the dream team I worked with at Apress (in order of appearance): Jon Hassell, Brigid Duffy, Douglas Pundick, Ana Panchoo, Linda Seifert, and everyone behind the scenes who I did not get a chance to meet. Thanks to Kumar Dhaneesh and the rest of the production team at SPi. Thanks also to the technical reviewer, my good friend Zach Millis, for lending his expertise and for giving me a portrait of the reading experience for my readers. Thank you all for helping me make a quality book!

Finally, a special thanks to all my customers and clients, working with each of whom helped me formulate and refine the ideas and practices I share in this book. Without my experiences with each of you, this book would not have been possible.

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