
 About the Author

 About the Technical Reviewer



image Part I: Orientating SharePoint Governance

images Chapter 1: Understanding SharePoint Governance

Reclaiming Governance

Who This Book Is For

How This Book Is Organized

What Is Governance?

How Much Governance Is Enough?

Where Should You Start?

Governance and SharePoint 2013

Consultant Comrade

Inside Story: Notes from the Field

Wrapping Up

image Part II: Defining the SharePoint Service

images Chapter 2: Defining Your SharePoint Service and Service Tiers

Why Define Your Service?

Adopting a Service Focus

Determining the Scope of Your SharePoint Service

Identifying Different Service-Levels for Different Needs

Designing Your Service Levels

Organizing Your Service Requests

Prioritizing a Service Request Ticket’s Priority

Using Service Request Priorities

Designing a Chargeback System

Identifying Your Maintenance Windows and Availability Needs

Consultant Comrade

Inside Story: Notes from the Field

Wrapping Up

images Chapter 3: Determining Your SharePoint Features and Functionality

Understanding the Feature Evolution in SharePoint

What’s New in SharePoint 2013?

Overview of Core Capability Areas

Mapping Your Features to Business Value

Planning for and Limiting Features

Enabling Features Gradually

Deciding Which SharePoint Features to Enable

Consultant Comrade

Inside Story: Notes From the Field

Wrapping Up

images Chapter 4: Establishing Your Team’s Roles and Responsibilities

Understanding the Roles and Responsibilities Need

Identifying Roles and Responsibilities

Identifying Roles for Your SharePoint Service

Identifying Roles Your SharePoint Service Depends On

Using a RACI Chart

Sample SharePoint Deployment RACI Charts

Sample SharePoint Operations RACI Charts

Adapting the Sample RACI Charts

Ensuring End-to-End Coverage

Formalizing Your Communication Protocols

Creating a Service Level Agreement

Documenting a Governance Plan

Consultant Comrade

Inside Story: Notes from the Field

Wrapping Up

images Chapter 5: Shaping Your User Readiness and Training

Planning for Readiness

Understanding the Types of Training Available

Planning Readiness for Your Operations Team

Approaching In-house Training Initiatives

Considerations for Classroom and Online Training

Peer Mentoring

Fitting Peer Mentoring into the Team

How to Be a Peer Mentor

Preparing Training Specifically for End-Users

Designing Custom Training

Considerations for User Adoption

Offering Quick Start End-User Guides

Consultant Comrade

Inside Story: Notes from the Field

Wrapping Up

images Chapter 6: Measuring and Reporting on Your SharePoint Service Performance

Measuring and Reporting

Understanding Your System’s Availability

Establishing Time Targets

Measuring and Reporting on Operational Metrics

Measuring and Reporting on Performance Metrics

Planning Your Incident Response

Approaching a Root-Cause Analysis

A Sample Root-Cause Analysis Report

SharePoint Outage: Root-Cause Analysis

Conducting a Retrospective on Incidents

Monitoring and Tuning the Service over Time

Consultant Comrade

Inside Story: Notes from the Field

Wrapping Up

image Part III: Expanding the SharePoint Service

images Chapter 7: Creating Your SharePoint Roadmap

Eating the SharePoint Elephant

Understanding a Roadmap’s Value

Starting with a Roadmap

Assessing Your Operational Maturity Level

Assessing Capability Maturity Levels

Understanding Capability Gaps

Determining Your Big Picture Feature Areas

Understanding Your Users’ Capacity for Change

Pacing Your Changes and Transformation

Considering System and Infrastructure Upgrade Cycles

Creating a Visual Summary Infographic

Creating a Roadmap

Consultant Comrade

Inside Story: Notes from the Field

Wrapping Up

images Chapter 8: Promoting a Feedback Process

Valuing Feedback

Capturing User Feedback

Designing and Using SharePoint Surveys

Designing Custom User Feedback Solutions

Gathering System-Generated User Feedback

Interviewing Users for Feedback

Shadowing Users and Analyzing Business Processes

Building Internal Evangelists

Consultant Comrade

Inside Story: Notes from the Field

Wrapping Up

images Chapter 9: Managing Your SharePoint Demand Funnel

Funneling Demand

Setting Boundaries and User Expectations

Creating a Request Triage

Capturing Requests

Mapping Requests Back to Your Roadmap

Building a Parking Lot List for Future Enhancements

Forecasting Upgrades and New Versions

Evaluating Third-Party Products

Piloting Enhancements

Estimating Cost-Benefits and Business Value

Meeting Demand and Fulfilling User Needs

Consultant Comrade

Inside Story: Notes from the Field

Wrapping Up

images Chapter 10: Growing Your SharePoint Service

Continuously Evolving and Growing SharePoint

Understanding Scalability

Planning for Growth and Scalability

Understanding the Infrastructure Components

Adding Servers to a SharePoint Farm

Allocating Services and Servers

Approaching a New Service Capability

Planning for Subordinate Farms

Consultant Comrade

Inside Story: Notes from the Field

Wrapping Up

images Chapter 11: Preparing for SharePoint Upgrades and Patches

Inevitability of Patches and Upgrades

Painting Away from the Corner

Maintaining Product Supportability

Planning for Cumulative Updates and Service Packs

Building a Rollback Plan

Planning and Preparing for Major Version Upgrades

Performing Test Upgrades

Naming Your Databases for the Future

Consultant Comrade

Inside Story: Notes from the Field

Wrapping Up

image Part IV: Customizing the SharePoint Service

images Chapter 12: Committing Sponsorship and Ownership of Customizations

Sponsoring Governance

Importance of Ownership

Requiring Sponsors for Any Customizations

Establishing Ownership and a Chain of Custody

Charging Customization and Development Funding

Considerations for Global Customizations

Utilizing the Apps for SharePoint Catalog

Delegating Ownership to Site Administrators

Consultant Comrade

Inside Story: Notes from the Field

Wrapping Up

images Chapter 13: Facilitating and Isolating End-User Customizations

Predicting Doom

Empowering End-Users

Enabling Design Manager for Custom Site Designs

Planning Default Site Experiences

Delegating Access Control and Site Management

Planning Safe and Isolated End-User Containers

Limiting the Support Demands of Customizations

Detecting Problems with End-User Customizations

Understanding Apps for SharePoint

Consultant Comrade

Inside Story: Notes from the Field

Wrapping Up

images Chapter 14: Designing Your Development Standards and Testing Processes

Involving an Architect

Starting with Global Availability in Mind

Deciding Between SharePoint Solutions and Apps

Setting Developer Boundaries and Standards

Instrumenting and Tracing Code

Identifying and Defining Benchmarks

Designing Testing Processes

Test-Driven Development and SharePoint

Automating Code Quality Checks

Consultant Comrade

Inside Story: Notes from the Field

Wrapping Up

images Chapter 15: Framing Your Information Architecture and UI Standards

Function over Form

Designing Consistent and Intuitive User Interfaces

Structuring a Functional Navigation

Designing Structures with Managed Navigation

Defining Controlled Vocabularies

Building an Enterprise Taxonomy

Standardizing Document Templates and Metadata

Designing People and Profile Data

Creating a Data Dictionary

Consultant Comrade

Inside Story: Notes from the Field

Wrapping Up

images Chapter 16: Coordinating Your Code Promotion and Release Processes

Promoting Code Through Environments

Automating Builds and Integration Testing

Understanding Your Tolerance for Deployment Risk

Building Your Release Management Maturity Level

Designing a User Acceptance Testing Environment

Using Multiple Environments for Testing and Staging

Considerations for Change Management

Considerations for Rollback Planning

Consultant Comrade

Inside Story: Notes from the Field

Wrapping Up

images Appendix A: Rapid Concepts

Chapter 1 In Brief

Action Checklist

Chapter 2 In Brief

Action Checklist

Chapter 3 In Brief

Action Checklist

Chapter 4 In Brief

Action Checklist

Chapter 5 In Brief

Action Checklist

Chapter 6 In Brief

Action Checklist

Chapter 7 In Brief

Action Checklist

Chapter 8 In Brief

Action Checklist

Chapter 9 In Brief

Action Checklist

Chapter 10 In Brief

Action Checklist

Chapter 11 In Brief

Action Checklist

Chapter 12 In Brief

Action Checklist

Chapter 13 In Brief

Action Checklist

Chapter 14 In Brief

Action Checklist

Chapter 15 In Brief

Action Checklist

Chapter 16 In Brief

Action Checklist

Final Thoughts


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