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    fund development

    global change



        delegate control


        global user base


    imperfect system

    operations team


    project sponsor


    service desk process

    service-level agreement

    SharePoint App Catalog (see SharePoint App Catalog)

    sponsor’s commitment

    transitioning ownership

images  D

Development standards



    code instrumentation and tracing



        code’s statistics

        data capture

        debugging technique

        diagnostics category

        error detection and tracking

        severity levels

        SharePoint administrators

        SharePoint API

        trace log


    developer boundaries


        code execution

        custom development

        DocIcon.xml file


        strong language

    global service availability

        design, subtle

        end-user customizations

        functional areas


        maximization and site collection

        web part properties

    SharePoint service and Apps

        custom code execution

        customization development

        decision process

        farm solutions



images  E

End-user customizations


    default site experience

        document library


        functional site



        Promoted Links App


        team site homepage


    delegating access control and site management

        central administration

        change group settings

        custom permission policy level

        Deny policy

        enterprise setting

        group’s permission level


        security model

        site collection

    doom prediction

    empowering and delegated direction

    empower users

        branding options


        custom site designs



        SharePoint Store

        site setting

        tolerance and balance


    safe plan

    SharePoint App

    support demands

        chargeback service

        default site template


        locking down

        problem detection

        Sandbox Solution Management

        service level agreement

        user customizations

    users empowering

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Information architecture and UI standards


    consistent and intuitive user interface

        Balsamiq mockups

        basic page mockup


        mockups and wireframes


        transitory information

    controlled vocabulary



        common terms

        information architect

        open vocabularies

        predefined terms

    data dictionary

    document template and metadata

        content type gallery

        digital content

        Document Set, SharePoint

        information management

        Site Content Type settings page

        tagging content management

        Term Set Settings

    enterprise content management

    enterprise taxonomy

        attributes analysis

        folder structure

        Managed Metadata service


        physical structure

        professional design

        source data analysis

        Term Store Management Tool

    explicit sensitivity

    functional navigation

        delegate control

        link organization

        managed navigation


        promoted site link


        web applications

    function over form

    information classification

    people profile data

        Business Connectivity Services

        business needs


        MySite profile attributes

        profile attributes

        retail clients

    utility company

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    balance and service


    common resource



        ongoing efforts

        SharePoint environment

        source code


        third-party product


    long-term interest


    RACI chart


    SharePoint service

    site administrators

        complicating factor

        custom features

        end-user services


        look page

        resource quota

        self-service site creation



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Readiness and training


    classroom training and conferences


    consultant comrade

    DACUM chart




    guided discovery

    internal initiatives

        book club

        bulletin board system

        divide-and-conquer process

        and external training


        online web conference

        podcasts and blogs


        team meetings

        team’s capabilities

    knowledge transfer

    lacks of interaction

    law of diminishing returns

    learning objective

    learning potential

    limiting factors

    online virtual labs

    operations team

    peer mentoring

        knowledge transfer

        Mysite/community site


        team member

    quick start end-user guides

    quick start guides

    self-paced training videos


    team reference library

    training materials

    training options

    training styles and techniques

    user adoption

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SharePoint 2013

    administration interface


    breakthrough improvement

    business needs

    business value

        business analysis

        capability areas

        create business cases

        document management processes

        expense reports cost

        knowledge workers

        paper-based system

        particular feature

        productivity indicators

        self-service scenario


    community sites

    conceptual continuous improvement cycle

    consulting engagement

    core capability

    corporate portals/enterprise search engine

    Developer Dashboard

    document library

    eDiscovery capability

    e-mailing multiple versions


    features and capabilities

    governance capabilities

    incremental improvements

    industry hype

    investment and enhancement

    Kaizen encompasses

    machine translation service

    Managed Metadata Service

    Microsoft Azure

    Microsoft Marketplace

    mobile users

    MySite and microblogging posts

    oAuth trust

    Office Web Apps

    primary planning tool

    remote SharePoint index

    request management

    Result Sources page

    sandbox environment

    saving budget/increasing revenue

    search analytics

    security trimming

    self-service site creation process

    service applications

    SharePoint Solution Packages

    shopping list approach

    Site Closure and Deletion page

    Site Usage and Confirmation feature

    social features

    spreadsheet storage

    user interface elements

    User Profile Service permissions

    user’s MySite

    Work Management Service

    XLIFF format

SharePoint service

    audit and analysis

    Bombardier, Maxime

    C# console application



    client’s service request

    client’s symptoms

    communication protocol

    consultant comrade

    cornerstone phase

    customers satisfaction


    end-to-end coverage

    functional service request process

    governance plan documentation

    high-priority ticket

    infrastructure components

    internal customers

    intranet deployment

    Izquierdo, Chris

    maintenance windows

    measuring and reporting



        incident response plan

        operational metrics

        performance metrics

        performance metrics (see Performance metrics)

        root-cause analysis

        technology-related measurements

    Microsoft OneNote

    monitoring and tuning

        backup utility

        content databases

        custom workflow

        database utility

        disk utility

        infrastructure management

        monitoring software

        network utility


        round-robin process

        setting alarms

        web part

    multiple dimensions

    NHL team

    PowerShell script lists

    primary techniques

    priority ranking system

    proactive measures and reports


    questioning assumptions

    RACI chart


        formal documentation

        formatting and printing

        granular tasks

        InfoPath form


        knowledge transfer

        portal application

        process diagram, communication

        project delivery team

        project/service delivery

        project team


        service request process

        six basic elements

        task ownership

        team organization

        work plan

    redirecting vanity URLs

    regional disasters failure

    roles and responsibilities



        business analyst


        collaboration capability

        core systems

        data flow

        data flow diagram

        end-to-end coverage

        enterprise applications

        identity management system

        implicit expectations

        IT administrator

        IT service management

        job description


        records management

        resource allocation

        search engine

        service desk

        SharePoint administrator

        social computing

        SQL Server

        team size


    rolling resolution plan

    root-cause analysis (see Root-cause analysis)



        infrastructure components

        isolate application

        request management

        scaling out

        scaling up

        service-oriented architecture



    search engine optimization

    server hardware failure


    service capability

    service focus

    service request priority levels

    services and servers

    SharePoint farm

    sites and portals


    system’s availability

    subordinate farms

        enterprise farm

        farm consistent

        farm trusts

        multi-farm architecture

        single farm

        system performance

    ticket priority

    ticket workflow process

    time targets







        aspects of

        bottom line





images  T

Testing process

    consultant comrade

    custom component deployment process

    formal process

    .NET reflection

    quality check code

    SharePoint farm

    SharePoint objects



        interface IWeb

        unit test

        update method

        Visual Studio

    TDD (see Test-driven development (TDD))

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