
Expanding the SharePoint Service

One constant with SharePoint seems to be it is always evolving, both as a product itself and in the scope of capabilities an organization chooses to adopt and implement. As a result, any SharePoint service definition is also constantly evolving to deliver new value and meet additional needs. Having a process for how and when the service expands helps set current and future expectations. This process facilities a disciplined and intentional approach, as opposed to a reactive one that is continually in response to random requests.

The chapters in this part discuss related topics centered on common activities and considerations involved with planning and preparing for expanding your SharePoint service. These chapters highlight key points that I have found to work well when approaching a SharePoint initiative and how to break it down into manageable phases. Again, like in the other parts of this book, the formality of documentation that you produce will depend on what suits your individual situation to best communicate the process with your team and your organization. What is paramount is designing and implementing a process that sets expectations for when (or even if ) a capability is planned, and to use this to protect a project or an operations team from getting pulled off track with chasing feature requests.

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