
Numbers and Symbols

? character, using in Immediate window

! (bang) character

     adding to custom objects

!Northwind2Excel Object2nd


Access 2000, new Northwind version in

Access data, importing DAO using Jet2nd

Access data import code vs. text data import code

Access database, importing data from2nd

access information page, adding controls to2nd

access tab control settings, table of2nd

ACE (Access Engine)

ActiveCell.CurrentRegion property

ActiveChart.PlotBy property

ActiveWorkbook object2nd


     custom functionality with2nd

     in Excel 2007 programming

     and .NET in Excel programming2nd

ActiveX components

     cData class from

     cExcelNwind class from

     using in Excel 2007 projects2nd

ActiveX Data Objects (ADO), See ADO (ActiveX Data Objects)

Add Reference dialog box, displaying

Add Watch command, selecting

Add Watch dialog box

AddChart method

     optional arguments

     placing and aligning charts with2nd

address information page, adding controls to2nd

address tab control settings, table of2nd

ADO (ActiveX Data Objects), using in Excel 20072nd

ADO 2.8 library, adding reference to2nd

ADO Connection and Command objects, setting up2nd

ADO data type enums2nd

ADO examples

     importing SQL data based on a selection2nd

     importing SQL data2nd

     updating SQL data2nd

ADO recordset, getting data into and placing into worksheet

ADODB.Parameter objects, filling colParams collection with2nd

ADOTest macro, VBA code2nd

AdventureWorks sample database, installing

ApendXMLData() method, adding to standard module

aplication folder, for Excel file

Aplication object, ActiveWorkbook object as property of2nd

AutoFill method

AutoFit command, formatting worksheet with , 2nd

AutoSum button, on Home ribbon

Axis Labels dialog box


     setting label range in2nd


bang (!) character

     adding to custom objects

basManagers module, adding in VBE

Beverage category sales information, modifying MakePieChart macro for2nd

Beverage sales chart

     with rows and columns switched

BindListToCollection method

BindListToRange method

BirthYear function2nd

     modifying to use Debug.Print

     with MsgBox debugging

blank data records, effect on PivotTable report2nd

break line text, at breakpoint2nd

break mode, checking variables in2nd

breakpoint, inserting in code for debugging


cAccess class module

     adding to project

     code for

cAddress class module

     adding to project

     code for

call stack feature2nd

Call Stack window, opening

Cancel button, coding

Cancel command button, code for Userform1

Candy chart, testing code for2nd

cCustSurvey class module2nd

     coding into UserForm2nd


     creating Save method in2nd

     validation results

cData class, code from ActiveX component2nd

cData class module


     creating GetData function for

     creating in VBE

     initialization and termination methods

cData objects, using2nd

cds.xml file, opening and adding new title to

cEmployee class

     adding Property Let and Get functions2nd

     assigning property values2nd



cEquipment class module

     adding to project

     code for

cExcelNwind class, code from ActiveX component

cExcelSetup class module

     adding setup and cleanup functionality

     code for

     creating in VBE

     setting and retrieving property values2nd

     working with2nd

cExcelSetup objects, using2nd

cExcelUtils class

     exporting file with new addition

     exporting to UserForm.xlsm project2nd

chart creation, getting started with2nd

Chart object, placing into PowerPoint slide template

chart placeholder, getting location of

Chart Tools context ribbon

Chart01.xlsm, saving in macro-enabled format

ChartByRow macro2nd

charting, in Excel 20072nd

ChartObject objects

ChartObjects.Activate method, activating a chart with

ChartObjects.Count property

ChartType property, setting chart type using

CheckBox control, in Toolbox window

cHRData class, designing for HRWizard aplication2nd

class library project, creating new2nd

class modules2nd

class name

class-based code, benefits of writing2nd

classes, sample and usage2nd

Classes list, in Object Browser

Class_Initialize method, for Employee class

Class_Terminate method, for Employee class

cleanup code

     adding to cCustSurvey class module

     adding to CreateChartSlidesText subroutine

     adding to GetManagers subroutine

     adding to MakeWordDoc subroutine

     adding to ThisAddInShutdown method

     adding to UserForm1

ClearForm procedure2nd

client code, adding to !Northwind2Excel Object2nd

cListManager class, adding methods

Close method, adding to btnSave_Click event

cmdCancel button's Click event, adding code to

cmdPrevious button's Click event

cmdSave_Click event, saving employee record with

code modules

     adding to projects2nd


code window

     fixing error in

     in VBE2nd

     variable values shown in2nd

     with split panes

colParams collection, filling with ADODB.Parameter objects2nd

colReturn collection, adding prm variable to2nd

Column chart type, choosing

column headings, adding to worksheet

combo boxes, initializing2nd

ComboBox control, in Toolbox window

command buttons, settings for2nd

Command.Execute method, calling2nd

CommandButton control, in Toolbox window

content types, in Office documents2nd

[Content_Types]xml file

     checking new parts in2nd

     for Excel file

controls, adding to forms2nd

copy and paste method

Copy command, copying formulas with

Copy to Clipboard button, in Object Browser

CopyFromRecordset method

     ADO error message

counter variable, determining formula location with

cPerson class module

     adding call to ID Property Let function2nd

     adding read-only FullName property to2nd

     adding to project

     adding variable declarations to2nd


     initializing and setting defaults

Create PivotTable dialog box, sections in2nd

CreateChartSlides subroutine, creating2nd

CreateChartSlidesText subroutine

     adding cleanup code to

     adding variable declarations to2nd


CreateObject function2nd

CreatePivotTable method2nd

CreateTitleSlide subroutine, creating2nd

cStep class module2nd

cStepManager class module

     adding properties to2nd

     designing to manage steps2nd

     properties table

Ctrl-drag, using fill handle with

CurrentMapName() method, adding to cXML class module

CurrentRegion property

currReturn variable, checking value of

Custom Lists dialog box

custom macros, adding ribbon to run2nd

Customer Survey database, saving data to2nd

Customer Survey form, launching

customUI .xml file, creating2nd

cXML class

     adding client code to test2nd

     adding properties to2nd

     building functions for2nd

     putting data on worksheets


DAO. See Data Access Objects (DAO)

DAO examples

     adding reference to DAO library2nd

     importing Access data using Jet2nd

     importing Access data using ODBC2nd

     importing SQL data using ODBC2nd

DAO Jet object model

DAO library, adding reference to2nd

DAO objects, common2nd


     object model

     result from Northwind Customers table

data access code, macro generated2nd

data access component, creating2nd

Data Access Objects (DAO), using in Excel 20072nd

data entry form

     creating simple2nd

     creating wizard-style UserForms2nd

data import tools, in Excel 20072nd

data orientation, switching from column to row2nd

Data Preview window, with Text data type aplied

data range and legend information, defining and setting2nd

Data ribbon, Sort command on

Data tab, Switch Row/Column command on

data table, formatting2nd

DataAccessSample02.xlsm workbook, creating2nd

DataAccessSample05.xlsm workbook, creating2nd

DataBindings.LoadSettings method

DataRegionStart property, using2nd

Debug menu

     and toolbar commands2nd

     options for steping through code2nd

Debug object

     toolbar , 2nd


Debug.Assert method, sample subroutine using

Debug.Print method2nd

DebugExample01.xlsm file

     copying Debug.Assert subroutine into

     downloading and opening

     traping type mismatch error in2nd

Debugger's toolkit2nd

debugging and error handling2nd

     inserting breakpoint in code


     sample code for

     VBE tools for simple2nd

Department combo box, bound to named range

Details pane, in Object Browser

Developer ribbon, code options on

Developer tab, displaying

DisplayName property, fixing error fired by2nd

DLL, using in project

DoClearSheet() subroutine, creating

docProps folder, for Excel file

DoHeadings method, adding titles to worksheet with2nd

Dynamic PivotTable, creation code for


Edit Series dialog box2nd

EmpData database worksheet

     sample input values and saved data2nd

     sections in2nd

employee data, adding to worksheet

Employee data type

employee record, saving2nd


equipment information page, adding controls to

equipment tab control settings, table of

error handling2nd . See also debugging and error handling; exception handling

     breakpoint added in

     debugging error handler

     enabling for GetSalesTotal function

     rules to live by

     setting up procedure for

     traping specific errors2nd

     type mismatch error2nd

error messages, File Not Found

Excel, checking version of

Excel 2007

     adding custom ribbon to workbook2nd

     adding ribbon to run custom macros2nd

     and ADO recordsets

     changing code to classes in2nd

     charting in2nd

     data import tools2nd

     default charting behavior

     importing XML into2nd

     in the .NET world2nd

     inside the XML file format2nd

     OOP solutions in2nd

     PivotTables feature in2nd

     simplifying code generated by2nd

     UserForms in2nd

     using ADO in2nd

     using DAO in2nd

     using XML in2nd

Excel Options dialog box, Add-ins list in

Excel project, managed code in2nd

Excel Trust Center. See Trust Center

Excel UserForm, creating2nd

Excel Visual Basic Editor. See Visual Basic Editor (VBE)

Excel workbook, how it finds data2nd

Excel worksheet, formatting

ExcelVersionShort property, checking Excel version with

exception handling, for GetData method

execution line text, at breakpoint2nd

ExternalProcess, moving execution point back to


File Name property, changing2nd

FileExists function, adding in VBE

FileNotFoundException, code to trap for

fill handle, using with Ctrl-drag

FindEmptyRow function

For...Next loop, for CreateChartSlidesText subroutine2nd

Format Cells dialog box

FormatAtNumbersComma subroutine, running

FormatForm method, adding code for

Frame control, in Toolbox window

FullName property, adding to cPerson class2nd



GetAccessData macro, creating2nd

GetAccessData2 function, creating2nd

GetChartInfo() subroutine2nd

GetDAOAccessJet method2nd

GetData method

     complete code for2nd

     creating , 2nd3rd

     exception handling for

GetData subroutine, complete code for2nd

GetEmpDept procedure, adding to cXML class module2nd

GetEmpList function, creating2nd

GetInitialCellSelection property2nd

GetManagerEmployeeListSQL method, testing code with


     complete code for2nd

     result of running code

GetManagers subroutine

     adding method calls and cleanup code to


GetNewXMLData method

     adding to cXML class module

     modifying to use CurrentMapName2nd

GetNextID method, adding to cCustSurvey class module2nd

GetNorthwindData macro, running2nd

GetObject function, syntax for using

GetRows method

GetSalesTotal function

     adding a watch2nd

     adding error handler2nd

     adding Exit_Function line label to

     adding Exit_Function to

     code with error handling2nd

     using Error Resume Next2nd

     using to complete loop

     variable list for

GetSelectedManagerEmployeeListSQL subroutine2nd

GetSubjectBody function


     inserting descriptive text from

GetTitle function, creating

GetTitleBody function, creating

GetXMLData function,

     adding to cXML class module2nd

     copying into new workbook


GetXMLData subroutine2nd

GetXMLForExistingMap method2nd

Go Back button, in Object Browser

Go Forward button, in Object Browser


HasMaps property, adding to cXML class

Help button, in Object Browser

helper functions, creating for Word report2nd

HR workbook

     creating objects from cXML class in2nd

     testing code for


     adding variables to cStepManager

     class module in Project Explorer Class Modules folder

     class modules table


     designing business objects



HRWizard UserForm

     adding additional pages to2nd

     adding controls to2nd

     adding navigation to2nd

     adding variable declarations to

     cleaning up


     controls table2nd

     initial layout for


     laying out



HRWizard.xlsm file, EmpData database worksheet

HumanResources.uspUpdateEmployee PersonalInfo


ID property, adding to business object classes

ID Property Let function, adding call to2nd

Image control, in Toolbox window

Immediate window2nd

     checking value of variables in

     testing cEmployee class in

InfoPath Form Template project, added in VSTO SE

InitForm subroutine, creating2nd

initialization and cleanup code, adding to cCustSurvey class module

InitLists subroutine, adding2nd

InitWizard subroutine, adding to UserForm code2nd

Insert ribbon, selecting chart type from

InsertChart procedure, adding to Standard Module 1

InsertText procedure, adding to Standard Module 1


iWhere variable


Jet engine2nd


Label control, in Toolbox window

Len function, using for UserForm1

Library drop-down list box, in Object Browser

ListBox control, in Toolbox window

ListMgr worksheet, contents of

ListObjects.Add method, changing Source property of

lists, managing

Locals window2nd

     at work2nd

     Type mismatch error 13 in

loops, testing within Immediate window




     writing in VBE2nd

Macro Recorder,

     and Code Modules2nd

     CreatePivotTable method called by

macro security

     creating more2nd

     settings for2nd

macro-enabled file types

macros, adding ribbon to run custom2nd


     data imported from

     with Comma selected as delimiter

     with Tab selected as delimiter

MakeBeverageSalesChart macro

     looking at code2nd

     modified version


MakeDynamicPivotTable subroutine, creating2nd

MakePieChart macro

     for creating pie chart

     modifying for Beverage category sales info2nd

MakePieChart2 macro, creating and running2nd

MakePivotTable macro

     adding new worksheet to workbook in

     code for2nd

     error generated by2nd

     saving as macro-enabled workbook

MakePowerPointPresentation subroutine

     adding text to chart slides2nd



     modifying and running calling procedure2nd

     running the code2nd

MakeWordDoc subroutine

     adding charts to the report2nd


     finished code for2nd

managed code, in an Excel project2nd

message boxes, displaying information with2nd

"Members of" list, in Object Browser

Microsoft Office object types2nd

Microsoft tools, for creating Excel projects within VS 20052nd

Microsoft Windows Vista, running examples on

Monthly Total Sales Amount worksheet, activating2nd

MsgBox debugging, BirthYear function with2nd

MsgBox function

     arguments list

     creating message boxes with2nd

MultiPage control

     adding command buttons to

     determining what next page should be

     hiding all pages except for first

     in Toolbox window

     inserting new page in2nd

     setting Value property2nd

MultiPage1 control's Change event


navigation, adding to HRWizard UserForm2nd


     advantages of vs. ActiveX

     in Excel 2007 programming

     using to retrieve data2nd

.NET components, using in Excel2nd

New command button

     code for UserForm1


New Employee UserForm, creating2nd

New Project dialog box, VS 2005 for MS Office 2003 projects

!Northwind2Excel Object2nd

number format, changing

Number Format property


     registering in Windows XP, 2000, or Vista2nd

     web site address for downloading

NWindData class module2nd


     adding code to class2nd

     changing class name to2nd

NWindDataAccess project, adding to Solution Explorer

NWindDataAddIn project


     NWindDataAddInSetup deployment project

NwindEmps01.xlsx file, downloading and renaming


object, definition of

Object box, in code window2nd

Object Browser


     window elements2nd

     Word objects displayed in

object-oriented programming (OOP)


     solutions in Excel2nd

     Wikipedia Object_database for


     importing Access data using2nd

     importing SQL data using2nd

     retrieving Access 2007 code via2nd

     running the code2nd

Office 2007 Add-in projects, added in VSTO SE in Windows Vista2nd

office integration2nd

OLE DB (Object Linking and Embedding Database), successor to ODBC

OLEDB library, referencing

On Error GoTo statement

     adding to turn on error traping

     syntax for error handling

Open XML format, file container

Option Explicit2nd

OptionButton, in Toolbox window

Options dialog box, showing VBE color options

Overwrite arguments, for apending XML data2nd


PageSettings property, adding to cStepManager class2nd

Parameter objects

     apending to Parameters collection

     creating ADO and adding to Command object

     instantiating and setting properties

Parameters collection, apending Parameter objects to

personal information page, adding controls to2nd

pie charts


     dynamically placing2nd

     looking at the code2nd

     making selection for2nd

     moving on worksheets2nd


     setting name of data series in

     storing data correctly for2nd

     summarizing with2nd


PivotCaches.Create method, arguments

PivotField.Caption property, changing captions with

PivotField.NumberFormat property

PivotTable Field List pane

     adding fields to

     in Excel 2007

PivotTable report

     changing field names in2nd

     changing look of2nd

     changing number format in

     contents of

     creating using drag-and-drop2nd

     default view

     effect of blank records on2nd

     example of completed

     formatting to2nd , 3rd4th

     getting current source data for

     putting data into2nd

     refreshing data in2nd

     sales summary by city within state2nd

     showing Sum of Qty and Sum of Amount fields


PivotTable Tools ribbon, Options ribbon shown on

PivotTable01.xlsx, downloading and opening

/PivotTable02_Formatting.xlsm, downloading


     creating and recording macro for2nd

     new rows added to source data

     new sheet and starting range for

     Position property for

     when to use

PlaceChart subroutine, creating2nd

PlaceChartDynamic subroutine

     adding variable declarations to2nd



     data range and legend information2nd

     getting coordinates from existing chart

     ready for modifications


PlaceData method, adding code for

PlaceData subroutine, adding to ThisAddin aplication

Position property, for PivotTables

PowerPoint 12.0 Object Model, adding a reference to

PowerPoint DOM, coding2nd

PowerPoint helper functions2nd

PowerPoint presentation, creating2nd

PowerPoint slide template, for text and chart


PreviousButton and NextButton properties, declaring WithEvents

prm variable, adding to colReturn collection2nd

Procedure/Events box, in code window2nd

Project Explorer, in VBE

Project/Library box, in Object Browser

Property Get and Let, adding to business object classes

Property Get method

Property Let method

Property Set method

Property Sheet, in VBE2nd


Quantity and Sales Total values, making blank2nd

QueryTable object, members2nd


R1C1 notation2nd

Range object, setting formula with2nd

Range, rngData variable, assigning CurrentRegion of cell A1 with

Record Macro dialog box2nd

RefEdit control, in Toolbox window

References dialog box

     adding reference to PowerPoint 12.0 Object Model

     adding reference to Word in2nd

Refresh command2nd

RefreshPivotTableFromWorksheet subroutine

     creating in VBE2nd

     Rochester data displayed after running

RefreshXML method (function)

     adding to cXML class module

     adding to standard module


     for Excel documents2nd

     types of in Office documents2nd

_rels folder, for Excel file2nd

Remove button, removing certificates with

report, creating in Word2nd

Reset button, stoping code execution with

Resume Next, using to complete loop

Resume statement2nd

ribbon, adding to run custom macros2nd

ribbon extensibility customization file, creating2nd

Run command, example to register a DLL

Run Sub/UserForm toolbar button

Run To Cursor command


Sales By Category worksheet

     running PlaceChart procedure on

sales data and pie charts

Save button

     input validations

     performing DoAfterSave cleanup


Save methods

     adding to cHRData class module2nd

     creating in cCustSurvey class module2nd

SaveAsXMLData method2nd

SaveEmployee method, HRWizard aplication

SaveToFile method, adding to cXML class module

ScrollBar control, in Toolbox window

sData variable


     in RefreshPivotTableFromWorksheet subroutine

Search button, in Object Browser

Search Results list, in Object Browser

Search Text box, in Object Browser

Select Data command, choosing

Select Data Source dialog box2nd

Select method

Select objects, in Toolbox window

Series name range reference, added to Edit Series dialog

Set Next Statement command, for resetting execution point2nd

SetSourceData method , 2nd , 3rd , 4th

SetupWorksheet subroutine, creating

sFormula variable

Show/Hide Search Results button, in Object Browser

ShowForm macro, running in Excel2nd

ShowNextPage method, calling

slides, building series of2nd

Sort dialog box2nd

     choosing Custom List in2nd

     using "Then by" drop-down list

Source property

     assigning selected range of data to

     changing ListObjects.Add methods

spacer variable

SpinButton control, in Toolbox window

Split bars, in Object Browser

SQL data

     importing using ADO2nd


SQL Server 2005 Management Studio Express, installing2nd

Standard Module1

     creating GetChartInfo() function on


StartWizard macro, running

Static Macro Recorder-Generated PivotTable Creation, code for

Step Into command2nd

Step Out command

Step Over command2nd

StoreData method, function of2nd

subprocedures (subroutines)

     adding cleanup code to MakeWordDoc

     adding InitLists2nd


     creating CreateChartSlides2nd

     creating CreateTitleSlide2nd

     creating DoClearSheet

     creating InitForms2nd

     creating TotalSales









     MakePowerPointPresentation , 2nd3rd , 4th5th








Summary field headings, modified


table default version, defined by CreatePivotTable method

table name, defined by CreatePivotTable method

table placement, defined by CreatePivotTable method

TabStrip control, in Toolbox window

task pane, creating custom using .NET2nd

TestLoop function

     for debugging code2nd

     moving execution point back into

text data

     import code2nd


text import code, macro recorder-generated2nd

Text Import wizard, importing data in

TextBox control, in Toolbox window

TextFileColumnDataTypes Enums2nd

TextFileColumnDataTypes property, setting2nd

ThisAddIn aplication

     coding Cancel button


ThisAddIn.vb file2nd

ThisAddIn_Shutdown method, adding cleanup code to

ThisAddIn_Startup method, instantiating and calling GetData function

title and body text, inserting into MakeWordDoc subroutine2nd

title and subtitle, putting on worksheet2nd

ToggleButton, in Toolbox window

Toolbox window

     adding controls to forms in

     customization options


     ToggleButton in

tools. See Microsoft tools

totals, macro for adding2nd

TotalSales macro, completed

TotalSales subroutine, creating

Tour sales data, in PivotTable01.xlsx2nd

TransposeDim() function

Trust Center

     macro security settings in2nd

     Macro Settings options

trusted locations2nd

trusted publishers

Try...Catch block, catching exceptions with

Type mismatch error 13, debugging2nd

Type property

type statements


UFormConfig, in HRWizard.xlms workbook

UpdateEmpersonalInfo stored procedure, writing2nd

UserForm, See also HRWizard UserForm; UserForm1; UserForms

     laying out

     Toolbox controls2nd

UserForm.xlsm project, importing cExcelUtils class to2nd



     settings and controls2nd

UserForms2nd , 3rd4th

     adding to projects2nd


     creating wizard-style data entry2nd

     example with controls added

     Excel naming of

     inserting into projects

UserForm_Initialize event

     adding code to2nd

UserForm_Terminate event

     adding code to

uspGetManagerEmployees stored procedure, parameters taken by


validation code, adding to cCustSurvey class module2nd

Value Field Settings dialog box, changing field names in

Value2 property, current cell's value stored in

variable values, viewing2nd

variables, checking in break mode2nd

VB code, benefits of vs. VBA code

VBA (Visual Basic Aplication), calling parameterized SQL in2nd

VBA code, benefits of vs. VB code

VBA code window Object box, choosing Class from

VBE code window. See code window

View Definition button, in Object Browser

Visual Basic development environment2nd

Visual Basic Editor (VBE) , 2nd

     adding FileExists function in

     opening , 2nd

     Options dialog box showing color options

     panes in

     updating PivotTable in2nd

     when breakpoint is reached

     writing a macro in2nd

Visual Studio 2005 start page, recent projects section of

Visual Studio Tools for Office Second Edition (VSTO SE). See VSTO SE


     project templates

     tools for creating Excel projects2nd


     Excel 2003 and Excel 2007 Add-ins

     new project types included in

     web site address for free download


Watch window


     handling watched values in2nd

     watch types2nd

web site address

     example files and source code

     for free VSTO SE download

     for running examples on Vista

     Wikipedia Object_database

Windows Vista

     registering Nwind2Excel.dll in

     running examples on

With...End With block

     adding to For...Next loop

     setting array elements within

wizard-style UserForms, creating2nd


     creating an instance of2nd

     creating report in2nd

     opening and loading new document into

Word 2007 DOM, creating summary report using2nd

Word objects, displayed in the Object Browser


     adding custom ribbon to2nd

     importing data into2nd

     macro code generated error2nd

Workbook object, XmlImport method of

workbook.xml.rels file, contents of

Worksheet property, HRWizard aplication


XIXmlImportResult members, in Object Browser window

xl folder contents

xlconnections.xml file2nd

xlqueryTablesqueryTable1.xml file2nd

xlAutoFillType enumerations, table of2nd

xlChartType data type, enumerations2nd

XlConsolidationFunction enumeration, choices for Function property2nd

xlPivotFieldOrientation enumerations, table of

XlRowCol, enumerations

XML, using in Excel 20072nd

XML data

     apending or overwriting in workbook2nd


XML data class, building2nd


     downloading and opening

     Debugging and Error Handling2nd

XML file

     creating to modify the UI2nd


XML maps2nd

XML Schema dialog box

XML schemas. See XML maps

XML Source window, with artist element selected

XmlImport function and arguments2nd

XmlImport method

     apending XML data with2nd

     of Workbook object

          XMLMaps collection, DataBinding

property Refresh method2nd

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