I dedicate this book to my wonderful wife, Rosemary. I’m not sure I understand how or why you put up with me, and the writing of yet another book. Words cannot express my appreciation. I love you a lot!


I would like to dedicate this book to my beautiful wife, Jill. Just today she reminded me that after the last book I told her to never let me write another book, and here we are. I would not have been able to hold it together long enough to finish this book without her support. Thanks, babe, I love you.


This book is dedicated to Baby Luke. Howdy. Funny enough, you are nine months old as I write these words. I have doubts that by the time you are old enough to read this book that paper books will even exist anymore. Either way, take a look at this old relic and smile and know all things are possible with your friend hard work. Dad got a D- in English and yet this is book number six for him. You and your brother better get better grades than me. Your mother and I love you.


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