BRIAN CAAUWE is a SharePoint 2010 MCM and has been working with the SharePoint platform since 2007. He typically walks the tightrope between administration and development as a senior SharePoint consultant, with a focus on systems architecture, security, migrations, and integration strategies with Avtex Solutions.

Brian came to the SharePoint world from a network administration background working with Active Directory, SQL Server, Exchange, Citrix, and many other proprietary applications. Armed with this administration baseline, and a pre-existing passion for web development, his skills were a perfect match for SharePoint.

SEB MATTHEWS is a Microsoft architect with over 20 years’ experience working with mid-tier and enterprise organizations. He is currently providing consultancy services to businesses that want to utilize Microsoft technologies in big-data, cloud, and business-critical scenarios, architecting information repositories, portals, and business process management platforms.

A frequent speaker at conferences and community events, Matthews is also an active member of the SharePoint community in Europe, Africa, and the U.S.A. When he isn’t SharePointing, he enjoys the outdoors, being a geek, and spending time with his wife, young son, and Barney the dog.

STEPHEN WILSON has worked as a technical resource in a number of industries such as retail, financial, and higher education. Over the last six years he has been devoted to training and consulting on SharePoint and related technologies. He has extensive experience with presenting, developing documentation, and training programs. As a consultant, his focus has been on installation and infrastructure. Recently, Stephen has become more involved with presenting at SharePoint events.

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