THANKS, NICOLA! Yes, once again you are up for the wife of the year award for putting up with another book writing — and this time we have two kids. How crazy is that? Grant and Luke are lucky to have you for a mommy! I would feel bad to again forget mentioning the other two boys, so just in case Tyson or Pugsley learn how to read: Hello, doggies.

To my fellow authors: Good job, guys. We once again managed to get a masterpiece out the door without killing each other. That is some kind of miracle. I am certain one of you will want to write another book sooner or later, so I will go ahead and start getting an outline together. Ugh.

Hey, all of you contributors: Good work! I know it is annoying trying to work with us but hopefully the result is worth it. I know that Todd, Steve, and I really appreciate it and the book wouldn’t be nearly as good without you guys. One person I want to call out specifically is Stephen Wilson, who carried multiple torches with his content creation and tech editing. Thanks, Stephen. You are a heck of guy; I don’t care what Todd says. The key point here is Rackers rule!

Wiley folks! Thank you. I know we are a pain in the butt to work with but the end product looks great. Ami and Mary, I feel the worst for you two because you have to battle us and then work with us at the same time. Sorry. And Jim? Yeah. Not sure how many grey hairs you have with our names on them but I am certain they are many. Thanks for continuing to love us.

I love you, little Sparky!


WELL, THIS BRINGS US to the close of another SharePoint book. I guess I should thank my partners, Shane and Todd, but since they didn’t do any of the writing — oops sorry, one chapter each — thanks guys, you are a big help! One of the best experiences in the world is writing a book, but unfortunately one of the worst experiences is writing a book. So, I should definitely thank our Wiley task masters, Mary and Ami, who worked to keep us in line and productive. If you’ve ever tried to herd cats, you’ll know what their experience was like, so thank you very much; we couldn’t have done it without you. As always, the technical editors and the contributing authors played a very big role, so thank you very much for all your help! And last, but definitely not least, I want to thank my beautiful and wonderful wife, Rosemary. I know that I tell you I’m not going to do this again, and yet I continue to do it again. Thank you so much for your support and patience.


MY PORTION OF THIS book would not have been possible without the support of my lovely wife, Jill. Thanks again. You endured another year of me writing a book, and even worse, a year of me whining about writing a book. You kept the kids clothed and fed, and the house running. I appreciate it. You’re my rock.

I am contractually required to thank my coauthors. Thanks, Shane and Steve, for putting up with me for another book. Once again, we all vowed to never do this again, and once again the lure of fame and fortune ruled out over common sense. Now it’s time for the supporting tour and movie deals. I hope you’re both ready. I know I am.

This book would not be as awesome as it is without the help of some very dedicated contributing authors. They did a great job writing chapters and keeping us on our toes. Thanks, guys.

Finally, this book would have stalled multiple times if it weren’t for the tenacity and nagging of Wiley folks. Many times they had to bring us kicking and screaming back on task. A special shout out to Ami and Mary, who put up with a lot of missed deadlines. Sorry about that. It’s all in now, though.


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