Setting up the environment

This example uses the following software and tools:

  • Java SE Development Kit 8 or newer
  • NetBeans IDE 8.2 (with Java EE bundle) or newer
  • Glassfish Server 4.1 or newer
  • Maven 3.2.3 or newer
  • Oracle Database Express Edition 11g Release 2 or newer with HR sample database schema
  • Oracle Database JDBC Driver (ojdbc7.jar or newer)
Detailed instructions for procuring and setting up all the required tools for running the examples used in this book are discussed in the appendix.

Make sure that your machine has all the tools ready before starting with the tutorial. In this tutorial, we will build a RESTful web service by using the JAX-RS APIs. We will use Maven as a build tool for our sample application, as it does a great job in the dependency management department for the application and provides a standard structure for the source code. NetBeans has great support for building Maven-based applications, and this is one of the reasons we chose NetBeans as the IDE for this exercise.

Once the development environment is set up, you are ready to launch the NetBeans IDE for application development.

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