Grouping multiple links using @InjectLinks

You can use the @org.glassfish.jersey.linking.InjectLinks annotation to group multiple hypermedia links as an array and inject it to the List or Link[] property present in the resource representation class. Here is an example:

                value = "{id}/employees", 
                style = Style.RELATIVE_PATH, 
                bindings = @Binding(name = "id", value =  
                rel = "employees" 
                value = "{id}/employees/{managerId}", 
                style = Style.RELATIVE_PATH, 
                bindings = { 
                    @Binding(name = "id", value = 
                    @Binding(name = "managerId", value =  
                rel = "manager" 
    @XmlElement(name = "links") 
    List<Link> links; 

The sample resource link produced by the preceding definition may look like the following:

..................Content has been hidden....................

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