Designing RESTful web APIs

Over decades, SOAP web services have become the de facto standard for developing web services. Making a mind shift to adhere to REST architectural constraints is quite essential for the design of RESTful web APIs. Let's break down the design considerations of a RESTful web APIs, focusing on the core elements of the REST architecture style:

  • Resources and their identifiers
  • Interaction semantics for RESTful APIs (HTTP methods)
  • Representation of resources
  • Hypermedia controls

Let's start by discussing the guidelines for identifying resources in a problem domain.

Richardson Maturity ModelLeonardo Richardson has developed a model to help with assessing the compliance of a service to REST architecture style. The model defines four levels of maturity, starting from level-0 to level-3 as the highest maturity level. The maturity levels are decided considering the aforementioned principle elements of the REST architecture. 
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